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Different kinds of crime

o Crime: chỉ chung các hành động trái pháp luật.

oOffence = offense: cũng như crime, nhưng thường được dùng khi miêu tả một hành vi cụ thể nào đấy.
Người ta thường nói a serious offence, a minor offence khi nói về một hành vi vi phạm hơn là serious
o Criminals = Wrongdoers = Lawbreakers = Convicts = Offenders
o Criminal acUvity/behavior/wrongdoing/act = hành vi phạm pháp
o Felony (hành vi vi phạm nghiêm trọng, thường dễ bị phạt tù trên 1 năm họăc tử hình)
o Misdemeanor >< felony
o crime wave: làn sóng tội phạm
o crime scene: hiên trường vụ án
o crime of passion : đánh ghen
ocrime against humanity: tội ác chống lại loài người
o Genocide: mass murder (Diệt chủng)
o Inmates = prisoners = capUves
o Culprit: Kẻ mnh nghi
o Offender = felon = criminal : kẻ phạm tội, phạm pháp
o Robber/ Robbery: kẻ / vụ trộm Uền hoặc đồ vật từ cửa hàng
o Burglar/ buglary: kẻ/ vụ ăn trộm đồ ở nhà dân
o Thev: kẻ trộm đồ nói chung
o Shopliver/ shopliving: kẻ/ vụ ăn cắp ở shop
o pickpockeUng: kẻ móc túi.
ofraud: kẻ lừa đảo/ vụ lừa đảo
o phisher/phishing: kẻ/vụ lừa đảo qua email để lấy cắp thông Un
o Assault: vụ tấn công người khác
o Mugger/ mugging: kẻ/ vụ đã tấn công rồi còn cướp, gọi là cướp có vũ khí.
o Murderer/ murder = homicide
o murder out of self-defence: giết ng vì tự vệ
o pre-meditated murder = murder on purpose = willful murder: giết người có chủ đích
o Drug traffickers/ Drug trafficking: bọn/ hoạt động buôn lậu ma túy
o Labour abuse or labour exploitaUon: bóc lột lao động
o Money launderer/ Money laundering: kẻ/ vụ rửa Uền
o Arms dealer: tội phạm buôn bán vũ khí
o Tax invader: tội phạm trốn thuế
o Illegal money-making operaUon: hoạt động kiếm Uền phi pháp
o White-collar crime: Crimes commi†ed by “office works”, for example, fraud, bribery and corrupUon
More and more employees who work in a bank turn into crime as white-collar crime.
o Blue-collar crime: blue-collar crime is any crime commi†ed by an individual from a lower social class.
o A violent criminal: Includes assault, mugging and robbery.
A student who is bullied at school may turn into a violent criminal when they grow up.
o Minor offences: offenses that are less serious. An offence can be said to be a minor offense if the
punishment for it is just fine or warning or imprisonment less than three months.
o Juvenile delinquency: AnUsocial behavior commi†ed by people under eighteen years old.


oJudge (Thẩm phán)

oJury: a body of people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submi†ed to
them in court ( Ban hội thẩm)
oLaw-maker/ policy maker (người lập pháp)
oLaw enforcer (người hành pháp)
oLawyer = barrister= advocate = a†orney= solicitor
oCriminal defense lawyer: defend individuals who have been accused of commi•ng a crime (Luật sư
bào chữa)
oProsecutor: lawyer who conducts the case against a defendant in a criminal court (Công tố viên)
oDefendant (bị cáo)
Noun collocaUon

oThe crime rate (tỷ lệ tội phạm)

We are facing off soaring crime rates and it’s high =me the criminals were brought to jus=ce.
oPrison sentence: the period of Ume served in prison under such as a sentence.
oVerdict: a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest (lời tuyên án)
The jury returned a verdict of ‘not guilty.’
oDeterrent: a punishment makes somebody less likely to do illegal acUviUes. (sự răn đe)
The death penalty acts as a deterrent to people who wish to bring drugs illegally into another
oLoss of freedom: Be not free
Loss of freedom is a punishment that offenders have to face when they go to jail.
oSocial isolaUon: the state of separaUng somebody from our society. (bị cách ly khỏi xã hội)
The offenders have to serve the prison sentence as the social isola5on to remain safety of society.
oMoUve for crime: The reason why people commit crimes. ( động cơ phạm tội)
A desire for revenge on his wife is a mo5ve for his crime as murder.
oEasy money / dirty money: Money from illegal acUviUes
To make easy money, the bank robbery have stolen two billion dollars from five interna=onal banks
in this year.
oIllegal acUviUes/ Unlawful acUons ( hành vi phạm pháp)
It is alarming that more and more youngsters turn into illegal ac5vi5es.
oMiscarriages of jusUce: SituaUon where innocent people are found guilty (Án oan)
There have been a mul=tude of miscarriages of jus5ce recently.
oTrumped-up charges: invented and false accusaUons (Vu khống)
She was imprisoned on trumped -up charges
oCustodial sentences: a sentence to be served in a prison or similar insUtuUon (Án tù)
oExtenuaUng/ miUgaUng circumstances: circumstances that lessen the blame (Tình Uết giảm nhẹ)
oCapital punishments = Death penalty (Tử hình)
oA criminal record ( lịch sử phạm tội)
oRehabilitated prisoners ( phạm nhân đã được cải tạo)
oCommunity service ( hình phạt bằng việc tham gia hỗ trợ cộng đồng: dọn vệ sinh công cộng,…)
oUrgent problem = pressing problem = grave problem: vấn đề khẩn cấp/nghiêm trọng;
oDecadence: moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury. 

