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Unit 1

Language 语言

本章学习目标 已掌握 需要帮助

熟悉雅思阅读考试 Passage 1
掌握 True/False/Not Given
Table Completion 题型做题方法

得更加完美的过程,我们的一切美德都来自克服自身缺点的奋斗。 ——俞敏洪
Starting Off 话题引入

1 1 Look at the pictures below. They represent different stages of a baby’s

language development. 授课时长 : 7-10 分钟
环节目标: 引出本单元的
话题,并为 Reading 1 准备。

授课建议: 第 1 小题属于 1 Fill in the bubbles with words from the box.
科普信息,为了引出第 2 小
题 的 讨 论。 在 配 对 题 结 束
Babbling First words Knows 5 to 40 words
后,可以进行 2 人分组,讨
论 有 关 于 First language
acquisition 的 相 关 内 容。 Knows 150-300 words Knows 900-1000 words Knows 2000+ words
Knows 3500+ words

First words Knows 150-300 words Knows 900-1000 words

2 Work in pairs. Do you think babies can understand language before they
can speak? Why or why not?

Passage 1

Reading 1 阅读练习 1
环节目标: 训练学生阅读标

考试信息 设计逻辑: 每次阅读课都会

第一篇阅读通常是事实信息类文章。 学生对标题学术文章的框架与
第一篇阅读通常在三篇阅读文章中是最简单的,所以比较推荐先 学生阅读考试信息框中信息。
完成。 接着告诉学生将要阅读一篇有
题 Investigating Children’s
Language 和配图,让学生预
2 You are going to read a passage about the investigation of children’s 和反馈,同时应强调预测对阅
language. Read the title the picture of the passage. What is the passage 准确和错误。
about? 授课时长 : 3-5 分钟

3 Work in pairs. Tick ( √ ) any possible equipment when you try to study 3
children’s language. 授课时长 : 5-7 分钟
环节目标: 训练学生对内容
Portfolio √ Tape recorder
授 课 建 议: 延 续 02 题 对 标
Interview Monitor 题的预测,老师可以在活动开
√ One-way-vision window √ Parental diaries 收集的方法。再让他们对内容
√ Radio microphones √ Toys 接 04 题进行预测的内容确定。

Television Projector

4 Read the passage quickly and check which information above are 4
mentioned. 授课时长 : 2-3 分钟
环 节 目 标: 对 03 题 的 预 测

授课建议:03 题完成后,限
时让学生透过扫读找出 03 题

笔记区 Investigating Children’s Language

A For over 200 years, there has been an interest in the

way children learn to speak and understand their
first language. Scholars carried out several small-
scale studies, especially towards the end of the
19th century, using data they recorded in parental
diaries. But detailed, systematic investigation did
not begin until the middle decades of the 20th century,
when the tape recorder came into routine use. This made
it possible to keep a permanent record of samples of child speech, so that analysts
could listen repeatedly to obscure extracts, and thus produce a detailed and accurate
description. Since then, the subject has attracted enormous multi-disciplinary interest,
notably from linguists and psychologists, who have used a variety of observational
and experimental techniques to study the process of language acquisition in depth.

B Central to the success of this rapidly emerging field lies the ability of researchers
to devise satisfactory methods for eliciting linguistic data from children. The
problems that have to be faced are quite different from those encountered when
working with adults. Many of the linguist’s routine techniques of enquiry cannot be
used with children. It is not possible to carry out certain kinds of experiments, because
aspects of children’s cognitive development – such as their ability to pay attention,
or to remember instructions – may not be sufficiently advanced. Nor is it easy to
get children to make systematic judgments about language, a task that is virtually
impossible below the age of three. And anyone who has tried to obtain even the most
basic kind of data – a tape recording of a representative sample of a child’s speech –
knows how frustrating this can be. Some children, it seems, are innately programmed
to switch off as soon as they notice a tape recorder being switched on.

