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‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫املفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬ ‫املديرية العامة للتعليم‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫املاةة‪ :‬اللغة إلانجليزية‬
‫املستوى‪ :‬السنة الثالثة ثانوي‬
‫الشعبة‪ :‬الشعب املشتركة‬

‫جوان ‪0202‬‬

‫‪0‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬


‫وسعيا من وزارة التربية الوطنية لضمان تنفيذ املناهج التعليمية في ظل الظروف الاستثنائية (كوفيد‪ )11‬تضع مديرية‬ ‫تحضيرا للموسم الدراس ي‪ 2021‬ـ ‪َ ،2022‬‬
‫التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي بالتنسيق مع املفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية بين أيدي السيدات والسادة املفتشين وألاساتذة التدرجات السنوية‬
‫للتعلمات‪ ،‬املعدلة بصفة استثنائية بما يتماش ى والحجم الزمني املتاح‪.‬‬
‫يشكل التخطيط لتنفيذ املناهج التعليمية عامال مؤثرا في تحقيق أهداف العملية التعليمية ‪/‬التعلمية وتنمية كفاءات املتعلمين‪ ،‬يرتبط هذا التخطيط بعامل‬
‫الوقت الذي يجب أن ينظر إليه كمورد من املوارد املتاحة التي ينبغي استثمارها بالشكل ألامثل‪ ،‬تشكل التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات أداة بيداغوجية أساسية‬
‫توضح كيفية تنفيذ املناهج التعليمية بحيث‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬تراعي التوافق بين حجم التعلمات والزمن البيداغوجي املتاح‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تضبط السير املنهجي للتعلمات بما يكفل تنصيب الكفاءات املستهدفة في املناهج التعليمية‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تضمن بناء املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة بأقل ألامثلة والتمثيالت املوصلة إلى الكفاءات املستهدفة‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تضمن تناول املضامين وإرساء املوارد مع مراعاة وتيرة التعلم وقدرات املتعلم واستقالليته‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تقترح فترات للتقويم املرحلي للكفاءة بما يضمن الانسجام بين سيرورة التعلمات وعملية تقويمها وتنمية قدرة املتعلم على إدماج املوارد وحل‬
‫من هذا املنطلق نطلب من جميع ألاساتذة قراءة وفهم مبادئ وأهداف وآليات هذا التعديل البيداغوجي للتدرجات السنوية والتنسيق فيما بينهم بالنسبة لكل‬
‫مادة وفي كل ثانوية من أجل وضعها حيز التنفيذ‪ ،‬كما نطلب من املفتشين مرافقة ألاساتذة ودعمهم بتقديم التوضيح الالزم‪.‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫مباةئ وأهداف التعديل البيداغوجي للتدرجات السنوية‬

‫ألاهداف‬ ‫املباةئ ألاساسية‬

‫تنصيب لدى املتعلم الكفاءات املسطرة في املناهج التعليمية؛‬ ‫املحافظة على الكفاءات كمبدأ منظم؛‬
‫تمدرس ناجع للتالميذ يسمح بإرساء التعلمات ألاساسية املستهدفة في املناهج‬ ‫املحافظة على املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة؛‬
‫املحافظة على تقويم القدرة على إلادماج لدى املتعلم من خالل وضعيات مشكلة مركبة التعليمية؛‬
‫تزويد املتعلم باألسس العلمية الضرورية ملتابعة الدراسة في املستويات ألاعلى‬ ‫تستهدف التقويم املرحلي للكفاءات؛‬

