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Поринь у вивчення англійської

з улюбленими героями
за сюжетом мультфільму,,Бейбі Бос”
you need your
cute face
s what
e never toothless

ookies are
or closers

Робочий зошит
з інтерактивними завданнями

Дембіцька Анастасія
Кам’янець-Подільська територіальна громада

Кам’янець – Подільський ліцей № 14

Робочий зошит з інтерактивними завданнями

,,Поринь у вивчення англійської з улюбленими героями”

(за сюжетом мультфільму ,,Бейбі Бос”)

Рівень А2

Дембіцька Анастасія
учитель англійської мови
Кам’янець-Подільського ліцею № 14

м. Кам’янець-Подільський

Упорядник: Дембіцька Анастасія Олегівна, учитель англійської мови Кам’янець-
Подільського ліцею № 14

Схвалено до друку науково-методичною радою Кам’янець-Подільською ліцею № 14

(протокол № 1 від 03.11.2023 р.)

Дембіцька А.О. робочий зошит з інтерактивними завданнями «Поринь у вивчення

англійської з улюбленими героями» ( за сюжетом мультфільму ,,Бейбі Бос”) / А.О.
Дембіцька. – Кам’янець-Подільський, 2023. – 43 с.

Робочий зошит з інтерактивними завданнями ,,Поринь у вивчення англійської з

улюбленими героями” (за сюжетом мультфільму ,,Бейбі Бос”) поєднує в собі приємне
з корисним – перегляд улюбленого мультфільму з можливість удосконалювати свої
знання англійської мови. Робочий зошит складається з вправ, спрямованих на
збагачення словникового запасу, розвиток навичок говоріння, письма та рефлексії.
Робочий зошит поділений на дві частини: ,,До перегляду” та ,,Після перегляду”

1. Вступ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

2. Графічні позначення…………………………………………………………………………………..6

4. Перед переглядом мультфільму………………………………………………………………..7

5. Тренувальні вправи……………………………………………………………………………………11

6. Тренувальні вправи після перегляду мультфільму………..…………………………25

7. Ключі до завдань……………………………………………………………………………………….43

Цінність вивчення англійської мови з мультфільмами полягає у
формуванні позитивної мотивації, стимулюванні в учнів бажання більше
дізнатися та навчитися мислити мовою вивчення. Залучення мультиків при
вивченні мови сприяє активізації всіх психологічних аспектів: мислення,
сприйняття, розуміння та засвоєння іншомовного матеріалу. Використання
мультфільмів з навчальною метою дозволяє сформувати комунікативну
компетентність, удосконалити вміння аудіювання на основі автентичних
мультфільмів, сформувати практичні навички монологічного
висловлювання, удосконалювати вміння писемного мовлення, збагатити
словниковий запас, опанувати граматичні конструкції, безпосередньо в
живому мовленні. В робочому зошиті також багато завдань на рефлексію,
що стимулює школярів до самоаналізу роботи, систематизації знань та
усвідомленню їхнього значення.

Використання автентичних відеоматеріалів, дозволяє зробити процес

навчання цікавішим, результативнішим та ефективнішим як для учнів, так і
для вчителя.

Переваги використання мультфільмів як інструменту для вивчення

англійської мови:

- Доступна лексика і граматика,

- Проста тематика,
- Повторювані слова та вирази,
- Музична складова,
- Зручний хронометраж,
- Доступність.
Перегляд мультфільму більше ніколи не буде простою розвагою, а стане
інструментом, який дозволить розвинути розуміння мови на слух,
покращити вимову, дізнатися та опрацювати повсякденні, розмовні та
сленгові фрази і слова, познайомитися з традиціями та культурою іншої
Throughout the workbook you may find these symbols. Read and find out
what they mean.

Next to this symbol you will find just a bit of grammar.

Have fun!

New vocabulary is ahead.

You may scan and watch the whole cartoon or a part of it. Some
exercises can be done only after scanning.

This symbol tells us that there is a quotation or interesting

expression from one of the characters. A task for a reflection. Think
and share.

Tasks to practise new material.