==>He denounced Western decadence.
oPrecursor: a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner. 

==>A high populaUon density is the precursor to traffic congesUon.

Verb collocaUon

oTo send somebody to prison (cho ai đi tù)

oTo be imprisoned: Go to a jail. ( bị đi tù)
Being imprisoned is the best way to punish offenders for their guilty.
oImpose stricter punishments on… = impose heavier sentences on…: áp đặt mức phạt nặng nề hơn
lên… ;
oReceive capital punishment = receive the death penalty = receive a death sentence = face execu@on:
lãnh án tử hình;
oReceive prison sentences = be sent to prison = be put in prison: lãnh án tù, bị đi tù;
oFace life imprisonment = serve a life sentence: lãnh án tù chung thân;
oTo accused someone of doing something: charge someone with an offense or crime (Buộc tội)
He was accused of stealing his wife's bicycle. | (As noun: the accused)
oPose a serious threat to society = threaten the safety of society = put society in danger: gây ra mối
nguy hiểm cho xã hội/ đe dọa sự an toàn của xã hội;
oTo re-offend (tái phạm tội)
oTo convict: declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision
of a judge in a court of law (Tuyên án ai đó có tội)
Her former boyfriend was convicted of assaul=ng her | (as adjecUve convicted): a convicted
oTo deter/discourage people from doing something ( răn đe/ căn ngăn mọi người phạm tội)
oTo engage in unlawful ac@vi@es (Tham gia phạm tội)
oTo break the law: do something illegal
If a person breaks the law, he is certainly imprisoned.
oTo sentence criminals to death (Kết tội tử hình)
oTo serve out one’s sentence: serve the full amount of Ume
oTo commit a crime: does something wrong or illegal. ( Phạm tội)
In the US, a young person who commits a crime by stealing a car will almost certainly go to prison.
oTo resort to crime: to use crime because there is no other soluUon.
AJer losing all money from the game, the men resorted to crime to get easy money.
oTo turn to a career of crime: become a criminal ( chọn con đường phạm pháp)
Nowadays, in the harshly compe==ve labor market, the unemployment rate is rising rapidly, more
and more people cannot meet the basic human’s need that is maybe a reason for them to turn to a
career of crime.
oTo breed future offenders: influence people, especially young people, in such a way that they later
commit a crime. (sinh ra thế hệ tội phạm tương lai)
Parents should give more aMen=on to their offspring in order to avoid breeding future offenders.
oTo fall foul of the law: to break a rule or law, especially without intending to
In Vietnam, if the company discharges the huge amount of untreated waste into rivers, they
certainly fall foul of the law
oTo Escape punishment (thoát hình phạt)
oTo allay the fears: to make someone feel less afraid, worried.
I believe that some solu=ons could help to allay people’s fears.
oTo raise awareness of crime preven@on = promote crime preven@on programs: nâng cao ý thức về
việc ngăn chặn tội phạm/ đẩy mạnh các chương trình ngăn chặn tội phạm.

