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Fiqh of Qurbani

Ghulam Rasool Shah,

Al-qarawiyin Academy Of Islamic Sciences & Studies
1. Literal Meaning
2. Meaning in Shariah
3. Shariah Proof of Qurban
4. Legal Ruling of Qurbani
5. Three Types of Qurbani
6. Who is Ghani, Owner of Nisab & Faqir?
7. Basic Essentials of Life
8. Conditions of Wajib Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani
‫‪Literal Meaning—Arabic‬‬

‫ح أَ ْم‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ا‬‫َ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ن‬
‫َ‬ ‫م‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ان‬
‫َ‬ ‫َ‬
‫ك‬ ‫َما يَتَقَ َّربُ بِ ِه ْال َع ْب ُد إِلى َربِّ ِه‪َ ،‬س‪َ K‬وا ٌء أَ‬
‫ِم ْن ِ ِ‬
‫غ ْيرهَا۔ (‪)۱‬‬
‫)‪(1‬‬ ‫الموسوعۃالفقہیۃ الکویتیۃ ‪ ،‬جلد ‪ ، 05‬صفحہ‪ ،74‬اضحیہ ‪ ،‬االلفاظ ذات الصلۃ‪ ،‬وزارۃ االوقاف والشئون االسالمیہ‪ ،‬کویت‬

‫یعنی جس چیز کے ذریعے سے بندہ اپنے رب کا‬

‫قرب چاہے‪ ،‬چاہے وہ ذبح کے ذریعے ہو یا کسی‬
‫اور ذریعے سے۔‬
Literal Meaning—English

to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another 

e. g., Many women sacrifice their own ambitions to put their family

 killing an animal or person and offering them to a god or gods, or the 

animal, etc. that is offered.
e. g., The people offered a lamb on the altar as a sacrifice for their 
‫‪Literal Meaning—Urdu‬‬

‫اردو میں بھی قربان کا تقریبا یہی معنی ہے‪ :‬وہ چیز جو خدائے‬
‫تعالی کی راہ میں تصدق کی جائے‪ ،‬بھینٹ‪ ،‬صدقہ‪ ،‬صدقے‪ ،‬بلہاری‪،‬‬
‫نثار‪ ،‬واری‪ ،‬فدا‬
‫ف‪KKK‬یروز ا‪KK‬للغ‪K‬ات‪ ،‬ص‪KK‬فحہ‪ ،953‬ف‪KKK‬یروز س‪KK‬ننز ل‪KK‬میٹڈ‪ ،‬ک‪KKK‬را‪K‬چی)(‬

‫ذبح حالل‪ ،‬وہ جانور جو خدا کی‬

‫لفظ قربانی کا معنی ہے‪ِ :‬‬
‫راہ میں ذبح کیا جائے‪ ،‬عید االضحی کو بکرے دنبے ذبح‬
‫ف‪KKK‬یروز ا‪KK‬للغ‪K‬ات‪ ،‬ص‪KK‬فحہ‪ ،953‬ف‪KKK‬یروز س‪KK‬ننز ل‪KK‬میٹڈ‪ ،‬ک‪KKK‬را‪K‬چی)(‬
‫‪Meaning in Shariah‬‬
‫ص بِ ِس ٍّن‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ُو‬
‫ْ‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ْ‬
‫خ‬ ‫م‬‫َ‬ ‫ان‬
‫ٍ‬ ‫و‬
‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ح‬
‫َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫م‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ْ‬
‫س‬ ‫إ‬
‫ِ ِ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ر‬‫ْ‬ ‫َّ‬
‫ش‬ ‫ِه َي فِي ال‬
‫ص‪ِ K‬ع ْن َد‬
‫ٍ‬ ‫ُو‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ص‬ ‫خ‬‫ْ‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ٍ َ‬ ‫و‬
‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ة‬
‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ب‬‫ر‬‫ْ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ْ‬
‫ال‬ ‫ة‬
‫ِ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫ي‬‫ِ‬ ‫ن‬‫ِ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ح‬‫ُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ْ‬
‫ُذ‬ ‫صي‬ ‫َم ْخص ُْو ٍ‬
‫ُوج ُْو ِد َش َرائِ ِطهَا َو َسبَبِهَا‬
‫یعنی شریعت میں قربانی نام ہے مخصوص‪ K‬جانور‬
‫کا مخصوص عمر کے ساتھ مخصوص دن میں‬
‫ت الہی کی نیت کے ساتھ ذبح کرنا جبکہ اسکی‬ ‫قرب ِ‬
‫شرائط اور اسباب پائے جائیں۔‬
Shariah Proof of Qurbani