A domino game. The pieces must be placed together in such a way,

that the sides that meet each other – fit together. Cut and practise
the vocabulary

Write down what you’ve learnt so far


Before watching
survival of the fittest – виживає сильніший

to lose control – втрачати контроль

It’s go time – час починати

a buddy – приятель

to rescue – рятувати

to break up – розлучатися,розпадатися

to look out – бути обережним

to grab onto something – хапатися за щось

overactive – гіперактивний

to go on – відбуватися, продовжуватися

to launch - запускати

to make time (for) – знаходити час (на щось/когось)

in the dead of night – вночі

to lie in wait (for someone/something) – чекати(попереду) на когось/щось

to come from - походити звідкись

to drift off – засинати

little did I know – навіть не підозрював(як мало я знав)

outfit – наряд(одяг)

to conduct a meeting(to have a meeting) – проводити зустріч

to set up – створювати, облаштовувати

smack dab – прямісінько,точнісінько

to have a fit - істерити

to wrap around- обертатися навколо

chubby little finger – пухкий мізинець

Except for (me) – окрім (мене)

make excuses – виправдовуватися

sleep deprivation - позбавлення сну

spare time – вільний час

all of a sudden – зненацька,раптово

to cast a curse (upon someone) – накласти закляття

on short notice – негайно

hit the lights – вимикати світло

mortal enemy – заклятий ворог

nighty-night – спокійної ночі

breaking point – переломний момент

cabbage patch – грядка капусти

how come? – чому? Як так сталося?

a pacifier – пустушка

to get along with somebody – ладнати з кимось

to find out – дізнаватися

ASAP (as soon as possible) – якомога швидше

DOB (date of birth) – дата народження

come up with – придумувати

to get rid of – позбавлятися

let’s get to work - берімося за роботу

adorable – милий

I’d rather… – я б краще…

rise and shine- пора прокидатися

to get creepy – робитися страшним

thanks for dropping in – дякую, що зайшли

lactose intolerant – непереносимість лактози

to get revenge – мститися

be onto someone/something(idiom) – дізнатися правду про щось/когось

to get away with(something) – вийти сухим з води

to come out – з’являтися, виходити

in plenty of time – заздалегідь

to order around - командувати

you take that back – візьми свої слова назад

a door knob – дверна ручка

to give something a try – спробувати

a tough one – міцний горішок, завдання «з зірочкою»

to grow old – старіти

If you have doubts about the right

pronunciation just scan and check every word
and phrase.
As you can see from the vocabulary list above, there are a lot of phrasal
verbs. That is no wonder, as phrasal verbs are commonly used only in non-
formal situation: in speech on a daily basis, in e-mails between friends, in some
magazines, and are essential in order to improve your spoken and written

Phrasal verbs are a group of two or more words which perform the same
function as another verb. A phrasal verb is a phrase that is made up of a main
verb and an adverb, a preposition or both.

They are idiomatic ways of expressing an action. Think of it like a sandwich:

[main verb] + adverb/preposition/adverb/ and preposition = Phrasal verb.

Phrasal verbs can be:

Transitive (take a direct object ) I look after my sister.

Intransitive ( do not take a direct object) When I grow up, I want to be

a firefighter.

Separable ( phrasal verb consists of a main verb+ adverb/preposition or both,

these verbs can sometimes be separated).
Only transitive verbs(take direct objects) can be separated.
Turn off the light before you leave.
Turn the light off before you leave.
Inseparable ( cannot be separated, due to the fact, that there is no direct
He passed away last night. (“last night” is an adverb)
Fill in the gaps with the missing prepositions to complete the
phrasal verbs used in the story. Use the list below.
up for upon around from
off out along with of

1. Even though my parents worked really hard... they still made just enough
2. Life was good. Life was perfect. But as I drifted______ to sleep... something
my parents said got me thinking.
3. Where do babies come _____?
4. One thing was clear. He was the boss. He set______ his office and he
conducted meetings.
5. He had everyone wrapped ________ his chubby little finger. Everyone except
for me.
6. Then I shall cast______him a great curse!
7. Oh, look! The kids are finally getting ________. That's nice.
8. No pie? No pie. So, my mission is to find ______ what this new puppy is.
9. If he doesn't come up_____ answers... he is fired, retired! - Gone! - Tour's
10. We have to make sure you don't get fired. We? We. I will help you... but just
to get rid ______ you. Deal? Deal.
A domino game. Cut to practise the vocabulary
a) Find the synonym for the given phrasal verbs
1. Get rid of_________________________________________
2. get along with_____________________________________
3. find out __________________________________________
4. get away with______________________________________
5. come up with______________________________________
6. break up __________________________________________
7. look out___________________________________________
8. drift off____________________________________________
9. come from_________________________________________
10.go on_____________________________________________
11. order around_______________________________________
12. come out__________________________________________

a) to fall asleep
b) to appear
c) to tell what to do, to command
d) to continue
e) to be from somewhere
f) to be careful
g) to stop seeing someone, to split up
h) to have an idea
i) to be unpunished
j) to discover something, to learn, to find out
k) to have something in common, to be friends
l) to lose something, to throw away.

b) Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verbs from above.

