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(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society,East of Kailash, New Delhi)




Week 1 LITERATURE (BEEHIVE) 1. Warm up activity Students will be required to Students will be able to
(5 days) The Fun they had 2. The chapter will be solve the NCERT ● identify and explain the theme of the
read out and explained in questions as well as chapter
detail. NCERT questions additional HOTS questions ● form an opinion about different
will be discussed. in their notebooks. characters
3. Exit activity ● add new words to their vocabulary
● relate the chapter with their own lives
● appreciate the language used in the
● identify and comment on the literary
genre the chapter represents

Students will be able to

● understand that the decisions taken by
1. Warm up activity people shape their lives
LITERATURE (Beehive) 2. The poem will be Students will be required to ● encourage students to appreciate poetry
The Road Not Taken read out and answer the NCERT and develop the ability of reading
explained in detail. questions as well as with proper stress and intonation
NCERT questions additional HOTS questions ● analyze, interpret, and infer ideas from
will be discussed. in their notebooks. the text.
3. Exit activity ● enhance their creativity and imagination
● develop confidence in spoken skill
Week 2 Writing The appropriate Students will be ● develop interest and
(4 days) Story Writing format, language required to frame confidence in writing creative
used, important stories based on stories
points and the given hints. ● make their compositions
examples will be interesting and develop
discussed in class. meaningful plots in their

Descriptive Writing Format will be discussed Students will be able to write

(person) in the class. Model and Students will be given a paragraph in about 150-200
practice exercise of exercise on Paragraph words using the given clues
the topic will be done. Writing (person) together with their own
knowledge and ideas.

Week 3 LITERATURE (Moments) 1. Warm up activity Students will be required to Students will be able to
(4 days) The Lost Child 2. The story will be read solve the NCERT ● make the students understand the
out and explained in questions as well as relationship of wishes and reality.
detail. NCERT questions additional HOTS questions ● make the students realise the value
will be discussed. in their notebooks.
of family members.
3. Exit activity
● appreciate the beauty of nature and
● introduce new vocabulary.
● To develop critical thinking by
analysing the text

Week 4+5 Grammar The rules and Students will be Students will be able to
(5+2 days) Verb Forms and Future Time usage will be required to solve ● understand the various verb forms, their
Reference discussed. worksheets uses, rules and exceptions
Subject verb Agreement Exercises will be based on the
taught topic.
discussed in class. ● apply the rules taught in real life
● frame grammatically correct and
coherent sentences.

● understand the structure

Reading: Tips and tricks to Discursive and Case and purpose of discursive
Discursive and Case Based attempt unseen Based passages passages.
Passage passages will be worksheets ● develop critical thinking,
discussed. vocabulary, comprehension,
writing, and research skills.


Week 1 आत्मपरिचय पाठ्यक्रम संबध

ं ी जानकारी शब्दार्थ लेखन शिक्षण उद्दे श्यः
(5 days) दे ना , 1.छात्रों को एक दस ू रे से परिचित कराना
पाठ्यक्रम चर्चा छात्र उत्तर पस्ति
ु का में पाठांत 2. छात्र पाठ्यक्रम संबध ं ी जानकारी प्राप्त करने
ं त बदलावों की प्रश्नोत्तर का लिखित कार्य करें गे। कर सकेंगे।
ु छे द लेखन जानकारी दे ना शिक्षण उद्दे श्यः
पाठ वाचन अभ्यास पस्तिु का कार्य 1- अनच् ु छे द विधा से परिचित कराना
साहित्य-पाठ्य पस्
ु तक स्पर्श छात्र उत्तर पस्ति
ु का में व्याकरण 2- भाषा व अभिव्यक्ति कौशल का विकास
स्पष्टीकरण पस्
ु तक का लिखित कार्य करें गे। 3 -भिन्न प्रकार के अनच् ु छे दों की जानकारी दे ना।
(गद्य)- दख
ु का अधिकार 4-रचनात्मक अनच् ु छे द लेखन के प्रति उत्साह
भावार्थ अभ्यास पस्तिका कार्य वर्धन करना