‫ واجب‬/ Wajib

Source of Hukum:
 Quran /‫ن‬K‫رٓا‬KK‫ق‬
 Sunnah / ‫نہ‬KK‫س‬
 Ijma’ / ‫جماع‬K‫ا‬
‫‪Proof In Quran‬‬
‫ص ِّل لِ َربِّك َوا ْن َح ْر‬
‫فَ َ‬

‫یعنی تو تم اپنے رب کے لئے نماز پڑھو اور‬

‫قربانی کرو۔‬
‫‪Proof in Hadith‬‬

‫ض ِّح‪ ،‬فَاَل يَ ْق َربَ َّن ُم َ‬

‫صاَّل نَا‬ ‫َم ْن َو َج َد َس َعةً فَلَ ْم يُ َ‬
‫مسند امام احمد بن حنبل‪ ،‬ج‪K‬لد ‪ ،14‬صفحہ ‪ ،24‬مسند المکثرین من الصحابہ‪ ،‬مسند ابی ہریرہ‪ ،‬مؤسسۃ الرسالۃ‪ ،‬بیروت‬

‫یعنی جو شخص وسعت رکھتا ہو اور قربانی نہ‬

‫کرے تو وہ ہرگز ہماری عیدگاہ کے قریب نا‬
Legal Ruling of Qurbani

As for Ruling, there are two types

of Qurbani:
1. Wajib /‫جب‬K‫وا‬
2. Sunnah /‫ مسنون‬،‫فل‬KK‫ن‬
Wajib Qurbani

3 types
Wajib Qurbani—First & Most Famous
1. The Qurbani is mandatory
( wajib /‫جب‬K‫ )وا‬on every Muslim that
is wealthy /‫ غنی‬based on the
criterion for paying sadaqat al-fitr;
in the Days of Sacrifice, i.e., the
10 , 11 and 12 of Dhii 'l-Hijja.
th th th
Wajib Qurbani—Second Type

 Wajib /‫جب‬K‫ وا‬because of Mannat /


 For‫غنی‬ as well as ‫قیر‬KKK‫ف‬.

Wajib Qurbani—Third Type

 On Faqir / ‫قیر‬KKK‫ ف‬only;

 If a Faqir / ‫قیر‬KKK‫ ف‬has purchased an
animal with an intention of
qurbani then Qurbani of this
specific animal is wajib /‫جب‬K‫ وا‬on
the faqir / ‫قیر‬KKK‫ف‬.
‫مسنون‬/ ‫ نفل‬Qurbani
1. Qurbani by a Traveller / ‫‘ مسافر‬
2. Qurbani by a Minor / K‫لغ‬KK‫ابا‬KK‫;ن‬
3. More than one Qurbani(s) by a
Ghani /‫;غنی‬
4. Qurbani by a Faqir / ‫قیر‬KKK‫ ف‬of an animal
which was not purchased with an
intention of Qurbani;
As for Qurbani, who is Ghani /‫ ;غنی‬who is
‫ل ن‬KK‫ ما‬Faqir / ‫قیر‬KKK‫?ف‬
 Difference between Zakat & Qurbani Nisab;

