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28 MAY 201 4
Edicionet / Editions 2002 - 2012
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Editorial 2014
Diversiteti stilistik i kohs s sotme

Periudha e kohs s sotme, si asnj periudh historike m par, sjell nj fenomen t ri koekzistimin intenziv, t pa penguar, t rrymave
dhe orientimeve t ndryshme stilistike. Kt diversitet, si karakteristik t kohs, ReMusica tashm e ka pranuar dhe ngrthyer n
fzionomin programore t saj.
Motoja e re e REMUSICA-s, e promovuar n vitet e fundit, mbshtetet n principin e rifreskimit apo t regjenerimit t asaj t mparshmes.
Koha tregon se edhe rrymat m t suksesshme dhe m novatore t muziks s Shekullit XX, n thelb jan refektim indirekt i muziks s
dikurshme, me ka vetm sa dshmohet vazhdueshmria e jets. Indi i jets sht i pashkputshm.
N edicioni e sivjem, ballafaqimet stilistike jan edhe m t theksuara. N t njejtn mbrmje kmi Variacionet madhshtore Goldberg
t gjeniut barokien, J.S. Bahut dhe veprat karakteristike minimaliste t viteve t fundit (Koncerti i pianistit holandez M. Worms). N nj
mbrmje tjetr kemi ballafaqimin e literaturs s re pr tub me Romantizmin muzikor, ciklin trheqs Stint t P.I.ajkovskit, nn inter-
pretim e pianists m t spikatur sot n Shqipri, Merita Rexha-Trshana.
Prsri n skenn e ReMusica-s kthehet miku yn i vjetr Petrit eku, pas nj mori suksesesh ndrkombtare, q e bjn at njrin prej
dy-tre artistve m deprtues kosovar n skenn botrore. Poashtu, sivjet prezantohen pr her t pare, disa nga artistt m cilsor t
paraqitur n skenn muzikore kosovare n vitet e fundit. Ata jan: tubisti virtuoz Thomas Leleu, i zgjedhur si virtuoz i vitit 2012 n Franc,
n French Grammy Awards; dhe Ansambli me renome botrore i perkusioneve Krumata, nga Suedia.
Prher t par n Festivalin ReMusica do t paraqitet nj Trio polake me nj program t amplituds s gjr stilistike, q nga Chopin e deri
te vepra premiale e kompozitorit t ri kosovar Ardian Halimi.
N Koncertin e Korit t FIlharmonis s Kosovs, do t shenohet 105 vjetori i lindjes s kompozitorit Lorenc Antoni, e poashtu edhe 65
vjetori i lindjes s Dirigjentit t ktij Kori, Rafet Rudit me premiern e veprs s tij m t re vokalo-instrumentale Kuror glmbash (vepra
e pest nga Cikli Afresk arbresh). Koncerti tematik pedagogjik, sivjet i kushtohet instrumentit t kitars. Jan porositur nga kompozitort
shqiptar nj numr miniaturash pr kitar, t bazuara n muzikn popullore shqipe. Veanti tjetr e edicionit t sivjem, gjithsesi sht
koncerti Pasdite korale, ku do t marrin pjes gjasht ansamble korale t t rinjve t Kosovs. Veori e edicionit t sivjem sht gjithsesi
numri prej 300 pjesmarsve n 13 koncerte, me artist t shklqyer vendor dhe ndrkombtar, ansamble dhe kore. Pr m shum, Tribuna
Muzikologjike kt vit do t shtjellon temn intersante t Artit Psaltik t shekullit XIII-XIV nga referuesja Meri Kumbe.
Todays stylistic diversity
Todays era, as no other historical period, brings a new phenomenon intensive, snag-less, coexistence of various stylistic streams and
orientations. This diversity, as the characteristic of this era, has been accepted by ReMusica and embedded it in its programme physio-
ReMusicas new motto, promoted in the recent years, relies on the principle of updating or regenerating of what has happened in the past.
Time voices that even the most successful and innovative music streams of the XX century, essentially represent indirect refection of the
past music, thus testifying the continuity of life. The matter of life is inseparable.
In this years edition, stylistic clashes are clearly emphasized. In one evening we present magnifcent Goldberg Variations, composed by
Baroque genius J. S. Bach, and pieces of minimalist character of the recent years (the concert of the Dutch pianist M. Worms). Another
evening, we have the clash between the recent tuba literature and Romantic era, the appealing cycle The Seasons by P. I. Tchaikovsky,
interpreted by todays most prominent Albanian pianist, Merita Rexha-Trshana. Our old friend Petrit eku has returned again to the stage
of ReMusica, after a number international achievements that make him one of the few Kosovar breakthrough artists. Also, this year we
present for the frst time, some of the most qualitative artists presented on the Kosovar music stage in the recent years. They are: Thomas
Leleu, a virtuoso tuba player, acclaimed as the virtuoso of the year in France in 2012, at the French Grammy awards; and World known
percussion ensemble Kroumata from Sweden.
For the frst time at ReMusica Festival, a Polish trio will perform a program of a wide range styles, starting from Chopin, to the premier piece
of a young Kosovar composer, Adrian Halimi. The concert of Kosovo Philharmonic Choir, will mark the 105th birthday of the composer
Lorenc Antoni, and the 65th birthday of the Choirs conductor Rafet Rudi, with the premiere of his most recent vocal-instrumental piece
Kuror glmbash (a ffth piece of Arbresh Cikli Afresk).
This years Pedagogical concert is dedicated to guitar. A number of miniatures have been commissioned from Albanian composers, whose
theme is based on the traditional Albanian music. Another particularity of this edition, is the Choral Afternoon concert, where six youth
choral ensembles from Kosovo will be presented. A special feature of this years edition is without any doubt, the number of 300 performers
in 13 concerts, consisted of excellent domestic and international artists, ensembles and choirs. Moreover, at the Musicology Tribune, an
interesting topic on Psaltic Art, from XII to XIV century, will be discussed by Meri Kumbe.
20:00 HAPJA / OPENING Katedralja Nn Tereza / Cathedral Mother Teresa
Petrit EKU kitar / guitar
LE FI-FI dirigjent / conductor

Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
Rafet RUDI dirigjent / conductor
12:30 Tribun Muzikologjike Arti psaltik n Shqipri, nga shek. XIII deri n shek. XIV
Referues: Meri KUMBE, Shqipri / Albania Art Qender / Art Center
20:00 NATA POLAKE / POLISH NIGHT Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
TRIO Stakiewicz / Koziak / Tchorzewski
20:00 NATA FRANCEZE / FRENCH NIGHT Salla e Kuqe / Red Hall
Thomas LELEU tub / tuba
20:45 JEHON ROMANTIZMI / ROMANCE ECHO Salla e Kuqe / Red Hall
Merita REXHA TRSHANA piano

20:00 NATA SUEDEZE / SWEDISH NIGHT Salla e Kuqe / Red Hall


16:00 PARALELE STILISTIKE / STYLISTIC PARALLEL Shkolla e Mesme e Muziks Prenk Jakova Gjakov
Marcel WORMS piano
20:00 RECITAL KITAR / GUITAR Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
Petrit EKU guitar/kitar
20:00 NATA MINIMALISTE / MINIMALIST NIGHT Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony

Branka PARLIC piano
Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony

Rafael MUNOZ-GOMEZ / Donika RUDI

12:30 KONCERTI PEDAGOGJIK / PEDAGOGIC CONCERT Salla e Filharmonis se Kosovs / Philharmony Hall

Miniatura pr kitar t bazuara n kng popullore
Miniatures for guitar based on Albanian folk songs
20:00 PODIUM I HAPUR / OPEN PODIUM Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
Program 2014
18 Maj / May
E Diel / Sunday

24 Maj / May
E Shtun / Saturday
27 Maj / May
E Mart / Tuesday
28 Maj / May
E Mrkure / Wednesday
23 Maj / May
E Premte / Friday
22 Maj / May
E Enjte / Thursday

