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Криворізька загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів № 114

у 2 класі

Funny Animals

Підготувала та провела:

Вчитель іноземної мови

Скрипнік Юлія Леонідівна

Тема уроку: Кумедні тварини
Тип: урок-гра
Форма: урок оглядової співпраці
Мета: активізувати вивчені ЛО з теми, дієслова `can`; розвивати вміння
узагальнювати та систематизувати; виховувати любов до тварин; навчити
креативному використанню набутих ЗУН.
Обладнання: DVD, картки із зображенням свійських та диких тварин,
дошка, розрізні смужки з написами тварин, картинка формату А3 із
зображенням зимового лісу, картинка формату А3 із зображенням зимового
будиночку, іграшкові тваринки, навчально-методичний комплект Naomi
Simmons“Family and Friends-1” 2ndEdition Oxford University Press 2014.-151c.

Хід уроку:
I.Організаційна частина
1. Привітання
Good morning boys and girls! Welcome to our English lesson
Pupils: Hello, hello
To everyone.
It`s English time.
Let`s have fun!
I`m very glad to see you. Take your seats please. Today we`ve an unusual lesson
and quests visited us. Let`s introduce each other to our quests. Make a circle,

[...] Well done!

2. Мотивація уроку
Students look at the board. Can you read this word? Let`s spell it. [...] What`s it?
You`re right. Today we are going to speak about animals.

II.Основна частина.
I propose you to divide into two teams: `Stars` and `Bells`.
During the lesson for each correct answer you `re going to get a point. Your task is
to get as many points as possible for your team.
Are you ready? Let`s go!
Task 1
As you know, animals are very different. They are quick and slow, little and big.
Please call little animals [...] Thanks. Do you know big animals? [...]. Well
But do you know that animals are domestic and wild?
Domestic animals usually live with us in our houses or flats.
Wild animals live among wildlife

So imagine our animals have lost the way to their homes. Please, help them.
For example, you take an envelope, open it and take a sheet with any animal. Then
you think: is this animal domestic or wild, finally you stick the sheet on the

board under the winter forest or under the winter house

Are you ready?
[...] OK Let`s read our domestic animals:
DOG [...]
Usually they are our friends. Have you got any pets? That`s nice! Please tell us
about them [...] Good for you!
Task 2
Let`s read wild animals: ELEPHANT
FROG [...]
You said frog. Who knows any chant about frog?
Pupil 1: The little green frog
Jumps on a log

Takes off its cloak

And begins to croak
Who knows a chant about kangaroo?
Pupil 2: Today, when I was at the Zoo,
I watched the mother kangaroo,
Inside her skin she has a pocket
She puts her baby to rock it
Task 3
I propose you to listen to kids` dialogue. Listen attentively and try to write
correctly animals kids are talking about. (Track 64) [...]Are you ready? Let`s check
Pupils from teams: GIRAFFE
You said lion. Who knows a chant about lion?
Pupil: My paws are big and strong
My tail is very long
My mine is fine and thick.
And I`m very big
Task 4
Pupils are you tired? Let`s relax! We`re going to sing and show the song “ Clap
your Hands”. I need one leading boy and girl. One, Two, Three GO! [...]
Task 5 Grammar
Let`s revise modal verb `can` [...] Do you know negative form?
For example: I can run but I can`t fly
Next task for you is writting what can or can`t do our animals?
On the board:
DUCK can`t RUN

Task 6
I propose you to play a game “What`s missing?”
(6 cards) [...]

Task 7
I`ve some riddles for you. Guess them please:
1.I`m little and green
I can hop and swim
I live in the lake
What is it? [FROG]
2.It can run very fast
It has black and white stripes
What is it? [ZEBRA]
3.It has a bell on the neck
It gives milk. What is it? [COW]
4.It lives in Africa.
It has a long neck. What is it? [GIRAFFE]
5.It`s brown and big.
It likes honey. What is it? [BEAR]
6. It can jump. It can run.
It`s funny
It lives in a house. What is it? [CAT]
7. It`s pink and dirty
It`s very fat
It has a nose-button. What is it? [PIG]
8.I`m big and I`m strong
And my trunk is very long
What is it? [ELEPHANT]
Who knows any chant about elephant?
Pupil: When people call this beast to mind
They marvel more and more
At such a little tail behind
So large a trunt before.
III.Заключна частина
1.Підведення підсумків
It`s time to count your points. How many points did you get?
Please team “Stars” [...] Team “Bells” counts [...]
Let`s clap our winners
2.Пояснення домашнього завдання
Завдання кожному учню на аркуші А4 згідно з навчально-методичним
комплектом Naomi Simmons“Family and Friends-1” 2ndEdition Oxford

University Press 2014.-151c.

What season is it now?
What holidays do we celebrate in winter?
Let`s wish our parents, friends and teachers Happy New Year and Merry
(Song “We wish a Merry Christmas!”)

4. Прощання
Thank you for the lesson. I`m really pleased with your job. Goodbye boys and
Pupils: Goodbye my friend, goodbye
See you later

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