Court and Trial

o The criminal jusUce system: hệ thống luật pháp hình sự

o Criminal law: luật hình sự,
oCivil law: luật dân sự
o The trial was adjourned: the trial was suspended Ull a later Ume or date
o To be remanded in custody: send to prison unUl the trial begins or conUnues
o Dismiss the case: Decide that the case is not worth considering
o Unanimous verdict: verdict which all the decision makers agree to
o Contest the verdict: Disagree with the verdict and tried to change it
o Go/be on the run: lẩn trốn >< turn oneself in: tự thú
o Go to court = go on trial = to face trial
No one in the world should face trial on the basis of unreliable evidence or trumped-up charges.
o Prosecute: khởi tố
oInterrogate: thẩm vấn
o Amnesty: ân xá
o Plead for leniency: xin giảm nhẹ tội
o ProbaUon: giai đoạn thử thách
o To be put on probaUon: To be under supervision to ensure their good behavior
Some=mes first-=me offenders are not imprisoned but are put on proba5on for a set period of =me
to ensure their good behavior.
oMishandle of jusUce: xử sai
o Chance of rehabilitaUon = chance of making a fresh ( cơ hội làm lại cuộc đời)
o To be open to convicUon : nghe bào chữa tại tòa
o ConvicUon rate: tỉ lệ kết án
o Be in jail = serve a prison sentence = custodial sentence
o Community service = community order: phục vụ, lao động công ích
o Death penalty = capital punishment = execuUon/to execute = tử hình
o Commit offence = phạm luật. Phạm tội
o Put someone in jail = imprison = tống vào tù
o Imprisonment = thời gian ngồi tù
oa fine: Uền phạt
o receive a cauUon: bị cảnh cáo
o a ban: lệnh cấm
o Gang: street gangs, inner-city gang (Băng nhóm tội phạm)
o armed gang: băng nhóm sử dụng súng
o a teenage/youth gang
o To join a gang

Offender collocaUon
• Persistent offender: người phạm pháp nhiều lần
• Re-offendeer: tái phạm sau khi ra tù hoặc bị xử phạt
• First offender: kẻ phạm pháp lần đầu
• Young offender: tội phạm vị thành niên

Ideas for wriUng

Police and Crime Preven/on
• The job of the policy is to catch criminals;
• They must also prevent crime and make communiUes safer;
• There should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streets;
• Police officers should be seen as part of the community;
• They should be involved with educaUon and prevenUon;
• The police should be in close contact with schools;
• They should focus on young people who have dropped out of school.;
• These teenagers may become involved with gangs.

• Fines are used as punishment for minor crimes;
• If the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishment;
• Some criminals pose a threat to society;
• They are put in prison to ensure the safety of other ciUzens.

Nega/ves of Prisons
• Criminals are put together;
• They make friends with other offenders;
• Many prisoners re-offend when they are released;
• A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult.

• Another aim of prisons is rehabilitaUon;
• Prisoners receive educaUon of vocaUonal training;
• Prisoners should learn personal skills and specific job skills;
• Punishment could make prisoners’ behavior worse;
• RehabilitaUon aims to make them be†er ciUzens;
• Rehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offend.

Capital punishment
• Supporters say that capital punishment deters crime;
• Fear of the death penalty stops people from commi•ng offences;
• The death penalty shows that crime is not tolerated;
• It is a form of revenge;
• The cost of imprisonment is avoided;
• The offender cannot pose a threat to others.
Against Capital Punishment
• Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed;
• Crime rates are not necessarily reduced;
• Many criminals do not think they will be caught;
• Capital punishment is not a good deterrent;
• ExecuUng prisoners creates a violent culture and encourages revenge;
• We have no right to take another human life.

Community service
• Community service is a way to reform offenders;
• It could be a soluUon to prison overcrowding;
• It avoids the cost of imprisonment;
• It makes offenders useful in their local communiUes;
• They are required to clean streets or talk to school groups;
• Offenders repay their community;
• They avoid the negaUve influence that prison can have.

Against community service

• Community service is not a sufficient punishment;
• Criminals should be locked up, away from their vicUms.

Crime in the Media

• Crime is one of the main subjects of most news programs;
• The mass media focus on violent and sensaUonal crimes;
• This lead to fear of crime among the public;
• SensaUonal stories a†ract more viewers or readers;
• The media report crime stories in order to increase their audience.

A story
o One night, Jim Smith commi?ed a serious crime. Jim asked the officer for a solicitor to help him.
o At the same Ume, the police arranged for a barrister to prosecute him.
o They took him to the police staUon and formally charged him with the crime.
o When the trial began and he appeared in court for the first Ume, he pleaded his innocence. The next
morning the police arrested him.
o His barrister also said he was innocent and asked the court to acquit him.
o While he was in prison, he applied for parole.
o As a result, the judge sentenced him to two years in prison.
o He was released aver 18 months.
o However, there were several witnesses, and the evidence against him was overwhelming. Having all
the proof they needed, the jury returned a guilty verdict.
o Unfortunately, prison failed to rehabilitate him and aver his release he conUnued with his misdeeds,
a†acking an old woman in the street.
o Jim promised to reform and the pensioner withdrew her call for more severe retribu5on.
oWith this in mind, instead of passing a custodial sentence, the jury fined him a lot of money and
ordered him to do community service.
o He was re-arrested and returned to court.
o His new vic5m, a pensioner, thought that the judge was being too lenient on Jim and called for the re-
instatement of corporal punishment and capital punishment
o At his second trial the judge agreed that prison was not a deterrent for Jim.

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