1). I should ________________ everything, that reminds me of the bad things in
my life.
2.I do not ____________ my new neighbor. She is extremely annoying.
3. It was really interesting to ______________ that my new boyfriend is going to
be my new boss.
4. He is going to ________________ with the punishment.
5. My sister ____________ with a new plan of how to raise more money.
6. My brother and his girlfriend ____________ two days ago.
7. _______________ there is a giant spider above your head.
8. I ______________ a small town in the middle of nowhere.
9. Noone likes him, as he always _________________.
10. The story ____________ pretty interesting and engaging.
11. She ________________ that she didn’t pass the exam and it really upset
12. The teacher _______________talking about how we need English and how
we need to study, but no one listens.

Find these words. Do you remember what they mean?

door knob grow old pacifier mortal enemy tough

one adorable
spare time ASAP outfit launch
Use the words to write your
own story
Read the quote.Who said it? How do you understand it?
“I can’t do this job forever. I’m only a baby for a short amount of time.”


The stages of childhood development

1. Newborn – новонароджений
This is the first stage and lasts from birth to two weeks of age.
2. Infant – немовля
This stage lasts from birth to 12 months.
3. Toddler – дитина,яка починає ходити
The toddler stage starts at 12 months of age and lasts until 36 months of age
4. Preschool stage – дошкільний вік
The preschool stage begins at 3 years of age and lasts until 5 years of age
5. School stage – шкільний вік
It lasts from 6 to 12 years old
Teenager – підліток
A person aged between 13-19 years

Choose the right word and trace to the correct picture

1. By friend has just had a baby. I haven’t seen any pictures yet, but I am sure it
is so adorable.__________ are all adorable.
2. You can tell by the scratched knees of my son that he is learning to
3. Her daughter is still an _________, she is going to be one in a month.
4. Today is her first day in the kindergarten. I hope she gets along with the other
5. We don’t go to school on this day. It is a public holiday._______________


Read the quote.Who said it? How do you understand it?

“You can’t be a great baby without a great team.”

A domino game
Grab a drink, some popcorn, get comfortable and enjoy your favorite

Cinema Ticket


Running time: 1 h 37 min
Genre: comedy film
Age: 6+
Release: 2017
a) Find characters’ names in the box and match with the

Timothy Theodore Jimbo Wizzie Mom

Francis Francis Eugene Dad

1. __________________ - has had a great imagination since he was 7. He has

fair skin, blue eyes, and brown hair. He wears different shirts from time to time.

2. ___________________ - is a large baby with short blonde hair and a white

diaper with a pin in it. He also has Green eyes. He has a scary appearance but is
very nice.

3. ___________________ - is a skinny woman and wears red lipstick. She has

brown hair in a curled up bun and blue eyes. She wears a light purple button-up
blouse, blue pants, and blue wedges. She wears a pink shirt most of the time.

4. ___________________ - is o toy wizard figure and is made out of plastic and

is of fair skin color. He has a blue robe that has yellow stars covering it. He
stands on top of the alarm clock that shows the time.

5. __________________ - he only cares about himself at first, but he cares

about others as well, especially his older brother. He wears a black suit and,
white shirt with a tie. He has got blond hair.
6.___________________ - he was loved by everyone
around him in Baby Corp, however, after it
turned out that he had lactose intolerance,
he grew older, and got fired from the Baby Corp.

7. ___________________ - He is Francis Francis's Big

Brother and right hand man. His job is to make sure
no one interferes Francis' evil plans.