अवधारणा मानचित्रण शिक्षण उद्दे श्यः
1.छात्रों को ’कहानी विधा’ से परिचित कराना
कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ 2. लेखक ‘यशपाल’ के जीवन, रचना काल,
साहित्यिक कृतियों, भाषा, लेखन संबध ं ी
प्रश्नोत्तर चर्चा विशेषताओं आदि से छात्रों को परिचित कराना
3.छात्रों के शब्द भड्ं ार में वद्ृ धि करना
4.पाठ के मक ू पठन द्वारा छात्रों में स्वाध्याय व
अर्थग्रहण की क्षमता विकसित करना
(गतिविधि-विभिन्न प्रकार 5. पाठ के सस्वर वाचन के माध्यम से छात्रों के
वाचन कौशल,उच्चारण क्षमता,आरोह-अवरोह
की पोशाक का उत्तरपस्ति
ु का ,गति-लय में सामंजस्यता आदि गण ु ों को
विकसित करना
में चित्रण) 6.पाठ में आए मह ु ावरों ,कठिन शब्दों आदि के
अर्थ व प्रयोग से छात्र परिचित हो सकेंगे
7.छात्रों के शब्द भंडार में वद्ृ धि करना
Week 2 प्रावेशिक तत्परता प्रावेशिक तत्परता प्रश्न निर्माण शिक्षण उद्दे श्यः
(4 days) शब्द और पद परिभाषा व उदाहरण 1.छात्रों को ‘काव्य विधा’ से परिचित कराना
छात्र उत्तर पस्ति
ु का में पाठांत 2. कवि ‘रै दास’ के जीवन,रचनाकाल, साहित्यिक
स्पर्श - रै दास के पद भावार्थ प्रश्नोत्तर का लिखित कार्य कृतियों, भाषा, लेखन संबध ं ी विशेषताओं आदि से
करें गे। छात्रों को परिचित कराना
कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ 3.छात्रों के शब्द भंडार में वद्
ृ धि करना
अभ्यास पस्ति
ु का कार्य 4.पाठ के मक ू पठन द्वारा छात्रों में स्वाध्याय व
प्रश्नोत्तर चर्चा शब्दार्थ लेखन अर्थग्रहण की क्षमता विकसित करना
5. पाठ के सस्वर वाचन के माध्यम से छात्रों के
( HOTS सहित) अभ्यास पत्र कराना वाचन कौशल, उच्चारण क्षमता, आरोह-अवरोह
गतिविधि- पद गायन अभ्यास पस्ति
ु का कार्यपाठ ,गति-लय में सामंजस्यता आदि गण ु ों को विकसित
वाचन करना
पाठांत अभ्यास चर्चा स्पष्टीकरण

smart board के द्वारा विषय

का स्पष्टीकरण और अभ्यास
पत्र कराना

अभ्यास पस्ति
ु का

Week 3 साप्ताहिकपरीक्षा1हे तु छात्र उत्तर पस्ति

ु का में पाठांत शिक्षण उद्दे श्यः
(4 days) अनस्
ु वार अनन
ु ासिक प्रश्नोत्तर का लिखित कार्य करें गे। 1. अनस्ु वार अनन ु ासिक का परिचय दे ना
ु रावत्ति
ृ कार्य 2. छात्रों के व्याकरणिक ज्ञान में वद्
ृ धि करना
अभ्यास पस्ति
ु का कार्य 3.छात्र सद ंु र व सटीक शब्द, वाक्य रचना व लेखन
परिभाषा व उदाहरण कर सकेंगे
पाठांत अभ्यास चर्चा 4.व्याकरणिक प्रयोग में शद् ु धता आएगी
अभ्यास पत्र कराना 5.भाषा कौशल का विकास
अभ्यास पस्ति
ु का

Week 4+5 स्पर्श- रहीमदास पाठ वाचन प्रश्न निर्माण शिक्षण उद्दे श्यः
(5+2 days) 1.छात्रों को ‘काव्य विधा’ से परिचित कराना
स्पष्टीकरण छात्र उत्तर पस्ति
ु का में पाठांत 2. कवि रहीम के जीवन,रचनाकाल, साहित्यिक
प्रश्नोत्तर का लिखित कार्य करें गे। कृतियों, भाषा, लेखन संबध ं ी विशेषताओं आदि से
भावार्थ छात्रों को परिचित कराना
कठिन शब्दों के अर्थ अभ्यास पस्ति
ु का कार्य 3.छात्रों के शब्द भंडार में वद्
ृ धि करना
शब्दार्थ लेखन 4.पाठ के मक ू पठन द्वारा छात्रों में स्वाध्याय व
प्रश्नोत्तर चर्चा अर्थग्रहण की क्षमता विकसित करना
5. पाठ के सस्वर वाचन के माध्यम से छात्रों के
( HOTS सहित) वाचन कौशल, उच्चारण क्षमता, आरोह-अवरोह
,गति-लय में सामंजस्यता आदि गण ु ों को
गतिविधि- दोहा गायन विकसित करना