19 Maj / May
E Hne / Monday

20 Maj / May
E Mart / Tuesday
26 Maj / May
E Hn / Monday
25 Maj / May
E Diel / Sunday
20:00 Katedralja Nn Tereza / Cathedral Mother Teresa
Petrit EKU kitar / guitar
Le FI FI dirigjent / conductor
Dafna Zeqiri
Variacioni per archi
Juaquin Rodrigo
Fantasia para un Gentilhombre
Petrit EKU kitar / guitar
Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov
18 Maj / May
E Diel / Sunday
Petrit EKU (Shih programin - Recital Petrit eku)
Orkestra e Filharmonis s Kosovs
u themelua pas lufts s fundit n Kosov n vitin 2000, me
iniciativ t disa muziktarve t dalluar kosovar. Fillimisht u paraqit
si ansambl harkor e m von si orkestr kamertale, por
Filharmonia e Kosovs pa dyshim paraqet vazhdimsin e puns
s ish Orkestrs Simfonike te Radio-Televizionit t Prishtins,
veprimtaria e s cils u shua me dhun nga regjimi serb ne vitin
1990. Pas konsolidimit t institucioneve shtetrore, Filharmonia e
Kosovs, kalon n prkujdesje te Ministris s Kulturs, e cila
fnancon projektet koncertale dhe aktivitetin e rregullt t ktij
institucioni t rendsishem muzikor. N programet e Orkestrs u
prezantuan veprat e nj mori kompozitorsh botror dhe atyre
shqiptar t t gjitha orientimeve stilistike.
Le Fi Fi u lind n Hanoi, Vietnam. U diplomua n piano dhe
dirigjim orkestral n Konservatorin e Hanoi-t dhe nga viti 1986
Le Fi Fi vazhdoi studimet n Konservatorin e Mosks
P.I.Tchaikovsky n klasn e dirigjentit t famshm rus Leonid
Nikolaev. Nga viti 1993, pas diplomimit, Le Fi Fi u emrua asistent
dirigjent dhe pas disa vjetsh dirigjent permanent i Filharmonis
s Maqedonis, kjo deri m 2000. Le Fi Fi sht angazhuar si dirig-
jent mysafr i Orkestrs Simfonike t Radio Televizionit Serb n vitet
2000 - 2002. Ai gjithashtu sht ftuar si dirigjent mysafr i Studios
Operistike n Konservatorin e Mosks (Rusi), Teatrin e Opers dhe
Baletit n Tiran (Shqipri), Orkestrn Simfonike n Vidin (Bullgari),
Orkestrn Simfonike t Nishit (Serbi), Filharmonin e Kosovs,
Orkestrn Simfonike Kombtare t Vietnam-it, Orkestrn
Kamertale t Konservatorit t Hanoi-t, Opern dhe Baletin
Vietnamez, Opera dhe Baleti Maqedonas, Kori dhe Orkestra
Kamertale e Radio- Televizionit Maqedonas etj. Nga viti 2000,
Le Fi Fi gjithashtu drejtoi Korin e Opers Maqedonase dhe punoi n
realizimin e shum operave t njohura. Le Fi Fi ka dirigjuar edhe me
shum kore, ansamble kamertale dhe sht angazhuar n shum
turne si dirigjent mysafr n Rusi, Serbi, Mal t Zi, Bullgari, Shqipri,
Greqi, Gjermani, Franc, Itali, Suedi dhe Vietnam. Repertori i tij i
gjer prfshin vepra q nga epoka e barokut deri tek ajo
bashkkohore. Si dirigjent Le Fi Fi ka bashkpunuar me artist t njo-
hur botror si: E.Grac, M.Jashvili, N.Gutman, A.Shtarman,
K.Jankovic, S.Krstic, K.Kener, E.Tabakov, A.Krastev, P.Despalj,
A.Egger, C.Anbacher, Dang Thai Son si dhe ansamble t njohura
si: Arabesque (Bullgari), Beltango (Serbi), Synthesis (Maqedoni) etj.
N vitin 2005 Le Fi Fi u nderua me thirrjen Nderi i Kombit Vietna-
mez i cili iu ndahet personaliteteve vietnameze q kontribut t
veant n zhvillimin e vendit. Nga viti 2007 Le Fi Fi ftohet si
dirigjent kryesor i orkestrs Simfonike t Nishit.
20:00 Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
Rafet RUDI dirigjent / conductor
Lorenc Antoni (105 vjetori i lindjes)

Hajde dalim kah pazari
Shkojti ika
N shendin ulqinak
Vinenc Gjini
Blegron delja
Francis Poulenc
O Magnum Mysterium
Hajrullah Syla dirigjent / conductor
Edvard Grieg - Kushtrim Gashi
Lux Aeterna (nga Suita Peer Gynt)
Hajrullah Syla dirigjent / conductor
Rafet Rudi
Kuror glmbash /Afresk Arbresh V/
pr sopran, faut, piano dhe kor
Besa Lugiqi soprano
Enkeleida Zajmi-Gorani faut / fute
Lejla Pula piano
19 Maj / May
E Hn / Monday
riks Eenvalds
O Salutaris Hostia
Adelina Paloja soprano
Kaltrina Miftari soprano
riks Eenvalds
Long Road
Ko Matsushita
Karimatanu Kuicha
Kori i Filharmonis s Kosovs
Kori i Filharmonis s Kosovs sht ansambl profesional (me 50
antar profesionist) i cili vazhdon punn e Korit profesional t ish Ra-
dio-televizionitt Prishtins, kor i cili veproi me shum sukses q nga
viti 1980 pikrisht nn drejtimin e dirigjentit aktual t Korit - Rafet
Rudit. Me aktivitetin e tij Kori i Filharmonis gjithashtu vazhdon t
kultivoj traditn e kndiit koral q n Kosov ekziston q nga viti 1945.
Programi i ktij ansamble prfshin vepra t nj game t gjr stilistike,
duke flluar nga veprat e mjeshtrve t vjetr ( Montrverdi, Morley, Ar-
cadelt, Marenzio) e deri te veprat e kompozitorve t rndsishmt
literaturs nga literatura moderne korale (B. Britten, A, Prt, G. Ligeti,
E. Witacre etj.). Vend t rndsishm ne programet e Korit z
krjimtaria e kompozitorve kosovar/ shqiptar. Kori, deri m tash ka
pasur nj sr prezentime t rndsishme n vend dhe jasht Kosovs
me programe a capella - Pula, Pore (Kroaci), Shkup, Tiran, Durrs etj.
N bashkpunim me Orkstrn simfonike t Filharmonis, realizon
vepra t mdha vokalo nstrumentale. Bashk me Orkestrn
simfonike t Filharmonis s Kosovs me koncertet e tyre (shpeshher
n koncerte t parbashkta n realizimi e veprave t mdha), paraqet
brthamn e rndsishme t jets muzikore n Kosov.
Rafet RUDI
U lind n Mitrovic, m 1949. Studimet i kreu pran Akademis s
Muziks n Beograd, ku diplomoi n degn e Dirigjimit dhe at t
Kompozimit. Studimet pasuniversitare i mbaroi n Sarajev, kurse
specializoi pr nj vit shkollor n Konservatorin Nacional t Parisit, n
klasn e kompozitorit Claude Ballif m 1979/80. N periudhn 1980 -
1987 ishte dirigjent permanent i Korit profesional t Radiotelevizionit t
Prishtins. Merret me publicistik dhe ka mbi 300 shkrime t ndryshme
(eseistik, reensione, kritik etj.). T botuar ka disa libra shkollor, si
dhe librin teorik Sprova estetike. sht udhheqs i Qendrs Kosovare
pr Muzikn e Re dhe Drejtor i Festivalit ndrkombtar t Prishtins -
ReMusica. Aktualisht sht Profesor n Akademin e Muziks n Prish-
tin, ku ligjron lndn e Formave t muziks dhe Kompozimin. Rudi
sht laureat i shum shprblimeve dhe mirnjohjeve: mimi i
Dhjetorit t Kosovs pr krijimtari; mimi i Festivalit Ndrkombtar
BEMUS; mimi vjetor i SHKK pr vitin 1982 etj.
N vijim jan prezantuar disa nga veprat kryesore: Simfonia, Koncert
pr kitar dhe orkestr harkor, Koh koncertante pr piano dhe
orkestr simfonik, Kuartet harkor, The return pr mexosoprano dhe
orkestr simfonik, Afresk arbresh III pr sopran, kor, 2 piano, organo,
recitator dhe shirit manjetik, Icare ubi es pr mexosoprano, kor, 3
timpani, gong, tr-gl, 2 piano, etj.
Veprat i jan ekzekutuar n Franc, Zvicr, Mbretrin e Bashkuar, Itali,
SHBA, Japoni, Holand, Rusi, Shqipri, Rumani, Spanj, Suedi, Bullgari,
Kroaci, Slloveni etj. Q nga viti 2014 Rudi sht antar i Akademis Eu-
ropiane te Shkencave dhe Arteve.
12:30 Art Qender / Art Center
Tribun Muzikologjike Arti psaltik n Shqipri, nga shek. XIII deri n shek. XIV
Referues: Meri KUMBE, Shqipri / Albania
20:00 Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony

Anna Maria STASKIEWICZ violin / violin
Bartosz KOZIAK cello
Fryderyk Chopin
Trio in g - minor, op.8
pr violin, cello dhe piano / for violin, violoncello and piano
Karol Szymanowski
Pie Roksany
pr violin dhe piano / duo violin and piano
Ardian Halimi
Piano Trio
pr violin, cello dhe piano / for violin, violoncello and piano
Andrzej Panufnik
20 Maj / May
E Mart / Tuesday
Rreth Panufnik-ut
(ang: Around Panufnik)
sht projekt i prezantuar nga tre artist t shklqyer nga Polonia:
Anna Maria Stakiewicz (violin), Bartosz Koziak (ello) dhe Jakub
Tchorzewski (piano).
Anna Maria Stakiewicz
sht laurate nga Gara e radios polake n Poznan (2006). Ajo ka
performuar si soliste n Poloni ashtu edhe jasht saj, si: n Shqipri,
Brazil, Kin, Estoni, Gjeorgji, Gjermani, Itali, Japoni, Rusi, Zvicrr,
Suedi, Turqi dhe SHBA. Pas nj sr koncertesh ne SHBA, me kita-
ristin Krzystof Meisinger, ajo sht n pregaditje t botimi t CD-s
me vepra nga Piazzolla, gjat ktij viti.
Bartosz Koziak
sht ftues i Konkursit Ndrkombtare t ellos Witold
Lutoslawski, n Varshav t Polonis, n vitin 2001; ftues i mimit
t dyt n Konkursin Ndrkombtar t ellos (Isang Yun in
memoriam) n Tongyeong (Korea), n vitin 2006; ftues i mimit t
dyt n Konkursin Mikola Lysenko n Kiev, n vitin 2007. Si solist
Bartosz Koziak, bashkpunoi me Orkestrn Nacionale t
Filharmonis Polake, Sinfonia Varsovia, Orkestrn Filharmonike t
Monte Karlos, Mynihut, Prags, t dirigjuara nga Krzystof
Penderecki, Antoni Wit, Jacek Kaspszyk, Tan Dun dhe Massimiliano
Caldi. S bashku me Ana Maria Stakiewicz sht n planifkim e
sipr t inizimit t nj albumi duo, me vepra nga Martin, Kodly,
Ravel dhe Lutosawski.
Jakub Tchorzewski
ka performuar n Evrop dhe SHBA, ashtu si dhe n Japoni dhe
Brazil, ndrsa disa nga paraqitjet e kaluara t tij jan inizuar dhe
transmetuar n radio kombtare eke, sllovake, zvicrrane dhe
polake. Ai sht pianisti i par q ka inizuar t gjitha veprat pr
piano solo nga Sndor Veress, kompozitor ky hungaro-zvicrran.
Tchorzewski sht kryesisht aktiv n Itali, ku edhe jeton, por
gjithashtu sht pjes e turneve n Europ dhe USA.
20:00 Salla e Kuqe / Red Hall
Thomas LELEU tub / tuba
Merita Rexha TRSHANA piano
Georg Friedrich Haendel
Concerto No. 1 in G fat I. II. et IV
Camille SaInt-Sans
Samson et Dalila de : Mon coeur souvre ta voix
Edward Elgar
Salut damour
Georges Bizet
Carmen de Danse Bohme
Jean-Baptiste Arban
Le carnaval de Venise
22 Maj / May
E Enjte / Thursday
stor Piazzolla
Jean-Philippe Vanbeselaere
Linvit de Marc
Somewhere over the rainbow

Thomas LeLeu
Latin Project
Vittorio MontI
Thomas LELEU
Tomas lindi n vitin 1987 n Lil. Hapat e para n tub i
bri me ndihmn e babit dhe m von punoi me Franois
Thuillier dhe Philippe Legris. N moshn 17 vjecare, ftoi
burs pr shkollim n Konzervatorin Superior Nacional
t Muziks dhe te vallzimit n Paris, n klasn pr tub
t Grard Buquet dhe Bernard Neuranter, gjithashtu n
klasn e muziks kamertale t Jens McManama. Tre vjet
m von prfundoi Konzervatorin, me nderime t larta,
e poashtu ftoi mimin pr Tub. Ne vitin 2006 Tomas nisi
msimet n Gjermani, me Hans Nickel.
Esht ftues i Victoire de la Musique Classique 2012 (French
Grammy Awards) n kategorin Revelation Instrumental
Soloist of the Year - Zbulimi i solistit instrumental t
vitit, ku Tomas Leleu bhet tubist e par n histori q merr
kt mim. Duke qen vetm 25 vje, Leleu konsiderohet
gjeni absolut i tubs, duke treguar sens dhe shkathtsi t
jashtzakonshe muzikore. Esht laurat n garat
prestigjioze ndrkombtare si n Markneukirchen
(Gjermani), Jeju (Kore t Jugut) dhe Luksemburg.
N moshn 19 vjeare, Tomas ishte i nominuar si solist i
tubs n Operan Filharmonike t Marsejit. Performoi nn
udhheqjen e dirigjentve si Kurt Mazur, M.W.Chung,
Krysztov Penderecki, Tughan Sokiev, Sir Colin Davis dhe
James Conlon. Turnet e tij e uan n vende t ndryshme,
si n Japoni, Austri, Kore t Jugut, Kin, Venezuel, Angli,
Belgjik, Brazil, Itali, Argjentin, Rusi, Egjipt, Portugali,
SHBA, Spanj, Gjermani dhe Hungari.
Merita Rexha TRSHANA
(Shih programin -Jehon Romantizmi)
20:45 Salla e Kuqe / Red Hall
Merita REXHA TRSHANA piano
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Stint / The seasons
Janar Pran zjarrit / January: At the Fireside
Shkurt Karnavalet / February: Carnival
Mars Knga e laureshs / March: Song of the Lark
Prill Zambaku i dbores / April: Snowdrop
Maj Nat me yje / May: Starlit Nights
Qershor Barcarolle / June: Barcarolle
Korrik Knga e koss / July : Song of the Reaper
Gusht Koha e korrjeve / August: Harvest
Shtator Pr gjueti / September: The Hunt
Tetor Knga e vjeshts / October: Autumn Song
Nntor Slita / November: Troika
22 Maj / May
E Enjte / Thursday
sht lindur n Tiran, ku ka flluar studimet pr piano q
n mosh t vogl.
Ka studjuar n Liceun Artistik me msuesen N. Porodini
dhe studimet e larta n klasn e prof. M. Kristidhi, n
Akademin e Arteve n Tiran. M pas ka ndjekur disa
kurse pasuniversitare n Gjermani me profesor t njohur
si Paul Badura-Skoda, Till Engel, etj.
Ka luajtur si soliste me orkestrat e RTSh, Teatrit t Operas
e Baletit, Filarmonin e Tirans, orkestrn e Akademis
s Arteve, me dirigjent t njohur shqiptar dhe t huaj.
Ka marr pjes e ftuar n festivale prestigjoze si soliste
dhe n asamble t muziks s dhoms, si n Schleswig
Holstein Musik Festival n Gjermani, Bregenz Festspiel n
Austri, Festivali I muziks s dhoms n Grosseto, Itali, n
Festivalin Remusika si dhe n Kamermusik Festival n
Kosov, etj. sht interpretuesja e shum premierave t
veprave pr piano t kompozitorve shqiptar si dhe t
disa premierave shqiptare, si integralia e veprave pr pia-
no t Xenakis n Festivalin Vjeshta e Tirans 1998, ku n
sall ishte I pranishm vet autori. N vitin 2009 ka
regjistruar nj cd me vepra t Schumann-it.
N Shqipri sht ftuese e disa mimeve si Interpretuesja
m e mir n Festivalin e muziks s re shqiptare n 1996,
dhn nga nj juri e kryesuar nga kompozitori francez
G. Boeuf, ftuese e mimit Kult si Interpretuesja m e mir
e vitit 2010.
Punon n Universitetin e Arteve n Tiran si pedagoge n
Katedrn e Pianos. Ka titullin Profesor I Asociuar q prej
vitit 2007.
16:00 Salla e Kuqe / Red Hall
Shkolla e Muziks Halit Kasapolli Pej
Memli Kelmendi, dirigjent / conductor
Lorenc Antoni
Memli Kelmendi
Vemi o vemi
Milito Vako
Janin, Janino
John Bennet
Weep, O mine eyes
Criss Lawry
Counting Music
23 Maj / May
E Premte / Friday
Ladies Voice Gjilan
Florentina Rushiti Bajrami, dirigjente / conductor
Astor Piazzolla
Liber Tango
arr/ Mac Huf
Stand by Me
Linda Spevacek Avery
Shkolla e Muziks Prenk Jakova Prishtin
Rahmi Ymeri, dirigjent / conductor
esk Zadeja
Rritu moj bajame
La Violetta
Joshua fght the Battle of Jericho
arr / Rahmi Ymeri
Po na vjen karrai n dru
Shkolla e muziks Tefta Tashko Mitrovic
Lirije Halili Koshi, dirigjente / conductor
Shime Deshpali
Dashnor tu bana
Johannes Brahms
Am Gesteine rauscht die Flut
Nein es ist nicht auszukommen
Kori i fmijve te qytetit Gjakov
Astrit Pallaska, dirigjent / conductor
R. Kelly
I Believe I Can Fly
From Space Jam
Leonard Cohen
From Shrek
Kori qytetit - Ferizaj
Lindita Isuf, dirigjente / conductor
Rauf Dhomi
T falemi o dhe

