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学 校 代 码 :10270 分 类 号 :H315.

9 学 号 :192502135


学 院: 外国语学院
专业学位类别 : 翻译硕士
专 业 领 域 : 英语笔译
研究生姓名 : 汪瑞
指 导 教 师 : 丁大刚副教授
完 成 日 期 : 2021 年 5 月
A Report on the Translation of Research on International
Dissemination and Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(Chapter I)

By Wang Rui
Under the Supervision of Ding Dagang

A Thesis
Submitted to
Foreign Languages College
Shanghai Normal University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Master of Translation and Interpretation

MAY, 2021
上海师范大学硕士学位论文 摘要


全面的梳理,其中还整理了中医术语英译的国内外流派、理论、原则与方法, 对
关键词 中医翻译;学术文本;中医术语英译;翻译方法

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 Abstract

Research on International Dissemination and Translation of Traditional Chinese
Medicine is the best academic work of Professor Li Zhaoguo, which systematically
and comprehensively sorts out the entire history of international dissemination and
translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It also sorts out the domestic and foreign
schools, theories, principles and methods of the English translation of TCM basic
terms, which is beneficial to both Chinese and Western scholars and translators to
understand the history of TCM translation in a comprehensive and systematic way
and to deal with the problems of English translation of TCM basic terms. The author
has translated the first chapter of this book, hoping to promote more Chinese and
Western scholars and translators to comprehensively and systematically understand
the history of international dissemination and translation of Traditional Chinese
Medicine and deal with the English translation of TCM basic terms.
The translated materials are academic texts with the background of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. In the basis of the theoretical research of academic texts, the
situation study of TCM translation, and understanding of the history of international
dissemination and translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this report analyzes
the linguistic characteristics of the original text and the linguistic characteristics of the
academic text in English language and therefore explore translation principles,
strategies and specific translation methods from three aspects: lexical level, sentential
level, and textual level. From the lexical level, this report analyzes the translation of
proper names and TCM terms, focusing on principles and methods of English
translation of TCM terms. From the sentential level, this report mainly analyzes the
non-subject sentence and the long and difficult sentence. From the textual level, this
report mainly analyzes the cohesion between sentences and the cohesion between
With the translation practice, the author hopes to contribute to the promotion of
research on translation of academic texts and at the same time to provide reference
and inspiration to practitioners and researchers of TCM translation.

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 Abstract

Key Words TCM translation; academic text; English translation of TCM terms;
translation method

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 目录

第一章 翻译项目简介..........................................................1

1.1 翻译背景..............................................................1

1.2 项目来源..............................................................2

1.3 翻译实践意义..........................................................2

第二章 翻译过程..............................................................5

2.1 译前准备..............................................................5

2.1.1 文本分析............................................................5
2.1.2 平行文本............................................................6
2.1.3 术语表制作..........................................................6

2.2 过程描述..............................................................7

2.3 译后工作.............................................................8

第三章 案例分析..............................................................9

3.1 词汇层面..............................................................9

3.1.1 专有名词............................................................9
3.1.2 中医术语英译.......................................................11

3.2 句子层面.............................................................14

3.2.1 无主句的翻译.......................................................15
3.2.2 长句的翻译.........................................................16

3.3 语篇层面............................................................19

3.3.1 语句连贯...........................................................20
3.3.2 段落连贯...........................................................21
第四章 翻译实践总结.........................................................24

4.1 启发与收获...........................................................24

4.2 不足与反思..........................................................24

附录 I 译文对照..............................................................29
上海师范大学硕士学位论文 目录

附录 II 术语表...............................................................90

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第一章 翻译项目简介

第一章 翻译项目简介
1.1 翻译背景
法,对这类传染病的防治和治理已经有了一套中国经验。而这次成功的经验, 引起了
中医西传历史的分析,可以看到中医曾经在西方掀起过 “针灸热”,但“针灸热”也
等各种问题的深入探讨时,逐渐发现中医翻译界“各家学说” 的混乱状态不能适应

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第一章 翻译项目简介


1.2 项目来源
有《中国医史》前 16 章的翻译节选, 读者可以在阅读书籍时对比参照。

1.3 翻译实践意义

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第一章 翻译项目简介

出建立中医翻译理论的新设想,但是,到目前为止,国内的中医翻译研究主要为 学
从而形成有系统的观点,更不用说有相应的理论总结(李照国,2008:57)。 该书将中
西方中医翻译流派进行了分类和总结,并分析了流派形成的背景和原因 以及各个流派做出
的影响力与普及至关重要。中医根植于中国 古老的医学体系,也根植于中华传统文
化和哲学思想,广泛吸纳儒家、佛家和道 家的基本思想,凝聚先秦百家观点,因此在
最后,翻译实践材料为专门系统的学术理论作品,属于学术类文本。学术文 本
不同于其他休闲娱乐类文本和文学类文本,学术文本会对专门的学术问题进行 研究,
术翻译和语言科学意义上的学术翻译(周领顺,2008:79)。学术类文 本根据研究
对象学科可分为自然科学学术文本和人文社科学术文本。陈生梅认为, 自然学科学
术文本中的词汇比较明确,不存在语义模糊和产生歧义的现象,然而 人文社科学
术文本则会受到社会、文化和环境的影响和制约,因此要注重人文社 科学术文本翻
译,真正服务于人文社科学术发展。陈生梅提到尽管翻译界的学者 对学术翻译逐渐重
视起来,但是相比较于对其他各类的翻译研究,学术翻译研究 还是少之又少并且指出

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第一章 翻译项目简介

提出了学术翻译的原则,第一是要选择有思想和历史等价值的学术文本, 第二是
译数量上仍然比较匮乏,到目前为止没有形成主流趋势(刘亚猛, 2004:47)。因

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第二章 翻译过程

第二章 翻译过程
2.1 译前准备
2.1.1 文本分析
别为“概述”、“中医西传的历史发展”和“针灸西传的跌宕起伏”。该章主要介 绍
背景,深入理解原文所想要表达的意思,结合中医术语标准, 准确翻译出专业词汇,
示学术文本的客观、严谨。从语篇层面来看,文本逻辑结构严谨,前后照应, 语言风
格前后一致、客观严肃。因此,在词汇上要注意词汇的准确、词性的转换、 灵活使用

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第二章 翻译过程


2.1.2 平行文本
术语英译,如 WHO 发布的中医术语标准,还要学习中医术语英译的翻译原则和
俗成原则、自然性原则、民族性原则和多法并举原则等原则,以及中医术语英 译的

2.1.3 术语表制作
本次翻译材料中包含中医术语、人名、书名、地名和机构名等大量专有名词, 此外
在涉及中医西传历史介绍中有大量反复出现的名词术语,需要对其进行统一, 以免翻译
内容的各种说法不一致,造成理解上的困难。以下列举了一些主要的术 语英汉对

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第二章 翻译过程

《黄帝内经》 The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of

Internal Medicine
《医典》 The Canon of Medicine
《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica
《阿拉木图宣言》 the Declaration of Alma-Ata
高丽扶桑 Korea and Japan
耶婆提 Yepoti
阿维森纳 Avicenna
四象医学 Sixiang Medicine
汉方 Kampo
理法方药 principle-method-recipe-medicines
中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)

针刺 acupuncture
灸法 moxibustion
针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion
针灸经穴名称国际标准化 the international standardization of
acupuncture point names
阴阳 Yin and Yang

2.2 过程描述
一、将纸质文字输出成 word 文件,审校完成后,分栏翻译,制定每日翻译
道词典和 tmxmall 等翻译工具,对比不同的表达,同时通过众多搜索引擎网站查询

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第二章 翻译过程


2.3 译后工作
一、对自己的译文进行审校,在不看原文的基础上直接阅读译文,检查拼写、 时
原文,注意不将自己的私人感情和偏向带入译文当中。记录翻译疑点、难点 和解

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

第三章 案例分析

3.1 词汇层面
准确,不能出错,还要考虑到学术文本中词汇的特点。学术文本多使用名词特 别是

3.1.1 专有名词
解上的困难。另外古籍中出现的一些专有名词需要查阅古籍和外文资料,需 要找

例 1 原文:据史学界专家对阿拉伯人阿维森纳所编写的《医典》的分析研究,
译 文 : According to historians’ analysis and study of The Canon of
Medicine wrote by Avicenna who is an Arabian, the pulse-taking technology of China
was introduced into Europe in Arab world, which brought oriental elements to the
European Medicines’ development.


上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

世纪所著的有名书籍为“The Canon of Medicine”,百科的英文介绍为“a medical
encyclopedia which became a standard medical text at many medieval universities
and remained in use as late as 1650”,因此可知,“《医典》”的对应翻译为“The
of Medicine”。所以,当人名、书名等具有联系时,应该结合历史时间、地点和事

例 2 原文:在海上漂流了 9 日后,船来到了一个名叫耶婆提的地方。
译文 : After drifting at sea for 9 days, the boat came to a place called
Yepoti (Yāva—dvīpa).

此例中,“耶婆提”是法显所著的《佛国记》中的一个古国名,也叫叶波国, 对
门答腊,或以为兼称两岛,也有学者认为是指现今的墨西哥西海岸。 20 世纪美国的
考古发现证明,中国人早在 2000 年前就已经到达美洲。同时中国学者经过
研究,也找到了一些较为确凿的证据。如连云山经过 40 多年的多学科考证,证
实法显当年所到之“耶婆提”确系美洲,并在纪念法显到达美洲 1580 年和哥伦
布到达美洲 500 年之际,出版了研究专著(李照国,2020:15)。笔者对该地名

例 3 原文:《泰西水法》由徐光启与传教士熊三拔合译,成书于明万历四十
年(1612),共 6 卷。第 1 卷为龙尾车,用挈江河之水;

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

译文:Le Diverse t Artificiose Machine del Capitano Agostino Ramelli was

translated by Xu Guangqi and the missionary Sabatino de Ursis. The book was
finished in the fortieth year of Wanli (1612) in the Ming dynasty, a total of 6 volumes.
Volume 1 introduces Archimedean screw , which is a machine historically used for
water from river ;

法,并绘有各个水器图。根据维基百科的介绍,熊三拔是一名传教士, 为了帮助利
玛窦(Matteo Ricci)的科学工作,于 1607 年到达北京。他与许光启和利玛窦合
作,将《欧几里得几何元素》(Euclid’s Elements)翻译成中文。利玛窦于 1610
将意大利人 Agostino Ramelli 的书中关于水利部分翻译成中文(1612 年)。因此
这些资料后来被收集,并于 1629 年在北京出版,收录于多卷西方天文
科学百科全书中。根据《泰西水法》成书时间为 1612 年,可知本书是来源于
Agostino Ramelli。再对 Agostino Ramelli 进行查阅,发现他的著作是 Le Diverse
t Artificiose Machine del Capitano Agostino Ramelli,意为“阿戈斯蒂诺•拉梅利上
译为 Le Diverse et Artificiose Machine del Capitano。值得注意的是,这里十分
容易误译为熊三拔与徐光启、利玛窦合译的另一本书“Euclid’s Elements”。例中
的“龙尾车”实际上是指利用圆筒内螺旋轮转上升而提水的一种工具 , 也称阿基
米德螺旋管。因此翻译为“Archimedean screw”。

3.1.2 中医术语英译
中医也是中国文化的一部分,翻译好中医术语,也能够向世界宣传中国传统文化, 不

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析


例 4 原文:阴阳、气
译文: yin and yang, qi

我们往往会使用音译法,这能够体现中医术语英译中的民族性原则。音译法 在中医
注释。例如: 可以将 “阴阳学说”进行音译,但是与此同时需要进行注释,用英文

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

基本概念中的中医独有术语。除上文提及的民族性原则,将“气 ”译作“qi”也体现
准化进程(李照国,2008:20)。因此对这种译法应该适当予以接受,如 “中
医”译为 “Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)”, “ 针灸 ” 译为 “acupuncture
and moxibustion”,经过长时间的传播,早已被人们所广泛接受。对西方读者而
言, 使用这种约定俗成的译法,会使西方读者快速理解中医和针灸的概念和内

例 5 原文:理法方药

,经过长期使用已经形成固定译法,也被 WHO 收录为中医国际标准化术语表

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析


例 6 原文:中医学所用的军事语言追溯到很早以前,如‘用药如用兵’‘正
译文: The military language used in Traditional Chinese Medicine dates
back a long time ago, such as ‘use medicines as soldiers’ ‘struggle between healthy qi
and pathogenic factors’ and so on.

理解,在西医中也找不到对应的表达,中医术语标准化进程也尚未完全覆盖所有 中
医术语,因此在翻译这类中医术语时,可以采取意译法,即不追求形式的完全 对
病症。“正气”和“邪”这样的概念在西方语言中并没有对等语言,这样的 术语也

3.2 句子层面

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析


3.2.1 无主句的翻译
的一种特有现象约占汉语句子的 10%-40%。而英文句子结构重形合, 连接词在
择。基于翻译材料文本为学术类文本,在句子的处理上要使译文客观, 语意要清晰

例 7 原文:要探索和研究如何英译中医基本名词术语的问题,尤其是英译
译 文 :In order to explore and study how to translate the basic terms of
Traditional Chinese Medicine into English , especially in terms of translation
principles, methods and standards, we must systematically summarize and analyze the
history and development of dissemination of TCM to the west, and systematically
generalize and summarize the translation background, translation purpose, translation
theory, translation method and translation experience of different translators in
different regions and historical periods.


上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

语是谁,结合上下文可知,这里的主语是指需要研究中医术语英译的读者,因 此此

例 8 原文:据文献记载,唐宋时期,有关中医的信息已经通过阿拉伯世界
译 文 : According to the literature records, during the Tang and Song
dynasties, the information about Traditional Chinese Medicine had been transmitted to
Europe in the Arab world.


3.2.2 长句的翻译

例 9 原文:中医重视人与自然的和谐共处,强调天人相应的基本观念,提

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

译 文 : Traditional Chinese Medicine attaches great importance to the harmonious
coexistence between man and nature, correspondence
between man and universe, harmonious development of people and society and unity
of spirit and the body, which not only promotes Chinese people’s health, reproduction
and development but also opens up a broad path for the creation of medicine,
transmission of culture and advances of civilization in surrounding areas.

一”,第二部分说明了中医对中华民族和周边地区这两个层面所做出的贡献。因此在英 语
倡”这三个动词意思接近,词义有所重复,所以进行了省译,在翻译时只选 取
了“重视”译为“attaches great importance to”,在译文中为了使并列成分句式
译。在译文的从句中,使用“not only…but also…”将两个短句连接起来,使

例 10 原文:通过对中医西传历史的总结和分析,不仅能使我们了解中医翻译
发展过程中所遭遇的各种语言、文化、医理以及民族心理的挑战,而且也使我 们对
中医翻译的作用和意义有更为深刻的认识,同时更为全面地了解、更为深刻 地思考、
译文:The summary and analysis of the history of dissemination of TCM
to the west not only enables us see the challenges in terms of language, culture,
medical knowledge and national psychology encountered in the process of TCM
translation’s development but also makes us have a deeper understanding of TCM
translation’s role

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

and significance. Therefore, we can have a more comprehensive understanding, a

more profound thinking and a more accurate grasp of the problems and challenges
faced by the English translation and the standardization of TCM basic terms.

词“总结” 和“分析”译为名词“summary”和“analysis ”。

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3.3 语篇层面
析的翻译研究发展了二十多年,取得了一定成果,形成了多种理论作为指导,翻 译
研究的分析步骤和方法也比较多样。目前,一般认为韩礼德所创立的系统功能 语法比
斯基的形式主义学派以句子为中心,韩礼德属于系统功能学派,更加 注重语言的功能,
并将功能分类为概念的功能、人际的功能和篇章的功能。而篇 章的功能又可以分为结
构性功能和非结构性功能,其中非结构性功能就需要衔接 来体现。哈桑首次提出了衔接
的概念,衔接可以通过语法或者词汇两个方面来实 现,韩礼德和哈桑还将语法衔接分
为了四类,分别为:照应、替代、省略和连接。 张美芳从系统功能语法的角度提出了四
个语篇翻译研究的的重点。分别为意义与 其体现形式之间的关系、语篇特征、语境与语
贯不仅仅只包含衔接,李静认为 语篇连贯包含两点,第一是通过语句与语句之间的
衔接手段实现,第二是通过使 语篇结构具有连贯性来实现,连贯不同于衔接以词汇和
语法为基本单位形成系统, 而是以共同掌握的情景为基础,通过判断推理使语义连
贯和情境连贯提出了文化 缺省的概念,提出了翻译更是一种文化活动,因此要注意

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析


3.3.1 语句连贯

例 11 原文:只有这样才能比较客观实际地梳理清楚中医基本名词术语

译文:Only in this way can we more objectively and practically sort out
the approaches and methods of the English translation of TCM basic terms, and
more accurately grasp the principles and standards that we should follow.


例 12 原文:同时,通过民间交流、民族融合和文化辐射,中医很早便东

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析

译文:At the same time, because of different peoples’ communication,

national fusion and Chinese culture’s influence, Traditional Chinese Medicine has
long spread to the east--Korea and Japan, to the west--western plateaus, to the south--
islands of Southeast Asia and to the north--northern tribes, laying theoretical and
practical foundations for the establishment and development of medicine there, which
not only promoted social progress and the prosperous civilization in these areas, but
also opened up a new way for China to communicate with Arab world, Europe, Latin
America and Africa.

词“which”引导了一个从句,说明了前后因果关系,并使用了连接词“not only…but

例 13 原文:因其有求于瑞尼,所以杂户不得不同意为其翻译。
译文:Because the doctor needed to accomplish his task, he had to agree
to translate for Rhyne.

本例中,“杂户”指名为叫杂户(Iwanango Zoko)的医生,这一信息在上一
句有所提及。笔者没有生硬地一直重复“Iwanango Zoko”,也没有使用“人称代
句间的衔接连贯,笔者结合已有信息,将其翻译为“the doctor”来指代,避免过

3.3.2 段落连贯

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析


例 14 原文:对于这一问题,1997 年笔者曾在《上海科技翻译》杂志(现《上
海翻译》杂志)发表专题文章,总结了中医西传 300 年的历史发展.尤其是翻译在中
医西传过程中所发挥的不可替代的作用,同时对其存在的颇值反思的问题, 也
译 文 : On the English translation of TCM basic terms, the author
published a feature article in Shanghai Journal of Translators for Science and
Technology (now Shanghai Journal of Translators) in 1997, which summarizes the
300 years of history of dissemination of TCM to the west and emphasizes particularly
the irreplaceable role played by translation in the process of dissemination of TCM to
the west. At the same
time, the author also conducted preliminary classification and analysis on the

problems worthy of reflection.