8. ___________________ - is a skinny man with brown hair and green eyes. He

wears glasses. He also wears a pale green button-up blouse with a white shirt,
gray pants with a black belt around it, and black loafers.

b) Put a number with the name of the character next to the correct
c) Read the descriptions of some of the characters. Fill each gap with
the correct word from the box.

no one – assistant – join – love – boy – something – force

dangerous – muscle – baby – adventure – clever – ready– dressed

nothing – pyjamas – brother (x2) – job – note taking – secret

suit – imagination – arrives – truth – turned – out – crazy – plan

Boss Baby is a most unusual 1_________________.He wears a

____________ carries a briefcase and in on a 3_______________
mission to discover why babies are losing their market share of
___________________ In order to accomplish his mission, he
will have to 5_______________forces with his big
_____________________ Tim.
Tim Templeton is an ordinary 7__________________ with an
extraordinary8____________________ His perfect world is
_____________________upside down when his new baby
10 11
brother _________________________ Convinced
____________________… is different about Boss Baby, he is determined to
uncover the 12 _______________________

The triplets are13________________________in matching 14…

_________________________ and they agree with everything
that Boss Baby says and are 15________________________________for any

Staci is the Boss Baby’s tiny, tutu clad 17 _____________________ She may not
be the best at 18_________________________, but she comes through for Tim
and Boss Baby when their mission turns 19___________________

Jimbo is the diaper clad 20 “_________________________” of the

group. He may not be very 21_______________________ but he
comes in handy whenever brute 22___________________________ is needed.

CEO of PuppyCo. He is determined to put Baby Corp 24

_______________ of the baby business and will stop at
to accomplish it.

Eugene is Francis’ big 25___________________and right hand man. His

_______________________ is to ensure 27__________________
interferes in Francis’ evil 28________________ to achieve market
Read the quote.Who said it? How do you understand it?

“Business is war, and I’m here to win.”


Choose true or false in the following statements
1. Life was good. Life was perfect. But as I drifted off to sleep... something my
parents said got me thinking. Where do babies come from? The day I got a little
sister started like any other day... but little did I know.________________
2. Right from the start, the little baby was yelling at people... ordering everyone
3. Tim’s parents worked in the Baby Corp along with Theodore.____________
4. All babies come from the Baby Corp, but after babies get their pacifiers taken
away... they forget all about Baby Corp.____________
5. Theodore thinks that puppies are the most adorable and cutest thing
6. After the mission “in the family” the baby boss wanted to get a
7. Francis’s evil plan was to create a puppy that never grows. ____________
8. Tim can ride a bike without training wheels.____________
9. Tim and the Boss Baby became friends at the very beginning of the story and
were inseparable._____________
10. Eugene and Eugenia are two different characters.____________

a) Read the monologue
and fill in the gaps with the given
words. Then scan and check your

questions the same me the boss at on

yelling smack dab night a fit finger
The day I got a little brother started like any other day... but little did I know...
my life would never be __________1).
…. My parents always said that I had an overactive imagination. But I clearly
remember... the baby was delivered in a taxi. What the... Hey!
“Tim, look who's here. Meet your new baby brother.” Baby what? Brother.
I had a million___________2). Who is this guy? Why is he here? What's with
that outfit? Why's he so fat? Why's he staring _______ me 3)? Does he know
karate? What's going ________ 4)?
…..Right from the start, he was ______ 5) at people... ordering everyone
…. One thing was clear. He was ________6). He set up his office, right ________
7)in the middle of the house. He conducted meetings.
…..Lots and lots of meetings. Even in the middle of the _________8).
…. If things weren't done to his immediate satisfaction... he had __________9).
….. He had everyone wrapped around his chubby little _________10). Everyone
except for ________11).

b) Read the abstract a couple of times then try shadowing* it. This will help you
to improve your language.

*Shadowing – a language technique where you repeat an audio just after you hear it. You
are acting like an “echo” or a “shadow”. You listen to the words and then say them back out
loud. Remember that you are not listening to the audio, stopping it, and then repeating it.
You are repeating it as you are listening

Unscramble the words. Pictures may help

1. tiftuo – __________________________________________________

2. apicerif – ________________________________________________

3. odaarebl – _______________________________________________

4. oodrknbo – ______________________________________________

5. erapsemit - ______________________________________________

6. talromeneym - ___________________________________________

7. cagebbapacht - ___________________________________________

8. chlanu - _________________________________________________

9. kema excsesu - ___________________________________________

10. teg revegen - ____________________________________________

Match the words with their corresponding meanings.
1. to have a fit - ___________________________________________ 2.
sleep deprivation - ________________________________________ 3. spare
time - _____________________________________________
4.get along - _______________________________________________ 5. door
knob _______________________________________________
6. on short notice ___________________________________________
7. mortal enemy - ___________________________________________
8. a tough one - _____________________________________________
9. make excuses -____________________________________________
10. drift off - _______________________________________________

a) fall asleep
b) have friendly relationship
c) something that is challenging
d) to become angry
e) not enough sleep
f) someone one hates very much and for a long time
g) only a short time before something happens
h) a handle that you turn to open the door
i) give false reasons why you cannot do something
j) free time

Read the quote.Who said it? How do you understand it?