 An owner of Nisāb is the one who possesses 52.5

Tolas1 of silver or the money or goods or other
things equivalent to 52.5 Tolas of silver (excluding
the basic essentials). Further, he should not owe so
much debt to Allah or to people that he may no
longer remain the owner of Nisāb in case of paying
the debt.
Basic Essentials of Life—I
Islamic jurists have stated that the basic
essentials of life are such things people
normally need and without them they
may face severe hardships and problems
such as a house for living, clothes for
wearing, vehicle, Islamic books and
tools relating to one’s occupation etc.
Basic Essentials of Life—II

 Review your belongings;

 Accessories,
Equipments, Extra Land, Plots,
Conditions of Wajib Eid-ul-Adha Qurbani
Qurbani becomes Wajib on a person if he/she is:
 Muslim;
 Dweller;
 Free;
 Adult / Major Person;
 Owner of Nisab;
 Has Nisab in excess of debt;
 Has Ownership of Sacrificial Animal;
Being Muslim

 Wajib on Muslims only; no

demand from Non-muslims living
in a muslim country;

 Share of a Non-muslim in Qurbani

Being Dweller

 Wajib of Dweller; not on


 Hajis of Makkah
Being Free

 Not Wajib on a Slave;

 An act of worship which relates to

wealth is not wajib on a slave,
e.g., Zakat & Sadaqat-ul-Fitr.
Being Adult/Major Person
 According to sound opinion, Qurbani is not
Wajib on Minor.
 Neither it is wajib on father of a minor on
behalf of him.
 It is better to offer Qurbani on behalf of minor.
 An Agent/Assistant to perform Qurbani can be
appointed by a Major Person upon whom
Qurbani is wajib.
Being Owner of Nisab

Some Situations / Examples.

‫گھر کا ضروری‬ ‫سواری کے لئے‬ ‫پہننے کے‬
‫رہنے کا مکان‬ ‫سامان‬ ‫گاڑی‬ ‫کپڑے‬ ‫فریج‬
‫حاجت‬ ‫یہ سامان‬
‫اصلیہ میں شامل‬
‫ہیں‬ ‫ضرورت کی‬ ‫حصول علم کے لئے‬
‫ِ‬ ‫پیشہ ورانہ مقاصدیا‬
‫قرض‬ ‫کتابیں‬ ‫ٹی وی ‪ ،‬کمپیوٹر‪ ،‬موبائل‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫آالتموسیقی ‪،‬تفریح‬
‫کرائے پر دیا ہوا مکان یا خالی‬
‫پالٹ‬ ‫اضافی گاڑیاں‬ ‫اور کھیل کود کا‬
‫حاجت‬ ‫یہ سامان‬
‫میں شامل‬
‫اصلیہ ­‬ ‫غیرضروری کتابیں جیسے‬ ‫بچیوں کے لئے بنایا جانے واال زیور‪،‬‬
‫نہیں ہیں‬ ‫ڈائجسٹ ناول وغیرہ‬ ‫سامان‪ ،‬مکان وغیرہ‬
‫تزئین و آرائش کا سامان جیسے ڈیکوریشن‪ ،‬شو‬
‫پیز‪ ،‬پینٹنگز وغیرہ‬ ‫اضافی قرآن‬
‫حاجتاصلیہ‬ ‫حاجتاصلیہ کہالتی ہیں جن کے‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫زندگی گزارنے کی بنیادی ضروریات‬
‫کسے کہتے ہیں‬ ‫بغیر زندگی گزارنا انتہائی مشکل اور دشوار ہوتا ہے‪ ،‬جیسے رہنے کا‬
‫مکان ‪ ،‬گھر کا ضروری سامان وغیرہ۔‬
Ownership of Sacrificial Animal;

 Sacrifice of Someone else Animal

 Must seek permission—explicit or

Nisab in excess of debt
 Separate Rulings for Debtors & Creditors

 For Creditor
 After subtracting amount of payables from
value of Nisab, if Net value is less than
financial limit of nisab then Qurbani is not
 Multiple Creditor
For Debtor

Some Situations / Examples.