医术语英译的问题,此段前一个段落和后一个段落都在讨论中医术语英译的问题, 该
句起到了承接上一段落和引出下一段落的作用,因此需要详细指出“这一问题” 具
English translation of TCM’s basic terms”,加强讨论“中医术语英译”几个段落之
间的联系,使读者从整体把握原文作者想要表达的学术观点,避免读者将这几个 段落

例 15 原文: 由此可见,拉兰为灸法在西方的使用做出了一定的贡献。译
文: This shows that Larey has made some contribution to the
moxibustion’s use in the West.

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第三章 案例分析


例 16 原文:除了瑞尼之外,当时向西方介绍中医的还有其他一些西方医务人
员,如丹麦人旁特(Dane Jacob Bondt)、布绍夫(H. Bushof)和甘弗(E.
译文:Other Western medical staff, such as Dane Jacob Bondt(Denmark),
H. Bushof and E. Kaempifer also introduced Traditional Chinese Medicine to the West
at that time.


上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第四章 翻译实践总结

第四章 翻译实践总结

4.1 启发与收获
首先,通过本次对《中医翻译对外传播研究》第一章的翻译,译者对中医西 传
的历史有了更深刻的了解,认识到了中医翻译在中医西传中的重要作用和意义, 特别
是对中医术语英译及其标准化的发展有了具体了解,对中医西传中的文化主 权争
立文化自信。第四,译者在翻译实践遇到了很多难点和疑点, 在解决的过程中,译

4.2 不足与反思

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 第四章 翻译实践总结

的翻译没有唯一的译法,因此,中医翻译所需遵循的原则无法一一兼顾, 译者将在今

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 参考文献

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附录 I 译文对照

原文 译文
中医对外翻译传播研究 Research on International Dissemination
第一章 中医西传历史回顾 and Translation of Traditional Chinese
第一节 概述 Medicine
一、中医的风采 Chapter One
中医是中国医药学的简称,是中国特 A Historical Review of the
Dissemination of Traditional Chinese
统文化、古典哲学和人文思想为理论 Medicine to the West
基础,融合诸子之学和百家之论,综 Introduction
合自然科学和社会科学的理论与实 I
践,构建了独具特色的理论体系、思 The Brilliance of Traditional Chinese
辨模式和诊疗方法。中医重视人与自 Medicine
然的和谐共处,强调天人相应的基本 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is
short for Traditional Chinese Medicine
健康、繁衍与发展,为周边地区医药 and Pharmacology, and it is a unique
的创建、文化的传播和文明的提升, classical medical system in China and is
开辟了广阔的路径。 closely integrated with astronomy,
geography and humanities. Based on
traditional Chinese culture, classical
philosophy and humanistic thought,
Traditional Chinese Medicine
integrates various schools of thought in
Pre-Qin times, combines the theory and
practice of natural and social science,
thus forming its special theoretical
system, thought patterns and diagnosing
and treating methods. Traditional
Chinese Medicine attaches great
importance to the harmonious
coexistence between man and
nature, correspondence
between man and universe, harmonious
development of people and society and
unity of spirit and the body, which not
only promotes Chinese people’s health,
reproduction and development but also
opens up a broad path for the creation of
medicine, transmission of culture and
advances of civilization in surrounding

中医是目前世界上历史最为悠久、体 As a traditional medical system, TCM
系最为完整、疗效最为显著、应用最 owns the longest history, the most
为广泛、发展最为迅速的一门传统医 complete system and the greatest
学体系。早在秦汉时期,中医已经逐 efficacy. It also has got the broadest
步传入周边地域,20 世纪以来更是
application and has become the
fastest- growing medical system. In
大的贡献。即便在现代医学高度发达 early Qin and Han periods, Traditional
的今天,中医在人类医药保健事业中 Chinese Medicine were gradually passed
仍然发挥着不可替代的作用,并且日 into the surrounding areas. Since the 20th
益走向世界,造福人类。据国家有关 century it has been out of Asia, spread to
方面统计,中医目前已经传播到了全 the world and made a great contribution
球 180 多个国家和地区,并在大多 to the development of medicine in the
数国家不仅建立了自己的学术团体、 world and people’s health in all
countries. Even today when modern
版机构,极大地推动了各国医疗保健 medicine is highly developed, TCM still
事业的发展。有些国家——如澳大利 plays an irreplaceable role in the cause of
亚和泰国——经过多年的努力推进以 medicine and health care, and is
及与中国的交流合作,已经先后完成 increasingly reaching out to the outside
了中医的立法,赋予了中医相应的法 world for the benefit of mankind.
律地位、学术规范和发展要求,从而 According to national statistics,
保证了其在本国的健康发展,同时也 Traditional Chinese Medicine has now
促进了中医在全球范围的传播、发展 spread to more than 180 countries and
regions around the world. In most
countries, not only China’s own
academic groups, agencies and
organizations but also higher education
institutions, training bases and publishers
with their characteristics have been
established, which greatly promotes the
development of health care there. Some
of these countries, such as Australia and
Thailand, have completed the legislation
of TCM after years of efforts and
cooperation with China. They ensured
TCM’s corresponding legal status,
academic norms and development
requirements, thus keeping its health
development in their own countries and
promoting the dissemination,
development and application of TCM in
the world as well.

由于理论先进、方法科学、药物自 Because of the advanced theory,
然、效果神奇,中医这门古老的医学 scientific method, natural medicine and
体系虽历经千秋万代而始终昌盛不 the amazing effect, the ancient medical
衰,为中华民族的繁衍、为中华文化 system has been flourishing for
thousands of generations and has made a
融合和文化辐射,中医很早便东传高 great contribution to the Chinese nation’s
丽扶桑,西传西域髙原,南传南洋列 reproduction, cultural development and
岛,北传朔方诸部,为这些地区医药 civilization transmission. At the same
的创建和发展奠定了理论和实践基 time, because of different peoples’
础,促进了该地区社会的进步和文明 communication, national fusion and
的昌兴,也为中国与阿拉伯世界以及 Chinese culture’s influence, Traditional
欧洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的交往开辟了 Chinese Medicine has long spread to the
east--Korea and Japan, to the west--
western plateaus, to the south--islands of
Southeast Asia and to the north--northern
tribes, laying theoretical and practical
foundations for the establishment and
development of medicine there, which
not only promoted social progress and
the prosperous civilization in these areas,
术语的问题,尤其是英译的原则、方 but also opened up a new way for China
法和标准,就必须系统深入地总结和 to communicate with Arab world,
分析中医西传的历史和发展,并对不 Europe, Latin America and Africa.
同历史时期、不同地域、不同译者的 In order to explore and study how to
翻译背景、翻译目的、翻译理念、翻 translate the basic terms of Traditional
译方法和翻译经验进行系统的分析、 Chinese Medicine into English ,
归纳和总结。只有这样才能比较客观 especially in terms of translation
principles, methods and standards, we
握中医基本名词术语英译应遵循的原 must systematically summarize and
则和标准。 analyze the history and development of
dissemination of TCM to the west, and
systematically analyze, generalize and
summarize the translation background,
translation purpose, translation theory,
translation method and translation
experience of different translators in
different regions and historical periods.
Only in this way can we more
objectively and practically sort out the
approaches and methods of the English
translation of TCM basic terms, and
more accurately grasp the principles and
standards that we should follow.

中医西传的历史有 300 多年了,在这 The dissemination of TCM to the west
300 多年的发展过程中,中医翻译从 has lasted for more than 300 years.
最初以拉丁语翻译为主逐步发展到以 During the time, TCM translation
英语翻译为主,这一变化与西方文 developed to English translation from
化、社会和科技的发展息息相关。这 the initial Latin translation. This change
is closely related to the development of
医名词术语的翻译及其标准化。在当 western culture, society and science and
代的中医英译实践中,这样的问题已 technology. This change has also put
愈来愈严峻,成为中医英译所面临的 forward many problems that need to be
最大挑战,因为英语语言中缺乏中医 solved for the smooth development of
基本名词术语的对应语。 English translation of TCM, especially
the translation and standardization of
TCM terms. In the contemporary
practice of English translation of TCM,
such problems are more and more
serious and have become the biggest
challenge facing English translation of
TCM, because the English language
对于这一问题,1997 年笔者曾在《上 lacks the corresponding terms in TCM.
300 年的历史发展.尤其是翻译在中医 On the English translation of TCM basic
西传过程中所发挥的不可替代的作 terms, the author published a feature
article in Shanghai Journal of
中医西传历史的总结和分析,不仅能 Translators for Science and Technology
使我们了解中医翻译发展过程中所遭 (now Shanghai Journal of Translators)
遇的各种语言、文化、医理以及民族心 in 1997, which summarizes the 300 years
理的挑战,而且也使我们对中医翻译 of history of dissemination of TCM to
的作用和意义有更为深刻的认识,同 the west and emphasizes particularly the
时更为全面地了解、更为深刻地思考、 irreplaceable role played by translation
更为准确地把握中医基本名词术语英 in the process of dissemination of TCM
to the west. At the same time, the author
also conducted preliminary classification
and analysis on the problems worthy of
reflection. The summary and analysis of
the history of TCM dissemination to the
west not only enables us see the
challenges in terms of language, culture,
medical knowledge and national
psychology encountered in the process of
TCM translation’s development but also
makes us have a deeper understanding of
TCM translation’s role and significance.

Therefore, we can have a more
comprehensive understanding, a more
profound thinking and a more accurate
grasp of the problems and challenges
faced by the English translation and the
standardization of TCM basic terms.

二、中医的外传 The International Dissemination of TCM
According to the literature records,
据文献记载,唐宋时期,有关中医的 during the Tang and Song dynasties, the
information about Traditional Chinese
纳所编写的《医典》的分析研究,当 Medicine had been transmitted to Europe
时中国的脉诊技术就是通过阿拉伯世 in the Arab world. According to
界传入欧洲的,为欧洲医药的发展注 historians’ analysis and study of The
入了东方元素。在唐代,由于中国文 Canon of Medicine wrote by Avicenna
化的高度发达和巨大影响,吸引了很 who is an Arabian, the pulse-taking
多国家的商人和学者来华学习大唐文 technology of China was introduced into
Europe in Arab world, which brought
中华文化、语言和文字传播到了本 oriental elements to the European
国,而且也将中华民族的各种创造和 Medicines’ development. In the Tang
发明——包括医药学说——都带回了 dynasty, due to the highly developed
本国。今日日本的“汉方”和韩国的 Chinese culture and its great influence,
“四象医学”,就是其中最具代表性的 many countries' businessmen and
发展。正如美国人威斯(Ilza Veith)在 scholars came to China to study the Tang
她所翻译的《黄帝内经》(The culture and Japan’s Kentoshi is one of
Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal the most representative groups. They
Medicine)《素问》前 34 章的前言 spread Chinese culture, language and
中所指出的那样: characters to their own countries, and
In the beginning of the 7th century they brought back all kinds of creations
many young Japanese were sent to and inventions of the Chinese nation
China in order to study the language of including medical theology at the same
the scriptures. It was inevitable, time. Today’s " Kampo" in Japan and
however, that during their stay in China "Sixiang Medicine" in Korea are the
they should come in contact with all most representative ones. As Ilza Veith,
aspects of Chinese culture. Traditional an American, points out in the foreword
Chinese Medicine at the time of the to the first 34 chapters of her translation
Tang dynasty was highly developed of The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of
compared with the medical practices of Internal Medicine:
the Japanese. Buddhist scholars In the beginning of the 7th century many
young Japanese were sent to China in
order to study the language of the
scriptures. It was inevitable, however,
that during their stay in China they

returned to their island not only with a come in contact with all aspects of
knowledge of the Chinese script but Chinese culture. Traditional Chinese
also enriched by the knowledge of the Medicine at the time of the Tang dynasty
medical art of the Chinese. Traditional was highly developed compared with the
Chinese Medicine soon came to medical practices of the Japanese.
supplant indigenous Japanese practices, Buddhist scholars returned to their island
particularly after the study of the not only with a knowledge of the
ideographs had made Chinese medical Chinese script but also enriched by the
texts available to many Japanese. From knowledge of the medical art of the
then on—with slight modifications— Chinese. Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine ruled soon came to supplant indigenous
supreme in Japan until, in the late 16th Japanese practices, particularly after the
century, Portuguese priests and, in the study of the ideographs had made
17th century, the physicians' of the Chinese medical texts available to many
Dutch East India Company introduced Japanese. From then on—with slight
European medicine (Ilza Veith, modifications— Traditional Chinese
1997:72-73). Medicine ruled supreme in Japan until,
in the late 16th century, Portuguese
priests and, in the 17th century, the
physicians' of the Dutch East India
Company introduced European medicine
(Ilza Veith, 1997:72-73).

公元 7 世纪初的时候,很多日本青
于统治地位。直到荷兰传教士于 16

员于 17 世纪将欧洲医学介绍到了日
Veith’s summary is obviously a reference
威斯的总结,显然是参照了唐代以来 to the historical record since the Tang
的历史记载和日本的历史发展,因此 dynasty and the history of Japan, so it is
是颇为符合实际的。在世界卫生组织 quite realistic. In the process and
(World Health Organization,简称 development of the ICD-11-ICTM
WHO)2009 年所启动的 ICD-11- (Traditional Medicine of the 11th edition
ICTM(疾病国际分类第 11 版传统医
of the International Classification of
Diseases) project initiated by the World
(International Standard
Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 and
Organization,简称 ISO)2010 年所
建立的 TC 249(中医药国际标准化 the TC 249 (Technical Committee 249
技术委员会)的过程和发展中,如果 International Standards of Traditional
日本和韩国的代表团及其专家能牢记 Chinese Medicine) established by the
其所谓传统医学的历史渊源与历史发 International Organization for
展,就不应该坚决反对将中医翻译为 Standardization (ISO) in 2010, if the
Traditional Chinese Medicine,更不应 delegations of Japan and South Korea
该否认他们的所谓传统医学源自中国 and their experts can bear in mind the
这一历史事实。 historical origins and developments of
their so-called traditional medicine, they
should not firmly oppose the translation
“ Traditional Chinese Medicine”, nor
should they deny the historical fact that
their so-called traditional medicine is
originated from China.

时期的西方注入了异域华彩。同时,西 In the Yuan and Ming dynasties, with the
方商人和传教士的东来,也为古老的 development of the trade and cultural
中华帝国带来了别样文明的火种,为 exchanges between China and the West,
古老的中华文化输人了西方的思想和 Traditional Chinese Medicine began to
理念。以利玛窦(Matteo Ricci.1552— spread to Europe in China and other
1610)为代表的明代来华传教士,不但 surrounding regions. Europe at that time
was in the midst of the torrent of the
的科技和文化。而这些科技和文化也 Renaissance, with all kinds of new ideas
在一定程度上影响了中国文化——包 and thoughts surging. And the heirs of
TCM’s theory and practice undoubtedly
injected exoticism into the West during
the period of change. At the same time,
the arrival of Western businessmen and
missionaries brought a different kind of
civilization to the ancient Chinese empire,
and imported Western ideas and

括中医药——的发展。例如,一些源自 concepts into the ancient Chinese
西洋的药物传入中国之后,便逐步按 culture. The Ming Dynasty missionaries,
照中医理法方药的理论和实践纳人了 represented by Matteo Ricci (1552-
中药的范畴之中 1610), not only brought the teachings
and juxtaposes of Christianity to China,
but also brought the most advanced
technology and culture of the Western
world to China at that time. To some
extent, these technologies and cultures
have also influenced the development of
Chinese culture, including Traditional
Chinese Medicine. For example, after
some drugs originated from the West
were introduced into China, they were
到了秦代,特别是鸦片战争之后,中 gradually incorporated into the category
of TCM in accordance with the theories
——包括外交人员——皆通晓中国文 and practices of TCM’s principle-
化和语言,他们在向中国传播西洋宗 method-recipe-medicines.
传教的辅助手段介绍到了中国。关于 In the Qin Dynasty, especially after the
这一点,威斯在其所翻译的《黄帝内 Opium War, trade, diplomatic activities
经·素问》前 34 章的前言中,对此曾 and cultural exchanges between China
做了较为客观的记述。她说: and the West became more frequent and
extensive. Most Westerners, including
Western medicine reached China in the
diplomats, are masters of Chinese culture
early 17th century, when the Jesuit
and language. While spreading Western
fathers who had been trained in
religion and civilization to China, they
medicine and the physicians employed
also introduced Western medicine to
by the East India Companies began to
China as an auxiliary means of mission.
extend their activities to Chinese
In this regard, Veith made a more
patients. The first organized effort to
objective account in the foreword to the
introduce Western medicine into China
first 34 chapters of his translation of The
was made upon the realization by the
Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal
American Board of Commissioners for
Foreign Missions that medicine could
Western medicine reached China in the
serve as an aid in the spreading of
early 17th century, when the Jesuit
Christianity. Following the inauguration
fathers who had been trained in medicine
of the Medical Missionary Society in
and the physicians employed by the East
China in 1838, the scope of activity of
India Companies began to extend their
activities to Chinese patients. The first
organized effort to introduce Western
medicine into China was made upon the
realization by the American Board of
Commissioners for Foreign Missions that

Western medicine increased rapidly, medicine could serve as an aid in the
and in the last third of the 19th century spreading of Christianity. Following the
a considerable number of Chinese cities inauguration of the Medical Missionary
had well-run hospitals of fair size. The Society in China in 1838, the scope of
same impetus contributed to the activity of Western medicine increased
founding of several small medical rapidly, and in the last third of the 19th
schools, some of which, during the 20th century a considerable number of
century, grew to impressive proportions Chinese cities had well-run hospitals of
(Ilza Veith,1997:1). fair size. The same impetus contributed
to the founding of several small medical
schools, some of which, during the 20th
century, grew to impressive proportions
(Ilza Veith,1997:1).
西医是在公元 17 世纪早期,由受过
传播基督教的辅助工具。1838 年在
医学在中国的活动发展迅速。19 世
了几所小型的西医学校,有些在 20

Western missionaries in China during the

将医药作为传教手段,这是明清时期 Ming and Qing Dynasties treated the
西方来华传教士们逐步形成的一个共 medicine as a means of mission, which
识。关于这一点,J. B. Du Halde 在其 is a consensus they gradually achieved.
1738 年出版的《中华帝国全志》(A In this regard, J. B. Du Halde made it
Description of the Empire of China)一
clear in his book A Description of the
传教士们在向中国传播基督教义和西 Empire of China published in 1738. Of
方医药的同时,也间接地将中国文化 course, while spreading the Christian
——包括中医——的某些理论和实践 doctrine and Western medicine to China,
介绍到了欧洲,无意间为此后中医药 these missionaries also indirectly
在西方的传播和发展做出了一定的有 introduced some theories and practices
益探索。在此后的百年之中,通过不 of Chinese
culture, including Traditional Chinese