C Since the 1960s, however, several sophisticated recording techniques and

experimental designs have been devised. Children can be observed and
recorded through one-way-vision windows or using radio microphones, so that the
effects of having an investigator in the same room as the child can be eliminated.
Large-scale sampling programmes have been carried out, with children sometimes
being recorded for several years. Particular attention has been paid to devising
experimental techniques that fall well within a child’s intellectual level and social
experience. Even pre-linguistic infants have been brought into the research: acoustic
techniques are used to analyse their vocalisations, and their ability to perceive the
world around them is monitored using special recording equipment. The result has
been a growing body of reliable data on the stages of language acquisition from birth
until puberty.

D There is no single way of studying children’s language. Linguistics and

psychology have each brought their own approach to the subject, and many
variations have been introduced to cope with the variety of activities in which children
engage, and the great age range that they present. Two main research paradigms are

E One of these is known as ‘naturalistic sampling’. A sample of a child’s

spontaneous use of language is recorded in familiar and comfortable
surroundings. One of the best places to make the recording is in the child’s own
home, but it is not always easy to maintain good acoustic quality, and the presence
of the researcher or the recording equipment can be a distraction (especially if the
proceedings are being filmed). Alternatively, the recording can be made in a research
centre, where the child is allowed to play freely with toys while talking to parents or
other children, and the observers and their equipment are unobtrusive.

F A good quality, representative, naturalistic sample is generally considered
an ideal datum for child language study. However, the method has several
limitations. These samples are informative about speech production, but they give
little guidance about children’s comprehension of what they hear around them.
Moreover, samples cannot contain everything, and they can easily miss some
important features of a child’s linguistic ability. They may also not provide enough
instances of a developing feature to enable the analyst to make a decision about
the way the child is learning. For such reasons, the description of samples of child
speech has to be supplemented by other methods.

G The other main approach is through experimentation, and the methods of

experimental psychology have been widely applied to child language research.
The investigator formulates a specific hypothesis about children’s ability to use or
understand an aspect of language, and devises a relevant task for a group of subjects
to undertake. A statistical analysis is made of the subjects’ behaviour, and the results
provide evidence that supports or falsifies the original hypothesis.

H Using this approach, as well as other methods of controlled observation,

researchers have come up with many detailed findings about the production
and comprehension of groups of children. However, it is not easy to generalise
the findings of these studies. What may obtain in a carefully controlled setting may
not apply in the rush of daily interaction. Different kinds of subjects, experimental
situations, and statistical procedures may produce different results or interpretations.
Experimental research is therefore a slow, painstaking business; it may take years
before researchers are convinced that all variables have been considered and a finding
is genuine.

Read the paragraph A and say which of these statements is TRUE, 环节目标: 理解文章细节信
5 息并熟悉雅思判断题题型。
which is FALSE and which is NOT GIVEN. 授课时长 : 3-5 分钟
设计逻辑:05 题与 06 题相
1 In the 19th century, researchers studied their own children’s 衔接。05 题主要带出雅思判
language. T 断题的题型以及对 T/F/NG 的
定 义, 所 以 只 需 要 定 位 至 A
2 Before the 20th century, researchers use tape recorders to study their
own children’s language on a regular basis. F 授课建议:先让学生读要求,
再 按 题 在 A 段 完 成。 在 对 答
3 Enormous linguists and psychologist haven been attracted to study their 案后,与学生在判断题中,T/
F/NG 的定义。可以到 06 题
own children’s language. NG 才教授 keywords 和 hook 等

Exam Advice 题型建议

T/F/NG 题型是雅思阅读考试
True / False / Not Given 判断题 的必考题型,几乎每次考试都
有 1-2 个这类题。同时这也是
如果题干信息与文章信息相同,写 TRUE。 中国考生失分最多的题型之一。
如果题干信息与文章信息相反,写 FALSE。 分清楚 False 和 Not Given 的
如果文章没有包含题干信息,写 NOT GIVEN。 上稳稳拿分。

6 Use the underlined words in Question 1-6 below to find the relevant part of
the passage. Then read those parts of the passage carefully to answer the
questions. 授课时长 : 7-10 分钟
环节目标: 理解文章细节
Question 1-6
设 计 逻 辑: 在 05 题 了 解 Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the reading passage?
T/F/NG 定义后,本题着重
于做题方法。 Write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
授课建议: 先让学生在原 FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
文找出第 1-6 题下横线部分
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
可以带学生先完成第一题的 1 Attempts to elicit very young children’s opinions about language are likely to
其他题目。在对答案后,老 fail. T
词组为定位和判断的相关信 2 It is believed that some children are born to know whether the tape recorder
is on. T
思的位置进行阅读。 3 Radio microphones are used because they enable researchers to
communicate with a number of children in different rooms. F

