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Chapter 1:

Introduction to SCM

1.1 What Is Supply - The system of suppliers, manufactures (Upstream) transportation,

Chain distributors, and vendors (downstream) that exists to transform raw materials
Mnagement? to final products and supply those products to customers.
1.3 Global
Include 2: manufacturing process
Distribution network
1.5 The Evolution
of Supply Chain - SCM is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers,
Management manufactures, warehouses and stores, so that merchandise is produced and
1.6 The
Complexity - Goal: Match Supply and Demand + 6 right( product, price, store, quantity,
customer, time= higher profit).
1.7 Key Issues in
Supply Chain Just in time, Minimize total cost, Satisfaction.

1.1.1 4 Function of 1. Plan: Demand planning; Product pricing; Supply/Inventory Planning

2. Production: Product design; Capacity planing (đảm bảo hiệu suất);
Scheduling; Operation( vận hành hiệu quả)
3. Source( thu mua); buying- supplier management.
4. Deliver: Distribution planning; Order/Distribution management.

Supply Chain Director

Planning manager

Procurement Production
Demand planner

Buyer- Supplier
Supply plannDemand

1.1.2 Why SCM Reduce cost, increase profit; Improve service level, shorten lead-time; Expand
important? market share; Create higher customer value.
1.2 The
Development Chain

1.4 Managing
Uncertainty and Risk

• Fluctuations of Inventory and Backorders throughout the Supply Chain

• Forecasting is not a solution
• Demand is not the only source of uncertainty
• Recent trends make things more uncertain: Lean manufacturing (Sản
xuất tinh gọn, liên tục cải tiến các quy trình kinh doanh, tập trung vào việc nhận diện
và loại bỏ các hoạt động không tạo thêm giá trị (Non Value-Added) cho khách hàng
nhưng lại làm tăng chi phí trong chuỗi các hoạt động sản xuất, cung cấp dịch vụ.

Các cấp độ khác nhau bao gồm: lean manufacturing (sản xuất tinh giản), lean enterprise
(doanh nghiệp tinh gọn) và lean thinking (tư duy tinh gọn). ; Outsourcing; Off-shoring
I- Lý thuyết

1. Uncertainty
a) Nguyên nhân
b) Cách khắc phục

2. Cross-docking
a) Định nghĩa
b) Trường hợp áp dụng
c) Ưu, nhược điểm so với tồn kho truyền thống

3. Quản lý nhu cầu( Demand management)

4. Service Level (Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng)

5. Thiết kế chuỗi cung ứng cho một sản phẩm bất kỳ

6. Thiết kế chuỗi cung ứng cho các doanh nghiệp tích hợp:
a) Theo chiều dọc
b) Theo chiều ngang
Chapter 2: : Inventory
2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 What is inventory
- Stock/store of goods/ items kept to meet future demand.
2.2 Single Stage
- Role/ Goal:
Inventory Control
- Strike a balance between inventory investment and customer
2.2.1 The Economic Lot service
Size Model - Matching supply and demand for not Overstocking(Lead to
Liquidation(Bán lại vốn); Obsolescence( Lỗi thời);Holding(Tồn kho)/
2.2.2 The Effect of
Understocking( lost margin: lãi suất; future sales)
Demand Uncertainty
2.1.2 Why Inventory?
2.2.3 Single Period - Deman issue: increase market demand
Models - Supply issue: supplier may not provide good temporarily
2.2.4 Initial Inventory - Operation issue: machineries occur problems temporarily, or the
production capacity of the factory is overloaded, so that the
2.2.5 Continuous factory must build stock first;
Review Policy - Transportation issue:congestion,manifest delay, natural disaster
2.2.6 Variable Lead - Price issue: oil price, curency exchange
Times - Legal issue: quota, lisence...

2.2.7 Periodic Review Note: Storage costs (electricity, water, labor, management), cash folow,
Policy risk of destruction, theft ... is a thread for high inventory.