同的途径,中医在西方得到了较为广 Medicine, to Europe, and inadvertently
泛的传播。 made some helpful explorations for the
spread and development of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in the West. In the
following one hundred years, Traditional
三、针灸西传的历史 Chinese Medicine in the West had been
more widely disseminated in different
自明清以来,中医的传播和发展主要 ways.
体现在针灸。针灸在 16 世纪末 17 III
The History of dissemination of
学者的努力在 19 世纪初得到了一些
Acupuncture and Moxibustion to the
疗效。这在当时的西方引起了一定的 west Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties,
轰动,许多人开始关注针灸和使用针 the spread and development of
灸,一些有关针灸的书籍也相继出 Traditional Chinese Medicine mainly
版,从而形成了西方的第一次“针灸 refers to the spread and development of
热”。 acupuncture and moxibustion. After it
was introduced to the West at the end of
the 16th century and the beginning of the
17th century, through the efforts of some
western scholars it was applied clinically
by some doctors at the beginning of the
19th century and obtained ideal effects.
第一次“针灸热”在西方持续的时间并 This caused a sensation in the West to
不长,由于急功近利和不切实际的宣 some extent at that time, and many
传,针灸当时被用来治疗一切疾病, people began to pay attention to
其疗效也被无限夸大。结果,曾一度 acupuncture and moxibustion and its
practice, relevant books were published
如 1869 年出版的《医学辞典》在谈
as well, thus forming the first
今天已经失去了信誉,被人们完全遗 “acupuncture boom” in the West.
忘了。这是当初过分夸大其辞的后 The first “acupuncture boom”in the West
果。”西方掀起的第一次“针灸热”就 did not last long, because of people’s
这样被冷却了。 expectation of quick success and their
unrealistic publicity of TCM,
acupuncture was used to treat every
diseases and its efficacy was infinitely
exaggerated. As a result, acupuncture,
once popular in the West, was soon
forgotten. As the Dictionary of Medicine
published in 1869 says, acupuncture has
lost its credibility and has been
completely forgotten and this is the result
of over-exaggeration. That was how the
first “acupuncture boom” in the West


针灸在西方经历了 19 世纪中后期的 Acupuncture in the West experienced the
衰落后,于 20 世纪初又渐渐复兴起 decline in the middle and late 19th
来,给西方针灸带来这一根本转机的 century, and gradually revived in the
原因是多方面的,如东西方文化交流 early 20th century. The reason why
的深入、欧洲中心论的衰落以及伴随 acupuncture embraced its fundamental
turning point in the west are various,
等。20 世纪 70 年代初由于我国针刺
such as the deepening cultural
改善,针灸疗法再次引起西方人士的 exchanges between the East and the
注意。改革开放以来,中西方在针灸 West, the decline of European centralism
方面的交流不断加强,针灸学术组 and the naturalistic trend of thought
织、针灸学院以及针灸刊物在西方各 associated with industrialization and so
国不断涌现,几乎每年都有各种国际 on. In the early 1970s, acupuncture
性的针灸学术会议召开,从而形成了 therapy attracted the attention of
westerners again because of the
successful research on acupuncture
anesthesia in China and the improvement
of relations between China and the West.
Since the reform and opening up,
exchanges between China and the West
in acupuncture had been strengthened,
acupuncture academic organizations,
acupuncture colleges and acupuncture
publications had been emerging in
针灸 20 世纪以后在西方复兴有其深
western countries. Almost every year a
variety of international acupuncture
1.针灸在西方复兴的社会基础 academic conferences were held, thus
20 世纪以来,西医学在取得辉煌成就 forming the second “acupuncture boom”
的同时,也暴露出了许多不足之处。首 in the West.
西医学感到棘手,而合成药品的毒副 The revival of acupuncture and
作用日益为医学界和整个社会所注 moxibustion in the West after the 20th
意。另外,随着科学的发展,旧有的医 century was due to profound social,
桎梏。对此德国医学家许米特在他的 ideological and humanistic foundation
著作中做了较为深入的分析。他说: 1.The Social Basis of the Revival of
“欧洲比以前较容易接受针灸的思想 Acupuncture and Moxibustion in the
是有其原因的。最近 30 年来医学的根 West
本思想逐步有了变化。75 年前,魏尔 Since the 20th century, western medicine
啸于罗马的国际医学会讲演时说,‘世 had made brilliant achievements, but also
had exposed many shortcomings. First of
all, due to the change of disease
spectrum, some diseases were rather
difficult to cure with the use of western
medicine, and the toxic and side effects
of synthetic drugs were increasingly
attracting attention of
界中没有所谓的整体性的疾患,有的 the medical community and the whole
是各个细胞,或是各个器官的疾病’云 society. In addition, with the
云。这一细胞病理学观点,在今日已失 development of science, the deficiency
去其优越的地位。我们今天的见解 of old medical concept had become the
shackles that hinder the development of
medicine. Schmid, a German medical
尔啸的思想在今日已成过去。各个细 scientist, made a deeper analysis in his
胞决不能独立存在,各个细胞间有着 works. He said, “There is a reason why
密切的关联,且其作用受着血液和神 acupuncture is more acceptable in
经系统的控制。” Europe than before. In the last 30 years,
the essential idea of medicine has
gradually changed. 75 years ago, Rudolf
Virchow said in a lecture at an
international medical association in
Rome, ‘There are no so-called holistic
diseases in the world, they are diseases
of cells or organs.’ This cytopathology
view has lost its superiority today. Our
view today is that' There are only
diseases of the whole body, and the so-
德国慕尼黑大学东方医史研究所所长 called pathological changes of each cell
文树德(Paul Unschuld)在谈到针灸 and organ are the local appearance of the
疗法在西方的再度兴起时说:“近百 whole body disease.’ Virchow ‘s thought
年来,欧洲人、日本人无不被化学、 has become a thing of the past. Cells are
物理学等高科技发展所强烈地吸引, closely related, each cell must not exist
从厨房里的微波炉到登月火箭,人们 independently, and the function is
已强烈地意识到科技成果应用于人类 controlled by the blood and nervous
“Europeans and Japanese have been
而且也被认为对我们的环境和生活造 strongly attracted by high-tech
成一定的危害与威胁……欧美有越来 developments such as chemistry and
越多的人认为,科技在高度发展的同 physics over the last one hundred years.
时,也破坏了人类自下而上的环 From microwave ovens in the kitchen to
境……人们一旦有了这些否定意识, lunar rockets, people have been strongly
不仅化学与科技的价值需要被重新评 aware of the great power of applying
价,而且西医也并不被认为是完全有 scientific and technological
益的。越来越多的人害怕化学污染环 achievements to human life.” said Paul
Unschuld, director of the Oriental
Institute of Medical History at the
Ludwig- Maximilians University of
Munich in Germany. “The development
of the chemical industry has provided
great possibilities for human beings to

produce new substances, food and drugs.

境,害怕化疗会伤害人的机体。化疗 Nowadays, however, chemistry is not
曾一度被认为是治疗许多疾病的良好 only considered to be beneficial, but also
方法,如今已被一些人认为是造成疾 regarded as a certain harm and threat to
病的原因之一。” our environment and living conditions...
More and more people in Europe and the
United States believe that the high
development of science and technology
destroyed human’s bottom-up
environment... Once people form these
negative consciousness, the value of
chemistry and technology needs to be re-
evaluated, and Western medicine will not
be considered to be completely
beneficial. More and more people are
而针灸疗法在西方人看来是“自然疗 afraid of chemical pollution, they fear
法”,既无污染环境之害,也无损害 that chemotherapy will harm the human
机体之忧,不失为一种可以选择的疗 body. Chemotherapy, once thought to be
法。在西方有人将针灸疗法称为“替 a good treatment for many diseases, is
代疗法”,集中地反映了一些西方人 now thought to be one of the causes of

In regard to westerners, acupuncture

2.针灸在西方复兴的思想基础 therapy was considered to be a “natural
20 世纪针灸在西方的复兴还有其深 therapy” which has no harm to the
刻的思想基础。自第二次世界大战以 environment or to the body, so it became
来,特别是 20 世纪 60 年代以来, an optional therapy. Acupuncture therapy
西方乃至整个世界开始重新审视长期 was called “alternative therapy” by some
以来被西方思想界奉为真理的现代科 westerners, which reflects their
学及其思维方式。首先从科学界掀起 understanding of acupuncture therapy.
科学和社会科学的“新科学”思潮,其 2.The Ideological Basis of the Revival of
目标是推动整个科学体系的革命性发 Acupuncture in the West
展。这种新科学思潮所冲击的是自牛 The revival of acupuncture and
moxibustion in the West in the 20th
century was also due to profound
百年来的发展,还原论已经逐渐失去 ideological basis. Since the Second
了其曾经具有的启迪思想、揭示自然 World War, especially since the 1960s,
the West and even the whole world have
begun to re-examine the modern science
and its way of thinking which has long
been regarded as truth by the western
ideological circles. First of all, a “new
science” trend of thought has been set off
from the scientific community to expand

规律、探索微观世界的活力,日益走 to the world and spread widely to the
向僵化。科学界迫切需要突破固有思 natural and social sciences. Its goal is to
维模式的旧框框,构建新的认知方式 promote the revolutionary development
和思想体系。这是促使新科学思潮产 in the whole scientific system. This new
scientific trend of thought impinged on
the scientific world outlook and
methodology (reductionism) since
Newton and Descartes, and advocates
“going beyond reductionism to
systemism(holism)”. Because after a
hundred years of development, the
theory of reduction has gradually lost its
vitality to inspire people’s minds, reveal
the laws of nature, explore the micro
world, thus gradually becoming rigid.
The scientific community urgently
新科学思潮发展的一个特点是对东西 needed to break through the old frame of
方思想进行比较研究,对近代西方科 the inherent mode of thinking and
学方法论进行深刻的反思。中国传统 construct a new cognitive style and
文化和哲学思想是古老东方思想的代 ideological system. That is the root cause
表,在中医学的理论和实践中有着最 of the new scientific trend of thought.
学思潮的先驱们,很自然地发现古老 One of the characteristics of the
development of the new scientific trend
of thought is the comparative study on
发展中形成的一些新理论和新学说, the eastern and western thoughts and the
如全息论、模糊集合论等,都可以用 profound reflection on the modern
来说明中医理论和实践的合理性和科 western scientific methodology.
学性。这样,中国医学的基本思维模 Traditional Chinese culture and
式——整体动态平衡观及其理论体 philosophy is the representative of the
系,便顺应了“新科学”思潮。 ancient oriental thought, which has the
most profound and concentrated
reflection of the theory and practice of
Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a
result, the pioneers of the new scientific
trend of thought naturally found that the
basic mode of thinking of ancient
—— the overall dynamic balance
parallels the most advanced scientific
worldview. In addition, some new
theories and theories formed in the
development of new science, such as
holographic theory, fuzzy set theory
so on, can be used to prove that the theory

and practice of TCM is rational and
scientific. As a result, the basic thinking
mode of Traditional Chinese Medicine

— the whole dynamic balance view and
its theoretical system indeed conform to
the “new science” trend of thought.
Postmodernism’s criticism of modern
论和还原论的基础上认识世界的。这 science and technology further reveals
本来是祛除封建时代的自然神性的一 the alienation of human beings from the
种进步,但是现代科学走得过头了, traditional view of science. Postmodern
它将世界的因果性完全归结于还原论 science holds the idea that modern
的非人性过程。现代科学这种奠基于 science is based on mechanical theory
物理学的世界观,有如一种“完美机 and reductive theory to learn about the
器”的理想。为了“科学”的理想,科 world. This was originally a progress in
学家们不再把世界当作一个可以直观 dispelling the natural divinity of the
feudal era, but modern science went too
付实验室和技术的需要。正如后现代 far in this regard. It entirely attributed
科学理论家大卫·伯姆所指出的那 the causality of the world to the inhuman
样,如果人们继续推崇这种“精确机 process of reductionism. Modern
器”形象中蕴涵的性质,那么最终导 science, a worldview based on physics,
致人类丧失自发性、创造性和责任 is like the ideal of a perfect machine. For
感,其后果是使生命的普遍意义作为 the sake of the ideal of "science ",
一个整体不复存在。 scientists no longer view the world as an
intuitive whole, but limit their work to
develop a precise form to meet the needs
of laboratories and technology. As post-
modern scientific theorist Bohm David
points out, if people continue to admire
the nature of this “precise machine”
现,西医所推崇的量化分析在一定条 image, it will eventually lead to the loss
件下远逊色于中医的模糊分析法。有 of spontaneity, creativity and
人对此做了如下比较分析。 responsibility. The consequence is that
the universal meaning of life as a whole
will no longer exist.

Western medicine has long admired

quantitative analysis. But through the
comparison between traditional Chinese
medicine’s and western medicine’s
methodologies, it is found that the
quantitative analysis advocated by
western medicine is far inferior to the
fuzzy analysis method of Traditional
Chinese Medicine under certain

conditions. Some people have made the
例如把血红蛋白在 12.2%以下的人 following comparative analysis.
(男性)定义为“贫血”似乎比中医所 For example, the definition of “anemia”
说的“血虚”要精确些。但事实上,前 seems to be more precise than the TCM
者不过是一种人群统计学的均数。千 term “blood deficiency” when a person’s
差万别的个人生理状况的判定,只能 (male) hemoglobin is below 12.2%. But
以他本人以往常态为基准。如果一个 in fact, the number is just a demographic
人的常态水平不在均数以内,那么西 mean and the personal physiological
医的量化并不会认识其主体,也不会 condition can only be based on his
有清晰性。而中医辨证从“面色苍白” previous normal state. If a person’s
normal level is not within the mean, then
the quantification of western medicine
will not be suitable for the patient, nor
息,来做出一个模糊集合的判断,其 will be clear. Compared with the western
实比边界严格清晰的西医标准更适合 medicine criteria with strict and clear
于每一个具体和“运动中”的人。 limits, TCM syndrome differentiation
and treatment makes a fuzzy set
judgment from a series of multi-
dimensional functional information, such
as “pale complexion (color)”, “weak qi
(behavior)”, “thin and weak pulse
(hemodynamics)”, “pale tongue and lip
(peripheral circulation)”, “dizziness
(nervous system symptom)”, which is
从以上分析可以看出,针灸 20 世纪
more suitable for every specific people in
在西方的复兴,特别是 20 世纪 70
Acupuncture and moxibustion had been
revived in the West in the 20th century
and got widespread spread in the West
after the 1970s, which is closely related
3.针灸在西方复兴的人文基础 to the new way of thinking in western
science and the deepening study and
20 世纪针灸在西方的复兴,除了上 understanding on oriental classical
面谈到的科学思想和社会发展等方面 thinking mode and philosophy system
的原因外,还有其深刻的认识因素。 represented by China.
得到了突飞猛进的发展,高科技的成 3.The Human Basis of Acupuncture and
Moxibustion’s Revival in the West
In addition to the reasons of scientific
thought and social development
mentioned above, the revival of
acupuncture and moxibustion in the West
in the 20th century, are also related to the

果已渗透到了社会生活的各个方面。 profound cognitive factors. Since the
高科技在给人们带来前所未有的便利 Second World War, western science and
和享受的同时,也异化了自然,异化 technology have been developed by
了人们的传统生活方式。 leaps and bounds, and the achievements
of high technology have penetrated into
all aspects of social life. High
technology brings people unprecedented
convenience and enjoyment, and at the
18 世纪中叶,法国伟大的思想家 same time alienates nature and people’s
拉·梅特里写了一本影响深远的书 traditional way of life.
《 人 是 机 器 》 ( L' homme
In the middle of the 18th century, the
时宗教统治下的西方学术界带来了新 great French thinker Ramatri wrote a far-
时代的曙光,吹响了解放思想的号 reaching book, Man a Machine
角。梅特里在书中写道:“如果脑子 (L'homme Machine). This shocking
构造得很好,同时又受到很好的教 book brought the new era’s dawn to the
育,那么它就是一块肥沃的并且很好 western academic circles under the
地播了种的土地,将会百倍地把它所 religious rule at that time and sounded
接纳到的又重新生产出来。或者,如 the horn of emancipating people’s mind.
果我们不用比喻的话……那就是说, “If one’s brain is well constructed and he
is well educated, it likes a fertile and well
的时候,能够准确地把握到它所容纳 planted land that will reproduce what it
的那些观念之间的一切关系,能毫不 has received a hundredfold. Or, if we
困难地统摄和掌握一批数量惊人的对 don't use metaphors... That is to say,
象,而从这些对象里最后抽绎出一长 when the function of imagination is
串有次序的关系来,这些关系不是别 improved by art and education to reach a
的,而只是原先的那些关系经过排列 precious, nice and talented height, it can
比较而产生的一些新的关系。这些新 accurately grasp all the relationships
between the ideas it contains, and can
control and master a surprising number
of objects without difficulty, and finally
draw out a long series of sequential
relationships from these objects. These
西方社会经过近 200 年的发展,实现 relationships are not anything else, but
了梅特里当年的预言。现代的西方思 just some new relationships that have
been arranged and compared. These new
然、认识自然的能力得到了最大程度 relationships the mind feels are exactly
的施展。在现代的西方,人们的确 the same as itself.” Metri wrote.

After nearly 200 years of development,

the Metri’s prophecy was fulfilled.
Modern Western thought has been
liberated unprecedentedly, people’s
creativity has never been developed like

“能毫不困难地统摄和掌握一批数量 this, and people’s ability to transform
惊人的对象”,然而在惊喜之余却发 and understand nature has been
现,“这些新的关系”心灵却并不“觉 maximized. In the modern western
得和它自己是完全一样的东西。” world, it is true that people “can control
and master a surprising number of
objects without difficulty”, but in
以医学为例,X 线和 CT 等的应用在 surprise they find that these new
医学界被多数人认为是一种进步,但 relationships the mind feels “are not”
是不少西方人抱怨西医大夫不再检查 exactly the same as itself.
的技术”检查,随后以屏幕上显示的 Taking medicine as an example, the
数据或拍出的片子向医生“报告”。这 application of X-ray and CT is regarded
实际上是无视患者的存在,完全把患 as a progress by most people in the
medical profession, but many westerners
技对传统医患关系的异化。扩而广 complained that western doctors no
之,也是对人类感情世界的异化。随 longer examine and “take care of”
着科学技术的发展,对人类日常生活 patients in person but use “indifferent
冲击越来越大,人们的恐惧心理也与 machine technology” to check and then
日俱增。他们希望能有一种不依赖化 “make a report with data or films on the
学和科技的手段来诊断和治疗疾病的 screen”. They actually ignored the
医学。他们不喜欢“冷漠”“无情”的医 existence of the patient, completely
treated the patient as a machine, not as a
样可使患者与医生之间多一份人情 living human full of feelings. This is
味,少一份隔膜。而中国医学,特别 undoubtedly the high technology’s
是作为一种“自然”而无毒副作用的针 alienation of the traditional relationship
灸疗法,自然受到西方一些人士的青 between doctors and patients. Broadly
睐。 speaking, it is also an alienation of
human’s emotional world. With the
development of science and technology,
this alienation’s impact on human daily
life is increasing, and people’s fear is
increasing day by day, so they hope to
have a medicine that does not rely on
chemistry and technology to diagnose
and treat diseases. They do not like
“cold” and “lifeless” medical
instruments, and are very willing to
accept treatment that can directly contact
with doctors during their diagnosis and
treatment and make their relationship
more human. Traditional Chinese
Medicine, especially as a “natural”
acupuncture therapy without toxic and
side effects, are naturally favored by

some Western people.

