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План-конспект уроку на тему:

Books and films

Тема: Books and films: Harry Potter

Практична мета:

- опрацювання вивченої лексики за темою « Films and books: Harry

Potter» в усному мовленні та тренінг орфографічних навичок;

- розвиток говоріння;

- розвиток письма;

- вивчення граматичних конструкцій часу Past Simple;

розвиток навичок самостійної роботи.

Розвивальна мета:

розвивати вміння:

- аргументувати свій вибір, точку зору, власну думку;

Освітня мета:

- Знайомство з традиціями Великобританії

- знайомство з сучасним відомим літературним героєм;

- підвищення інтересу до вивчення предмета.

Виховна мета:

- виховання позитивного ставлення до культури народу, що вивчається;

розвиток поваги та інтересу до іноземної літератури.

Культурологічна мета:

- знання соціальних правил поведінки; вміння вживати та вибирати

привітання; знання правил вступу до розмови, правил ввічливості.

Тип уроку: Комбінований


- тематичні малюнки;

- картки для самостійної роботи;

- ПК та колонки


1.Elicitation of the topic and announcing the aim of the lesson

Hello, Dear audience! I’m glad to see you. I hope you have a positive attitude to
the lesson. Anyway I’m sure you’ll feel even better. So, let’s begin our lesson!
2. Warming-up

The topic we’ll talk about is films and books. And today we’re going to remember
the most famous young magician in the world- Harry Potter.
You’ve read the book, watched the film, and discussed them in class. Today we’ll
check up how well you know HP and his world. I offer you to cope with the Quiz.

3. Phonetic exercise
Pupils revise sound /b/. The twister is on the blackboard (or in the handouts):
I bought a bit of baking powder and baked a batch of biscuits.
3. Checking on homework
Pupils (selectively) present their works.

The main body of the lesson

To present the topic the teacher uses the text (ex. 1, p. 113) for listening and
computer presentation. Pupils listen to the text and complete it with the words
from the boxes.
2. Reading

1. Pre-reading

 Do you like reading?

 What books do you read?
 Which is your favorite?
Work in pairs and discuss about your favorite books

Read and Complete the story using the Past Simple.

J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books. J. K.'s name is Joanne Kathleen.
She_________ ( be) born in 1965 in a small town near Bristol, England. Joanne________(live) with her
parents and her sister. The Rowling family was not rich. Joanne________ (not go ) to special schools. She
was a quiet child. She_______ (love) to read and write stories

In 1990, Joanne's mother_____(die). Joanne_____(to be) sad, and she_________ (want) to leave England.
She ____ (see) a job in the newspaper for an English teacher. The job was in Portugal. She______ (have)
an interview, and she_______(get) the job. In Portugal, Joann________(marry) a Portuguese man. The
next year, Joanne had a daughter, but she____________(to be not) happy in her marriage.
She______(leave) Portugal with her daughter and _______(go)to live to Edinburgh, Scotland, near her
sister. Life was difficult for Joanne. She____ (be) alone,and nobody ______ (help) her. She ______
( have) no money and no job. She ________ (live) in a small apartment and ______ (begin) to write
stories again.

Joanne first _______ (think) about the Harry Potter story many years ago on a train. Joanne liked to go a
coffee shop to write. After five years, Joanne writing the first Harry Potter book. She ______(send) it to
many publishers. They all______(say) that they didn't like it. Finally publisher________(like) it, but the
publisher said," This is a children's book. Adults won't read. You won't make a lot of money."
J.K.Rowling was very happy. Her dream to publish her book came true. The book was famous all over
the world. Now Harry Potter book is in forty-two languages. The publisher was wrong about one thing:
Everyone loves Harry Potter- children and adults. Over 100 million books were sold in 1999.Then two
Harry Potter books became movies.


Comprehension/ True or False?

 The Rowling family was very rich

 Joanne was an English teacher in Portugal.
 Joanne married an English man in Portugal.
 Joanne left her daughter in Portugal.
 Joanne finished writing the first Harry Potter book after five years.
 Every publisher liked the book.
 Harry Potter is in twenty-four languages.

3. Speaking
The teacher divides the pupils into pairs. The pupils have to read and act the
situation (ex. 5, p. 115). Then present their dialogues to the class (selectively).
4. Conclusion
1.Summing – up
Why was the lesson useful to you? What have you learnt? What was the most
interesting? Which assignment was the most difficult?

The teacher gives marks for the pupils’ work and comments on it in brief.

2. Home assignment

3. Reflection

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