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Форма № Н-7.


Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки,
молоді та спорту України
29 березня 2012 року № 384

Чернівецький національний університет

імені Юрія Федьковича

___________________кероване спостереження ___________________________
(вид і назва практики)
студента _________Тамазликар Любові Олегівни _________________________
(прізвище, ім’я, по батькові)
Факультет _______________іноземних мов ______________________________

Кафедра, циклова комісія _____________англійської мови _________________

Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень_______________бакалавр________________

Напрям підготовки __________________014 Середня освіта________________

Спеціальність______Англійська мова та література і друга іноземна мова ____

____2_____ курс, група ______215_________

Студент________________Тамазликар Любов Олегівна __________________

(прізвище, ім’я, по батькові)

прибув на підприємство, організацію, установу

підприємства, організації, установи „_01_” ___лютого__________ 2023 року

____________ ______директор Сіногач Н.Л.___________________________

(підпис) (посада, прізвище та ініціали відповідальної особи)

Вибув з підприємства, організації, установи

Підприємства, організації, установи “_16_” _____травня_______ 2023 року

_____________ ______ директор Сіногач Н.Л __________________________

(підпис) (посада, прізвище та ініціали відповідальної особи)

Календарний графік проходження практики

Тижні проходження Відмітки

Назви робіт практики про
1 2 3 4 5 виконання
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 Чи потрібна тобі книга? 1
3 Моя сім’я 1
4 Здорове харчування 1
5 В супермаркеті 1
6 Погода 2
7 Одяг 2
8 Моя улюблена книга 2
9 Музика навколо нас 2
10 Відпочинок та дозвілля 3
11 Улюблена пора року 3
12 Поїздка Лондоном 3
13 Традиції в Україні 3

Керівники практики:
від вищого навчального закладу ______ ____Москаль Т.Д._________
(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)

від підприємства, організації, установи _______ __Гаврилюк І.М.___

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали

Робочі записи під час практики


1. The atmosphere in the 6th-grade classroom on the topic "Do you need a book?" is
energetic and engaging, with students eagerly participating in the lesson. The teacher
begins the lesson by asking students whether they think they need a book in their
lives and why. The teacher encourages students to think about the various ways in
which books can be useful to them, such as for entertainment, learning, and personal

Next, the teacher leads an interactive discussion on the benefits of reading books,
including improved vocabulary, critical thinking, and empathy. The students are
encouraged to share their own experiences with reading and how it has impacted their

To reinforce the lesson, the teacher then divides the class into small groups and
assigns each group a different genre of books, such as fiction, non-fiction, biography,
or poetry. The groups are given time to discuss and share their thoughts on why that
particular genre is important and how it can be beneficial to readers.

Finally, the students are given the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned
and apply it to their own lives. They are asked to write a short essay or create a poster
about why books are important to them and how they plan to incorporate reading into
their daily routine.

Overall, this lesson on "Do you need a book?" creates a lively and engaging
atmosphere in the classroom, with interactive discussions, group activities, and
individual reflections that encourage students to appreciate the value of reading and
incorporate it into their daily lives.

2. In a 5th-grade lesson on the topic of "My family," the atmosphere in the classroom
is warm and welcoming, with an emphasis on building a sense of community and
belonging among students. The teacher starts the lesson by asking students to share

something about their families, such as the number of siblings they have, their
parents' occupations, or their family traditions.

To further explore the concept of family, the teacher then leads an interactive
discussion on the different types of families, including blended families, single-parent
families. Students are encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings about the
diversity of families in their communities and how they can be supportive of all types
of families.

Next, the teacher assigns a family tree project, in which students create a visual
representation of their family history, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and
cousins. The students are also asked to write a short paragraph describing a special
memory they have with a family member.

After completing the family tree project, the students are given the opportunity to
share their work with the class. This allows them to practice public speaking skills
and learn more about their classmates' families.

To wrap up the lesson, the students participate in a group discussion on the

importance of family and how it can provide support, love, and a sense of belonging.
They are encouraged to express gratitude for their families and think about ways they
can show appreciation for their loved ones.

Overall, this lesson on "My family" creates a warm and inclusive atmosphere in the
classroom, with interactive discussions, a hands-on project, and opportunities for
students to share and learn from one another. The lesson fosters a sense of community
among the students and encourages them to appreciate the diversity of families in
their community.

3. In a 7th-grade English lesson on the topic of "Healthy eating," the atmosphere in

the classroom is engaging and interactive, with an emphasis on promoting healthy
habits among the students. The teacher starts the lesson by asking students about their
favorite foods and snacks, and then transitions into a discussion on the importance of
healthy eating.