在当今世界上,和平与发展已成为全 In today’s world, peace and development
球压倒一切的主题,而中医的理论和 have become the world’s overriding
实践不经意间成为这一主题中一个闪 theme, and the theory and practice of
亮的音符。对此,德国慕尼黑大学的 Traditional Chinese Medicine
inadvertently become a shining note
一个主要原因。西医经常用军事语言 under this theme. Paul Unschuld at the
来描述免疫学和病毒学的概念,如 Ludwig-Maximilians of Munich
‘机体的生物战’‘杀伤细胞’,等 University in Germany once made an
等。中医学所用的军事语言追溯到很 incisive statement. “There is another
早以前,如‘用药如用兵’‘正邪抗 major reason why eastern medicine is
争’等。然而,现代对东方医学的解 attractive to Europeans and Americans,
释很少涉及这种说法。对西方公众的 western medicine often uses military
language to describe the concepts of
和谐状态的治疗方法。人们厌恶战 immunology and virology, such as ‘the
争,希望和平与和谐。现代免疫学与 biological warfare of the body’, ‘killing
病毒学解释疾病时所涉及的往往是机 cells’ and so on. The military language
体内的战争,而东方医学却把疾病描 used in Traditional Chinese Medicine
述成暂时失去和谐的一种表现,治疗 dates back a long time ago, such as 'use
是为了重新建立和谐。当人体产生疾 medicines as soldiers’ ‘struggle between
病时,希望获得一种和谐局面,而不 healthy qi and pathogenic factors’ and so
on. However, modern interpretations of
oriental medicine rarely involve such
claims. The introduction of TCM to the
western public mainly says that it is a
treatment that seeks to maintain or
rebuild the harmony between different
parts of the human body and between the
body and the universe. People hate war
and want peace and harmony. Modern
immunology and virology often involve
war within the body when explaining
diseases, while oriental medicine
中医虽然也讲“正邪相争”,但更讲究 describes diseases as a manifestation of
平衡与协调,这也是现代人们努力寻 temporary loss of harmony, and the
求解决国际争端、社会矛盾以及自身 treatment is to re-establish harmony.
健康的思路和方法。从后现代主义的 When people is infected with diseases, a
harmonious situation is expected to
construct rather than a war in the body.”

Although Traditional Chinese Medicine

also talks about “struggle between good
and evil”, it pays more attention to
balance and coordination, which is also
the way and method for modern people to

体观念、天人相应等观念,无疑有助 seek to solve international disputes,
于以还原论为基础的西医学走出困扰 social contradictions and their own
其发展的误区。在后现代主义的影响 health. From the point of view of
下,西医学开始反思其占据辉煌地位 postmodernism, the concepts of balance
of yin and yang, the concept of holism
and the correspondence between man
化”。这种对人与疾病的认识与中医 and nature in Traditional Chinese
对人与疾病的看法何其相似!美国后 Medicine are undoubtedly helpful for
现代世界中心主任大卫·格里芬在谈 western medicine based on reductive
到后现代医学身体健康与精神相互依 theory to get out of the misunderstanding
托的观点时毫不掩饰地说,这一观点 that restrains its development. Under the
受到中国和印度的启发。 influence of postmodernism, western
medicine began to reflect on their precise
research method of seeking the source
which occupied an important position,
and once again regarded people as the
unity of material and spirit. How similar
is this understanding of man and disease
to that of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
David Ray Griffin, director of the Center
for a Postmodern World, said
unabashedly the idea that post-modern
medicine’s physical health and spirit are
的确,心身相关、整体有机、因人因 interdependent, is a view inspired by
地因时制宜等方法在中国医学中已经 China and India.
是中医病因学说的重要组成部分。这 It is true that the methods of
些观念与思想与后现代科学不无契合 psychosomatic correlation, organic
之处,这也许正是中国医学,特别是 wholeness and abidance by individuality,
针灸学在 20 世纪 70 年代以后在西 locality and seasons have been practiced
方能够逐渐被人们所理解和接受的原 for thousands of years in China, and
因之一吧。 mental illness is also an important part of
TCM etiology theory. These concepts
and thoughts are consistent with
postmodern science, which may be one
of the reasons why Traditional Chinese
Medicine, especially acupuncture and
moxibustion, can be gradually
understood and accepted in the West
after the 1970s.

四、中医外传的挑战 IV
Challenges of international dissemination
of TCM
着不可替代的作用。在 1982 年, Today, although modern medicine is
WHO 委托亚太西区组织(World highly developed, Traditional Chinese
Health Organization Western Pacific Medicine still plays an irreplaceable role
Region)中、日、韩等国的专家,就 in the medical and health care in western
针灸经穴名称的国际标准化问题进行 countries. WHO commissioned experts
了广泛的研究和商讨,于 1991 年颁 from China, Japan, Korea and other
布了《针灸经穴名称国际标准》。在 countries of the World Health
2009 年,WHO 启 动 ICD-11 (The Organization Western Pacific Region to
Eleventh Edition of International conduct extensive research and
Classification of Diseases,疾病国际 discussion on the international
分类第 11 版),专门设立了第 23 standardization of acupuncture point
章,首次将中医纳入其中。在 2010 name in 1982 and promulgated the
年,ISO 成立了中医药国际标准化技 International Standardization
术委员会(TC 249)。这两个重要国 Acupuncture Point Names in 1991.WHO
launched the ICD-11 (The Eleventh
深度和广度,也充分说明了中医在养 Edition of International Classification of
生保健和防病治病中所发挥的重要作 Diseases) in 2009, establishing chapter
用。 23, which for the first time included
Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2010,
ISO established the Technical Committee
249 International Standards of
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TC 249).
These three important projects initiated
by the two important international
organizations have fully explained the
depth and breadth of the spread of
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
由于中医是源自中国本土且以中国传 world, and also fully explained the
统文化为其理论基础和实践指南的传 important role of Traditional Chinese
统医学体系,其理论和实践自然与西 Medicine in health care and disease
prevention and treatment.
能、病理变化和相互关系的认识方 Since TCM is a traditional medical
面,却存在着巨大的差异,因此形成 system derived from China and TCM
regards Chinese traditional culture as its
theoretical basis and practical guide, its
theory and practice are very different
from western medicine. Although both
Chinese and Western medicine aim at
studying the physiological, pathological

以在西方各国语言中,一般都缺乏中 and health problems of human body,
医对应语,给中医的对外翻译和国际 there are great differences in
交流造成了极大的困难。 understanding the physiological
function, pathological
changes and mutual relations of various
parts of human body, so they formed
different theoretical systems and
practical norms. Therefore, in different
languages of Western countries, there is
generally a lack of TCM’s
为了从根本上解决中医对外交流和传 correspondence expressions,
播过程中的语言问题,20 世纪 70 年 which has caused great difficultiesto
代以来,海内外不少学者开始对中医 thetranslation and
英语翻译——特别是基本名词术语的 international dissemination of
翻译——进行实践总结和理论研究, Traditional Chinese Medicine.
议,编写出版了一些较为规范的中医 Since the 1970s, many scholars at home
英文教材和汉英中医词典。有的学者 and abroad have begun to conduct
还发表了较为系统的研究文章,撰写 summary of practice and theoretical
出版了构建中医翻译理论体系和标准 study on the English translation of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially
对策略,在中医英语翻译的理论研究 the translation of TCM basic terms. In
方面做了许多开创性的工作,为此后 order to fundamentally solve the
中医英语翻译的深入发展奠定了学术 language problems in the process of
基础。 international dissemination of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, they put
forward a lot of constructive opinions
and suggestions, compiled and published
some relatively normative English
textbooks of TCM and Chinese-English
Dictionary of TCM. Some scholars have
also published systematic research
articles, written and published research
monographs on the construction of TCM
translation theory system and standard
system, and discussed the problems
existing in English translation of TCM
basic terms and coping strategies to be
adopted. Many pioneering work has been
done in the theoretical research on
English translation of Traditional
Chinese Medicine, which has laid an
academic foundation for the further
development of TCM’s English
translation since then.
中医术语英译的国际标准化问题,很 International standardization of
早就引起了中国政府有关部委和 translation of TCM basic terms has long
WHO 的关注,并积极采取措施指导 attracted the attention of WHO and
和推进这一工作的开展。例如 20 世 relevant ministries of the Chinese
纪 70 年代末 80 年代初,为了加快 government, and they actively taken
中医药在世界各国的传播,促进各国 measures to guide and promote the
development of this work. For example,
言》精神的鼓舞下,WHO 在中国及
其他一些国家设立了不少传统医学合 in the late 1970s and early 1980s, in
作中心,为世界各国培养针灸医师。 order to speed up the spread of
为了配合 WHO 开展国际针灸师的培 Traditional Chinese Medicine around the
训工作,中国政府有关方面组织专家 world and promote the medical and
和翻译人员编写和翻译了《中国针灸 health care undertakings in different
学》一书,较为全面地介绍了中医的 countries, WHO set up a number of
基本理论和实践方法,特别是经络学 traditional medical cooperation centers in
China and other countries to train
文版中医教科书,语言较为规范,翻 acupuncturists under the spirit of the
译较为统一,为此后中医基本名词术 Declaration of Alma-Ata. For the
语的英译奠定了实践基础。 purpose of cooperating with WHO in the
training, the Chinese government has
organized experts and translators to
compile and translate the book Chinese
Acupuncture and Moxibustion, which
comprehensively introduces the basic
theory and practical methods of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially
the meridian doctrine and acupuncture
theory. This is the first English
Traditional Chinese Medicine textbook
compiled and translated by experts
organized by related national institutions
in China. The language is more
在中医西传的历史中、在中医国际传 standardized and the translation is more
播的过程中,翻译始终发挥着不可替 unified, which lays a foundation for the
代的桥梁作用。通过对中医西传的历 practice of English translation of TCM
史和中医国际传播过程的回顾,不仅 basic terms.

Translation has always played an

irreplaceable role as a bridge in the
history of the dissemination of
Traditional Chinese Medicine to the west
and the world. By reviewing the history,
we can

not only deeply realize the important role

兵的重要作用,而且能使我们清楚地 of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
看到翻译在中医西传及其国际化进程 dissemination of Chinese culture to the
中所发挥的作用、面临的困难和面对 west and the world, but also clearly see
的挑战。 the important role of translation and
difficulties and challenges faced by

中医西传的历史发展 The Historical Development of
Dissemination of Traditional Chinese
Medicine to the west
的理论和实践已经传播到了东南亚一 TCM’s international dissemination owns
些地区。当时的中国,文化先进,经 a long history. As early as the Qin and
济发达,社会昌明,引领着世界文明 Han dynasties, the theory and practice of
发展的潮流和方向。东南亚一些国 Traditional Chinese Medicine have
家、地区和部族在与中国的文化交流 spread to some parts of Southeast Asia.
中,不但接受了中国的文化,而且还 At that time, China owned advanced
culture, highly developed economy,
随之传入了这些地区,主导着这些地 prosperous society, leading the trend and
区医药理论与实践的发展。这种状况 direction of the development of world
一直持续到 19 世纪末。例如在日 civilization. Some countries, regions and
本,直至明治维新之后,西方医药才 tribes in Southeast Asia not only
取代中医药的独尊地位。其他各地的 accepted Chinese culture, but also
情况也大致如此。 accepted Chinese characters by cultural
exchanges with China. As an important
part of Chinese culture, TCM has
naturally been introduced into these
areas, leading the development of
pharmaceutical theory and practice in
these areas and this situation continued
由于东南亚诸国在历史上接受了中国 until the end of the 19th century. For
文化和文字,所以当时中医药的理论 example, in Japan, until the Meiji
和实践实际上以汉语语言在当地传播 Restoration, Western medicine took the
place of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
只有当中国医药在公元 8 世纪左右传
The same is true elsewhere.

Because Southeast Asian countries

accepted Chinese culture and characters,
the theory and practice of Traditional
Chinese Medicine at that time actually
were spread and applied in Chinese, and
there was basically no problem with

入阿拉伯世界时,翻译才成为彼此之 translation. Only when Traditional
间进行交流的必要途径。所以从某种 Chinese Medicine was introduced into
意义上讲,中国医药对外翻译的历史 the Arab world around the 8th century
大概始起于其传入阿拉伯世界的那个 AD, translation became a necessary way
to communicate with each other.
时期的翻译实践,如今已无迹可考 Therefore, in a sense, the history of TCM
了。但从阿维森纳公元 8 世纪所撰写 translation probably began at the time it
的《医典》来看,其中似乎包含有一 was introduced into the Arab world.
定的中医信息。这说明中医在此之前 However, due to the long time and the
就已经传入了阿拉伯世界。事实上, lack of necessary literature records, the
在汉唐时期,中国与阿拉伯世界的交 translation practice of Traditional
流就一直持续进行。这种交流不仅仅 Chinese Medicine in the Arab world has
no trace to be found. But from
世界的药物和药方,即从另外一个角 Avicenna’s The Canon of Medicine
度充分地说明了这一点。可惜,这方 wrote in 8th century A. D., it seems to
面的文献资料现在已经无从查考了。 contain some certain information about
Traditional Chinese Medicine. This
shows that Traditional Chinese Medicine
has been introduced into Arab world
before. In fact, during the Han and Tang
dynasties, exchanges between China and
the Arab world has been continuing. This
dissemination not only contains business,
but also contains culture and naturally
includes TCM. Traditional Chinese
Medicine contains drugs and
能为我们今天研究中医翻译提供某些 prescriptions of the Arab world, which
文献资料的,只有中医传人欧洲的那 fully illustrates the above point.
一段历史时期了。事实上,有关中医 Unfortunately, this aspect of the
药的信息和实践很早就通过阿拉伯世 documents is no longer available.
传入欧洲的历史,大约始于 16 世 What can provide us with certain
纪。不过,从现有的文献资料来看, documents for our study on TCM
中医在西方的早期传播是极缓慢的, translation today is only the period when
甚至是非常偶然的,范围也是十分有 Traditional Chinese Medicine was
introduced to Europe. In fact, the
information and practice of Traditional
Chinese Medicine was introduced into
Europe in Arab world long time before,
but the history of dissemination of TCM
to Europe directly from China began in
the 16th century. However, according to
the existing literature, the speed of
dissemination of Traditional Chinese

Medicine to the west is very slow, the
process is even very accidental, and the
scope is very limited as well.
作用 The Role of Missionaries in the Early
Dissemination of TCM to the West
有关中医药的信息大约在 16 世纪通
过传教士直接从中国传入了欧洲。据 Information about Traditional Chinese
现有史料记载,1575 年西班牙传教
Medicine was introduced directly from
China to Europe in the 16th century
的资料。两年后他们携带了大量的中 through missionaries. According to the
医古籍和文献回到欧洲。在此之前, existing historical records, when Spanish
来华的意大利传教士利玛窦在其传送 missionaries came to Fujian Province in
给欧洲的著述中,也对中国医学的基 1575 to carry out missionary activities,
本理论和方法做了一定的介绍。所以 they came into contact with Traditional
学界有人认为,利玛窦是第一个比较 Chinese Medicine and collected a lot of
准确地向西方介绍中国医学的西方人 relevant information. Two years later,
they returned to Europe with a large
没有刻意地向西方传播中医,但在向 number of ancient books and documents
西方介绍中国的历史、文化和社会 of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Before
时,还是传递了不少有关中国医药和 that, the Italian missionary Matteo Ricci
卫生的信息。 in China also introduced the basic theory
and method of Traditional Chinese
Medicine in his works transmitted to
Europe. Therefore, some scholars believe
that Matteo Ricci is the first Westerner
who introduce Traditional Chinese
Medicine to the West relatively more
accurately. From the aspect of the
historical development, such a statement
is indeed reasonable. Although Matteo
Ricci did not deliberately spread
就传入地域而言,中医主要是通过日 Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
本和中国本土传入西方的,特别是针 West, he conveyed a lot of information
灸学。就传入者而言,向西方介绍中 about Chinese medicine and health when
医的主要是来华或来亚的传教士及医 he introduced Chinese history, culture
务人员。从 16 世纪开始,随着西方
and society to the West.

As far as the area is concerned,

Traditional Chinese Medicine especially
the dissemination of acupuncture was
mainly introduced into the West in Japan
and China. As far as the communicators

商人和传教士的东来,西方一些科学 are concerned, they are mainly
和医药信息就开始传入中国,中国的 missionaries and medical personnel who
医药知识也开始传入西方。西方的传 come to China or Asia. Since the 16th
教士在中医西传过程中的确发挥了一 century, as Western businessmen and
missionaries came to the east, some
医药,其目的就是为了更加顺利地在 scientific and medical information from
中国传教。他们向西方介绍中医药知 the West began to be introduced into
识,也主要是为了让西方了解中国文 China, and Chinese medical knowledge
化,以便于其制定对华传教策略和方 began to be introduced into the
略。如美国第一位来华的传教士裨治 West. Western missionaries did play a
文 (Elijah Coleman Bridgman, positive role in the dissemination of
1801—1861),就曾说过这样一段 Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
west. It should be pointed out that the
reason why Western missionaries spread
Western medicine to China is to preach
in China more smoothly. They
introduced the knowledge of Traditional
Chinese Medicine to the west to let the
Westerners understand Chinese culture,
so as to facilitate its missionary strategy.
As the first American missionary to
China, Elijah Coleman Bridgman(1801
—1861), once said :" To introduce
裨治文的自白明白说出了来华传教士 Christianity to China, the best way is
介绍医药知识的目的和企图。所以传 through medicine; to expand the market
教士不会,也不可能承担起向西方传 for goods to china, the best way is
through missionaries ."
The confession clearly stated the purpose
and attempt of missionaries in China to
introduce medical knowledge. So
missionaries will not, and can’t
《泰西水法》由徐光启与传教士熊三 undertake the task of spreading
拔合译,成书于明万历四十年 Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
(1612),共 6 卷。第 1 卷为龙尾 West. What they did is that they sent
车,用挈江河之水;第 2 卷为玉衡
some information about Traditional
车,用挈井泉之水;第 3 卷为水库
Chinese Medicine to the west and
记,用蓄雨雪之水;第 4 卷为水法附
advance the history of dissemination of
TCM to the west.