2.2.8 Service-Level 2.1.3 Types of inventory

Optimization Raw materials; Work-in-process; Maintenance/repair/operating;Finished
2.3 Risk Pooling goods.
Material Flow Cycle.

InputWait forWait toMoveWait in queueSetupRunOutput

inspectionbe movedtimefor operatortimetime

2.1.4 Inventory Indicators
a) Inventory returns

annual cost of goods sold

inventory returns=
average inventory in dollars
Ex: Annual COGS = USD 1.000.000; average inventory in dollar is USD 200.000,
Inventory returns= 1.000.000/200.000=5

b) Days of supply: how many days it will take for the stock on the
shelf to run out if sales continue at the same rate as recent sales.

• Days of sale(DOS--for Finished good)

• Days of inventory(DOI-- Raw and Packaging material)
• Days of supply= inventory on hand/average daily usage
Ex: Inventory of A company is 6.000 PCS, average daily sale is 200
PCS=> days of supply= 6000/200=30 days
Important notes:
• Finished good: 15-60 days; Raw and packaging material: 15- 90
• Chọn DOS hay DOI cao hay thấp tùy thuộc vào
- Leadtime của nguyên vật liệu hoặc thời gian sản xuất thành
- Mức độ ổn định trong cung ứng nhà cung cấp
- Chi phí đặt hàng, vận chuyển nguyên vật liệu
- Tầm quan trọng của nguyên vật liệu
- Forecast accuracy
c) Safety stocks: extra stock that is maintained to mitigate risk of
stockouts (shortfall in raw material or packaging) caused by
uncertainties in supply and demand;
Safety Stock= Safety factors of Service level(%)( khả năng đáp ứng của
nhà cung cấp) * Mean Absolute Deviation of demand(=Square phương
2.1.3 EOQ vs EPL Model a) EOQ model: is the optimal numbers(units)/ order quantity that
minimizes the total holding costs and ordering costs, setup costs ( cost
to prepare a machine or process for manufacturing an order)/
Q = Number of pieces per order
Q* = Optimal number of pieces per order (EOQ)(units)
D = Annual demand in units for the inventory item
S = Setup or ordering cost for each order
H = Holding or carrying cost per unit per year
N= orders per years
Lead time=LT= time between orders (days)= Working days per
years/ N
Total annual cost= Holding+ Set up cost.
1. Annual setup cost= Number o orders per years *Setup cost
D * (S)

2. Annual holding cost=Annual holding cost =(Average inventory level)

x (Holding cost per unit per year)

= Q
( *2H)Holding cost
3. EOQ happen when Setup cost=
2DS = Q H
Q = 2DS/H
Q* = Square( 2DS/H)

4. Determine optimal number of needles to order

D = 1,000 units Q* = 200 units
S = $10 per order H = $.50 per unit per year

Expected number of Demand D

orders =N= =
Order quantity Q*

= 5 orders per year


2.4 Centralized Versus

Decentralized Systems
2.5 Managing Inventory
in the Supply Chain
2.6 Practical Issues
2.7 Forecasting
2.7.1 Judgment
2.7.2 Market Research
2.7.3 Time-Series
2.7.4 Causal Methods
2.7.5 Selecting the
Appropriate Forecasting
Chapter 3: The Value of
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Bullwhip Effect
3.2.1 Quantifying the
Bullwhip Effect
3.2.2 The Impact of
Centralized Information
on the Bullwhip Effect
3.2.3 Methods for
Coping with the
Bullwhip Effect
3.3 Information Sharing
and Incentives
3.4 Effective Forecasts
3.5 Information for the
Coordination of

7. Risk pooling


1. Tính EOQ
2. Tính ROP (Phải tính Q, chi phí tối ưu,..
3. Tính chi phí tối ưu
4. Tính số lần đặt hàng
5. Số lượng đơn hàng đặt
6. Risk pooling (đã sửa)
7. Thiết kế chuỗi cung ứng (bt cuối chương)
8. Safty stock

Note: các bài tính toán ở chương 2.

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