To further explore the topic of healthy eating, the teacher assigns a group activity in
which students research and analyze the nutritional content of various foods. The
students work together in small groups to examine the labels on food packages, and
then report their findings to the class. This activity encourages critical thinking and
provides an opportunity for students to learn more about the nutritional value of
different foods.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the benefits of a balanced diet, including
improved physical health and mental well-being. The students are encouraged to
think about the ways in which healthy eating habits can positively impact their lives.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
describe a day of healthy eating. They are asked to include a breakfast, lunch, and
dinner that incorporate a variety of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and lean proteins.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on ways they can incorporate
healthy eating habits into their daily lives. They are encouraged to think about
strategies for making healthy food choices, such as packing healthy snacks for school
or choosing to drink water instead of sugary beverages.

Overall, this lesson on "Healthy eating" creates an engaging and interactive

atmosphere in the classroom, with group activities, writing assignments, and class
discussions that encourage students to think critically about their food choices and
develop healthy eating habits. The lesson provides practical strategies for making
healthy food choices and promotes the importance of a balanced diet for physical and
mental well-being.

4. In an 8th-grade lesson on the topic of "In the supermarket," the atmosphere in the
classroom is lively and engaging, with an emphasis on practical language skills for
everyday situations. The teacher starts the lesson by introducing key vocabulary
related to shopping in a supermarket, such as food items, shopping carts, and
checkout lanes.

To further explore the topic of shopping in a supermarket, the teacher assigns a role-
playing activity in which students practice conversations they might have with a
cashier or fellow shopper while at the supermarket. The students work together in
pairs or small groups, taking turns practicing different scenarios, such as asking for
directions to a particular aisle or checking the price of an item.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the importance of comparison shopping and
budgeting. The students are encouraged to think about strategies for finding the best
deals and avoiding impulse buys while at the supermarket.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a group project in which they create a
shopping list and budget for a hypothetical dinner party. The students work together
to research prices and plan a menu that fits within their budget. This project allows

the students to apply the vocabulary and concepts they have learned in a practical and
fun way.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the benefits of grocery

shopping, such as the convenience and variety of options available at a supermarket.
They are encouraged to think about ways they can be responsible shoppers, such as
choosing healthy food options and reducing food waste.

Overall, this lesson on "In the supermarket" creates a lively and practical atmosphere
in the classroom, with role-playing activities, group projects, and class discussions
that encourage students to develop practical language skills for everyday situations.
The lesson promotes responsible shopping habits and provides practical strategies for
comparison shopping and budgeting.


1. In a 6th-grade English lesson on the topic of "Weather," the atmosphere in the

classroom is interactive and engaging, with an emphasis on learning new vocabulary
related to weather conditions. The teacher starts the lesson by asking students about
their favorite types of weather and then transitions into a discussion on different
weather conditions.

To further explore the topic of weather, the teacher assigns an activity in which
students work in pairs or small groups to research and create a poster about a specific
type of weather. The students are encouraged to use descriptive language and include
relevant images to help illustrate their point. This activity promotes collaboration and
encourages creativity.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the impact of weather on people's lives, such
as how different weather conditions can affect transportation, outdoor activities, and
overall mood. The students are encouraged to think about their own experiences with
different types of weather and how it affects their daily routine.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
describe a memorable weather experience they have had in the past. They are asked
to use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the scene and convey the
emotions they felt at the time.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the importance of being

prepared for different weather conditions, such as dressing appropriately or checking

weather forecasts before making plans. They are encouraged to think about ways they
can be responsible and proactive in dealing with different types of weather.

Overall, this lesson on "Weather" creates an interactive and engaging atmosphere in

the classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class discussions that
encourage students to learn new vocabulary and think critically about the impact of
weather on their daily lives. The lesson promotes collaboration and creativity, while
reinforcing important skills such as descriptive writing and critical thinking.

2. In a 5th-grade English lesson on the topic of "Clothes," the atmosphere in the

classroom is lively and engaging, with an emphasis on developing vocabulary related
to different types of clothing. The teacher starts the lesson by introducing key
vocabulary such as shirts, pants, dresses, and shoes.

To further explore the topic of clothes, the teacher assigns an activity in which
students work in small groups to create a fashion show. The students are encouraged
to use their creativity to design and model their own outfits, using descriptive
language to explain their choices. This activity promotes collaboration and
encourages students to use language in a fun and creative way.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the importance of choosing appropriate

clothing for different occasions, such as formal events or outdoor activities. The
students are encouraged to think about how different types of clothing can convey
different meanings and emotions.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
describe their favorite piece of clothing and explain why it is important to them. They
are encouraged to use descriptive language to convey the texture, color, and style of
the clothing item.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the importance of being

responsible and sustainable when it comes to clothing choices, such as choosing
clothes made from environmentally-friendly materials or donating clothes they no
longer wear to charity. They are encouraged to think about ways they can be
responsible consumers and reduce their impact on the environment.