4 Large-scale sampling must be conducted to obtain reliable data. NG

5 Many children enjoy the interaction with the researcher. NG

6 Linguistics and psychology all follow the same approach to research

children’s language. F

7 7 Work in pairs. Look at Question 7-13 below. 授课时长 : 3-5 分钟

环节目标: 理解文章细节
信息并熟悉摘要填空题的做 1 What type of word(s) (noun, adjective, verb) do you need for each gap? Noun
2 What type of information do you need for each gap? 10 – maybe an ability;
授课建议: 在回答第 1 和
第 2 小问前,告诉学生摘要
11 – academic fields
并让学生注意题目要求。回 Question 7-13
答第 1 和第 2 小问对空作预
测。为 08 题准备。 Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Ways of investigating Children’s language

One method of carrying out research is to record children’s spontaneous

language use. This can be done in their homes, where, however, it may be
difficult to ensure that the recording is of acceptable 7 acoustic quality


since all research equipment can be a 8 distraction . Another venue which

is often used is a 9 research centre/ center , where children are allowed to
behave naturally. A drawback of this method is that it does not allow children
to demonstrate their 10 comprehension of surroundings.
An alternative approach is to use methodology from the field of
11experimental psychology. In this case, a number of children are asked 环节目标: 理解文章细节信
to carry out a 12 task/ relevant task , and the results are subjected to a 程。
13statistical analysis .
授课建议: 在做题前,让学
后,让学生找出第 7 题的定位
8 Now read the passage and answer Questions 7-13. 授课时长 : 7-10 分钟 对答案环节结束后,让学生阅

教辅素材: 精读素材见教辅
Exam Advice 题型建议
Summary completion 摘要填空题 填空题是雅思阅读考试的必考
首先仔细阅读摘要。 章下会出现填空题,近两年来
多出现在 Passage 2 & 3。回
利用摘要标题确认文章对应位置并仔细阅读。 答此类题型时注意要严格按照

Find words in the passage which mean the same as these words below. 9
Copy them into the second column and write their corresponding meanings.
环节目标: 提供词表记录阅
授课时长 : 7-10 分钟 读文章与题目出现的同义替

题干重点词汇 原文同义替换 释义 授课建议: 让学生再次阅读



Skills Development – Exam Strategy 能力提升 – 考试技能

中出现的生词,特别是专 Managing Unknown Vocabulary 应对陌生词汇
10 In the IELTS test, you often encounter new words and phrases.
Read the following sentences extracted from the reading passage
and answer the questions. 授课时长 : 5-7 分钟
1 This made it possible to keep a permanent record of samples of child
环节目标: 掌握在问读时 speech, so that analysts could listen repeatedly to obscure extracts,
and thus produce a detailed and accurate description.
设计逻辑: 二语学习中, 1) Look at the word in bold, what type of word it is? Adjective
常。但不必每个单词都需要 2) Circle the surrounding words that may help you find out the meaning
样,如:学会忽略非重点难 of the bold word.
3) Guess the meaning of the word ‘obscure’.

授课建议:在 10 题开始前,
词汇时他们会使用的处理方 Strategies of managing unknown words 应对陌生词汇的方法
带着学生一步步完成 3 个小 You may be able to guess the meaning of a word that the context offers
问。再让学生阅读框中信息, a logical relationship such as contrasting and coordinating.

You may be able to guess the meaning of a word from its parts of
speech, prefixes, roots, and suffixes

11 Work in pairs. Use the strategies above to guess the meaning of
each unknown word in bold. 授课时长 : 7-10 分钟 11
1 The children’s development of language is a phenomenon that takes 环节目标: 训练使用上下文
place at different ages and speeds, and which is amazing to observe. 逻辑关系猜陌生词。

Some people tend to think that language and communication are abilities 授 课 建 议: 按 照 10 题 的 3
that are normally developed several months after the birth of a child. 个步骤,让学生完成 11 题练
However, children are already able to hear voices, noises and even
现象 用字典等工具。答案可以填写
music way long before. 中文。

2 Some research has been carried out measuring the different reactions
of new-borns to their auditory environment. New-borns seem to be able
to distinguish not only their own mother’s voice from other voices, but
also the voices and music they have heard more frequently while in
their mother’s womb.