esk Zadeja
Sjkon djali termal
20:00 Salla e Kuqe / Red Hall
Gyrgy Ligeti
Car - horn preludie
Steve Reich
Music for pieces of wood
Felipe Waller
Plato Plastic Dialogues
John Cage
Magdalena Meitzner
High priestess
23 Maj / May
E Premte / Friday
Rolf Wallin
Johan Silvmark
Celia azur
Steve Reich
sht nj nga ansamblet kryesore t perkusioneve n
bot. Dinamizmi i pashoq dhe energjia n performancat e
Kroumats kan mahnitur publik n mbar botn botn.
Prvoja unike e prjetuar n koncertet e Kroumats,
plqehet nga publiku i moshave dhe prejardhjeve
kulturore t ndryshme

Kroumata ka pasur turne n rreth 40 vende dhe kan
performuar recitale npr gjith botn, me Filharmonin
e Berlinit, Teatro Solis dhe Wineret Konzerthaus, si dhe
turne n Argjentin, SHBA, Australi, Belgjik, Qipro,
Lituani etj.
Prve recitaleve, Kroumata krkohet t performoj si
ansambl solistik me orkestra apo ansamble tjera. Grupi
ka patur paraqitje me Filharmonin e Los Angeles,
Berliner Symphoniker, Orkestren Simfonike Kombtare t
Lituanis etj. Gjithashtu, performuan n festivale t
shumta, duke prfshir Huddersfeld Contemporary
Music Festival, TUMPAC Montevideo, Vilnius Festival,
Belgium Percussion Festival, Cyprus Pharos Trust,
Inventionen Berlin etj.
N Suedi, Kroumata ka publik besnike dhe vendet n
koncertet e tyre jan gjithmon t plota, n mbar
vendin. Plqehet nga t gjith, pulbik e moshave dhe
prapavijave t ndryshme. Ndr tjerash, Mbreti Carl XVI
Gustaf i Suedis sht mbshtets besnik i Kroumats.
Antart e Kroumats jan: Johan Silvmark, Ulrik Nilsson,
Pontus Langendorf, Roger Bergstrm.
24 Maj / May
E Shtun / Saturday
16:00 Shkolla e Mesme e Muziks Prenk Jakova Gjakov
Barok Minimalizem / Baroque Minimalism
Marcel WORMS piano
Johann Sebastian Bach
Goldbergvariations BWV 988

Philip Glass
- Metamorphosis One (Moderate)
- Metamorphosis Two (Flowing)
- Metamorphosis Three (Moderately Fast)
- Metamorphosis Four (Flowing)
- Metamorphosis Five (Moderate)
Marcel WORMS
ka studiuar n Konzervatorin Sweelinck t Amasterdamit
me Hans Dercksen. Pati or edhe me pianistin rus Youri
Egorov, si dhe Alicia de Larrocha. Pas diplomimit t tij n
vitin 1987, ai specializoi n studimin e muziks kamertale
dhe muzikn pianistike t shek. XX. Marcel Worms sht
aktiv si instrumentist i muziks kamertale dhe si solist. N
vitin 1990 pati prmier n recital me vepra t Schoenberg,
n Icebreaker n Amsterdam dhe gjithashtu, performoi
veprat pianistike komplete t Janek. N vitin 1994, n
vitin prkujtimor t Mondrianit, Marcel Worms performoi
programin Mondrian and the Music of his Time.
Kompozitort Willem Breuker dhe Theo Loevendie
shkruan vepra enkas pr kt projekt.
Marcel Worms ka inicuar projektin unik Blues: deri m sot,
mbi 200 vepra t kompozitorve vendas dhe t huaj, nga
50 shtete t gjitha kontinenteve, kontribuan me punime
pr solo piano. Bles-i sht ndgjuar n Holand, n
shumicn e vendeve europiane, Rusi, Lindje t Mesme,
Lindje t Largt, SHBA, Afrik, Amerik Jugore, Kub dhe
s fundmi ai performoi n disa vende afrikane.
M von botoi dy CD me komponime t tij dhe
organizoi Festivalin treditor t Mompou n Amsterdam
dhe poashtu dabutoi n CD n 40 vepra t pabotuara t
Mompou, q ishin ri-zbuluar nj vit m par n Barcelon.
M 2012, Marcel Worms inizoi n nj CD Goldberg
Variations t Bach-ut dhe Metamorphosis t Philip Glass.
25 Maj / May
E Diel / Sunday
20:00 Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony

Petrit EKU kitar / guitar
Johann Sebastian Bach
(arr: Valter Depalj)
Suita e tret pr violonel solo / Cello Suite III BWV 1009
Prlude / Allemande / Courante / Sarabande / Bourre I, II / Gigue
Dionisio Aguado
Fandango Variado, op.16
William Walton
Five bagatelles
Allegro / Lento, tempo di valse / Alla cubana / Sempre espressivo / Presto con slancio