Overall, this lesson on "Clothes" creates a lively and engaging atmosphere in the
classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class discussions that encourage
students to develop new vocabulary and think critically about the importance of
clothing choices. The lesson promotes collaboration and creativity while reinforcing
important skills such as descriptive writing and critical thinking.

3. In a 7th-grade English lesson on the topic of "My favourite book," the atmosphere
in the classroom is engaging and focused, with an emphasis on developing reading
comprehension skills and critical thinking. The teacher starts the lesson by asking
students to share their favourite book and why they enjoyed reading it.

To further explore the topic of favourite books, the teacher assigns an activity in
which students work in small groups to create a book review. The students are
encouraged to use descriptive language and critical thinking skills to explain the plot,
characters, themes, and overall message of the book. This activity promotes
collaboration and encourages students to think deeply about their reading choices.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the importance of reading for pleasure and
how reading can be an enjoyable and enriching experience. The students are
encouraged to share their own experiences with reading and how it has impacted their

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
describe their favourite book and explain why it is important to them. They are
encouraged to use descriptive language and critical thinking skills to convey the
significance of the book to them personally.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the role of books in our
society and how reading can promote empathy, understanding, and critical thinking.
They are encouraged to think about the importance of diverse representation in
literature and how reading can broaden our perspectives.

Overall, this lesson on "My favourite book" creates an engaging and focused
atmosphere in the classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class
discussions that encourage students to develop reading comprehension skills, critical
thinking, and empathy. The lesson promotes collaboration and creativity while
reinforcing important skills such as descriptive writing and critical thinking.

4. In an 8th-grade English lesson on the topic of "Music around us," the atmosphere
in the classroom is vibrant and engaging, with an emphasis on developing vocabulary
related to music and exploring the role of music in our lives. The teacher starts the
lesson by introducing key vocabulary such as melody, rhythm, tempo, and genre.

To further explore the topic of music, the teacher assigns an activity in which students
work in small groups to create a playlist of songs that they feel represent their lives or
reflect their personalities. The students are encouraged to think about the meaning
behind the lyrics, the style of the music, and how it relates to their own experiences.

This activity promotes collaboration and encourages students to think deeply about
their relationship with music.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the importance of music in our lives and how
it can evoke emotions and memories. The students are encouraged to share their own
experiences with music and how it has impacted their lives.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
describe their favourite song and explain why it is important to them. They are
encouraged to use descriptive language and critical thinking skills to convey the
significance of the song to them personally.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the role of music in our
culture and how it can be used as a form of expression and social commentary. They
are encouraged to think about the ways in which music can bring people together and
promote understanding.

Overall, this lesson on "Music around us" creates a vibrant and engaging atmosphere
in the classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class discussions that
encourage students to develop new vocabulary and think critically about the role of
music in their lives and in society. The lesson promotes collaboration and creativity
while reinforcing important skills such as descriptive writing and critical thinking.


1. In a 6th-grade English lesson on the topic of "Leisure and activity," the atmosphere
in the classroom is relaxed and engaging, with an emphasis on developing vocabulary
related to leisure activities and exploring the benefits of physical and mental wellness.
The teacher starts the lesson by introducing key vocabulary such as hobby, pastime,
exercise, and relaxation.

To further explore the topic of leisure and activity, the teacher assigns an activity in
which students work in pairs to brainstorm a list of their favourite leisure activities.
The students are encouraged to think about the benefits of each activity, such as
physical exercise or stress relief. This activity promotes collaboration and encourages
students to think deeply about their personal preferences and goals.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the importance of physical and mental
wellness and how leisure activities can promote a healthy lifestyle. The students are
encouraged to share their own experiences with leisure activities and how they impact
their wellbeing.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
describe their favourite leisure activity and explain why it is important to their health
and wellbeing. They are encouraged to use descriptive language and critical thinking
skills to convey the significance of the activity to them personally.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the benefits of a healthy

lifestyle and how leisure activities can contribute to overall wellbeing. They are
encouraged to think about the ways in which leisure activities can be integrated into
daily life and how they can promote a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Overall, this lesson on "Leisure and activity" creates a relaxed and engaging
atmosphere in the classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class
discussions that encourage students to develop new vocabulary and think critically
about the benefits of physical and mental wellness. The lesson promotes collaboration
and creativity while reinforcing important skills such as descriptive writing and
critical thinking.

2. In a 5th-grade English lesson on the topic of "My favourite season," the

atmosphere in the classroom is cheerful and lively, with an emphasis on developing
vocabulary related to the four seasons and exploring the features and characteristics
of each season. The teacher starts the lesson by introducing key vocabulary such as
spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

To further explore the topic of favourite seasons, the teacher assigns an activity in
which students work in small groups to create posters or collages that depict their
favourite season. The students are encouraged to think about the weather, the
activities they enjoy, and the colours associated with each season. This activity
promotes creativity and collaboration while helping students develop visual literacy

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the characteristics of each season and
encourages the students to share their favourite aspects of each season. The students
are given the opportunity to share their posters and collages with the class and explain
the reasoning behind their choices.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
describe their favourite season and explain why it is their favourite. They are
encouraged to use descriptive language and critical thinking skills to convey the
significance of the season to them personally.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the differences between the
seasons and how they impact our daily lives. They are encouraged to think about the
ways in which we dress, the activities we engage in, and the foods we eat during
different seasons.