3 Moreover, they seem to appreciate human voices and conversations in

their mother’s language more than indistinct noise although they do
not know any language yet, and this precisely is mind-blowing!

4 At the beginning of their lives and this since their first seconds, all new-
borns have only one way to communicate, which is crying. Crying is an
innate ability that begins to be diversified already in the first weeks of
life, in order to express different kinds of needs and emotions, such as 天生的
hunger or pain.

5 Another interesting innate ability of new-borns is that of smiling. We know

that they don’t really have a reason, being not yet capable of
understanding and assimilating positive feelings rationally. Still, they can
feel these positive feelings and offer huge smiles to whoever may be
here at the moment – so don’t panic if your 2-weeks nephew keeps
crying when you’re around: it doesn’t mean he’s already mad at you! 吸收

6 After a few months, babies normally start to interact using gesture and
facial expressions to show basic feelings like hunger, pain, or fatigue.
Also, they now understand when people call their name, and respond to
it and to human voices by turning their head, their eyes or moving their
body. 疲倦

7 Babies normally articulate the first sounds and syllables between six and
eleven months. They begin to play with their voice, with its intonation,
peak, tone and create the first words consisting in the repetition of the
same syllables. At that time, they also understand what “yes” and “no”
mean. 清晰地发出

8 From twelve to eighteen months, babies produce their first words with
meaning and begin to follow simple instructions. Their vocabulary grows
quickly although they tend to repeat the same words over and over.
After two years, the first phase of language acquisition ends. At this point,
children are able to combine words in their first short sentences using a
vocabulary of more or less 150-300 words.

Reading 2 阅读练习 2

12 You are going to read a passage about the analysis of why language
环节目标: 训练学生阅读 is endangered. Read the title of the passage and the topic sentence
of each paragraph. What is the passage about? 授课时长 : 3-5 分钟
有关濒危语言的文章,让学 13 Work in pairs. Look at the following reasons of language death. Tick
( √ ) possible reasons. 授课时长 : 5-7 分钟
√ Language diversity √ Lack of population
容。 Financial crisis Political divisions
√ Migration √ Climate change
13 Bilingual Invention of new language
环节目标: 训练学生对内 Too difficult to write or speak √ Generation gap

授课建议:延续 12 题对标
能导致语言灭绝的原因。后 14 Read the passage quickly and check which reasons above are
接 14 题进行预测的内容确 mentioned. 授课时长 : 2-3 分钟

When languages die, we lose a part of who we are

Humans are the only species on the planet whose communication system exhibits
环节目标:对 13 题的预测 enormous diversity. There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world today.
进行确定的同时,对文章进 These languages exhibit enormous diversity, from the number of distinctive sounds
行 skimming,获取文章大 (there are languages with as few as 11 different sounds and as many as 118) to
致提及的内容。 the vast range of possible word orders, structures and concepts that languages
use to convey meaning. Linguists are busy debating if there is anything at all that is
授课建议:13 题完成后,
限时让学生透过扫读找出 13 common to all languages in the world. Sign languages show us that languages do
题所提及的信息,并核对答 not even need to be spoken. This diversity is evidence of the enormous flexibility
案。 and plasticity of the human brain and its capacity for communication.

However, language diversity is at risk. Languages are dying every year. Often a
language’s death is recorded when the last known speaker dies, and about 35% of
languages in the world are seriously endangered. Most of these have never been
recorded and so would be lost forever. Linguists estimate that about 50% of the
languages spoken today will disappear in the next 100 years.