Week 1 उच्चारणस्थानानि। ॰ स्वरसन्धिः - वर्णोच्चारण-संधि-प्रक्रियायाः विषयाधारित अभ्यासकार्यम ् वर्णाणां शद्
ु धोच्चारणे प्रयोगे संधि-कार्ये च
(5 days) दीर्घः, गण
ु ः, वद्
ृ धिः। उल्लेखनम ् निपण
ु ाः भविष्यन्ति।
व्यंजनसन्धिः - ‘म ्’ स्थाने
ु वारः।
विसर्गसन्धिः- शत्वम ्, षत्वम ्,
सत्वम ्। सीसीएस-1
Week 2 पल्लि
ंु ङ्गाः अकारान्ताः रूपलेखनस्य प्रक्रियायाः रूपलेखनम ्, विषयाधारित छात्रा शब्दरूपनिर्माणे सर्मथाः भविष्यन्ति। तेषां
(4 days) (बालकवत ्), इकारान्ताः (कविवत ्), स्पष्टीकरणम ् उदाहरणानाम ् अभ्यासकार्यम ् वाक्यप्रयोग-प्रक्रियायां निपण
ु ाः
स्त्रीलिङ्गाः आकारान्ताः सहायतया रूपलेखनम ् भविष्यन्ति। रचनाकौशलस्य विकासः
(लतावत ्)।, भविष्यति।
सर्वनामशब्दरूप- यष्ु मद्, किम ्
(त्रिषु लिङ्गेष)ु ।
Week 3 परस्मैपदिनः- रूपलेखनस्य प्रक्रियायाः रूपलेखनम ्, विषयाधारित छात्रा धातरू
ु पनिर्माणे सर्मथाः भविष्यन्ति। तेषां
(4 days) भ,ू नम ्,गम ्,अस ्,प्रच्छ्,कृ,ज्ञा, स्पष्टीकरणम ् उदाहरणानाम ् अभ्यासकार्यम ् वाक्यप्रयोग- प्रक्रियायां निपण
ु ाः भविष्यन्ति।
क्षाल ्,नी- (लट्-लट् ृ -लङ्-लकारे ष)ु । सहायतया रूपलेखनम ् अपठित-अभ्यास-पत्रम ् रचनाकौशलस्य विकासः भविष्यति।
सीसीएस-2 नियमोल्लेखम ् स्पष्टीकरणम ् वाचन-पठन-लेखनकौशलानां विकासः, संस्कृतं
प्रति रुचिसंवर्धनम ् वसध
ु व
ै कुटुम्बकम ् इति
अपठितावबोधनम ् भावनायाः विकासः च।
Week 4+5 पाठ-1. अविवेकः परमापदां पदम ्। वाचनम ्, अर्थकथनम ्, प्रदत्तम ् अभ्यासकार्यम ् श्रवण-वाचन-पठन-लेखनकौशलानां विकासः,
(5+2 days) गतिविधिः - पाठाधारिता कठिनशब्दानाम ् संस्कृतं प्रति रुचिसंवर्धनम ् वसध
ु व
ै कुटुम्बकम ्
कथापर्ति संख्यालेखनम ् 1-100
ू ः वाचनम ् च। स्पष्टीकरणम ् इति भावनायाः विकासः च।
संख्या - 1-100 (1-4 केवलं संस्कृतेनसंख्यालेखन-वाचन- संख्यालेखन-वाचन-प्रयोग-प्रक्रियायां निपण
ु ाः
प्रथमा-विभक्तौ)। प्रयोग- प्रक्रियायाः भविष्यन्ति। रचनाकौशलस्य विकासः
उल्लेखनम ् भविष्यति।