Time Brackets of Qurbani
 Qurbānī is Wājib if conditions are met
within the stipulated time.
 i.e. from al-Subh-al-Sadiq of 10th Żul-
Hijjaĥ till before the sunset of 12th
 What if conditions are met at near-
end of ime brackets but were not met
at the beginnig?
One goat on behalf of whole family?

 Per house one goat?

 In case of Joint Family?
 In case of Family Business?
Maximum 7 Shares

In one cow (buffalo) or camel there

can be maximum of 7 shares.
Minimum Age of Sacrificial Animal
 Camel: 5 years;
 Cow: 2 years;
 Goat including nanny-goat, [sheep and ewe (male and female)]: 1
 If an animal is younger than the described age, it is impermissible to
sacrifice it (for Qurbānī)
 If the animal isolder than the described age, the Qurbānī is not only
permissible but also preferable.
 However, if a sheep or a
 six-month old lamb is so big that it appears to be one year
 of age when seen from a distance, its Qurbānī is permissible.
Defects in Sacrificial Animal—I
 It is necessary that the sacrificial animal
be free from defects.
 If there is a slight defect (such as the ear
is torn or pierced) the Qurbānī will be
 If there is a major defect, the Qurbānī
will not be valid.
Defects in Sacrificial Animal—II
 An insane animal that does not graze;
 an animal which is so weak that it does not have marrow in its
 the sign of such an animal is that it cannot stand due to its
 a blind or one-eyed animal whose defect of the loss of one eye
is visible;
 an ill animal whose illness is obvious (i.e., the one who does
not eat fodder due to its illness);
 An animal with a paralyzed leg such that it cannot walk to the
place of sacrifice;
Defects in Sacrificial Animal—III

 An animal that was born without an ear or both the ears;

 a wild animal such as a wild bull, a wild goat;
 the animal possessing both male and female genitals;
 a filth-eating animal
 An animal that is missing most of (i.e. 1/3 of) an ear or
[most of (i.e. 1/3 of)] its tail;
 An animal missing most of its teeth such that it cannot eat
Defects in Sacrificial Animal—IV
 animal whose nose have been cut
 an animal whose udder is missing/cut;
 or an animal whose udders are dry;
 The dryness (i.e. the udder stops milk production) of one
 udder of the goat and two udders of the cow/buffalo is
 sufficient for the impermissibility of their Qurbānī.
 Qurbānī of all such aformentioned defective animals is not
Defects caused during Slaughtering
 What if the animal jumps at the time of slaughter and becomes
defective as a result?
 What if an animal has a defect because of jumping and runs
 After slaughtering the sacrificial animal, if a living baby comes
out of the sacrificed animal’s abdomen, that baby (of the
sacrificed animal) should also be slaughtered. Its meat can be
eaten. If it is dead, it should be buried as it is carrion.
 The Qurbānī is valid and there is no disgust in eating the meat
of the sacrificed animal even if a dead baby comesout of it.
Some Important Points Relating to
 It is better that the sacrificer should slaughter
the animal with his own hand provided he is
well-aware of the proper method of slaughter.

 If he does not know its proper method, he

should ask someone else to slaughter but it is
better for him to remain present at the time of
the slaughter.
Some Important Points Relating to
 What if the sacrificer gets someone else to slaughter the animal and also places his
own hand on the knife at the time of the Qurbānī so that they will jointly be
slaughtering the Animal?
 The slaughtering must take place at the throat, cutting any three of the following
four vessels:
 the trachea;
 the esophagus; and
 the two carotid arteries.
 If less than three of the four are severed, it is unlawful to eat the meat.
 It is also unlawful to eat the meat of [an animal slaughtered by] one who
intentionally omits the K ‫ ہللا‬K‫سم‬KKK‫ب‬.

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