There are many reasons why languages die. The reasons are often political,
economic, or cultural in nature. Speakers of a minority language may, for example,
decide that it is better for their children’s future to teach them a language that is
tied to economic success. Migration also plays a large role in language change
and language death. When speakers of Proto-Indo-European migrated to most of
Europe and large parts of Asia between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago, they probably
brought about massive language change and language death. In the coming
centuries, we may experience an increase in climate-related migration. It is already
clear that climate change influences modern migration patterns. Climate- related
disasters displaced an estimated 20 million people in 2008.

The areas affected by climate-related disasters are often ones that exhibit great
linguistic diversity and include languages with small numbers of speakers, which
are especially vulnerable. The threat facing islanders in Vanuatu is not just due
to rising sea levels. Recent tectonic movements have also caused parts of some
islands to sink. As a result, a whole coastal village had to be relocated further
inland from 2002 to 2004. This prompted these villagers to be the world’s first
climate change refugees. These refugees happen to be living in a country that
has one of the highest levels of linguistic diversity in the world. Vanuatu is the
third most linguistically diverse country in the world. Vanuatu has 110 indigenous
languages spoken in an area of about 15,000 square kilometres (about 6,000
square miles) – that’s about one language for every 136 square kilometres. Half of
the languages spoken in Vanuatu have 700 speakers or less.

Some of the countries affected by the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean
in 2004 are also very linguistically diverse. India has 447 indigenous languages
and Indonesia has 706 indigenous languages. Researchers had just discovered
the Dusner language, which had only a handful of remaining speakers, when
flooding in 2010 devastated the Papua region of Indonesia, where the Dusner
village is located. Luckily, some of the speakers survived and the language could
be documented.

Often, we do not know precisely what effect natural disasters have on the
languages spoken in affected areas. What we do know, though, is that
environmental pressures increase mobility and migration, and that migration
affects language change and death. A further increase in climate-related disasters
may further accelerate the disappearance of languages. This would be a tragic
loss, not just for the people and cultures involved, but for cognitive science as

15 Read following statements and read the relevant part of the passage. 15
Then carefully answer the questions. 授课时长 : 7-10 分钟
环节目标: 理解文章细节
Question 1-8 题流程。

Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the reading passage? 授课建议: 做题开始前,
先让学生回顾 T/F/NG 的定
Write 义和做题方法。老师也协助
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information 学生完成第 1 小题的定位,
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information 再让学生完成整个练习。
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1 Some languages employ 11 different sounds, while other have as many as 118.T

2 Linguists predict that about half of the languages spoken today will lost in the
future. T

3 Language diversity is at risk due to globalization. NG

4 Migration is an important factor in language change. T

5 Language diversity is often directly related to climate-related disasters. T

6 Indigenous languages in Vanuatu have 700 speakers or less. F

7 Natural disasters such as earthquake and tsunami affect language diversity. T

8 The relationship between natural disasters and language spoken is figured out. T

16 16 Work in pairs. Look at Question 9-13 below. 授课时长 : 3-5 分钟

环节目标: 理解文章细节 1 Do you need to make sure answers are grammatically correct? Yes
题流程。 2 What type of information do you need for each gap? Noun or Adjective; words
from the passage
授课建议: 做题前先回顾
确认题目要求。回答第 1 和
第 2 小 问 对 空 作 预 测。 为 Question 9-13
17 题准备。
Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

When language die, we lose a part of who we are

Thousands of languages are spoken every day around the world, each one
slightly different, using a different 9 range of sounds and gestures to facilitate
communication. The variety of communication forms acted as evidence of the
10 flexibility and plasticity of the human brain.

There are many reasons related to languages changes and death such as
government policy, economy, culture or 11 migration . Another particularly key
influence on language change and death is 12 climate change disasters. Such
disasters will further accelerate the disappearance of languages. Their loss would
not only be a tragic for the people and cultures involved, but also be a loss to
13 cognitive science .

17 Now read the passage and answer Questions 9-13. 授课时长 : 7-10 分钟

环节目标: 理解文章细节
Find words in the passage which mean the same as these 信息并熟悉摘要填空题的做
18 题流程。
words below. Copy them into the second column and write their
corresponding meanings. 授课时长 : 7-10 分钟 授课建议: 在做题前,先
题干重点词汇 原文同义替换 释义 再次总结相关的做题流程。


环节目标: 提供词表记录

授课建议: 让学生再次阅


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