Overall, this lesson on "My favourite season" creates a cheerful and engaging
atmosphere in the classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class
discussions that encourage students to develop new vocabulary and think critically
about the characteristics of each season. The lesson promotes creativity and
collaboration while reinforcing important skills such as descriptive writing and
critical thinking.

3. In a 7th-grade English lesson on the topic of "Journey to London," the atmosphere

in the classroom is exciting and engaging, with an emphasis on developing
vocabulary related to travel and exploring the sights and sounds of London. The
teacher starts the lesson by introducing key vocabulary such as transportation,
landmarks, and tourist attractions.

To further explore the topic of travel and London, the teacher assigns an activity in
which students work in small groups to research a specific landmark or tourist
attraction in London. The students are encouraged to think about the history and
significance of each landmark and to present their findings to the class. This activity
promotes research and presentation skills while helping students develop a deeper
understanding of the city.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the various modes of transportation available
in London and how they impact travel. The students are encouraged to think about the
benefits and drawbacks of each mode of transportation and to discuss their own
experiences with travel.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
imagine that they are taking a journey to London and describe the sights and sounds
they encounter along the way. They are encouraged to use descriptive language and
critical thinking skills to convey the excitement and adventure of their journey.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the cultural diversity of

London and how it impacts travel and tourism. They are encouraged to think about
the different languages, foods, and customs they might encounter while travelling to
London and to reflect on the importance of cultural awareness and understanding.

Overall, this lesson on "Journey to London" creates an exciting and engaging

atmosphere in the classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class
discussions that encourage students to develop new vocabulary and think critically
about travel and tourism. The lesson promotes research and presentation skills while
reinforcing important skills such as descriptive writing and critical thinking.

4. In an 8th-grade English lesson on the topic of "Traditions in Ukraine," the

atmosphere in the classroom is informative and culturally engaging. The teacher
begins the lesson by introducing the history and significance of Ukrainian traditions
and their importance in Ukrainian culture.

To further explore the topic of Ukrainian traditions, the teacher assigns an activity in
which students work in small groups to research and present on a specific tradition,
such as Ukrainian folk songs, dance, or cuisine. The students are encouraged to think
about the origins of each tradition and to present their findings to the class. This
activity promotes research and presentation skills while helping students develop a
deeper understanding of Ukrainian culture.

Next, the teacher leads a discussion on the role of traditions in society and how they
reflect cultural values and beliefs. The students are encouraged to think about how
traditions have changed over time and to consider the impact of modernization and
globalization on Ukrainian traditions.

To reinforce the lesson, the students are given a writing assignment in which they
reflect on the importance of traditions in their own lives and how they connect to their
cultural identity. They are encouraged to use descriptive language and critical
thinking skills to convey the significance of traditions in their personal lives.

Finally, the students participate in a class discussion on the diversity of Ukrainian

culture and the importance of cultural understanding and respect. They are
encouraged to think about the different cultural traditions they encounter in their daily
lives and to reflect on the importance of cultural diversity in society.

Overall, this lesson on "Traditions in Ukraine" creates an informative and culturally

engaging atmosphere in the classroom, with activities, writing assignments, and class
discussions that encourage students to develop a deeper understanding of Ukrainian
culture and reflect on the importance of traditions in their personal lives. The lesson
promotes research and presentation skills while reinforcing important skills such as
descriptive writing and critical thinking.

Відгук і оцінка роботи студента на практиці

(назва підприємства, організації, установи)

Керівник практики від підприємства, організації, установи ___________

______________ _____________________

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)

«______» __________________ 20 __ року
Відгук осіб, які перевіряли проходження практики

Висновок керівника практики від вищого навчального закладу про

проходження практики

Дата складання заліку „____”_______________20____року

за національною шкалою____________________
кількість балів _________________________________
(цифрами і словами)
за шкалою ECTS __________________________
Керівник практики від вищого навчального закладу
____________ ______________________
(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)

1. Форму призначено для визначення завдань на
практику, проведення поточних записів набутих вмінь при
виконанні роботи, оцінки результатів практики.
Заповнюється студентом особисто, крім розділів відгуку
про роботу студента на практиці.
2. Формат бланка А5 (148 210 мм), брошура 8
сторінок разом з обкладинкою з карткового паперу.

Директор департаменту вищої освіти

Я. Я. Болюбаш

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