Joaqun Rodrigo
En Los Trigales
Tres piezas espaolas
Fandango / Passacaglia / Zapateado
Petrit EKU
lindi n Prizren ku flloi edukimin muzikor n klasn e
Luan Sapunxhiut. N vitin 2002 u bart n Zagreb pr t
vijuar shkollimin me Xhevdet Sahatiun dhe m pas me
Darko Petrinjakun n Akademin e Muziks n Zagreb,
ku diplomoi n vitin 2008. Ai vazhdoi studimet postdi-
plomike me kitaristin e njohur Manuel Barrueco pran
konzervatorit Peabody ne Baltimor, SHBA. eku sht
ftues i 9 mimeve t para n konkurse ndrkombtare
kitaristike, s fundi n konkursin Christopher Parkening
n Malibu t Kalifornis, SHBA (2012), Schadt n Allen-
town, SHBA (2011) dhe Maurizio Biasini n Bologna, Itali
(2011). Ai sht gjithashtu edhe ftues i konkursit
prestigjioz Michele Pittaluga n Alessandria, Itali (2007).
Petrit eku ka koncertuar n shum vende t Evrops dhe
Ameriks Veriore me recitale solistike, si dhe n
bashkpunim me orkestrat simfonike si Allentown
Symphony, Baltimore Symphony, Orkestra Kamertale e
Filharmonis eke, Orkestra Simfonike e RTSH-s,
Orkestra Shtetrore e Hermitazhit t
St. Petersburgut, Filharmonia e Kosoves dhe
Filharmonia e Zagrebit. Ai gjithashtu ka bashkepunime
t vazhdueshme me orkestrn harkore Solistt e Zagrebit
dhe sht themelues i trios kitaristike Elogio.
N vitin 2008 eku lansoi kompakt diskun e par me
etiketn e kompanis amerikane diskografke Naxos.
Po at vit u shprblye me mimin vjetor t Filharmonis
s Zagrebit Muzikanti m i mire i ri i vitit.
Petrit eku luan n kitar t ndrtuar nga Ross Gutmeier.

20:00 Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
The Cone Gatherers
Branka PARLIC piano
Erik Satie
Cold Pieces
Air that chase away No. 2
Crossed-up Dance No. 2
Jeroen van Veen
Minimal Prelude No. 18
Graham Fitkin
The Cone Gatherers
26 Maj / May
E Hn / Monday
Howard Skempton
Piano Works
Saltaire melody
Sweet Chariot
Well, well, Cornelius
(1982, dedicated to Cornelius Cardew, 1936-1981)
Alvin Curran
For Cornelius
Philip Glass
Mad Rush
Howard Skempton
Piano Works
Saltaire melody
Sweet Chariot
Well, well, Cornelius
(1982, dedicated to Cornelius Cardew, 1936-1981)
Alvin Curran
For Cornelius
Philip Glass
Mad Rush
Pianistja Branka Parli sht nj nga interpretuesit m
prominent t muziks kontemporane t ish regjionit t
Jugosllavis. Ajo diplomoi n Fakultetin e Arteve
Muzikore, t Univerzitetit te Arteve n Beograd, n fund t
viteve 1970-a, nn udhheqjen e professor Olga
Mihailovi. M von mprehu shkathtsin e saj n
Akademin Verore t Muziks n Nic, nn drejtimin e
profesorit Pierre Sancan nga Konservatori i Parisit. Q nga
1986, prkushtoi punn e saj si koncert pianiste dhe
ligjeruese e muziks s kompozitorit franez Erik Satike, si
dhe t Muziks s Re t Shekullit XX dhe
XXI Minimalizmit dhe Post Minimalizmit. Botoi n vinil
Initis (1988) dhe CD-n Initis 88 - Initis 99, me muzik
t kompozitorit franez Erik Satie dhe CD-n
Metamorphosis (2004) me pjest pr piano t Philip Glass.
CD-t dhe koncert videot e saj rregullisht shfaqen n
Radiot dhe Televizionet me nam t Rajonit, si dhe n
British C Music TV.
Botimi vinil Satie & Beyond sht publikuar n Janar 2014,
nga Sing-Sing Studios n Holand, ku prezantohen pjest
pr piano t Erik Satie, Graham Fitkin, Jeroen van Veen
dhe Philip Glass. Branka Parli performoi si soliste dhe
muzikante kamertale n Srbi, Mal t Zi, Slloveni,
Gjermani, Franc, Angli, Austri, Maqedoni, Kroaci,
Hungari, Zvicrr dhe Holand.
Ajo vepron si profesor i pianos n Akademin e Arteve, t
Univerzitetit t Novi Sadit.
Q nga 2006, sht Drejtor Artistik i serialeve koncertale
New Ears for New Music n Novi Sad, kushtuar Muziks
s Re.
20:00 Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
Donika RUDI
Annette Vande Gorne
Au-del du rel
Pierre Axel Izrable
Des Coquilles et des pierres
Rafael Muoz Gomez
Rafael Muoz Gomez
Ribambelle de Ritournelles
Donika Rudi
Voyage vers linconnu
27 Maj / May
E Mart / Tuesday
Donika RUDI
sht kompozitore kosovare e lindur n qershor 1982. Ka stu-
diuar kompozimin n Konservatorin e Muziks n Gjenev n
dy drejtime : muzik instrumentale n klasn e ric Gaudi-
bert, Michal Jarrell dhe drejtimin e musikes elektroakustike
me Rainer Boesch dhe Luis Nan. Kta t fundit i kishte men-
tor t specializimit n Konservator. Studimet master n de-
gn e kompozimit, sekcioni elektroakustik dhe akusmatik, i
prfundoi n Konzervatorin Mbretror t Muziks n Mons t
Belgjiks, n klasn e Annette Vande Gorne dhe Ingrid Drese.
Disa nga veprat m t rndsishme t saj jan: Baleti Kontem-
poran Life in Slow Motion; Emotion Machine ; 9 pr trom-
bon t amplifkuar dhe shirit manjetik; Within (Emotion Ma-
chine II) dhe Voyage vers linconnu, ndihmuar nga Ministria
e Kulturs n Belgjik - Federation Wallonie Bruxelles; etj.
Ajo gjithashtu ka kompozuar pr teatr, flma, dokumentar
si dhe pr libra pr fmij. Kompozimet e Rudit jan perfor-
muar n Kosov, Shqipri, Franc, Kolumbi, Zvicrr, Kanada,
Portugali, Bullgari, Spanj, Belgjik dhe Itali. Gjithashtu, ato
jan transmetuar n Radio Spain - UND! Radio, France Mu-
sique, Dutch National Radio, Sonema Lab, Portugese Natio-
nal Radio. Q nga viti 2010 ajo sht antare e shoqats s
kompozitorve belg t muziks elektroakustike FEBEME-BE-
FEM, udhheqse e Qendrs s Muziks Elektronike NOISE
n Prishtin nga viti 2008 dhe drejtor artistik i Festivalit Ndr-
kombtar t Prishtins - ReMusica.
lindi n Bruksel n vitin 1988. Pasioni pr muzikn, sidomos
pr Lvizjen Minimaliste t Teknos, e shtyen n Konserva-
torin Mbretror t Monsit n Belgjik, n klasn e Kompo-
zimit Akusmatik t Annette Vande Gorne. Rafaeli sht i t-
rhjekur nga muzika repetitive, ritmi, tiparet e tingullit dhe
studimi i secils imtsi t tij. Sot, ai mundohet q puna e
tij t bazohet n kombinim t t gjitha ktyre elementeve.
Ishte pjese e performancave direkte eksperimentale n fes-
tivale t shumta, si jan Festival Transnumriques, City
Sonic, Festival Rsonances, Museum Night Fever n
Teatrin Mbretror t la Monnaie n Bruksel dhe MyMudam
days n MUDAM, Museun e Artit Modern n Luksemburg.
N prill 2014, ftoi mimin per muzikn m t mir flmike
n Edicionin e 30 t Festival du Cinma Europen n Lil,
pr flmin e metrazhit t shkurt Welkom t Pabo Munoz
Rafael sht poashtu prgjegjs i Akosmoniumimit (Or-
kestres s autoparlantve) n Musiques & Recherches t
Belgjiks, q nga janari 2014.
20:00 Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
Rafet RUDI dirigjent / conductor
Lorenc Antoni (105 vjetori i lindjes)
Hajde dalim kah pazari
N shendin ulqinak
Shkojti ika
Vinenc Gjini
Blegron delja
Francis Poulenc
O Magnum Mysterium
Hajrullah Syla dirigjent
Edvard Grieg - Kushtrim Gashi
Lux Aeterna (nga Suita Peer Gynt)
Rafet Rudi
Kuror glmbash /Afresk Arbresh V/ pr sopran, faut, piano dhe kor
Besa Lugiqi soprano
Enkeleida Zajmi-Gorani faut
Lejla Pula piano
riks Eenvalds
O Salutaris Hostia
Adelina Paloja soprano
Kaltrina Miftari soprano
28 Maj / May
E Enjte / Thursday
12:30 Filharmonia e Kosovs / Philharmony Hall
KONCERTI PEDAGOGJIK / PEDAGOGIC CONCERT Miniatura pr kitar t bazura n kng popullore / Miniatures for guitar based on
Albanian folk songs
20:00 Kisha Katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St. Anthony
Bashkim Shehu
(arr. Xh. Sahatiu)
Sigma nr. 3
Arbana Fejzo
Duo Fisarmonika-sh / Duo Accordion
Elton Balla fsharmonik / accordion
Mirjan Sulovari fsharmonik / accordion
Lyra Kastrati