Le Diverse t Artificiose Machine del

Capitano Agostino Ramelli was
translated by Xu Guangqi and the
missionary Sabatino de Ursis. The book
was finished in the fortieth year of Wanli

余,讲寻泉作井之法,并附以疗病之 (1612) in the Ming dynasty, a total of 6
水;第 5 卷为水法或问,备言水性; volumes. Volume 1 introduces
第 6 卷为诸器之图式。总目又对传 Archimedean screw , which is a machine
入中国的西方科学进行了比较,对水 historically used for transferring water
利学做了较高的评价。 from river ; volume 2 introduces the
Yuheng, which is used for transferring
water from well and spring; volume 3
introduces the reservoir, which is used
for retaining the water of rain and snow;
volume 4 introduces the water law and
supplements, which writes the method of
finding water source when drilling a well
and includes the use of water to prevent
and treat diseases; volume 5 is water law
and questions, which writes
characteristics of water. Volume 6 are
二.中医西传 drawings of various water machines. The
general chapter compares different kinds
的时代背景 of western science introduced into China
and makes a high evaluation of
16 世纪的欧洲正处在“文艺复兴”的滚
权。在资产阶级的革命洪流中,西方近 The Historical Background of
代科学也随之蓬勃发展起来。光学、力 Dissemination of Traditional Chinese
Medicine to the West
深远的影响。作为自然科学的医学,随 In the 16th century, Europe was in the
torrent of the Renaissance, the feudal
学从 13 世纪费里德里希允许实行人 system began to perish, and the
体解剖,14 世纪初蒙迪诺在蒙披利埃 bourgeoisie took power in major
正式实行人体解剖并著《解剖学教科 European countries. In the revolutionary
书》,至 16 世纪 30 年代维萨里著《解 torrent of the bourgeoisie, modern
剖图谱》、40 年代著《人体的构选》奠 western science also flourished. The rise
定了近代人体解剖学的基础。16 世纪 and rapid development of optics,
末,巴拉塞尔萨斯开辟了制药化学研 mechanics, electricity, magnetism and
究方向。17 世纪在解剖、生理方面又 thermal physics have a profound
取得了一系列的辉煌求就如 1616 年 influence on the development of science
and culture in the world. Medicine as a
natural science, has made a series of
achievements in philosophy and natural
science has also been developed rapidly
in the West. Western medicine has laid
foundation of modern human anatomy
哈维发现血液循环;1662 年贝利尼发 from the 13th century when Friedrich
现肾脏排泄管;1164 年格拉夫研究了 allowed human anatomy, the early 14th
胰液的消化作用;1667 年岱尼斯首次 century when Mondino D’e Luzzi
在人体进行输血实验,胡克用人工呼 formally carried out human anatomy in
吸法阐释肺的呼吸功能;1669 年洛厄 Montpellier and wrote Anatomy
又证明静脉血液在肺部获取空气,梅 Textbook and when Vesalius wrote the
Anatomical Atlas in the 1630s and wrote
the The Structure of the Human Body in
the 1640s.At the end of the 16th century,
Paracelsus opened up the research
direction of pharmaceutical chemistry. In
the 17th century, a series of great
achievements in anatomy and physiology
were be made, such as Harvey’s
discovery of blood circulation in 1616;
Bellini’s discovery of renal excretory
duct in 1662; Graaf’s study of the
digestive function of pancreatic juice in
1664; Denis' s first blood transfusion
experiment in human body in 1667;
Hooke’s interpretation of lung
文方面,都产生了深刻的影响,使西 respiratory function by artificial
方医学在对人体循环、消化、呼吸、 respiration; Lower’s proof that venous
泌尿系统方面的认识有了质的飞跃。 blood gets air in the lungs in
此时的西方世界正处在专制向民主、 1669;Mayow realized that breathing and
迷信向科学的迅速转折时期。从认识 burning are done by oxygen, and so on.
推崇的“科学观”颇有差异,所以中医 These series of achievements broke
当时并不为西方学界人士所接受,是 through the sacred authority of the
有其时代原因的。拜尔敦(P. E. medieval religious forces and had a
Baldry)的著作《针灸、穴位与肌肉 profound impact on the western society,
骨骼系统疼痛》(Acupuncture, science and the humanities, which made
Trigger Points and Mausculoskeletal
a qualitative leap in the understanding of
the human circulation, digestion,
respiration and urinary system in western
medicine. At that time, the western world
was in the rapid transition from
autocracy to democracy, superstition to
science. Epistemologically speaking, the
thought of Traditional Chinese Medicine
is quite different from the "view of
science" respected by Westerners, so
Traditional Chinese Medicine was not
accepted by
western scholars at that time, and this is
influenced by reasons of The Times. The
book Acupuncture, Trigger Points and
Mausculoskeletal Pain wrote by P. E.
拜尔敦在该书中指出:“当中国医学 Baldry has an objective introduction
传入西方时,正值盖伦禁锢人们思想 about that.
理论刚刚诞生的时期。而中医理论体 Belden said in the book: "When
系中的阴阳、气、精、经络等概念显 Traditional Chinese Medicine was
易使人把它与长期束缚人们思想、刚 introduced into the West, it was just the
刚被抛弃了的盖伦理论联系在一起, end of Galen’s wrong theory that
这无形中降低了中医的可信度,使那 imprisoned people’s minds, and
时大多数的西方人都将其拒之门 Harvey’s new cycle theory was just
外。”这显然是对中国文化和医学的 born. The concepts of yin and yang, qi,
误解。这种误解很不利于中医药在西 essence, meridian and so on in the
方的传播。但西方人对待中国医学的 theoretical system of Traditional Chinese
这种先入为主的偏见并未从根本上阻 Medicine appear obscure and
止中医在西方的传播。事实上在 17
mysterious, and it is easy to connect it
世纪以后,特别是 19 世纪初,中医
with the abandoned Galen theory that
之门外,反而得到了一定程度的传 has restrain people’s minds by a
播、发展和应用。这一方面归功于西 long time, which imperceptibly
方一些有识之士的不懈努力,另一方 reduces the credibility of Traditional
面也归功于针灸疗法本身所具有的显 Chinese Medicine, so that most
著疗效。 Westerners at that time will shut it out ."
This is clearly a misunderstanding of
Chinese culture and TCM. This
misunderstanding is not conducive to the
spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine
in the West. But the preconceived
prejudice of westerners towards
Traditional Chinese Medicine has not
fundamentally prevented the spread of
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
West. In fact, after the 17th century,
especially in the early 19th century,
acupuncture, an important subject of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, has not
been rejected by the West, but has been
spread, developed and applied to a
certain extent. On the one hand, it is due
to the unremitting efforts of some people
of insight in the West, on the other hand,
it is due to the remarkable curative effect
of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy

三.西方医师在早期中医西传中的贡 The Contribution of Western Doctors in
献 the Early Dissemination of Traditional
Chinese Medicine to the West
When it comes to the early spread of
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
传教士,而是当时来亚的一些西方医 West, people are used to credit it to the
生,特别是 17 世纪游历亚洲的几位 efforts of missionaries. In fact, it is not
西方医务人员。荷兰医生瑞尼(W. missionaries who really regard
Ten Rhyne)就是其中的代表人物之 Traditional Chinese Medicine as a
一。 medicine and consciously spread
relevant information and knowledge to
the West, but some western doctors who
came to Asia at that time, especially
several western medical personnel who
traveled to Asia in the 17th century.
瑞尼曾为荷兰东印度公司的医生。在 Dutch doctor
1673 年他从爪哇抵达日本长崎的出
W. Ten Rhyne is one of the
Rhyne was a doctor at the Dutch East
显著,这引起了他对针灸学的极大兴 India Company. He arrived at Dejima in
趣。瑞尼很想深入了解这种完全不同 Nagasaki, Japan from Java in 1673. The
于他所掌握和了解的医术,但在当时 island was the only place in closed-door
闭关锁国的日本,他的这一愿望却很 Japan that allowed foreigners to enter. On
难实现。跟明清时期的中国一样,当 the island, Rhyne saw that local Japanese
时的日本面对外来文化的影响,也曾 doctors often used acupuncture to treat
经采取了闭关锁国的消极政策。经过 diseases, and the effect was remarkable,
which aroused his great interest in
经络挂图。但瑞尼既不识中文,又不 acupuncture. Rhyne wanted to know
会日语,无法破译这些资料。当时的 more about this skill, which was
日本闭关锁国,与外国人的接触是非 completely different from what he knew
常谨慎的。所以,瑞尼很难找到愿意 and grasp, but it was difficult to learn it
为他翻译的人。 in the closed Japan. Like China in the
Ming and Qing dynasties, Japan adopted
a negative policy of closing the door to
the outside world in the face of the
influence of foreign culture. After many
efforts, Rhyne finally collected some
data in Chinese and Japanese , and even
collected some meridian flipcharts. But
Rhyne, who knows neither Chinese nor
Japanese, can’t decipher these data. And
Japanese were cautious to contact with
because of the policy of closing the door

to the outside world . So it’s hard for
Rhyne to find someone willing to
translate for him.

了一位名叫杂户(Iwanango Zoko)
的医生来向他了解有关西医的问题。 When Rhyne was at a loss, the Japanese
他趁机向对方提出交换条件,要求对 government sent a doctor named
方帮他翻译所收集的资料。因其有求 Iwanango Zoko to learn Western
于瑞尼,所以杂户不得不同意为其翻 medicine from him. He took advantage
of the opportunity to ask the doctor to
代夫(Mottongi Sodaio)的日本人帮 help him translate the collected data.
他将日文材料翻译成荷兰文。最后他 Because the doctor needed to accomplish
本人再将翻译成荷兰文的材料翻译成 his task, he had to agree to translate for
拉丁文,并据此编写了一本名为《针 Rhyne. So he helped Rainey translate the
刺术》的专著,该书于 1683 年出 Chinese materials into Japanese. He later
版,是西方出版的第一部有关中医的 asked a Japanese man named Mottongi
学术著作。 Sodaio to help him translate the Japanese
material into Dutch. Finally, Rainey
translated the material in Dutch into
Latin and wrote a monograph called
除了瑞尼之外,当时向西方介绍中医 Acupuncture, which was published in
的还有其他一些西方医务人员,如丹 1683 and is the first western academic
麦人旁特(Dane Jacob Bondt)、布 work on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
绍 夫 (H. Bushof) 和 甘 弗 (E.
Kaempifer)等。虽然他们均非翻译 Other Western medical staff, such as
家,也从未研究过翻译,但却无意间 Dane Jacob Bondt(Denmark), H. Bushof
开启了中医在西方翻译和传播的先 and E. Kaempifer also introduced
河。之前虽有一些传教士在向西方传 Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
递有关中国和亚洲的信息时,对中医 West at that time. Although they are not
translators and have never studied
医生们所做的努力。 translation, they inadvertently opened the
way for Traditional Chinese Medicine to
be translated and spread in the West.
Although some missionaries have
introduced Traditional Chinese Medicine
to the West in transmitting information
about China and Asia, their influence on
the spread and translation of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in the West is far less
than the efforts of these doctors.

17 世纪下半叶,丹麦人旁特在担任
荷兰东印度公司驻巴达维亚外科总医 In the second half of the 17th century,
师时,曾与当地的中国医生和日本医 when Bondt was the chief surgeon of the
生有过一些接触。在与他们的交往 Dutch East India Company in Batavia,
中,他了解到了中医,并观察了中医 he had some contact with local Chinese
用银针刺扎人体的一定部位以治疗疾 doctors and Japanese doctors. In his
病的过程。对于这种闻所未闻的医 contacts with them, he learned about
术,旁特颇感惊讶,他在 1658 年出
Traditional Chinese Medicine and
中,介绍了中国的针刺术,并认为这 observed the process of using silver
一神奇的治疗方法值得研究。所以有 needles to prick certain parts of the
学者认为,旁特在其著作中对中医针 human body to treat diseases. Surprised
刺术的介绍,是西方最早的、较为确 by this unheard-of medical skill, he
实的有关中国医术的资料。其他几位 introduced Chinese acupuncture in a
西方医师也做了类似的工作,出版了 book about Indian natural history and
medicine published in 1658 and believes
到了西方语言中。如现在普遍使用的 that this magical treatment is worth
acupuncture(针刺)、moxibustion studying. Therefore, some scholars
(灸法)、moxa(艾绒)等,都是 believe that the introduction of
他们当年翻译介绍中医时所创造的词 acupuncture in his works is the earliest
语,一直沿用至今,并且给后来的翻 and more accurate information about
译人员以极大的启迪。据文献记载, Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
这些词语是旁特、布绍夫及瑞尼等人 West. Several other western doctors have
为翻译中医基本概念而仿造的词语。 done similar work and published their
own works on acupuncture and
moxibustion. Because of their efforts,
some basic concepts of TCM have been
translated into Western languages. For
example, the commonly used
acupuncture, moxibustion, moxa, etc. are
all words they created when they
translated and introduced Chinese
medicine and have been used today,
据文献记载,从 17 世纪中叶到 18
which gave great enlightenment to later
translators. According to the literature,
分为针灸学,少部分为脉学和药学。 these words are calque words created by
这种情况到了 19 世纪后才有了很大 Bondt, Bushof and Rhyne to translate the
的 basic concepts of TCM.
改观。据记载,从 18 世纪末到 19 世
纪末的一个世纪中,中医药在欧洲的 According to the literature, from the
middle of the 17th century to the end of
the 18th century, only over ten works on
Traditional Chinese Medicine were
published in Europe, most of which were
acupuncture and moxibustion and a few
of sphygmology and pharmacy. It wasn't
传播有了较大的发展,先后有 100 多 until the 19th century that this changed a
部有关中医药理论和实践的书籍在欧 lot. According to records, from the end
洲出版。这些书的编撰者自然都是清 of the 18th century to the end of the 19th
一色的欧洲人,大部分都是来亚的传 century, the spread of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in Europe has made
great progress, and more than 100 books
译成西文的记载。不过,当时所翻译 on the theory and practice of Traditional
的个别术语却流传至今,对今日的中 Chinese Medicine have been published
医翻译产生了深远的影响。 in Europe. The authors of these books
are naturally European, mostly
missionaries and medical staff. However,
the contents of these books are mostly
descriptive or introductory texts about
TCM and few of them directly translate
Traditional Chinese Medicine books into
四、中国人在早期中医西传中潜在的 Western records. However, a few terms
作用 translated at that time have been spread
to now, which has a profound impact on
today’s TCM translation.
The Potential role of Chinese in the
中国的教徒、学者和医师的配合和帮 Early Dissemination of Traditional
助。当年利玛窦在向中国翻译介绍西 Chinese Medicine to the West
和帮助就是颇具启发意义的一例。 History does not record whether the
Chinese played a significant role in the
early dissemination of Traditional
Chinese Medicine to the west. However,
judging from the understanding of
Chinese medicine by the early
missionaries and Western physicians
who came to Asia and their introduction
to the West, there must be cooperation
据史料记载,1711—1723 年马国贤 and help from Chinese Protestants,
(Matteo Ripa,1682—1746)以传教 scholars and physicians.When Matteo
士身份在华生活 12 年,1724 年带着
Ricci introduced Western book "
5 位中国青年回到那不勤斯
Elements" to Chinese translations, Xu
Guangqi’s cooperation and assistance
was an inspiring example.

According to historical records, Matteo

Ripa ( 1682-1746) lived in China as a

missionary for 12 years since 1711, and

(Naples),其中两人以拉丁语接受 then he came back Naples in 1724 with
教育。1732 年创立了中国神学院 five Chinese youths , two of them were
(Collegio de' Cinesi),由其培养的 educated in Latin. Matteo Ripa founded a
另外两名传教士(中国人)曾在马戛 Chinese Seminary (Collegio de'Cinesi)
尔尼(George Macartney)手下担任 in 1732, his two other missionaries
英国派驻大清国使团翻译。1818 年 (Chinese) had served as interpreters for
the British Mission to the Qing
Government under George Macartney.
In1818, Robert Morrison of the London
国第一个新教徒。1708 年 1 月 14 日
山西青年教徒樊守义离开澳门,途经 Missionary established the "Ying Wa
南美,第二年到达欧洲,1709 年 12 College" in Malacca with the help of
月 15 日在罗马做耶稣会见习修士, Liang Fa. Liang Fa may be the first
1720 年 7 月 12 日回到广州,同年 10 Protestant in China. Fan Shouyi, a young
月 12 日向康熙禀报了他的游记《身 man from Shanxi Province, left Macau
见录》。 on January 14,1708, passed through
South America, and arrived in Europe
the next year. On July 12, 1720, he
served as an apprentice monk in Society
of Jesus in Rome and returned to
Guangzhou on July 12,1720, and then
reported his travelogue Personal
这些中国人和西方传教士接触的时 experience to Kangxi Emperor on
候,尤其是在西方学习和生活的时 October 12 at the same year.
交流。只是由于文献的缺乏,如今已 When these Chinese came into contact
经很难了解中国的教徒、学者和医师 with Western missionaries, especially
在中医西传过程中所发挥的实际作 when they studied and lived in the West,
用。如果沿着中国古代僧人西天取经 they must communicate with Westerners
in cultural terms. Due to the lack of
literature, it is difficult to understand the
取经,就是典型一例。 practical role played by Chinese
protestants, scholars and doctors in the
process of dissemination of Traditional
Chinese Medicine to the west, let alone
other factors. If you follow the footsteps
of ancient Chinese monks’ journey to the
法显于公元 399 年离开长安,从玉门 west for Buddhist scriptures, you may
出发,徒步 4 载到达天竺(古印 find some information worth exploring
from another angle. In the Eastern Jin
Dynasty, Chinese monk Fa Xian (337-
422) was a typical example.

Faxian left Chang'an in 399 AD, setting

out of Yumen and spending four years
walking to Tianzhu (ancient India). After
度)。在印度停留了 8 年后 eight years in India (412), Fa Xian
(412)),法显带着自己寻访抄写 returned home in the Lion State (now Sri
的 6 部逾百万言的大乘佛经,在狮子 Lanka) on a Chinese ship returning from
国(今斯里兰卡)搭乘一条从大秦 the Great Qin (Roman Empire) with his
(罗马帝国)返航的中国船回国。该 own search and copying for more than
船起航 2 日后便遭遇风暴,致使船迷 six million words of Mahayana sutras.
失方向。在海上漂流了 9 日后,船来
The ship encountered a storm two days
after setting sail, causing the ship to lose
耶婆提住了 5 个月后搭乘了另外一只
中国航船,经过 90 余日的航行回到 its way. After drifting at sea for 9 days,
山东崂山。 the boat came to a place called
Yepoti(Yāva—dvīpa). Fa Xian boarded
another Chinese ship after staying in Ye
Poti for 5 months, and returned to Mt.
Laoshan of Shandong after more than 90
days of sailing.
能会发现一些相关的蛛丝马迹。据史 What is the relationship between this
experience and the dissemination of
Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
人们多以为是爪哇。20 世纪美国的
考古发现证明,中国人早在 2000 年 west? A historical study of Fa Xian’s trip
前就已经到达美洲。同时中国学者经 may reveal some related clues.
过研究,也找到了一些较为确凿的证 According to historical records, the place
据。如连云山经过 40 多年的多学科 where he arrived was called Yepoti.
考证,证实法显当年所到之“耶婆提” Where is Yepoti? People used to think it
确系美洲,并在纪念法显到达美洲 was Java. American archaeological
1580 年和哥伦布到达美洲 500 年之 discoveries in the 20th century proved
际,出版了研究专著。 that the Chinese had arrived in the
Americas as early as 2000. At the same
time, Chinese scholars have also found
some solid evidence. For example, after
more than 40 years of multidisciplinary
research, Lian Yunshan confirmed that
the Yepoti that Faxian visited was indeed
the Americas, and published research
如果法显确系到达美洲并在该地留居 monographs on the occasion of
了 5 个月,那么毫无疑问他一定无 commemorating Faxian’s arrival in
意间将中国的医药知识带到了美洲。 America for 1580 years and Columbus’s
因为古代的僧人多精于医术,在宣讲 arrival in America for 500 years.