‫آلاليات البيداغوجية واملنهجية للتعديل البيداغوجي‬

‫آليات التعديل البيداغوجي‬
‫الجانب البيداغوجي‬ ‫الجانب املنهجي‬
‫ب‪-‬املمارسات البيداغوجية‪:‬‬ ‫أ‪ -‬املوارة املعرفية والنشاطات‪:‬‬ ‫تحديد مالمح التخرج والكفاءات املستهدفة‪،‬‬
‫توزيع التعلمات على ‪ 22‬أسبوعا دون احتساب أسابيع تحديد الحد الالزم من املوارد الضروري لبناء الكفاءة منهجية استغالل الوثائق (استغاللها ضمن مسعى لحل‬
‫مشكل)‪،‬‬ ‫املهيكلة)‪،‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫(املوارد‬ ‫التقويم‪،‬‬
‫استغالل الحد ألادنى من الوثائق‪ ،‬السندات بناء بطاقات منهجية‪ ،‬تقدم للمتعلم‪ ،‬توضح منهجية‬ ‫ضبط التقويم املرحلي للكفاءة؛‬
‫استغالل مختلف أنماط الوثائق (جداول‪ ،‬منحنيات‪،‬‬ ‫وضع مخطط زمني يسمح بمتابعة مدى تنفيذ املناهج والنشاطات لبناء املوارد‪،‬‬
‫نصوص‪ ،‬أعمدة بيانية‪ ،‬خرائط‪،)...‬‬ ‫الدمج بين النشاطات في إطار حل املشكل‪،‬‬ ‫التعليمية‪.‬‬
‫إدراج ضمن التقويم النشاطات التي تستهدف البناء مرافقة املتعلم أثناء إنجازه للمهمات بتقديم تعليمات‬
‫تيسر الحل‪،‬‬ ‫التحصيلي للتعلمات‪،‬‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Three (SE3)

Streams: Common streams
Time devoted: 2 Hours a week

At the end of SE3, the learner must produce written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 20 lines, using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

1. Ethics in Business Ill-gotten gains never prosper 8 weeks / 16 hours
2. Safety First Advertising, Consumers and Safety 8 weeks / 16 hours
3. Astronomy and the Solar System It’s a giant leap for Mankind 6 weeks / 12 hours
4. Feelings and Emotions We are a family 4 weeks / 08 hours

3 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬


Due to the COVID19 pandemic repercussions on both teaching and pedagogical performance, the
Ministry of National Education deemed necessary to issue these revised learning progressions as a tool to
alleviate the effects of the disease on learners. In this perspective, the present document intends to facilitate
the understanding and the implementation of the curricula. These progressions also allow the achievement of
coherence with the pedagogical plan. For this, practitioners (Inspectors, teachers…) are requested to get an
insight into the underlying principles of these progressions and put them into practice.

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-
requisites through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly.

- Assessment should occur at regular intervals during the sequence and at the end of the sequence in
addition to designated exam periods.

- After 2/3 weeks of teaching, learners will be able to mobilize their resources and reinvest them in a
problem-solving situation.

4 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at

Unit and Project
Term Content to be taught in class home (online, email, Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes
handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide
Unit 1 : students with a
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. situation where
Ethics in awareness of SWBA To: SWBA To: they mobilize
Business and ability to - define the concept of ethics in business - make a public statement and reinvest
deal with - express wishes what has been
“ Ill-gotten ethics in - write an opinion article learned in the 8
gains never business - debate on the issue of ethics in business unit (oral or weeks
prosper ” written) 16
Resources: Resources: eg: writing a hours
- expressing condition: - advising: policy statement
First Term

providing that / provided that / as long as. had better / not, should,
If I were you, I would
- past wish, present wish, future wish
(desire) - cause / effect relationship
- fighting
- expressing desire:
It’s high time, It’s about time, It’s time... - forming opposites using
corruption negative prefixes
and money - I totally agree, I agree but…
laundering I totally disagree...
- expressing result using:
so + adj.+ that, such + n. phrase + that
- present continuous passive form
- concession with : despite, in spite of
Lexis related to: Phonology:
*corruption, fraud and counterfeiting - pronunciation of final “s”
Example: Writing a charter of ethics in business.
Project : (optional)
Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

5 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at

Unit and Project
Term Content to be taught in class home (online, email, Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes
handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide
students with a
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. situation where
First Term

the issues of SWBA To: SWBA To: they mobilize

Unit 2 : consumption - make hypotheses about future changes. - explore the impact of and reinvest
Safety First and safety in a advertising on young people/ what has been
- debate issues related to the effects of
modern society children learned in the 8
advertising on people
unit (oral or weeks
Advertising, - interpret, react to and create an advert - writing a letter of complaint
consumers written) 16
and safety eg: write an hours
Resources: Resources: article about the
- expressing hypotheses using: - dependent prepositions. pros and cons of
may, might, could, can advertising and
-reporting statements, questions state your
- expressing cause using:
(present simple, future simple, personal opinion
because of, due to, owing to
- expressions of certainty and doubt.
Second Term

- quantifiers - cause/effect:
*because, since, as,
- the gerund *as a result, consequently,
- conditional with: unless, if + not therefore…

Lexis related to: - expressions of concession.