ast drite
Trio Entracte
Kaltrin Shala faut / fute
Mario Guralumi violoncello / cello
Lirika Pula Kasapolli piano
Agron Peni
Trio Cachaa
Agron Peni kitar / guitar
Enver Muhamedi kontrabas / contrabass
Ertan Ilyaz Cajon
Aulon Nai
Sonate Mall
Ardita Bufaj piano
Lied Sinfonia,
(Tex. G. Giacomo Menon - perktheu: Anesti Nai)
Ardita Bufaj piano
Enkelejda Kamani soprano

Agron Peni
Trio Cachaa
Agron Peni kitar / guitar
Enver Muhamedi kontrabas / contrabass
Ertan Ilyaz Cajon
Aulon Nai
Sonate Mall
Ardita Bufaj piano
Lied Sinfonia,
(Tex. G. Giacomo Menon - perktheu: Anesti Nai)
Ardita Bufaj piano
Enkelejda Kamani soprano

Music From the Royal Fireworks
Early American Melody
Amazing Grace
Tradicionale arr.Don Gillis
Just a Closer Walk
Ansambli i Tunxhit
Ardit Sula/ Fisnik Behluli /
Leonora Gerbeshi / Florenta Thaqi /
Erza Qerkini/ Flak Sejdiu /
Mirjet Berisha / Meriton Ferati
Ariel Ramirez
(arr. Roland Dyens)
Alfonisa y el mar
Denis Rexhepi kitar / guitar
Florin Fanaj kitar / guitar
Drilon Hyseni kitar / guitar
Kreshnik Berisha kitar / guitar
Valton Beqiri
Kuartet Kitaresh / Guitar quartet
Elvis Bytyqi kitar / guitar
Drilon oaj kitar / guitar
Gjulian Bytyqi kitar / guitar
Florin Fanaj kitar / guitar
Constatin Homilius
Kuartet in B-dur, op.38
Kuartet Kornash / Horn Quartet
Bledar Bujupi korn / horn
Florenta Thaqi korn / horn
Besmir Behluli korn / horn
Fitim Halimi korn / horn
Georgy Bazilevsky