If Faxian did arrive in America and
stayed there for five months, there is no
doubt that he inadvertently brought
Traditional Chinese Medicine to
America. Because
the ancient monks were more good at
法普度众生的同时,也广施医术救死 medical skills, while preaching the
扶伤。但中国古代的僧人同西方后来 Dharma to all living beings, they also
的传教士一样,只是将医术作为传播 applied medical skills to save lives. But
教义的一种辅助手段。所以可以这样 ancient Chinese monks, like later
Western missionaries, used medicine as
近代西方传教士所能完成的任务,而 an auxiliary means of spreading doctrine.
是中西方学者和医务人员的使命。 Therefore, it can be said that the
introduction of Traditional Chinese
Medicine into the West is neither the
obligation of ancient Chinese monks nor
the task that modern Western
missionaries can accomplish, but the
四.早期传入西方的中医文献 mission of Chinese and Western scholars
早在 17 世纪的时候,来华或来亚的 and medical personnel.
Early TCM Literature Introduced into the
本上都是拉丁语。据文献记载在西方 West
出版的第一部非拉丁语撰写的、涉及 As early as the 17th century,
中医学理论与实践的书,是 1735 年 missionaries who came to China or Asia
法国出版的《中华帝国全志》,法文 had passed on some knowledge of
名称为 Description de I'Empire de la Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
Chine,编著者为杜赫德(Jean- Western world, and the language used at
Baptiste Du Halde,1674-1743)。第 that time was basically Latin. The
二年该书即被翻译成英文在伦敦出 Chinese Empire, the first non- Latin-
版。该书第 3 卷即为中医专辑,编译
language book that related to the theory
and practice of Traditional Chinese
汇录》等著作和许多中医处方,介绍 Medicine, was published in 1735 in
了中国医学的独特理论和实践。 France. The French name is Description
de I'Empire de la Chine, and the author is
Jean-Baptiste Du Halde(1674-1743). The
following year the book was translated
into English and published in London.
The third volume of the book is the
special edition of Traditional Chinese
Medicine, compiling many works like
Pulse Classic, Pulse Formulas,
Compendium of Materia Medica,
Shennong Classic of Materia Medica,
Supplementary Records of Famous Physi
cians, Medical Records and many
Traditional Chinese Medicine
prescriptions, which introduces the
unique theory and practice of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified, a
1874 年南宋人宋慈撰写的一部有关
monograph on forensic science written
by Song Ci of the Southern Song
学家翟理斯(H. A. Giles)博士翻
译,部分发表于《中国评论》(全文 Dynasty in 1874 was translated by Dr.
于 1924 年刊载于《英国皇家医学会 Giles (H. A. Giles) who is a British
志》。1871 年美国人史密斯(F.P. sinologist. Part of the content was
Smith)编译的《中国药料品物略 published in The China Review or Notes
释 》 (Contributions towards the and Queries on the Far East (the full text
Materia Medica &Natural History of was published in The Journal of the
China)出版,该书大部分取材于 Royal Society of Medicine in 1924). In
《本草纲目》。1893 年英国传教士 1871, American F.P. Smith compiled
德贞(J. Dudgeon)将清人王清任的 Contributions towards the
《医林改错》译成英文,发表于《博 Materia Medica & Natural History of
医会报》。此外,德贞还翻译了古代 China, which was mostly based on
养生书《遵生八笺》,刊行于《北京 Compendium of Materia Medica. In
东方学会刊》(The Journal of Peking
1893, British missionary J. Dudgeon
Oriental Society)1895 年第 3 卷第 4
translated the Correction on Errors in
Medical Classics written by Wang
Qingren into English and published it in
the China Medical Missionary Journal.
In addition, Dudgeon translated the
ancient health book To Obey Lives Eight
Notepaper, which was published in The
Journal of Peking Oriental Society, Vol.
从 17 世纪初到 19 世纪末,是中国
3, Issue 4, 1895.
在 17 世纪中叶到 18 世纪末长达一
From the beginning of the 17th century
19 部有关中医的译著。就译语而 to the end of the 19th century, it was the
言,拉丁语 5 部,法语 5 部,英语 4 initial stage of TCM’s western spread.
部,德语 4 部,荷兰语 1 部。从 18 According to statistics, from the middle
世纪末到 19 世纪末这百年间,西方 of the 17th century to the end of the 18th
研究、介绍和翻译中医的主要内容依 century, only 19 translations of
然集中在针灸学方面,但范围却有了 Traditional Chinese Medicine were
明显的拓展,先后出版了 137 部有关 published in Europe. In terms of target
中医的书籍,英语 50 部,法语 46 languages, there are 5 Latin, 5 French, 4
部,拉丁语 21 部,意大利语 4 部, English, 4 German, and 1 Dutch
德语 10 部,俄语 4 部,荷兰语 2 translation versions. From the end of the
18th century to the end of the 19th
century, the main content of Western
research, introduction and translation of
Traditional Chinese Medicine still
focused on acupuncture, but the scope


部。可见,英文版中医著作的数量在 been significantly expanded. 137 books
这两个多世纪中终于有了显著的增 on Traditional Chinese Medicine have
加,中医西传的重点仍为针灸学。 been successively published, including
50 English,46 French, 21 Latin, 4 Italian,
10 German, 4 Russian, and 2 Dutch
books. It can be seen that the number of
English- language TCM works has
finally increased significantly in the past
two centuries, and the focus of
dissemination of Traditional Chinese
Medicine to the west is still on
从 17 世纪初到 19 世纪末的这一时
期, 在西方出版的为数不多的有关中
了一些中医的理论和方法。这些节译 During this period from the beginning of
的文献和介绍的理论和方法均与临 the 17th century to the end of the 19th
床、药物和针灸有关,基本没有涉及 century, few books on Traditional
《黄帝内经》等中医经典著作。对中医 Chinese Medicine published in the West
contained some translations of
Traditional Chinese Medicine literature
and introduced some theories and
methods of Traditional Chinese
Medicine. The translated documents and
introduced theories and methods are all
related to Clinical medicine, medicine
and acupuncture, and basically do not
involve classic works of Traditional
第三节 Chinese Medicine such as Yellow
Emperor’s Internal Classic. The
translation and research of classic works
中医的西传,一如今天的中医国际化 of Traditional Chinese Medicine have
一样,从来都不是一帆风顺的,甚至 not yet been mentioned on the agenda.
先传人西方并且逐步国际化的,便是 III
针灸学。“针灸热”曾经是中医界非常 The Ups and Downs of the dissemination
流行的一个话题,也是中医界非常自 of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
豪的一件大事。但从历史的角度来 west

The dissemination of Traditional

Chinese Medicine to the west, like the
internationalization of Traditional
Chinese Medicine today, has never been
smooth sailing, and it can even be said to
be changing. In the field of Traditional

看,西方的“针灸热”并不是 20 世纪 Chinese Medicine, acupuncture was the
70 年代才首次出现的。事实上 19 世 first to spread to the West and gradually
纪中叶的时候,针灸在西方就曾经一 become international. "Acupuncture
度广为流行,其热度甚至超过了 20 boom" used to be a very popular topic in
世纪 70 年代的“针灸热”。 Traditional Chinese Medicine circles,
and it is also a big event that Traditional
Chinese Medicine circles are very proud
of. But from a historical point of view,
the "acupuncture boom" in the West did
not appear for the first time in the 1970s.
In fact, in the middle of the 19th century,
一、首次“针灸热”的出现及其迅速的 acupuncture was once popular in the
衰亡 West, and its popularity even surpassed
中医学在 16 世纪末 17 世纪初传入 the "acupuncture boom" of the 1970s.
The First Appearance of "Acupuncture
终于在 18 世纪末和 19 世纪初得到
Boom" and its Rapid Decline
After TCM was introduced to the West at
接 受,与西方当时的社会发展有一
定的关系。进入 19 世纪以后,西方 the end of the 16th century and the
资本主义发展迅速。随着西方资本主 beginning of the 17th century, after the
义对外的不断扩张,其在经济和文化 efforts of some Western scholars, it
领域与中国的接触愈来愈多,使得西 finally got clinical application by some
方人士有机会更多地了解中国文化和 Western doctors in the late 18th and
中国医学。据统计,这一时期西方出 early 19th centuries.
版了 60 多种有关中医药的书籍,大 The reason why acupuncture and
部分是有关针灸学的,从而形成了西 moxibustion was gradually accepted by
Western medical circles during this
过了 20 世纪 70 年代。据文献记
period had a certain relationship with the
普遍发展成了针灸师。由此可见,针 social development of the West at that
灸当时在西方的传播和应用是多么地 time. After entering the 19th century,
广泛和普及。但到了 19 世纪的中 Western capitalism developed rapidly.
期,针灸在西方衰亡了。 With the continuous expansion of
Western capitalism to the outside world,
its contacts with China in the economic
and cultural fields have increased, giving
Westerners the opportunity to learn more
about Chinese culture and Traditional
Chinese Medicine. According to
statistics, during this period, the West
published more than 60 books on
Traditional Chinese Medicine, most of
which were related to acupuncture,
formed the first "acupuncture boom" in
the West, and its popularity even
surpassed that of the 1970s. According
to the literature, in Europe during that
period, even barbers generally developed
into acupuncturists. It can be seen how
widespread and popular acupuncture and
moxibustion were in the West at that
西方首次出现的“针灸热”之所以很快 time. But by the middle of the 19th
便衰亡了,原因是多方面的。德国慕 century, acupuncture declined in the
尼黑大学东方医学史研究所所长文树 West.
德(Paul Unschuld)认为,造成针灸
术 19 世纪中期在西方的衰亡有三个 There are many reasons why the
原因,这三个原因均与中国政府有密 "acupuncture boom" that first appeared
切的关系。第一,与 20 世纪相比, in the West quickly declined. Paul
18 世纪到 19 世纪期间针灸在中国国
Unschuld, director of the Oriental
Institute of Medical History at the
在的情形相比,18 世纪到 19 世纪期
间针灸得不到中国政府的支持;第 Ludwig-Maximilians University of
三,当时中国教育机构对国际教学与 Munich in Germany, believes that there
交流缺乏经济意识。从清代宫廷对针 are three reasons for the decline and fall
灸的限制和排斥来看,文树德的看法 of acupuncture in the West in the mid-
确有一定的道理。但这个道理似乎带 19th century, all of which are closely
有一定的臆想成分,不一定符合历史 related to the Chinese government.
的实际。 Firstly, compared with the 20th century,
acupuncture and moxibustion fell into
disrepute in China during the 18th and
19th centuries. Secondly, compared
with the current situation, acupuncture
and moxibustion did not receive the
support of the Chinese government
during the 18th and 19th centuries.
夫克(Volker Scheid)则认为,19 世 Thirdly, Chinese educational institutions
纪中期针灸在西方衰亡的主要原因在 at that time lacked economic awareness
于,首先,欧洲的针灸师认为中医缺 of international education and
乏一定的理论模式,主要是针刺局部 exchanges. Judging from the restriction
的阿是穴,具有较好的临床效果;其 and rejection of acupuncture by the Qing
court, Unschuld’s view does have a
point. But this truth seems to have a
certain imaginary element, which may
not be in line with historical reality.

Volker Scheid believes that the main

reason for the decline of acupuncture and
moxibustion in the West in the middle of
the 19th century is that, first of all,
European acupuncturists believed that
看法更客观一些,但还是有所偏颇。 Traditional Chinese Medicine lacks a
其实针灸在西方的首次盛传及迅速衰 certain theoretical model, only Ashi
亡,与西方人对中医理论与方法—— points with local acupuncture receives
尤其是经络学和针灸学的理论和方法 better clinical results; Secondly, it is also
related to the general attitude of Europe
towards China at that time. Volker’s
view, seems to be more objective than
Paul Unschuld’s view, but still biased. In
fact, the first spread and rapid decline of
acupuncture and moxibustion in the West
has a great relationship with the lack of
substantial understanding of the theories
and methods of Traditional Chinese
Medicine —— especially the theories
广针灸疗法做了大量的工作并取得了 and methods of science of channels and
很大的进展。他们在一定程度上也推 collaterals and acupuncture and
动了针灸这门古老医术在西方的发 moxibustion .
展。但是,由于这些医生和研究人员 After acupuncture was introduced to the
对中国医学的理论缺乏了解,将针灸 West, it took more than a century of hard
视为像理发一样的一种手艺而不是一 work before it was gradually accepted by
the Western medical community. Many
则、手法、适应证等几乎一无所知, doctors and researchers have done a lot
导致了针灸的滥用。一些医生急功近 of work and made great progress in the
利,不加区分地将针灸用来治疗一切 research and promotion of acupuncture
疾病,对其疗效也做了不切实际的夸 therapy. To a certain extent, they also
大。 promoted the development of
acupuncture, an ancient medical
technique in the West. However, due to
the lack of understanding of the theory of
Traditional Chinese Medicine by these
doctors and researchers, they regard
acupuncture as a craft like haircut rather
than a science. Its clinical application are
things like acupuncture according to pain
and imitation form others. They almost
know nothing about the principles,
techniques, indications of acupuncture
and moxibustion, which leads to the
abuse of acupuncture. Some doctors are
eager for quick success, so they use
acupuncture to treat all diseases
indiscriminately and unrealistically
exaggerate its efficacy.

的交流有一定的关系。由于中西方之 The emergence of this situation has
间缺乏交流,西方对中医药的理论与 something to do with the lack of
实践缺乏起码的了解。由误解导致误 adequate dissemination between China
用,由误用导致误伤。中医认为,通 and the West. Due to the lack of
则不痛,痛则不通。中医在西方传播 dissemination between China and the
West, the West lacks a basic
understanding of the theory and practice
of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Misunderstanding leads to misuse, and
misuse leads to accidental injury.
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes
that If the blood is unblocked, there will
be no pain. If it is painful, it means the
blood is blocked. The "throttles" that
当时在西方,系统介绍中医和针灸的 occurred during the western spread of
书籍并不多。大部分介绍中国医药的 Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
都属见闻式的报道。如此一来,西方 West precisely explained the lack of
dissemination and exchange between
是道听途说就是曲解原义,西方应用 China and the West at that time.
At that time, there were not many books
导。例如,在 1863 年出版的《中国
的医学》一书,据认为是一部系统地 systematically introducing Traditional
向西方介绍针灸学的专著,作者是在 Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in the
中国作过领事的法国人达勃利(P. West. Most of the introductions to
Dabry)。法国人拉几里(Marel Traditional Chinese Medicine are eye-
Lavergne)在 70 年后评价这部专著 witness accounts. In this way, it is
时指出,达勃利不是医生,而且他的 difficult for Western medical staff to
写作无疑是借助于翻译人员的。在该 have access to authentic Traditional
书里可以看到中国医学的各个方面, Chinese Medicine. Some books about
但其中有很多观点没有被很好地表达 TCM are either hearsay or misinterpret
the original meaning in content. Those
学者马堪温在评价该书时指出,该 who apply and study TCM acupuncture
书“谬误甚多”。这样的劣质译本如何 in the West will inevitably be misled. For
能准确系统地介绍中医?西方医务人 example, the book Medicine in China
员若以此书“按图索骥”,岂能不南辕 published in 1863 is believed to be a
北辙? monograph that systematically
introduced acupuncture to the West. The
author was P. Dabry, a French consul in
China. Frenchman Marel Lavergne
pointed out when evaluating this
monograph 70 years later that Dabry is
not a doctor, and his writing is
undoubtedly by the help of translators.
You can see all aspects of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in this book, but many

of its views are not well expressed. They
seem naive and the content is vague, so
they cannot be used for practical
applications. When evaluating the book,
Ma Kanwen, a modern Chinese scholar,
pointed out that the book was a lot of
fallacies. How can such an inferior
translation introduce TCM accurately
在针灸的临床应用中,西方的针灸师 and systematically? If Western medical
们对循经取穴、经穴配伍等要求一无 staff treat this book as an only tool, how
所知,完全想当然地在患者身上随意 can they find the right direction?
中,而且留针时间达 20~30 小时。 In the clinical application of acupuncture
他们并不知道,他们所施行的并不是 and moxibustion, western acupuncturists
中国的针术。在临床实践的同时,当 know nothing about the requirements of
时的西方人还对针灸进行了一定的试 selecting the acupoints according to the
验研究。他们所做的试验研究,有些 channel and the compatibility of
meridian acupoints, and they use needles
的试验也导致了一系列严重的后果。 on the patients as they wish. They pierce
比如他们通过试验,居然发现针刺时 a long needle deeply into human organs
断针可以增强疗效,于是有人在针刺 and keep the needle in the organs for 20-
时就刻意将针折断在患者体内。这无 30 hours. They did not know that what
疑会导致严重的医疗事故。再比如在 they were performing was not Chinese
施行灸法时,他们不懂施灸的方法和 acupuncture. At the same time as clinical
用料。材料滥用,方法粗暴,使好不 practice, westerners also conducted
certain experimental research on
acupuncture. Some of the experimental
studies they have done are still very
meaningful. The invention of
electroacupuncture is one of the results
of its experimental research, but their
experiments also led to a series of
serious consequences. For example,
through experiments, they discovered
that breaking the needle during
acupuncture can enhance the efficacy, so
someone deliberately broke the needle in
the patient’s body during acupuncture.
This will undoubtedly lead to serious
medical accidents. For another example,
when applying moxibustion, they don't
understand the methods and materials of
moxibustion. The abuse of materials and
the rude methods made the acupuncture

boom that finally started to decline after
a few years.