*adverts and holidays.
- conditional type 1

Example: Making a survey on the impact of advertising on Algerian consumers.

Project : (optional)
Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

6 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at

Unit and Project
Term Content to be taught in class home (online, email, Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes
handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
with a situation
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Second Term

Unit 3 : Explore the - discover how the universe/ outer space is - write an expository presentation reinvest what has
solar system organized of a heavenly body been learned in the
Astronomy and and learn unit (oral or 6
the Solar System - make suppositions and set hypotheses.
about written) weeks
- read an article about astronomy and
astronomy distinguish between different types of
eg: write a short 12
article using hours
“ It’s a giant leap reasoning in argumentative texts
deductive and/ or
for Mankind ” concessive reasoning.
Resources: Resources:
- expressing similarities and differences - comparatives and superlatives
using whereas, while, like, unlike, etc. of adjectives and adverbs
- use the metric system.
- forming nouns from verbs
- If conditional: type 2
Lexis related to:
Third Term

* astronomy
* dimensions, size and weight.

Example: Designing an astronomy booklet (a short presentation of the history of space travel, ID cards about two major
Project : (optional) planets in our solar system, a short imaginary dialogue with a famous astronomer).
Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

7 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at

Unit and Project
Term Content to be taught in class home (online, email, Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes
handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide
students with a
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. situation where
SWBA To: SWBA To: they mobilize
Explore the - developing understanding of the concept of - exploring the concepts of and reinvest
Unit 4 : realms of humour. friendship, love, patriotism , what has been
Feelings, feelings, generosity , courage learned in the 4
- comparing behaviours and attitudes.
Emotions emotions and unit (oral or weeks
humour. written) 08
“ We are a Resources: Resources: eg: write a
Third Term

family ” - each other, one another - enjoy / like / dislike speech to
promote the
- self + adjectives / nouns - I’d rather do…
Humour and values of fair
I’d rather do …than…
related topics I’d prefer …to… play, tolerance
Lexis related to the theme. and respect.
- articles: omission before abstract
nouns ( love, anger, humour …)

- forming adjective from noun

with: ful, ic, ous
- forming nouns with: ness, ty
- forming verbs with ‘en’

- the pronunciation of final ‘ed’

Example: Writing a booklet coping with strong emotions.

Project : (optional)
Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

8 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫املفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬ ‫املديرية العامة للتعليم‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫املاةة‪ :‬اللغة إلانجليزية‬
‫املستوى‪ :‬السنة الثالثة ثانوي‬
‫الشعبة‪ :‬لغات أجنبية و آةاب و فلسفة‬

‫جوان ‪0202‬‬

‫‪9‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Three (SE3)

Streams: Literature and Philosophy and Foreign Languages
Time devoted: 3 Hours a week

At the end of SE3, the learner must produce written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 20 lines, using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

1. Ancient Civilizations Exploring the past 7 weeks / 21 hours
2. Ethics in Business Ill-gotten gains never prosper 8 weeks / 24 hours
3. Schools : Different and Alike Education in the world 7 weeks / 21 hours
4. Feelings and Emotions We are a family 4 weeks / 12 hours

10 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬


Due to the COVID19 pandemic repercussions on both teaching and pedagogical performance, the Ministry of
National Education deemed necessary to issue these revised learning progressions as a tool to alleviate the effects of the
disease on learners. In this perspective, the present document intends to facilitate the understanding and the
implementation of the curricula. These progressions also allow the achievement of coherence with the pedagogical
plan. For this, practitioners (Inspectors, teachers…) are requested to get an insight into the underlying principles of
these progressions and put them into practice.

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.
- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites
through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly.

- Assessment should occur at regular intervals during the sequence and at the end of the sequence in addition to
designated exam periods.

- After 2/3 weeks of teaching, learners will be able to mobilize their resources and reinvest them in a problem-
solving situation.