Gresa Broqi violoncello / cello
Fatbardh Dubovci Trombon / Trombone
Erita Qafeshi piano
Muhamed Bislimi
Kuintet frymor / Wind quintet
Marigona Qerkezi faut / fute
Albin Abazi obo / oboe
Vehbi Shosholli klarinet / clarinet
Florenta Thaqi korn / horn
Passacaglia pr orkestr harqesh / string orchestra
Festim Haxhikadriu / Urtina Gashi /
Gentian Aliu / Shkodran Aliu /
Taulant Rruci / Ilire Ismajli /
Dora Ramadani / Njomza Bislimi /
Anita Gashi / Gresa Broi / Narta Zeqiri /
Shkodran Osmani
Dirigjent: Hajrullah Syla
Performers / Interprett
Kosovo Philharmony Orchestra
was established after the last war in Kosovo in the year 2000, with the initiative of some
of the most distinguished Kosovar musicians. Initially it started as a string ensemble,
later to become known as The Chamber Orchestra but with no doubt it represents
the continuum of the ex -Symphonic Orchestra of the Radio and Television of Prishti-
na, whose activity was shut down by regimes force in 1990. After the consolidation of
the state institutions, the Kosovo Philharmonic is supported by the Ministry of Culture
through fnancing its performances, and other regular activities of this important mu-
sic institution. Pieces of numerous national and international composers, frrom various
stylistic eras, were part of the Orchestras programme.
Le Fi Fi
was born in Hanoi, Vietnam. He graduated piano and orchestra conducting in Hanoi
Conservatory and from 1986 Le Fi Fi continued his study in Moscow Conservatory
P.I.Tchaikovsky in the class of famous Russian conductor Leonid Nikolaev. From 1993,
after the graduation, Le Fi Fi became the assistant-conductor and after few years the
permanent conductor of Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra till year 2000. Le Fi Fi
was invited as a guest-conductor of the Symphonic Orchestra of Serbian Radio-Televi-
sion from 2000-2002. He also was invited as a guest-conductor of the Opera-Studio of
Moscow Conservatory, Tirana Opera & Ballet (Albania), Symphonic Orchestra of Radio
Television of Albania, Symphonic Orchestra of Vidin (Bulgaria), Symphonic Orchestra
of Nis (Serbia), Kosovo Philharmonic Orchestra, Vietnam National Symphonic Orches-
tra, Chamber Orchestra of Hanoi Conservatory, Vietnam Opera and Ballet, Symphonic
Orchestra of Ho Chi Minh City, Macedonian Opera and Ballet, Chorus and Chamber Or-
chestra of Macedonian Radio-Television etc. From the year 2000, Le Fi Fi also leaded
the chorus of Macedonian Opera and worked under many renowned operas. Le Fi Fi
has conducted with many others chorus, chamber ensembles and he took many guest
tour concerts in Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Germany, France,
Italy, Sweden & Vietnam. His wide repertoire includes compositions since baroque till
contemporary. As a conductor Le Fi Fi cooperated with renowned world artists such
as: E.Grac, M.Jashvili, N.Gutman, A.Shtarman, K.Jankovic, S.Krstic, K.Kener, E.Tabakov,
A.Krastev, P.Despalj, A.Egger, C.Anbacher, Dang Thai Son - renowned group: Arabesque
(Bulgaria), Beltango (Serbia), Synthesis (Macedonia) etc. In the year 2005 Le Fi Fi got the
award Glory of the Vietnamese Nation title for the Vietnamese, who have made outs-
tanding contributions to the countrys development, an initiative of the e-newspaper
VietnamNet, under the sponsorship of the Vietnam Fatherland Front. From the season
2007 Le Fi Fi was invited as a Chief-Guest Conductor of Symphonic Orchestra of Nis,
Serbia to the present time.
Petrit eku
was born in Prizren, Kosovo, where he received instruction from Luan Sapunxhiu. In 2002,
he moved to Zagreb, Croatia to study with Xhevdet Sahatxhija and later entering Darko Pe-
trinjaks class at the Music Academy in Zagreb, from where he graduated in 2008. He conti-
nued his studies with Manuel Barrueco at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, USA.
eku has won 9 frst prizes in international guitar competitions, most recently The Parke-
ning Competition in Malibu, USA (2012), Schadt Competition in Allentown, USA (2011) and
Maurizio Biasini in Bologna, Italy (2011). He is also the winner of Pittaluga Competition in
Alessandria, Italy (2007). Petrit eku has appeared in many countries of Europe and North
America, in solo recitals or accompanied by symphonic orchestras like Allentown Sympho-
ny, Baltimore Symphony, Czech Chamber Philharmonic, Albanian Radio-Symphony, State
Hermitage Orchestra of St. Petersburg, Kosovo Philharmonic and Zagreb Philharmonic. He
also has regular appearances with the famous string ensemble The Zagreb Soloists and is
a founding member of Guitar Trio Elogio. ekus frst CD was released in 2008 under the
American label Naxos. In that same year, he was awarded the annual prize of Zagreb Phil-
harmonic Orchestra as Best Young Musician of the Year.
Petrit eku plays on a guitar made by Ross Gutmeier.
Rafet Rudi
was born in Mitrovica in 1949. He graduated Music Academy in Belgrade, with major in
Conducting and Composition. Later he completed his postgraduate studies in Sarajevo,
followed by a one year specialization in the National Conservatory of Paris, in the class of
the composer Claude Ballif in 1979/80. He worked as a conductor of the Prishtina Radio
Television Professional Choir from 1980 to 1987. He is also a publisher and has more than
300 writings, such as essays, recensions, critics, etc. Rudi is also known as a writer in the feld
of music esthetics, and author of the recent book Sprova estetike (Esthetic challenges).
He is also an author of numerous music textbooks. Rudi is the chair of the Kosovar Center
for New Music and Director of the Prishtina International Festival ReMusica. Currently, he
is a professor of Musical Form and Composing in the Academy of Music in Prishtina and
conductor of Professional Kosova Philharmonic Choir.
Rudi has won many prizes and acknowledgements, as are: Kosovos December Award for
creations; International Festival BEMUS Award; Yearly SHKK Award in 1982; etc.
The following are some of his most important works: Symphony, Concert for guitar and
string orchestra, Concerto time for piano and simfonic orchestra, String quartet, The re-
turn for mezzo-soprano and simfonic orchestra, Afresk arbresh III for vocal soloist, choir,
2 pianos, organo and tape, Dialogues perdu for fute, string trio and tape etc. His compo-
sitions were performed in France, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Italy, USA, Japan, Nether-
lands, Russia, Albania, Rumania, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, etc.
Kosovo Philharmony Choir
is a professional ensemble (composed of 50 professionals) that continues the work of
former Radio and Television of Prishtinas Professional Choir, which was has successfully
appeared since 1980, under the leadership of the current conductor Rafet Rudi. With its
activity, the Choir continues the tradition of Choral singing in Kosovo dating since 1945.
The Programme of the ensemble consists of wide ranging stylistic repertoire, starting
from early music masters (Monteverdi, Morley, Arcadelt, Marenzio), to the works of im-
portant composers of the modern choral singing (B. Britten, A, Prt, G. Ligeti, E. Whitacre
etc.). An important part of the repertoire is reserved for the Choral works of Kosovar /
Albanian composers. The choir has so far had many important presentations, with a ca-
pella programmes in and out of Kosovo, such as in Pula, Porec (Croatia), Skopje, Tirana,
Durrs etc. In cooperation with the Symphonic Orchestra of the Kosovo Philharmonic,
the Choir has performed large vocal instrumental works. The Choir, in cooperation
with the Kosovo Philharmonic, on their joint concerts, represent an important nucleus
of the music life in Kosovo.
The Around Panufnik project
is presented by three outstanding artists from Poland: Anna Maria Stakiewicz (violin), Bar-
tosz Koziak (cello) and Jakub Tchorzewski (piano). Anna Maria Stakiewicz is a laureate of
the 3rd from the Polish Radio Competition at the 13th Pozna (2006). She has performed
concerts as a soloist in Poland and abroad: in Albania, Brazil, China, Estonia, Georgia, Ger-
many, Italy, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and USA. After a successful concert
series in the USA with guitarist Krzysztof Meisinger, Anna Maria Stakiewicz is planning to
release a duo CD with pieces by Astor Piazzolla, later in 2014. Bartosz Koziak is the winner
of the 3rd Witold Lutoslawski International Cello Competition in 2001 in Warsaw, Poland,
a winner of the 2nd prize at the International Cello Competition in Tongyeong (Korea) in
2006 (Isang Yun in memoriam), winner of the 2nd prize at the Mikola Lysenko Compe-
tition in Kiev in 2007. As a soloist, Bartosz Koziak collaborated with the Polish National
Philharmonic Orchestra, Sinfonia Varsovia, Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte Carlo,
Mnchener Kammerorchester, Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Krzysztof
Penderecki, Antoni Wit, Jacek Kaspszyk, Tan Dun and Massimiliano Caldi. Together with
Anna Maria Stakiewicz he is planning to record a duo album with pieces by Martin,
Kodly, Ravel and Lutosawski. Jakub Tchorzewski has performed across Europe and the
United States, as well as in Japan and Brazil, while some of his past appearances have been
recorded and broadcast by Czech, Slovak, Swiss and Polish national radios. He is the frst
ever pianist to record the complete works for piano solo by Sndor Veress, the Hunga-
rian-Swiss composer.
Merita Rexha Tershana
was born in Tirana, where she studied piano since an early age. She has completed the Ar-
tistic Lyceum in the class of Professor Nadjezhda Porodini and the Academy of Fine Arts in
the class of Prof. Margarita Kristidhi. She has than attended specialized courses in Germany
with the participation of well-known pianists such as Paul Badura-Skoda, and prof. Till En-
gel. She has played as a soloist with the Albanian Radio and Television symphony orchestra,
Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the Philharmonic orchestra of the Academy of Arts, under the
direction of Albanian and foreign conductors.She was also invited to play as a soloist in
the chamber music assembles in many important Festivals like Schleswig-Holstein Music
Festival-Germany, Bregenzer Festspiele-Austria, Chamber music Festival in Grosseto, Italy,
Remusica Festival and Kamermusik Festival in Kosova, and has held concerts as a solo in
Germany, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Macedonia. She has played in se-