法国人日诺默(J. Jeunhomme)数年
后回忆起自己亲身参与的一次“灸治 When Frenchman J. Jeunhomme recalled
疗法”时,还有些毛骨悚然。他称其 a "moxibustion treatment" he personally
为一场“悲剧”。他说:“这件事发生 participated in a few years later, he was
在好久之前,当时我是法国曼次城军 still a little horrified. He called it a
医医院的住院医生。根据主治医师的 "tragedy ". "It happened a long time ago,
命令,我应该在一位患者上臂部施行 when I was a resident of the Military
灸术治疗。一切准备完毕后,我用拉 Medical Hospital in the French city of
兰氏执灸器将一小卷缓慢燃烧着的棉 Mandy," he said. According to the order
of the attending physician, I should
挣扎;而我则用力吹旺燃着的棉絮, perform moxibustion on the upper arm
因为主治医生的命令是∶产生一个二 of a patient. After everything was ready,
度的烧伤,以后再将其转化为人造溃 I placed a small roll of slowly burning
疡。当时我非常激动,觉得这是一种 cotton wool on the selected skin with a
野蛮的方法。”这种施灸方法的确很 Laran moxibustion device. The patient
野蛮。如此滥用灸法,怎么能不使其 immediately groaned, then screamed,
衰亡呢?说到底,这还是中西方之间 cursed, and struggled desperately, while I
在中医药领域缺乏直接和广泛的交流 tried to blow the burning cotton wool, for
the attending doctor’s order was: to
produce a second degree burn and then
convert it into an artificial ulcer. I was so
excited that I thought it was a barbaric
method." This method of moxibustion is
indeed barbaric, so how can such abuse
of acupuncture not make it decay? In the
国人拉兰(Larey)发明的一种施灸 end, this is caused by the lack of direct
器具。拉兰是拿破仑军中的外科主 and extensive exchanges between China
任,在行军打仗中常用灸术治疗伤病 and the West in the field of Traditional
员。在他的回忆录中,有许多关于灸 Chinese Medicine.
果,他在军中推广使用针灸治疗法, The Larey moxibustion device
尤其是灸法。他用艾灸治疗麻痹、破 mentioned by Jeunhomme is a
伤风、眼疾、关节炎,特别是脊椎骨 moxibustion device invented by
伤,据说效果很好。在当时西方的针 Larey(France). Larey was the chief of
灸研究和应用中,拉兰的工作最为突 surgery in Napoleon’s army, and used
moxibustion to treat the wounded and
sick during the march. In his memoirs,
there are many accounts about
moxibustion. In order to improve the
treatment effect on the wounded, he
promoted the use of acupuncture and
moxibustion in the army, especially
方大为风行了数十年。拉兰曾多次报 moxibustion. He used moxibustion to
道用灸术治愈了麻痹。他亦曾用灸术 treat paralysis, tetanus, eye diseases,
治疗眼科疾病。他曾报道在视神经的 arthritis, especially spinal injuries, which
主要分支上施灸来治疗黑内障及白内 are said to work well. In the research and
application of acupuncture in the West at
that time, Larey’s work was the most
prominent. Because of his outstanding
work, moxibustion has become popular
in the West for decades. Larey has
repeatedly reported that moxibustion has
cured paralysis. He also used
moxibustion to treat eye diseases and he
has reported on applying moxibustion on
由此可见,拉兰为灸法在西方的使用 the main branches of the optic nerve to
做出了一定的贡献。他不但大力推广 treat melanopathy and cataracts.
This shows that Larey has made some
是施行于病变部位或附近因为大多数 contribution to the moxibustion’s use in
人并不知道选穴施灸的道理与方法, the West. He not only vigorously
长此以往,导致了针刺术和灸疗术在 promoted moxibustion, but also
西方的滥用,并最终导致了中医药在 reformed moxibustion tools, making
西方的全面衰落。倘若当年中西方的 special contributions to the spread,
交流深入广泛,中医的西传系统完 research and application of moxibustion
整,中医的西译忠实规范,西方人对 in the West. But at that time, European
moxibustion was performed on or near
the diseased area because most people
did not know the principles and methods
of selecting acupoints for moxibustion.
Over time, it led to the abuse of
acupuncture and moxibustion in the
West, and eventually led to the overall
decline of Traditional Chinese Medicine
in the West. If the exchanges between
China and the West were in-depth and
extensive, the Western transmission
system of Traditional Chinese Medicine
was complete, and the Western
translation of Traditional Chinese
Medicine was faithful and standardized,
Westerners would have a clear and
profound understanding of TCM’s
medicines, and would not lead to such
serious consequences.
The Recovery and Development of
以针灸为代表的中医在 19 世纪的西 Traditional Chinese Medicine in the
方一度火热。但由于当时的西方人对 West Traditional Chinese Medicine,
中医的理论和针灸的原理缺乏必要的 represented by acupuncture and
了解,随意滥用针法和灸法,从而造 moxibustion, was once popular in the
West in the 19th century. However,
此之后,中医在西方销声匿迹,甚至 because Westerners at that time lacked
被西方人视为邪恶的骗术。直到 20 the necessary understanding of the
世纪之后,中医在西方才逐步地复苏 theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine
起来。 and the principles of acupuncture and
moxibustion, they abused acupuncture
and moxibustion at will, which caused
very serious consequences. This is a very
thought-provoking experience in the
process of dissemination of Traditional
Chinese Medicine to the west. Since
then, Traditional Chinese Medicine has
disappeared in the West, and is even
20 世纪给中医和针灸在欧洲带来转
regarded as an evil deception by
交流的深入、欧洲中心论的衰落以及 Westerners. It was not until the 20th
伴随着高度工业化而产生的自然主义 century that Traditional Chinese
思潮,等等。法国人苏理耶(Soulie Medicine gradually revived in the West.
de Morant,1878—1955)对针灸在西
方的复兴发挥了重要的作用,因此他 There are many reasons for the
被看作是促使这一转机产生的关键人 turnaround of Traditional Chinese
物。苏理耶于 1907 至 1927 年间在中 Medicine and acupuncture in Europe in
国任外交官,学会了中文与针灸。回 the 20th century, such as the deepening
国后不久便辞去外交职务,专门从事 of cultural exchanges between the East
针灸的临床实践和宣传推广工作,并 and the West, the decline of
在 1934 年出了《真正的中国针刺 Eurocentrism, and the naturalistic trend
of thought that accompanied high
industrialization. The Frenchman Soulie
de Morant (1878— 1955) played an
important role in the revival of
acupuncture in the West, so he was
regarded as the key figure that
contributed to this turning point. Soulie
served as a diplomat in China from 1907
to 1927, during which time he learned
Chinese and acupuncture. Soon after
returning to China, he resigned from his
diplomatic position and specialized in
the clinical practice and promotion
acupuncture and moxibustion. In 1934, he

published the book Real Chinese
Acupuncture, which had a profound
influence in France and Europe.
在庚子年间充当北京法国公使馆职 In a speech, Soulie gave a detailed
员,忽然当地霍乱流行,情势很为严 introduction to his experience of
重。法国公使馆附近特设临时医院, studying acupuncture in China. He said:
专为容纳和治疗霍乱患者之用。西医 "I worked as a staff member of the
治疗此病的方法成绩不好,一百人治 French Embassy in Beijing during the
year of Gengzi. Suddenly, the local
一个霍乱医院,主教是法国人,常常 cholera epidemic was very severe. A
和我说,他的医院治疗的成绩相当满 temporary hospital was set up near the
意,一百个人当中倒有八十个人左右 French Embassy to accommodate and
治愈。我就觉得奇怪,特地到他的医 treat cholera patients. Western medicine
院里去看看。一看之后更觉得奇怪, has not done well in the treatment of this
因为治疗的方法不过是针刺,并不用 disease, and only less than 20 people of
100 people have been cured. At the same
并不守秘,交谈数次之后,就教我治 time, the Catholic Church in Beijing was
疗霍乱的针法。我觉得这个学问颇有 presided over by the bishop in the non-
研究的价值,我就跟这位先生学 embassy area and opened a cholera
习……我在中国服务约有 20 年之 hospital. The bishop was French, and he
久,可以说对于针灸的研究从未间 often told me that the results of his
断。” hospital treatment are quite satisfactory
and about 80 out of 100 people are
cured. I found it strange that I went to his
hospital to see it. After seeing it, I felt
even more strange because the treatment
method was only acupuncture. No
medicine is needed. Because of my
curiosity, I talked to the acupuncture
expert. This gentleman is quite scholarly
and does not keep secrets. After talking a
苏理耶献身于针灸事业既是偶然的又 few times, he taught me the acupuncture
是必然的,因为他正是西方针灸界长 treatment for cholera. I think it has
期以来呼之欲出的人物。针灸 19 世
research value so learned from this
一些学者对其进行反思和研究,试图 gentleman... I have served in China for
about 20 years, and it can be said that the
research on acupuncture has never

Soulie’s dedication to acupuncture is

both accidental and inevitable, because
he is a long-standing figure in the
western acupuncture and moxibustion

找出深层的主、客观原因来。例如法 Acupuncture and moxibustion in the
国学者拉凡里在《什么是中国的针 middle and late 19th century in the West
术 》 (Qu'esrce que l'acupuncture from prosperity and decline, prompted
Chinoise?)一文中,就比较深入地探 some western scholars to reflect on and
讨了针灸 19 世纪中后期在西方衰落 study it to find out the deep main and
的原因,并且提出了重新使法国人接 objective reasons. For example, the
French scholar Larey in "What is
采用,需要有四个条件:第一,需要 Chinese Acupuncture "(Qu'esrce que l'
一位完全懂得中国语文的法国人;第 acupuncture Chinoise?). In this paper,
二,他曾在中国长期居住;第三,他 the reasons for the decline of
曾在实际中向中医学习过针灸方法; acupuncture in the west in the middle and
最后,他应该做出广博的考证与综合 late 19th century are discussed in depth,
的工作。四个条件都在苏理耶身上实 and the necessary conditions for the
现了……此外,尚需要第五个条件, French to receive acupuncture therapy
are put forward. In his article, Larey
points out:" to make acupuncture and
moxibustion be adopted in France, four
conditions are needed: firstly, a
Frenchman who knows Chinese
completely; secondly, he has lived in
China for a long time; thirdly, he has
studied acupuncture and moxibustion
from Traditional Chinese Medicine in
practice; finally, he should make
谈到苏理耶对中医在西方传播的贡献 extensive textual research and
时,拉凡里说:“事实上,他非常诚 comprehensive work. All four conditions
意地传授他的方法,使很多人现在已 were fulfilled in Soulie... In addition, a
能成功地运用这种技术。从 1931 年 fifth condition is that Soulie must be
起有关这方面所发表的著作,都应该 willing to present the results of his work
归功于他的启发。” to French doctors ."
拉凡里在这篇文章中虽然探讨的是如 Speaking of Soulie’s contribution to the
western spread of Traditional Chinese
19 世纪中后期之所以在西由盛而 Medicine, Larey said: “In fact, he taught
his methods very sincerely, so that many
people can now successfully use this
technique. Since 1931, all the relevant
published works should be attributed to
his inspiration."
In this article, Larey is discussing how to
revive the acupuncture and moxibustion
industry in France, but it is also true for
Europe and the West as a whole. The
reason why acupuncture and
moxibustion flourished and declined in
the West in the

塑造西方杰出中医人才的必备条件。 middle and late 19th century was related
正是由于苏理耶等西方学者和有识之 to the lack of outstanding acupuncturists
士的大力宣传和推,才使针灸在欧洲 to guide clinical application and grasp
和西方逐渐复兴起来。有关学术组织 the direction of development. This is a
在 20 世纪 40 年代先后建立并开始
fact that history has repeatedly proved.
The five conditions put forward by Larey
但其发展道路却非常艰辛,因为很多 are very important, and they are also
西方人并不了解中医,所以也很难接 necessary conditions for shaping
受中医和针灸疗法。 outstanding Western TCM talents. It is
precisely because of the vigorous
propaganda and promotion of Western
scholars and people of insight such as
Soulie that acupuncture has gradually
revived in Europe and the West. Relevant
academic organizations were established
successively in the 1940s and began to
hold international academic conferences.
It was from that time that Traditional
Chinese Medicine and acupuncture
20 世纪 70 年代以前,尽管针灸在西 gradually developed in the West. But its
方得到了有识之士的重视,但并未得 development path was very tough,
到医学界的认可。这种状况一直持续 because many Westerners did not
到 20 世纪 70 年代以后才得到了基 understand Traditional Chinese
本的改变。其改变的契机,便是中国 Medicine, so it was difficult foe them to
针刺麻醉术的研究成功以及中西方关 accept Traditional Chinese Medicine and
系的改善。由于针刺麻醉术的研究成 acupuncture therapy.
的注意。1972 年美国总统尼克松访 Before the 1970s, although acupuncture
华,是当代中医西传历史上具有里程 and moxibustion received the attention
of people of insight in the West, it was
not recognized by the medical
community. This situation lasted until the
1970s before it got basic changes. The
opportunity for its change is the success
of the research on acupuncture
anesthesia in China and the improvement
of relations between China and the west.
Due to the successful research of
acupuncture anesthesia, acupuncture
therapy once again attracted the attention
of Westerners. US President Nixon’s
visit to China in 1972 was a landmark
event in the history of
dissemination of Traditional Chinese
随行的私人医生塔卡(Walter R. Medicine to the west.
Thach)在中国参观了针麻手术,一 The accompanying private doctor Walter
名随行记者还亲身体验了针刺的感 R. Thach visited acupuncture surgery in
受。塔卡和那位记者回国后,撰文详 China, and an accompanying reporter
细地介绍了中国的针灸疗法,在美国 also experienced the feeling of
acupuncture. After Thach and the
灸方面的交流不断加强,交流形式已 reporter returned to America, they wrote
从纯民间形式逐步转化为官方形式。 a detailed introduction to Chinese
中医和针灸的学术组织、教育机构和 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy,
学术刊物在西方各国不断涌现出来。 which aroused great repercussions in the
目前世界上已有 100 多个国家和地区 United States and the West. Since China
建立了自己的中医和针灸学术组织, implemented the reform and opening
几乎每年都有各种国际性的中医和针 policy, the exchanges between China and
the West in acupuncture and moxibustion
have been continuously strengthened,
and the form of dissemination has
gradually changed from a purely private
form to an official form. Academic
organizations, educational institutions
and academic publications of Traditional
Chinese Medicine and acupuncture are
constantly emerging in Western
countries. At present, more than 100
countries and regions in the world have
established their own academic
organizations of Traditional Chinese
即便西方有些医学专著的题目上并没 Medicine and acupuncture. Almost every
有“中医”(即 Chinese Medicine 或 year, various international academic
Traditional Chinese Medicine)这样的 conferences on Traditional Chinese
概念和名称,但实际上还是向西方介 Medicine and acupuncture are held, thus
绍中医,传播中医,发挥中医。比如 forming the second "acupuncture boom"
于 1991 年在英国伦敦、美国纽约、
in the West.
非开普敦所出版的《替代医学》 Even though some medical monographs
(Alternative Medicine)这部内容极
in the West do not have the concept and
其丰富的 400 页医学书,其实就是讲
name of Traditional Chinese Medicine or
Traditional Chinese Medicine, they
actually introduce, spread and make use
of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the
West. For example, Alternative Medicine
published in 1991 in London, England,
New York, United States, Sydney,
Australia, Montreal, Canada, and Cape
Town, South Africa. This extremely rich
400-page medical book is actually about
从这部内容极其丰富的书可以看出, Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially
其内容完全是介绍、说明中医针灸学 acupuncture and moxibustion.
的功能、作用和疗效的。首先向西方 It can be seen from this extremely rich
人说明了针灸是源自中国的谈到针术 book that its content is completely
introducing and explaining the function,
In this ancient Chinese therapy, patients impact and curative effect of TCM
are treated by sticking needles into their acupuncture.Firstly, it explained to the
skin at particular points. These Westerners that acupuncture originated
acupuncture points lie along invisible in China. When talking about
energy channels called "meridians", acupuncture, the book pointed out:
which are believed to be linked to In this ancient Chinese therapy, patients
internal organs. The needles are said to are treated by sticking needles into their
unblock, increase or decrease a flow of skin at particular points. These
energy (called Qi) through the acupuncture points lie along invisible
meridians. energy channels called "meridians",
which are believed to be linked to
One view of the body in Traditional internal organs. The needles are said to
Chinese Medicine sees it as a balance unblock, increase or decrease a flow of
between two opposing yet energy (called Qi) through the meridians.
complementary natural forces called One view of the body in Traditional
"yin"-the female force and "yang"—the Chinese Medicine sees it as a balance
male. Yin force is passive and tranquil, between two opposing yet
and represents darkness, coldness, complementary natural forces called
moisture and swelling. Yang force is "yin"-the female force and "yang"—the
aggressive and stimulating, and male. Yin force is passive and tranquil,
represents light, heat, dryness and and represents darkness, coldness,
contraction. moisture and swelling. Yang force is
In imbalance of yin and yang is aggressive and stimulating, and
represents light, heat, dryness and
believed to cause disease and ailments.
For example, two much yang may cause contraction.
sudden pain, headaches and high blood In imbalance of yin and yang is believed
pressure; too much yin may cause to cause disease and ailments. For
chilliness, fluid retention, discharges example, two much yang may cause
and tiredness. sudden pain, headaches and high blood
pressure; too much yin may cause
In acupuncture, diagnosis and therapy chilliness, fluid retention, discharges and
are aimed at identifying any imbalance tiredness.
and correcting it by inserting needles at In acupuncture, diagnosis and therapy
appropriate points. There are by are aimed at identifying any imbalance
tradition 365 points, but many more and correcting it by inserting needles at
have been discovered over the centuries appropriate points. There are by tradition
365 points, but many more have been
discovered over the centuries and there
are up to 2,000 on modern charts (see

and there are up to 2,000 on modern illustration).
charts (see illustration).

