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Date of Publication: 05/14/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Legal and Political Tenets of the New African-American, a Directive of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL

The Legal and Political Tenets are as follows:

(1) There shall be no law or policy which shall depreciate, degrade, serve as a detriment to
the mobile stature of, or dimunitize African-Americans though without breaching the
human, civil, political, economic, social, and/or private rights of any other individual type
or social demographic group,
(2) African-Americans, American-born and immigrant alike including recent Black Africans,
shall be protected under restitutive judgments of international tribunals and domestic
decisions supporting the enfranchisement of African-Americans and the protection of
their equal rights in assisting the moral story of their denoted redemption (that to come)
and their forgiveness of the American government in addressing deficiencies,
depravities, and political conditions still clear to this day,
(3) There shall be no illusion of support conducted by the federal government of the United
States and/or its subordinates (United States Government and lower governments) as
no argument or dissent conceivable may prove wrong the scientifically assessed and
deduced decision, assessed and deduced via more traditional, contemporary, and
advanced means of procedure all providing the same conclusion of restitutive and
refinement need, which provides that the African-American community should serve as
the most affluent ethnic group in the country and that the next thirty (30) years of
professional training (of no ill or illicit repute) and social development are commendable
toward proving the United States as [correct and] deserving of the stature global lead,
(4) The development of wealth for the African-American community, as being within the
program of restitution, a program which has no financial or prohibitive relation to the
lucrative financial accounts and estate of Shawn Dexter John (myself), an individual
noted as the Chief Manager of the United States Government and its Partnerships and
the Nominal Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL, shall not
be communicated as supporting any unethical treatment of any other social demographic
group, including any peculiar or common individual within, or any nominal decision to
distrust the Constitution of the United States (its humanism) and the equality of all
persons protected via provisions within,
(5) There shall be no operation or procedure, whether devised or articulated by law or
peculiarly by policy (or protocol), which shall serve to miseducate or misinform the
African-American community in its formal and cultural acceptance of multi-racialism,
multi-nationalism, and multi-culturalism, though not as propaganda but, instead, as
effectual and honest in conduct,
(6) There shall be no belief of Government or Civil Society, or the general public of the
United States or elsewhere in responding to issues of or within the United States, which
shall serve to rebuke the formal laws of the United States in referencing all formal laws,
especially constitutional and nominal laws on human, civil, and private (contractual)
rights respecting fundamental protections,
(7) No regulation of industries led by African-American women and men, co-operatives and
corporations, sole proprietorships and Civil Society Organizations, culturally and per
instance of office holding, shall be distrusted by any Government, partnership, or
associate by intent or law or via such a sentiment supported within the general public, all
sectors whether absent or partnered with Government,
(8) Any and all laws, policies, and ethics codes, all to be conducted and recognized as
subordinate to laws of relation, shall not be refuted arbitrarily in addressing any matter,
including those of race relations; however, no law or policy (or such) shall stand if it does
not comply with both the United Nations (UN) accords on human rights and the
Constitution of the United States under international safeguards stressing ethics, human
development, and peaceful diplomacy, and
(9) There shall be no power of Government or Civil Society which shall deny any individual
or his or her business (or estate) the right to enjoy standard benefits, protections, and
niche subsidies from the United States Government and lower governments via any
focus devised for alleviating all memories of the past and disturbing disenfranchisement
of African-Americans, American born and foreign-born, without destroying, depreciating,
or dis-engaging with any other social demographic group including individuals formally or
informally accentuated as being within the respective social group.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: 154VHXTIOW657

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