veral premiers of Albanian contemporary composers as well as in the Autumn in Tirana
Festival, the integral of works of Xenakis composer, in the presence of the author himself.
She has recorded in 2009 a Schumanns work CD. Tershana has been awarded as The best
interpreter of the year in the Albanian New Music Festival in 1996, from a jury leaded by
the French composer G. Boeuf. She is also the winner of the Kult Award 2009. She is a
professor in the piano department in the University of Arts and holds the title Associated
Professo since 2007.
Thomas LeLeu
was born in 1987 in Lille and frst learnt to play tuba with his father and then worked with
Franois Thuillier and Philippe Legris. At the age of 17, with a top scholarship, he joined
the Conservatoire National Suprieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, in the tuba class of
Grard Buquet and Bernard Neuranter and the Chamber Music class of Jens McManama.
Three years later he left the conservatory, with frst class honours, having also won the Tuba
Award. In 2006 Thomas left to live in Germany, on an international exchange with Hans
Nickel. Winner of the Victoire de la Musique Classique 2012 (French Grammy Awards) in
the category Revelation Instrumental Soloist of the Year, Thomas Leleu became the frst
tuba player to achieve this distinction in the history of the award. At only 25 years old, Tho-
mas Leleu is considered an absolute genius of the tuba, demonstrating an extraordinary
musical sense and agility. Already laureate from prestigious international competitions in
Markneukirchen (Germany), Jeju (South Korea) and Luxembourg, Thomas was nominated
tuba soloist for the Marseille Philharmonic Opera, at the age of 19, on the basis of formal
selection. Thomas has played under the direction of conductors such as Kurt Mazur, M.W.
Chung, Krysztov Penderecki, Tughan Sokiev, Sir Colin Davis and James Conlon. His tours
have taken him to many countries, including Japan, Austria, South Korea, China, Venezuela,
England, Belgium, the USA, Brazil, Italy, Argentina, Russia, Egypt, Portugal, Spain, Germany
and Hungary.
is one of the world`s leading percussion ensembles. The unequalled dynamism and en-
ergy of Kroumatas performances have dazzled audiences all over the world. The unique
experience of a Kroumata concert appeals to audiences of all diferent ages and cultural
backgrounds. Kroumata has made tours to some 40 countries and performed recitals
to critical acclaim all over the world, for example Berliner Philharmonie, Teatro Solis and
Wiener Konzerthaus as well as tours to Argentina, USA, Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, Lithua-
nia, etc. In addition to recitals, Kroumata is increasingly in demand as a soloist-ensemble
performing together with orchestras and other ensembles. The group has appeared with
the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Berliner Symphoniker, Lithuanian National Symphony Or-
chestra etc.and performed at many festivals, including Huddersfeld Contemporary Music
Festival, TUMPAC Montevideo, Vilnius Festival, Belgium Percussion Festival, Cyprus Pharos
Trust, Inventionen Berlin etc. In its home country Sweden, Kroumata has attained a loyal
following, with sold-out performances throughout the country. Its appeal is universal, with
fans of all ages and backgrounds. Among others, H. M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is a
loyal supporter of Kroumata`s. Members of Kroumata: Johan Silvmark, Ulrik Nilsson, Pontus
Langendorf, Roger Bergstrm.
Marcel Worms studied at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam with Hans
Dercksen. He also had lessons with the Russian pianist Youri Egorov and with Alicia de Lar-
rocha. After graduating in 1987, he specialised in the study of chamber music and 20th
century piano music. Marcel Worms remains active as a chamber music player and soloist.
In 1990 he premiered early works of Schoenberg in a recital at the Icebreaker in Amsterdam
and in he performed the complete piano works of Janek. In 1994, Mondrians memorial
year, Marcel Worms performed the program Mondrian and the Music of his Time.
The composers Willem Breuker and Theo Loevendie each wrote a work for this project.
Marcel Worms initiated a unique Blues project: to date, more than 200 Dutch and fo-
reign composers, from 50 countries on all continents, have contributed a work for solo
piano. The Blues have been heard in the Netherlands, in most European countries, in
Russia, the Middle East, the Far East, the United States, Africa, South America and Cuba
and, recently, he played it in a number of African countries. Later on he released two
CDs with this composers music and organized a three-day Mompou Festival in Ams-
terdam, and he debuted on CD some 40 unpublished works of Mompou that had been
rediscovered the year before in Barcelona. In 2012 Marcel Worms recorded on one CD
both Bachs Goldberg Variations and Metamorphosis by Philip Glass.
Branka Parli
is one of the most prominent interpreters of contemporary music in
th ex Yugoslav region. She graduated from the Faculty of Music Arts, University of
Arts in
Belgrade in the late 1970s, studies under Professor Olga Mihailovi. She later honed
her craft at the Summer Music Academy in Nice under Paris Conservatory Professor
Pierre Sancan. Since 1986 she has devoted her work as a concert pianist and lecturer
to the music by French composer Erik Satie as well as to 20th and 21st Century New
Music Minimalism and Post Minimalism. She has released the vinyl Initis (1988) and
the CD Initis 88 - Initis 99 with the music by French composer Erik Satie and the CD
Metamorphosis (2004) with Philip Glasss piano pieces. Her CDs and concert videos are
regularly broadcasted on major Radio and Television in Region as well as on the Briti-
sh C Music TV. Her new vinyl record Satie & Beyond was released in January 2014, by
Sing-Sing Studios in Holland, presenting the piano pieces by Erik Satie, Graham Fitkin,
Jeroen van Veen and Philip Glass. Branka Parli has performed as a soloist and chamber
musician in Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Germany, France, England, Austria, Macedo-
nia, Croatia, Hungary, Switzerland and Holland.
She acts as a piano teacher at the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad. Since 2006
she is Artistic director of the concert serial New Ears for New Music in Novi Sad, dedi-
cated to the New Music.
Rafal Munoz-Gomez
Fascinated by electronic music for years, Rafael has been playing as a dj in Brussels
since 2004. This passion for music, especially for the minimal techno movement, led
him to get into the Royal Conservatory of Mons (Belgium) in the Acousmatic Compo-
sition class of Annette Vande Gorne. Rafael is keen on repetitive music, rhythm, sound
features and the study in minute detail of it. Nowadays, he tries to base his work on
a mix of all these elements. He played various experimental live dj performances in
festival such has Festival Transnumriques, City Sonic, Festival Rsonances, Mu-
seum Night Fever at La Monnaie and the MyMudam days at the MUDAM, museum
of Modern Art of Luxemburg. In april 2014 he won the award of the best flm score at
the 30th edition of the Festival du Cinma Europen de Lille for the short flm Welk-
om by Pablo Munoz Gomez. Rafael is also in charge of the acousmonium of Musiques
et Recherches since January 2014.
Donika Rudi
Kosovar composer of mostly chamber and music. She studied composition in Geneva
Music Conservatorium in two degrees: instrumental music the class of Eric Gaudibert,
Michael Jarrell and electroacoustics with Rainer Boesch and Luis Naon. The latter men-
tored her specialization in Geneva Music Conservatorium.She fnished post-graduate
studies in the Royal Conservatorium of Mons, Belgium, on composition, respectively of
acousmatic music in the class of Annette Vande-Gorne and Ingrid Drese. Her most im-
portant works are: Contemporary Ballet Life in Slow Motion, which was staged for his
premiere in National Theatre in Prishtina;The echoes of the Crying Earth acousmatic
music; Emotion Machine acousmatic music; 9 amplifed trombone &tape, Within
(Emotion Machine II) and Voyage vers linconnu supported by Federation Wallonie
Bruxelles; Aura I for violin, viola, mezzosoprano, soprano, percussions & electronics
etc. She also composed music for numerous drama plays and flms, documentaries and
shorts. Her compositions have been performed in Kosovo, Albania, France, Columbia,
Switzerland, Canada, Portugal, Bulgaria, Spain, Belgium and Italy.Her compositions
where transmitted in Radio Spain - UND! Radio, France Musique (in Christian Zansi
radioshow), Dutch National Radio (in Caf Sonore), Sonema Lab, Portugese National
Radio (Arte Eletroacstica). From 2010, she is member of FEBEME - BEFEM (fdration
belge de musique lectroacoustique) in Belgium. She has served as director of the
Electronic Music Center Noise in Prishtina since 2008 and as artistic director of the
International Contemporary-Music Festival ReMusica in Prishtina since 2010.
Sponzort / Sponsors
Republika e Kosovs
Republika Kosova-Repulic of Kosovo
Qeveria Vlada-Government
Ministria e Diaspors / Ministarstvo za Diasporu / Ministry
of Diaspora
Drejtoresh / Director
Donika Rudi
Publikimet dhe prmbajtja e katalogut / Publications and catalogue content
Kushtrim Gashi, Viktor Berishaj, Hajrullah Syla , Manfredo Gambino
Koordinator te programit / Program Coordinators
Kushtrim Gashi, Hajrullah Syla
Komunikimi me media / Communications Manager
Diana Toska

Ekipi pr zhvillim t audiences / Audience developement team
Rina Demjaha, Blerona Cakolli, Anila Qehaja
Menaxhimi i mysafrve / Guest Managment
Manfredo Gambino
Administrat dhe Financa / Administration and Finances
Viktor Berishaj
Koncertet dhe ngjarjet inizuar nga / Concerts and events recorded by
Labinot Rudi
Dizajni i katalogut / Catalogue design
Virginie Viel
Fotograft e katalogut / Photography
Donika Rudi
Vullnetart / Volunteers
Hana Hasimja, Arnesa Mumxhiu, Arian Krasniqi, Tringa Kasneci
Ardonita Hyseni, Agon Tufa, Fjolla Gashi, Agon Sokoli
Partnert / Partners
Kisha katolike Shn Ndou / Catholic Church St-Anthony
Filharmonia e Kosovs / Kosova Philharmonics
Festivali u themelua nga / Festival was founded by
Kosovar Center for New Music KCNM / Director Rafet Rudi
(Member of ECPNM European Conference of Promoters of New Music)
Tel. : +386 (0)49 115 302 / + 386 (0)49622260
Adress : Kroi Bardh D-V / 9 10000 Prishtin KOSOVA
ReMusicaFestival FestRemusica

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