译为 channel,非常有道理,之后按
照国际标准将其再译为 meridian。
将“气”音译为 Qi,非常自然,因为当
时国内外很多人都将“气”译为 energy
或 vital energy、颇不自然。将“阴”和
“阳”音译为 yin 及 yang,颇为符合
位为 365 个,并将其译为 point,也
是国际比较通用的译法。 On the history of the formation and
development of acupuncture and
moxibustion, the book points out:
谈到针灸学的形成与发展的历史,该 The word “acupuncture” is a European
书指出: term meaning “to prick with a needle”. It
was coined by a Dutch physician called
The word “acupuncture” is a European Willem Ten Rhyne who introduced the
term meaning “to prick with a needle”. practice to Europe following a two-year
It was coined by a Dutch physician stay in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1683.
called Willem Ten Rhyne who Acupuncture has been practiced in China
introduced the practice to Europe for some 3,500 years, but the exact date
following a two-year stay in Nagasaki, of its origin is unknown. A legend says
Japan, in 1683. that this complex healing system
Acupuncture has been practiced in developed when it was noticed that
China for some 3,500 years, but the soldiers who survived arrow wounds in
exact date of its origin is unknown. A battle sometimes also recovered from
legend says that this complex healing other long-standing ailments.
system developed when it was noticed The first medical textbook on
that soldiers who survived arrow acupuncture was the Nei Ching Su Wen
wounds in battle sometimes also (the “Yellow Emperor’s classic of
recovered from other long-standing Internal Medicine”), which dates from
ailments. about 400 BC. The first therapeutic
success with acupuncture appears in
The first medical textbook on records of around the same time, when a
acupuncture was the Nei Ching Su Wen physician named Pein Cheh used it to
(the “Yellow Emperor’s classic of
Internal Medicine”), which dates from

about 400 BC. The first therapeutic revive a dying patient in a coma.
success with acupuncture appears in The practice was gradually developed
records of around the same time, when and refined until the Ching Dynasty (AD
a physician named Pein Cheh used it to 1644-—1911), when Western medicine
revive a dying patient in a coma. became more popular. Since the
Communist revolution,
The practice was gradually developed however,acupuncture has been
and refined until the Ching Dynasty revitalized and is now widely used
(AD 1644-—1911), when Western throughout China.
medicine became more popular. Since
the Communist revolution,
however,acupuncture has been
revitalized and is now widely used
throughout China.

该书指出:中国的针灸术是 17 世纪
欧洲的。作者认为,中国 3500 年前
华人民共和国建立之后,中医针灸学 Debate on Cultural Sovereignty in the
的发展更为辉煌。 Dissemination of Traditional Chinese
Medicine to the West
三.中医西传中的文化主权争辩 从 From the 16th century to the 1980s, on
the surface, there were only theoretical
16 世纪到 20 世纪 80 年代,中医 and practical disputes on the
西传表面上只存在理论和实践上的争 dissemination of Traditional Chinese
议,而不存在文化主权方面的争辩。 Medicine to the west, not cultural
但 20 世纪以来,由于日、韩的参
sovereignty disputes. However, since the
20th century, due to the participation of
国方面的注意而已。自从 WHO 西太 Japan and South Korea, the struggle for
区从 20 世纪 80 年代启动了针灸经穴 cultural sovereignty in the western
名称国际标准化工程以来,特别是 spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine
WHO 2009 年初启动了 ICD-11(其 has begun to emerge, but it has not
中的第 23 章为中医)工程和 attracted the attention of Chinese. Since
ISO ,2010 年建立了 TC 249,中医国 the WHO Western Pacific Region
际化过程中的文化主权之争便成了公 initiated the international standardization
开的秘 密。 of acupuncture point names in the 1980s,
in particular, the WHO initiated the

ICD-11 (Chapter 23 is Traditional
Chinese Medicine) in early 2009 and
ISO and established TC 249 in 2010.
The struggle for cultural sovereignty in
the internationalization of Traditional
Chinese Medicine has become an open
Theoretically, the translation of Chinese
的发展来看,这样的认识似乎过于理 traditional medicine terms into English
想化。事实是,中医名词术语英译及 and its international standardization is a
其国际标准化问题目前已经与一些地 purely academic problem, or a purely
缘政治纠葛在一起,这一点在 WHO linguistic and translatology problem,
和 ISO 所推动的中医国际标准化的 which seems to have nothing to do with
有关工作中,就得到了充分的体现。 politics. However, from the development
事实上在 WHO1982 年开始启动针灸 of recent years, this understanding seems
经穴名称的国际标准化工程时,这一 too idealistic. The fact is that the
translation of Traditional Chinese
Medicine terms and its international
standardization has been closely related
to some geopolitical disputes, which has
been fully reflected in the relevant work
20 世纪 60 年代中期,中国针刺麻醉 of international standardization of
术的研究成功引起了世界许多国家和 Traditional Chinese Medicine promoted
组织的关注。后来 WHO 在北京专门 by WHO and ISO. In fact, when the
召开了一次会议,号召其成员国推广 WHO started the international
使用针刺疗法以促进各国基础医疗保 standardization acupuncture point names
健事业的发展。在 WHO 的主持下, in 1982, this problem had already
与会各国专家在这次会议上还确定了 emerged.
针刺疗法的 43 种适应证。会议之
后,WHO 在不少国家设立了 WHO In the mid-1960s, the successful research
合作中心,开展针灸国际培训工作, of acupuncture anesthesia in China
为各国培养针灸师。由于针灸在以往 attracted the attention of many countries
and organizations in the world. Later, the
也在一定程度上妨碍了进一步国际传 WHO convened a special meeting in
播和发展。 Beijing, calling on its member states to
promote the use of acupuncture to
promote the development of basic
medical care in various countries. Under
the auspices of WHO, experts from
various countries at the meeting also
identified 43 indications of acupuncture
therapy. After the meeting, WHO has
established WHO cooperation centers
many countries to carry out international

training in acupuncture and moxibustion
to train acupuncturists for all countries.
As the term translation of acupuncture in
the past international dissemination was
extremely inconsistent, it caused great
difficulties for international
dissemination and cooperation, and to a
certain extent prevented further
为了从根本上解决针灸经穴名称的国 international dissemination and
际标准化问题,WHO 于 1982 年启动 development.
此之前的 1980 年 10 月,日本人 In order to fundamentally solve the
Andre Nakajima 博士作为 WHO 的短 problem of international standardization
期顾问访问了中国,希望与中国方面 of acupuncture point names, WHO
商讨确立一个标准化方案。从 1981 initiated the international standardization
到 1982 年间,中、日两国有关方面 of acupuncture point names in 1982.
就此问题举行了研讨,试图就制定国 Prior to this, in October 1980, Japanese
际标准化针灸经穴名称的指导方针求 Dr. Andre Nakajima visited China as a
得共识,但由于两国对此问题的认识 short- term consultant of WHO, hoping
to discuss with Chinese to establish a
外,更多的是关于针灸经穴名称国际 standardization plan. From 1981 to 1982,
标准化的理念与方法。换句话说,这 relevant parties in China and Japan held
涉及谁有资格用英文或中文之外的其 discussions on this issue, trying to reach
他语言给针灸经穴名称和概念进行解 a consensus on the guidelines for
释和定义的问题。这就触及问题的另 formulating international standardized
一个方面,即中医的文化主权和知识 acupuncture point names. However, due
产权问题。 to the large gap between the two
countries’ understanding of this issue, no
agreement was reached in the end. In
addition to academic issues, the concepts
and methods involved in the
international standardization of
acupuncture point names are more
involved. In other words, this involves
事实上,目前在 WHO 和 ISO 就中 who is qualified to explain and define the
医药学的名称及其基本术语和概念的 names and concepts of acupuncture
国 points in English or other languages.
This touches on another aspect of the
problem, namely the cultural sovereignty
and intellectual property rights of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In fact, on the current international

standardization of the names of
际标准化问题上,中国与周边一些国 Traditional Chinese Medicine and its
家之争就集中地反映在中医药的文化 basic terms and concepts by WHO and
主权和知识产权这一问题上。这就是 ISO, the dispute between China and
为什么某些国家在这两个国际组织所 some neighboring countries is
concentrated on the cultural sovereignty
and intellectual property rights of
Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is the
fundamental reason why certain
countries have promoted "de-
sinicization" in the process of
standardization of TCM promoted by the
目前,WHO 正在推进 ICD-11 传统 two international organizations. In this
医学部分的研制工作,而这部分工作 regard, we must have a clear
的核心内容便是中医药学问题。这也 understanding.
题上不断交锋的主战场。为了说明问 Currently, WHO is advancing the
题,本章便以 ICD-11 作为个,对有 research and development of the
关问题的背景、现状与发展做概要分 traditional medicine part of ICD-11, and
析,希望引起国内学术思对这一问题 the core content of this part of the work
is the issue of Traditional Chinese
的了解和认识,希望有更多的语言学 Medicine. This is also the main
和翻译学专家和学者关心、指导和帮 battlefield where China and certain
助我们开展有关研究,以便能更有效 countries have constantly confronted on
地保卫我国在中医药学领域的文化主 the issue of Traditional Chinese
权和知识产权。 Medicine in recent years. In order to
illustrate the problem, this chapter uses
ICD-11 as a summary analysis of the
background, current situation and
development of related issues, hoping to
cause domestic academic thinking to pay
attention to this issue. I especially hope
that domestic experts and scholars in the
field of linguistics and translation studies
will understand and know this issue. I
ICD 是 International Classification of hope that more linguistics and translation
experts and scholars will care about,
由 WHO 主持编写和发布,作为权
guide and help us to carry out relevant

research so as to be more effectively
safeguard our country’s cultural
sovereignty and intellectual property
rights in the field of Traditional Chinese

ICD is an abbreviation for International

Classification of Diseases, written and
的国际标准供世界各国医务人员从事 published under the auspices of the
医疗、教学和科研工作使用。在以往 WHO, which is used as an authoritative
的 ICD10 个版本中,所有的疾病名 international standard for medical
称、定义和编码均为西医学所使用, personnel around the world to engage in
medical, teaching and scientific research
中。从 2008 年 WHO 决定编写 ICD
work. In10 previous versions of ICD, all
的第 11 个版本(即 ICD-11),同
disease names, definitions and codes are
时决定在 ICD 的第 11 个版本中,专
门开辟第 23 章节,将传统医学纳入 used by Western medicine, and the
其中。这对于 ICD 而言,的确是一 relevant contents of traditional medicine
件开天辟地的大事件,必将为传统医 have not been included. Since 2008, the
学的发展和国际空间的拓展创造良好 WHO decided to write the 11th version
的条件。为此,WHO 专门成立了研 of the ICD (i.e. ICD-11). At the same
究协调机构,组织相关国家专家召开 time, it was decided that in the 11th
会议,讨论制定将传统医学纳入 edition of the ICD, the 23rd chapter was
ICD- 11 的思路、方法和程序,并努 specially opened to include traditional
力协调各国之间的意见和分歧。 medicine. For ICD, It’s really a big event
and will create good conditions for the
development of traditional medicine and
the expansion of international space. To
that end, WHO established a research
coordination agency, organized relevant
national experts to attend meetings,
discussed ideas, methods and procedures
根据两次日内瓦非正式会议、两次中 for integrating traditional medicine into
国香港和一次日本正式会议的讨论情 ICD-11, and strived to coordinate the
况来看,所谓的传统医学,实际上就 views and differences between countries.
等国)的传统医学因种种原因尚未具 According to discussions at two informal
备进入 ICD-11 的条件。在日内瓦和 meetings in Geneva, two formal
香港会议上,各参加国(无论日本、 meetings in Hong Kong, China, and one
in Japan, traditional medicine is actually
具有十分重要的意义。对此,中国政 Traditional Chinese Medicine, and
府的态度是非常积极的,先后组建代 traditional medicine in other countries
表团出席了历次会议,并对 ICD-11 (such as India) is not ready for entry into
的研制和发展做出了郑重的承诺。为 ICD-11 for various reasons. At the
此,国家中医药管理局曾召集国内各 Geneva and Hong Kong meetings, only
方专家先后召开了多次会议,研究相 Traditional Chinese Medicine was
应的对策和方案,并组建了国际和国 discussed by participating countries,
whether Japan, Korea, the United
Kingdom or the United States. This is of
great significance to the
internationalization of Traditional
Chinese Medicine. For this, the Chinese
government is very positive, and

内专家组,系统深入地研究与之相关 successively set up a delegation to attend
的分类、术语、干预和信息等问题。 the meetings and made a solemn
commitment to the development of the
ICD-11. The State Administration of
Traditional Medicine of China also has
convened a number of domestic experts
to study the corresponding
countermeasures and programs, and set
up international and domestic expert
经过专家组的多方努力和协调,中国 groups to systematically and deeply
推荐方案的中文草案在 2010 年 5 月 study the related classification,
基本完成。顾问组、专家组和工作组 terminology, intervention and
对此又进行了充分讨论和研究,进一 information issues.
国家中医药管理局又组织有专家对草 Through the efforts and coordination of
案进行了论证和审定,提出了计多修 the expert group, the Chinese draft of
改意见和建议。专家组相据审定意见 China’s recommended plan was
和建议,对草案又做了多处调整和修 basically completed in May 2010. This
正,形成了中国推荐的最终方案。这 was fully discussed and studied by the
一方案在充分考虑到 WHO 关于
Advisory Group, the Expert Group and
ICD- 11 的基本模式以及传统医学的
the Working Group, which further
方面对有关问题的原则和立场,特别 refined the content and style of the draft.
是中医药学纳入 ICD-11 的内容结构 After that, the State Administration of
和技术框架。 Traditional Medicine of China organized
experts to demonstrate and examine the
draft, and put forward suggestions and
opinions. According to the suggestions
and opinions, the expert group has made
many adjustments and amendments to
the draft, forming the final plan
recommended by China. While fully
taking into account the basic model of
the WHO on ICD-11 and the input
在国际方面,围绕将中医纳入 ICD- requirements of traditional medicine, the
11 的问题,有关国家展开了紧锣密 plan also fully expresses the principles
鼓的外交工作,坚决反对以国际通用 and positions of the China’s attitudes on
related issues, especially the content
structure and technical framework of the
integration of Traditional Chinese
Medicine into the ICD-11.

On the international side, around the

issue of bringing Traditional Chinese
Medicine into the ICD-11, the countries
concerned have carried out intensive

的英文形式 TCM(即“ Traditional work and resolutely opposed the English
Chinese Medicine”的简写)翻译中医 form“TCM”(Shorthand for "Traditional
药 学 。 他 们 提 出 以 “Oriental Chinese Medicine") . They offered to use
Traditional Medicine” 或 “East the name "Oriental Traditional
Traditional Medicine”来翻译“中医药 Medicine" or “East Traditional
学”这个名称,并且不遗余力地宣示 Medicine” to translate “Traditional
他们的所谓"traditional medicine"。其 Chinese Medicine”, and spared no effort
实这些国家所谓的传统医学的理论和 to declare their so- called "traditional
medicine". In fact, the theory and
并在当地得到了普遍的传播和应用。 practice of the so-called traditional
在西方医学传入这些国家以前,其一 medicine in these countries come from
统天下的医药就是中医药学。直到近 Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since the
代,这些国家才废除了中医药学,全 Han and Tang dynasties, Traditional
盘接受了西方医学。 Chinese Medicine has been gradually
introduced into these countries, and has
been widely spread and applied. Before
western medicine was introduced into
these countries, its dominant medicine
was Traditional Chinese Medicine. Until
modern times, these countries abolished
但在现今的国际医药舞台上,某些国 Traditional Chinese Medicine and
家看到了中医药学的现实和潜在的文 accepted western medicine.
国文化、历史和人文密不可分的关 But in today’s international medicine
系,处心积虑地在中医药学领域大 stage, some countries see the reality and
搞“去中国化”。反对将中医药学英译 potential cultural, commercial and
为“ Traditional Chinese academic value of Traditional Chinese
Medicine and make great profits of it. At
the same time, they tried hard to
downplay the inseparable relationship
with Chinese culture, history and
humanities, and make great efforts in the
field of Traditional Chinese Medicine to
对某些国家“去中国化”的做法,中国 "de-sinicization ". Against the translation
表示了明确的反对。但考虑到国际合 form of Traditional Chinese Medicine
作 的 需 要 , 中 国 决 定 对 ISO/TC249 into English, is one of its repeated tricks
的名称问题暂时搁置,留待以后讨 in recent years.
其实在 ISO/TC249 申请设立之时起, China expressed clear opposition to
the behavior of "de-nationalization" in
some countries. However, in view of the
need for international cooperation, China
had decided to set aside the issue of
name of the ISO/TC249 for discussion at

这一争议便被日、韩所挑起,给筹备 a later stage. As a matter of fact, when
工作造成了极大的困难。根据 2009 ISO/TC249 applied for establishment,
年 ISO 南非开普敦会议精神,暂以 the dispute was provoked by Japan and
TCM(即“中医药”)命 名 ISO/TC South Korea, which caused great
249,正式名称留待讨论后决定。在 difficulties to the preparatory work.
ISO/TC249 的成立大会上,由于某些 Under the spirit of the 2009 ISO Cape
国家的反对,使得大会很难做出 Town Conference in South Africa, the
ISO/TC249 命名的决定,只好宣布继
name of the TCM was settled
续“暂时以 TCM 命名,正式名称以
temporarily and the official name will be
decided after. The founding assembly of
the ISO/TC249, with the opposition of
some countries, made it difficult for the
assembly to make a decision on
ISO/TC249 naming, so it had to
announce that it would continue to
"name TCM for the time being and to
在 WHO 的舞台上,某些国家对
discuss the formal name later ".
TCM 的反对似乎收到了一定的成
效。为了协调各国立场,WHO 决定
既不使用“ Traditional Chinese
Medicine”, 也 不 使 “Oriental On the stage of WHO, some countries
Traditional Medicine” 或 “East seem to have some effect on TCM
Traditional Medicine”,而是采 opposition. To coordinate different
用“Traditional Medicine”这一名称来 positions, WHO decided not to use the
称呼时下正在研制的 ICD-11 中有关 name " Traditional Chinese Medicine",
中 or" Oriental Traditional Medicine" or
医药的相关部分。中国方面考虑到国 "East Traditional Medicine", but to use
际合作的因素,特别是 WHO 相关工
the name “Traditional Medicine” to
作的开展,最后默认了 TM
address the relevant parts of the ICD-11
(即“Traditional Medicine”)这样一个模
糊的概念和名称。 on Traditional Chinese Medicine under
development. Taking into account the
factors of international cooperation,
especially the development of WHO
related work, China finally acquiesced to
this vague concept and name “TM”
(Traditional Medicine) in the end.

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 附录 II 术语表

附录 II 术语表
中文 英文
《黄帝内经》 The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of
Internal Medicine
《医典》 The Canon of Medicine
《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica
《阿拉木图宣言》 the Declaration of Alma-Ata
《中华帝国全志》 A Description of the Empire of China
《医学辞典》 the Dictionary of Medicine
高丽扶桑 Korea and Japan
耶婆提 Yepoti
阿维森纳 Avicenna
四象医学 Sixiang Medicine
汉方 Kampo
理法方药 principle-method-recipe-medicines
中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)

针刺 acupuncture
灸法 moxibustion
针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion
阴阳 Yin and Yang
针灸经穴名称国际标准化 the international standardization of
acupuncture point names
TC 249(中医药国际标准化技术委员 TC 249 (Technical Committee 249
会) International Standards of
Chinese Medicine)

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 致谢


和帮助,特别是在 2020 年这特殊的一年里,疫情并没有使彼此之间的情谊冲散,
人,让我在遇到压力时有克服困难的勇气和动力。毕业在即,未来的道路, 愿摆脱

上海师范大学硕士学位论文 论文独创性声明



作者签名: 日期:2021.5.9



作者签名: 导师签名: 日期:2021.5.9


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