“Time is money, and I don’t have time for napping.”


Fill in the gaps with the words from the previous task.
1.She always ______ ______ while watching TV.
2. You are always ________ ________ for not helping me.
3. This question is a _______ _______ to answer. I need a couple of minutes
to think about it.
4. Lord Voldemort is Harry Potter’s ________ ________.
5. She has to leave on a business trip on _______ ________.
6. They didn’t like each other from the very beginning, but now they seem to
______ _______ pretty well.
7. I enjoy reading poetry in my ______ _______.
8. One in three new mothers suffers serious ________ __________.
9. Every time my mother sees a mess in my room – she _________ _________.
10. There are plenty of bacteria on surfaces such as toys or even ____________.

a) Work on the new vocabulary
double – подвійний

decent – пристойний

I’d kill for – дослівно “я б убив за…”, “віддав би усе за…”

right about now – прямо зараз

a little something - щось; невеличкий подарунок

efficiency – робото спроможність, результативність

pick somebody over smb – надавати комусь перевагу

track record – послужний список, репутація

wanna (want to) – хотіти

gonna ( going to be) – буде

power nap – короткий сон

beads – намистини

take up – забирати, займати

to come along – з’являтися

obviously – очевидно

numbers just don’t add up – щось тут не сходиться

to stay out of – триматися якнайдалі від чогось

cutback – скорочення

to fit – підходити, бути придатним

b) Now listen to the abstract and fill in the

missing words.
…No, you can really talk. I heard you!
Fine. I can talk. Now, let's see if you can
_________. Get me a double espresso... and
see if there's someplace around here with decent sushi. I'd kill for a spicy tuna
roll right about now. Get yourself a little __________. Who are you? Let's just
say I'm the boss. The boss? You're a baby! You wear a diaper. You know who
else wears diapers? Astronauts and NASCAR drivers, that's who. It's called
___________, Templeton. The average toddler spends, what? 45 hours a year
on the potty? I'm the boss. I don't have that kind of spare __________. Well,
you're not the boss of me. - I am the boss of you. - No, you're not. - Am, too. -
Are not. - Am, too! - Are not! - Am, too. - Are not! - Am, too. - Are not! Am, too.
Am, too.
I was here first. Just wait until Mom and Dad find out about this. Oh, yeah?
You think they'd pick you over me? With your track ___________? You don't
know anything about me. So that's how you wanna play it, huh? Let's see.
Templeton, Timothy. Middle name.... I'm sorry. Leslie! - Mostly C's... - How do
you know all that? Can't ride a bike without training wheels? Even bears can
ride a bike without training wheels, Leslie. DOB says you're seven. Seven and a
half. Power nap! You were saying? I'm seven and a half. Exactly! You're old. It's
time to make way for the next generation. It's the way of the___________. You
would never ask your parents for an old toy. Lam-Lam? Everyone wants the hot,
new thing. Destroy. Destroy. - Lam-Lam! - I've got fresh batteries. Boom! Mom
and Dad don't even know ________. They love me! Oh, yeah? Do the math, kid.
There's only so much love to go around. It's like these beads. You used to have
all your parents' love. All their time. All their attention. You had all the beads.
But then I came ________. Babies take up a lot of __________. They need a lot
of attention. They get all the love. We could share. You obviously didn't go to
business _________.
Look, Templeton, the numbers just don't add up. There's not enough love for
the two of us. Not enough beads to go around. And then, all of a sudden, there's
no place for Tim. Tim doesn't ___________ anymore. Oh, no! What about Tim?
So keep quiet. Stay out of my way. Or there's gonna be cutbacks. You can't be
fired from your own___________. Can you?

c) Read the abstract a couple of times then try shadowing* it. This will
help you to improve your language.
Read the quote.Who said it? How do you understand it?

“I’d rather be a boss baby than just a regular baby any day.”


Do you recognize them? What are their names?

A domino game. Cut to practise the vocabulary
Answer keys

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