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Кафедра англійської мови з методикою викладання

План-конспект залікового уроку англійської мови

на тему: «What school to choose?»
проведеного у 10 класі

студентка V курсу
факультету іноземних мов
групи ЗАМ-16
Бурман С.С.
Вчитель-предметник: Склема О.О.

Кривий Ріг
Урок № 4
Дата: 17.11.20
Клас: 10
Тема: «What school to choose?»
Сфера спілкування: —  особистісна; — публічна.
Тематика ситуативного спілкування: я, моя родина, мої друзі; стиль
Мовний інвентар лексика: examiner, certificate, degree, patient; фонетика:
вимова нових слів та виразів.
Намір учителя
- сприяти розвитку в учнів знання самого себе та критичну самооцінку,
- уміння слухати та спостерігати;
- вчити письмово висловлювати свої думки англійською мовою;
- формувати лінгвістичні та комунікативні компетенції в учнів;
Очікуваний результат
- з інтересом ставитися до виконання різнопланових завдань;
- поважати думку однокласників, допомагає їм;
- покращувати лексичні мовленнєві навички та навички письма;
- вчити письмово висловлювати свої думки англійською мовою;
- формувати лінгвістичні та комунікативні компетенції в учнів;
- розвивати пам'ять, увагу, творчу уяву та креативне мислення;
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Обладнання: дошка, підручник «English» О.Д. Карп’юк, ілюстрації,
Схематичний план уроку:
І. Початок уроку:
1) Привітання та організаційний момент (1хв)
2) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (1 хв)
3) Введення в іншомовну атмосферу(4 хв)
ІІ. Основна частина уроку:
1) Розмовна частина (5 хв)
2) Робота завданнями в книзі (15 хв)
3) Лексико-граматична частина (15 хв)
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку:
1) Оцінювання учнів (1хв)
2) Рефлексія (2хв)
3) Повідомлення домашнього завдання, інструкція щодо його виконання
Хід уроку:
І. Початок уроку:
1) Привітання та організаційний момент
Teacher: Good morning, children. Take your seats. Today we will start by
checking your homework for today’s lesson (51 ex. 1).
2) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
Teacher: Today we continue to work on the topic: «Why go to school?». The
sub-topic is «What school to choose?».
ІІ. Основна частина уроку:
Teacher: Read the website page of Kelly College and refer the paragraphs (A-I)
with the headings (1-9) below.
Kelly College
School key facts:
Type of school: Co-educational boarding 9-18 and day 2-18
Age Range: 2-18 (Senior 11-18, Prep 2-11)
Number of Pupils: 530 (Senior 355, Prep 175)
Number of Boarders: 174 (Senior 166, Prep 8)
Fees Per Term: Boarding £5,100-£8,200; Day £1,960-£4,700

Kelly College offers a co-educational full and weekly boarding and day education
for pupils aged 11-18 (Prep School 2-11). It is a school of 355 students, of whom
about half are boarders. Kelly balances a good academic schooling with a strong
commitment to a whole range of extracurricular activities. The routine is that of a
full boarding school, with the staff fully involved 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
The school is easily reached by road and rail, with links by air to Plymouth (16


Kelly College was founded and built in memory of Admiral Kelly in 1877. It
occupies a beautiful 65-acre site in the Tavy Valley overlooking the Dartmoor
National Park on the edge of Tavistock, Devon.


Our aim at Kelly is to provide a happy, balanced and challenging environment in

which boys and girls can fulfill their potential, develop their individual talents and
respect one another as equals. We are proud of our heritage and our reputation as a
friendly school with a great sense of community and a genuine commitment to the
wellbeing of our pupils.


All pupils are members of one of the six houses, and boarders and day pupils are
integrated throughout the school. Within the secure framework of the houses, we
aim to achieve a proper balance between thoughtfulness towards others and
freedom for individuals to develop their own personality.

E ___________________

In recent years, every leaver who has wished to proceed to higher education has
done so. Small class sizes ensure individual attention, and a committed staff seek
to work with parents to achieve the personal goals of each pupil, whether that be a
place at a top university, international sporting representation or a chosen career.


Art and music are central to the way of life at Kelly. The art centre is a highly
successful and popular department; frequent exhibitions are held, both of student
and of professional works. Kelly has a strong music department with pupils
learning a broad range of musical instruments. There are two choirs and three
orchestras and various ensemble groups. The performing arts centre is fully
equipped for theatrical productions. There is a strong tradition of public speaking
and debating, and many of the pupils study for LAMDA qualifications.

Kelly has a strong sporting tradition, and has probably produced more Olympians
and international athletes than any other school of its size. The major sports for
girls are hockey, netball, tennis, athletics and swimming; for boys these are rugby,
hockey, cricket, athletics and swimming. The school has an international
reputation for its swimming coaching. Many other sports are available in the


Scholarships and exhibitions are competitive on entry to the school. Awards may
be made at ages 11, 13 and 16.


Collegians typically are contributors and, although the school maintains high
academic standards throughout, the admission process looks at the whole person,
and welcomes a range of talents and abilities. For further details, contact the
Registrar (tel: +44 (0)1822 813193; fax: +44 (0)1822 612050; e-mail:

1. Pastoral care

2. Preparation for life

3. Arts and performance

4. Sport

5. Entry procedure

6. Location

7. Curriculum

8. School profile

9. Scholarships, exhibitions and awards.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

IV. Рефлексія
Teacher: Well done, you have worked hard today. Thank you for being active and
attentive. You made a lot of progress. Your marks are…
V. Домашнє завдання
Your home task is page 52 ex. 6. The lesson is over. I wish you a good day.

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