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1. What are the basic translation devices?

2. What is partitioning and integration? Define them and give examples. Describe transposition
as a variety of inner partitioning.
3. What is replacement? Define it. What are the basic types of replacements in practical
translation? Give examples.
4. What is addition? Give definition and examples.
5. What is omission? Give examples of Ukrainian-English translation.

Ex. 1.
Compare the English text and its translation into Ukrainian. Comment on translation devices


WHY THE BEST? The New York Times "Нью-Йорк Таймс Мегезін",
Magazine, June 1, 1999. By FRANK RICH
1 червня 1999 Автор: Френк Річ
There may be less agreement than ever
about what it is. But the concept has Можливо, зараз більше, ніж будь-
become an essential tool. The Best has be- коли, суперечок про те, що вважати "най-
come a search engine. най". І тим не менше це поняття стало
Some nine decades later, the historian головним критерієм відбору.
Peter N. Steams disinterred the old Times Через майже століття історик Пітер
essay and, while finding it not without Стернс розкопав в старих номерах "Таймс"
insight, noted the conspicuous omission of есе на цю тему і, помітивши, що воно не
«an amazing number of developments that позбавлене глибини, звернув увагу на
we now consider to have been crucial in the красномовну відсутність у ньому "дивно
19th century.» Among the missing were the великої кількості подій, які ми зараз
abolition of slavery, the artistic revolution of вважаємо найважливішими для ХIХ
Impressionism and virtually the entirety of століття". Серед них – скасування рабства,
Asia. художня революція імпресіоністiв і майже
Now The Times is upping the ante все, що стосується Азії.
exponentially and ransacking an entire А тепер "Таймс" стала розкопувати
millennium in search of the Best. Not the 10 завали на горищі історії, перетряхуючи
best, or the 100 best, but the Best. If you минуле у пошуках "самого-самого" - не
detect a distinctly 20th-century absurdist десятки кращих і не сотні найдостойніших,
grace note in this endeavor, it's intentional. In а одного-єдиного "самого-самого". Якщо ви
1999, the very term «the Best» amounts to помітите в цьому підприємстві елегантні
fighting words - or, to put it more con- абсурдистські нотки, властиві двадцятому
structively, a provocation to debate. століттю, то ж так і було задумано. У 1999
році саме поняття "самого-самого"
асоціюється зі словесними баталіями або є,
м'яко кажучи, спірним.

Ex. 2.
Translate into Ukrainian, using the suggested, and, if needed, other devices:

a) partitioning:
Similar artifacts have been found at sites throughout North and South America, indicating that
life was probably well established in much of the Western Hemisphere by some time prior to
10,000 B.C. One result of these restrictions was to reduce the appeal of nativists organizations.
d) replacement:
1. Everyone was talking but stopped the moment she entered the room. 2. The establishment of
the United Nations Office in November 1992 followed the signing in New York a host agreement
between Ukraine's Foreign Minister and the United Nations Secretary-General. 3.1 hear that you
have been promoted. Congratulations! 4.Please be quiet. You re continually interrupting! 5.Pay no
attention to him. He is just being naughty. 6.When he was rich, he used to stay in this hotel. 7.
Scientists are on the point of making a vital breakthrough. No sooner did the President start his
speech than he was interrupted. S.Principal hereby appoints Agent as its non-exclusive service
provider. 9.This Agreement may not be amended or supplemented except by written agreement
signed by both parties hereto. lO.The terms used hereunder shall have the following meaning. 1 1
. Each Party may, within 20 days after receiving the minutes, suggest amendments thereto.
e) addition:
Publications on Foreign Policy; the United Nations; Ministry of Health
f) omission:
а) The Court of Justice; null and void; rejected and omitted; as far back as; as early as; he
is head and shoulders above his comrades; prim and proper; power to execute and perform the
duties and responsibilities; continue in full force and effect; foreign policy problem; electoral base;
political scientist;
b) Статут Організації Об'єднаних Націй; члени Організації Об'єднаних Націй; юристи
- визнані авторитети у галузі міжнародного права; постійна Палата Третейського Суду; взяти
на себе зобов'язання; подати заяву про відставку; в порядку спрощеного судочинства; У
випадку ж рівності голосів суддів голос старшого з суддів дає перевагу; термін повноваження
п'яти суддів закінчується через три роки.
g) antonymous translation:
Valid with diploma only. Keep off the grass. Take it easy. Take it or leave it. She was not like
a bird. Staff only. It won't be long before the help arrives. It wasn't until 1983 that Connor could
afford a holiday abroad. It would take these first North Americans thousands of years more to work
their way through the openings in great glaciers south to what is now the United States. The armed
forces shall not be used save in the common interests.

Ex. 3.

Translate into Ukrainian, making necessary transformations.

Primaries; academia; turnout (at the polls); caucus; Ministry of Health; the Exchequer; to
investigate; to accommodate; airborne; breeze; refinery; publicist; body of independent judges.
Ex. 4.
Translate into Ukrainian. Comment on translation devices used.
Tales of cats that bring good fortune to their owners can be found in cultures throughout
the world. One of the most famous is the English legend of Dick Whittington, a poor orphan in
the late 1300s, whose only possession was a cat. Dick worked in a rich traders house, but was ill-
treated and ran away. A peal of bells tells him to return and he does so to find that his cat has been
sold for a great fortune to a Moorish ruler who is plagued by rats.
The story of Dick Whittington and his cat is a familiar one to most schoolchildren. A poor
orphan comes to London and finds work in the kitchens of a rich merchant-trader called
Fitzwarren. One day Dick earns a penny by shining a rich man's shoes and buys a cat to keep the
vermin in his room at bay. Fitzwarren allows his employees to put one item on his ship that could
be traded abroad. The employee will then get all the profits. Dick had nothing except his cat, and so
he reluctantly gives up his pet.

One day, Fitzwarren's ship encounters a fierce storm and is blown into uncharted
territory on the African Barbary coast. The Moorish king, dining with the captain, tells him that he
will pay a fortune if anyone can rid him of a plague of rats. The captain, who has seen how Dick's
cat has rid the ship of vermin, gives the cat to the king. The cat immediately sets about its work
and then goes to sit on the queen's lap, purring. The king is so happy that he gives the captain gold
and jewels worth ten times the value of the entire ship's cargo. Dick becomes a rich man.

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