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에볼라로 인한 피해

엄청나게 죽음 – 학교 문닫고 병원 문 닫고 물가 오르고

경제 성장이 저해되고 사업이 문을 닫음 -> 삶을 지속하는 것이 힘듦

정부 예산도 떨어짐 -> 국민들에게 기본적 제공도 힘들게 함

UNDP 가 하는 일은?

세 가지 우선 사항에 맞춰서

1. Coordination and service delivery – UNDP 가 리드, 에볼라 워커들에게 돈 지급, 연구

지속되게 도움

2. Community mobilization and outreach – 지역 지도자, 자원봉사 네트워크랑 같이 일함,

사람들을 교육시키고 어떻게 퍼져나가는지 어떻게 이거랑 접촉하는거 피할 수 있는지ㅏ,

3. Socio-economic impact and recovery – 세 국가에서의 회복을 돕기 위해 유엔디피는

이코노미 재건축, 건강 분야 보조, 평화와 안정성 추구, 미래 재난 예방에 집중,

에볼라는 어떻게 됐는가? 그로 인한 피해 복구는 어떻게 됐는가?

에볼라는 끝났다 하지만 에볼라로 인한 피해는 아직 복구 중이다

피해 복구에 큰 역할 하는 UNDP 를 볼 것

Prior to the Ebola epidemic, the general outlook for growth in 2014 was promising in Sierra Leone
and Guinea

에볼라에 대해 들어봤느냐 아시다시피 에볼라는 정말 무서운 전염병이고 이걸로 전세계가

떠들석했음 하지만 이제 에볼라는 끝났고 에볼라의 근원지인 서아프리카도 에볼라 프리 선언을 함

그러나 병은 끝났지만 에볼라로 인해 본 피해는 여전히 남아있음, 이것저것 피해가 많지만 특히 사회

경제적 측면의 피해를 보겠음, 나는 고작 병 하나가 사회적 경제적으로 엄청난 피해를 끼쳤다는 것이
흥미로워서 이것에 포커스를 둠

서아프리카에는 나라가 세 개 있음, 시에라리온, 기니, 라이베리아가 그것인데 이들의 연평균

성장률은 다 10%를 넘었다 에볼라 전에는

그러나 에볼라 발발하고 그 성장률이 1%로 저해되고 이것저것 피해

이것 때문에 유엔디피는 월드뱅크, 이유, 아프리카뱅크랑 손잡고 ~했다

일단 UNDP 는 피해를 어디에 얼마나 끼쳤는지를 assess 함

대표적인 것이 저거 출간 -> direction 이 적혀있음 그리고 뭐의 리더가 UNDP 임

사회 측면 / 경제 측면

나라한테 디렉션을 주고 기구들한테 주면 그 기구들이 수행한다 이거

복구하는 순서는 이렇다 -> coordination of un and other partners

지속 가능한 복구를 위한 회복력있는 가버넌스 + 국가별 회복 전략 시행 +

Stronger societies and institutions 만들기 & 경제 회복이 목표

to providing business training to help local economies get back on their feet.

Despite the devastating impact of the Ebola outbreak on all the affected countries (social and
human toll, economic slowdown, evacuation of expatriate staff, fall of government revenue), there
were no destructions of economic infrastructure and, with the exception of health systems mainly,
the public administrations and state structures in general remain functional and can be fully
operational as soon as the epidemic is under control. The session will discuss how a stronger
private sector can support the recovery strategies of the three Ebola affected countries to ensure
economic revitalization with a view to better and more efficient delivery of social services.

Outcome The need to attract foreign investment and increase economic activity is a central
element of all three recovery plans and it is considered that a more structured dialogue between
all stakeholder could contribute to improve the business environment. It is proposed that
governments of the affected countries, donors and the private sector commit to a new
partnership, that could take the form of the creation of local platforms for regular dialogue on
business environment and sustainable development. At the end of the session, participants will
have a better understanding of the main priorities and needs of the government and of the
private sector and how the international donor community can best support the new partnership.
Topics we expect to be covered How to ensure government revenue for macroeconomic stability
and delivery of social services: tax reform, tax collection, investment & corporate social
responsibility, budget support from donors. 2 How to improve business climate and trade for
sustainable growth, job creation and redistribution: administrative reform, fiscal reform, rule of law,
justice system. How can we build better and more efficient public administration & delivery of
social services, including preparedness to future outbreaks: public finance management,
institutional support & capacity building, accountability, dialogue with civil society

Government revenue, health services, employment, agricultural production, food security, nutrition,
tourism, mining output and mine expansion, imports and exports, inflation, balance of payments,
international contacts, the budget deficit and national and personal security have been
deteriorating. Recovery from the socio-economic impacts of Ebola through emergency
employment, and solidarity and enterprise start-up packages to most affected people, as well as
support to national and community “build back better” plans.

Recovery from the socio-economic impacts UNDP’s response will focus on mitigating Ebola’s
impact and on local-level early recovery and livelihoods programmes. These include several forms
of cash transfers and compensation schemes: emergency employment through cash-for-work;
small grants to local enterprises; a year of monthly stipends for affected households; and
solidarity packages with basic commodities. UNDP will also strengthen social safety nets and
national recovery strategies for agriculture and education systems; provide livelihoods support to
value chains, storage facilities and food production for affected households; and support farmer
associations involved in savings and loans initiatives, with special attention paid to women’s
나라마다 구체적 계획을 세움

Ebola Crisis Response and Resilience Programme (ECRRP)를 만듬

Socio-economic impact and recovery

UNDP economists have been assessing the development impact of Ebola in a series of impact
studies on budgets, development spending, livelihoods and the provision of essential services, The
studies were used to inform national recovery plans in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. To
support recovery in all three countries, UNDP will focus on rebuilding economies, supporting the
health sector, promote peace and stability and prevent future crises. make welfare payments to
vulnerable communities affected by the disease, Our work already involves a diverse range of
interventions to: support small businesses, decentralize decision-making and early warning
systems, prevent conflict and gender-based violence, and eliminate health risks associated with
consuming bush meat.

Establishing project preparation funds as a demand-responsive facility to finance large- and

medium-scale project preparation activities necessary to undertake infrastructure projects from
identification through to concept design to financial close, including feasibility studies, financial
and legal structuring, as well as raising of capital.

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