11 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Unit and Project Content to be dealt with at home

Term Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes (online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide
Unit 1 : students with
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. a situation
Ancient SWBA To: SWBA To: where they
Civilizations Explore the rise - talk about the rise and fall of civilizations - describe people’s past habits, mobilize and
and collapse of lifestyles and achievements reinvest what
civilizations - talk about world heritage sites has been 7
- write about the threats faced by learned in the weeks
- discuss about the threats faced by modern modern civilization unit (oral or 21
civilization written) hours
First Term

Exploring Resources: Resources: eg: write about

the Past - Past simple / Past perfect - used to, had to, was/ were able to the
- quantifiers: few / little / a lot of - articles: use and omission before of civilizations
abstract nouns to the growth
- expressing concession using: of man
though, in spite of, despite, but, however… Morphology:
- forming opposites using : de / dis
- forming words using suffixes:
Lexis related to : ic, ment, y, able
*the rise and fall of civilizations - well + past participle

- pronunciation of final ‘ed’

Example: -draw the wheel of civilisation

Project : (optional) -make a timeline from the most ancient civilisation (Chinese, Sumerians, Aztecs, Egyptians, etc) to the most modern one.
-display the timeline on a bulletin board

12 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Unit and Project Content to be dealt with at home

Term Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes (online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
First Term

Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students

Unit 2 : with a situation
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Ethics in awareness of SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Business and ability to - define the concept of ethics in business - make a public statement reinvest what has
deal with ethics - expressing wishes been learned in
“ Ill-gotten in business - write an opinion article the unit (oral or 8
gains never - debate on the issue of ethics in business written) weeks
prosper ” eg: writing a 24
Resources: Resources: policy statement hours
- expressing condition: - advising:
providing that / provided that / as long as. had better / not, should,
If I were you, I would
- past wish, present wish, future wish (desire)
- expressing desire: - cause/effect relationship
- fighting
It’s high time, It’s about time, It’s time...
fraud, - forming opposites using negative
corruption - I totally agree, I agree but… prefixes
and money I totally disagree...
laundering - expressing result using:
Second Term

so + adj.+ that, such + n. phrase + that

- present continuous passive form
Lexis related to: Phonology:
*corruption, fraud and counterfeiting - pronunciation of final “s”
- syllable division and word stress.

Example: Writing a charter of ethics in business.

Project : (optional)
Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

13 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Unit and Project Content to be dealt with at home

Term Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes (online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide
students with a
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. situation where
Second Term

Unit 3 : Increase SWBA To: SWBA To: they mobilize

understanding - compare the different educational systems in - write about ways to improve our and reinvest
Schools : of educational the world educational system what has been
Different systems in the - talk about ways to improve our educational learned in the 7
and Alike world system - write an expository article on the unit (oral or weeks
causes and effects of examination written) 21
stress on students eg: write reports hours
Resources: Resources: comparing
- If conditional: types 2, 3 - reporting statements, questions different systems
(present simple, future simple, past, in the world
Education in - conditional with unless, if … not modals)
the World: - expressing similarities and differences with :
Comparing like, whereas, unlike… - comparatives and superlatives of
educational adjectives and adverbs
Third Term

Lexis related to: Morphology:
*education - collocation with “school” and
Phonology: - forming adjectives with suffixes:
syllable stress ive, al

Project : (optional) -make a survey on different systems of education in the same country (eg; USA) ; in countries from northern and southern hemispheres
-make “commercial” flyers on this theme

14 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at

Unit and Project
Term Content to be taught in class home (online, email, Assessment Time
Theme Outcomes
handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide
students with a
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. situation where
SWBA To: SWBA To: they mobilize
Explore the - developing understanding of the concept of - exploring the concepts of and reinvest
Unit 4 : realms of humour. friendship, love, patriotism , what has been
feelings, generosity , courage learned in the 4
- comparing behaviours and attitudes.
Feelings, emotions and unit (oral or weeks
humour. written) 12
Third Term

Resources: Resources: eg: write a hours

“ We are a - each other, one another - enjoy / like / dislike speech to
family ” promote the
- self + adjectives / nouns - I’d rather do…
values of fair
I’d rather do …than…
Humour and I’d prefer …to… play, tolerance
related topics Lexis related to the theme. and respect.
- articles: omission before abstract
nouns ( love, anger, humour …)

- forming adjective from noun

with: ful, ic, ous
- forming nouns with: ness, ty
- forming verbs with ‘en’

- the pronunciation of final ‘ed’

Example: Writing a booklet coping with strong emotions.

Project : (optional)
Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

15 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

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