Week 1 CH-The fundamental unit of Blue Box Intext Question: Students will be able to:
(5 days) life Do extra questions:5
1,2 ● Understand the concept of a cell.
● Introduction of Cell and their
structures ● Differentiate between unicellular and
multicellular organisms.
● Understand the various types of shapes
of different cells like –nerve cells, blood
cells etc.
Week 2 CH- The fundamental unit of Experiment 1: Extra Questions:5 Students will be able to:
(4 days) life Preparation of stained ● Understand the function of the plasma
● Structural organization of temporary mounts of membrane.
cell onion peel and cheek cell. ● Interpret the activity performed in
hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic solution
● Plasma membrane, Blue Box Intext ● Learn about the terms like osmosis and
structure and function Question:1,2 page no-61 diffusion.
● Cell wall ● Observe the slide and identify the parts
of the onion cell , after observation.
Week 3 CH-The fundamental unit of Students will be able to:
(4 days) life Extra questions :5 NCERT Questions given ● to learn about the genetic material and
● Nucleus on page no-63 Structure of nucleus
● Structure of prokaryotic cell ● Understand the difference between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
Week 4+5 CH-The fundamental unit of Students will be able to:
(5+2 days) life NCERT exercise Extra questions :5 ● Understand the Function of cytoplasm
● Cytoplasm question and difference between cytoplasm and
● Introduction to cell protoplasm .
organelles ● Learn about the Endoplasmic reticulum
● Endoplasmic reticulum, and its types along with functions.
function and their types



Week 1 Ch- Motion ACTIVITY Inbox Questions Students will be able to understand
(5 days) the
Describing motion, Motion concept of distance and
along the straight line. Uniform displacement,
and Non uniform motion uniform and nonuniform motion.
Measuring the rate of
Motion.Rate of Change of Inbox Questions
Velocity. Students will be able to understand the
Example questions concept of speed , velocity and
Week 2 Ch- Motion Explanation on distance Extra questions Students will be able to understand the
(4 days) time graph concept of representing motion through
Graphical representation of graphs and interpret the other physical
motion. quantities related to motion.

Week 3 Ch - Motion Explanation on velocity inbox questions Students will be able to understand the
(4 days) time graph concept of representing motion through
Graphical representation of graphs and interpret the other physical
motion. quantities related to motion.

Week 4+5 Ch- Motion Numericals Extra questions Students will be able to understand the
(5+2 days) numericals of motion
Equation of motion based


Week 1 Discussion of the topic Students will be able to understand -

(5 days) CH- Matter in our Revise the topic
and intext questions ● The concept of matter
Do intext questions ● Physical nature of matter
Extra practice questions
Sub topics- ● Characteristics of particles of
Physical nature of matter,

how small are the particles of


Characteristics of particles of
Week 2 Discussion of the topic Revise the topic Students will be able to understand -
(4 days) CH- Matter in our Do extra practice questions ● Difference between the different
surroundings Extra practice questions states of matter
Sub topics-

States of matter (Solid, liquid

& gas)

Week 3 Discussion of the topic Students will be able to understand -

(4 days) CH- Matter in our Revise the topic
surroundings ● Under what situations does matter
Extra practice questions
Do the intext questions change its state
Sub topics- ● The concept of sublimation

Can matter change its

shape, Sublimation

Week 4+5 Students will be able to understand -

(5+2 days) CH- Matter in our Experiment: Revise the topic
surroundings Determination of the
Do NCERT exercises ● Effect of change of pressure
melting point of ice and on matter
Sub topics-
the boiling point of water. ● Concept of evaporation
Effect of change of ● Factors affecting evaporation
Discussion of NCERT ● How evaporation causes
pressure on matter
exercises cooling
Evaporation, factors
affecting evaporation,
how evaporation causes

Week 1 Ch 1 Number System 1. Review of Students will be able to understand real
(5 days) Questions of Ex 1.1, Ex
representation of natural numbers.
1.2, Ex 1.3, Ex 1.4
numbers, integers, and
rational numbers on the
number line. Rational
numbers as recurring/
terminating decimals.
Operations on real

2. Examples of
ating decimals. Existence
of non-rational numbers
(irrational numbers) such
as ,

and their representation

on the number line.
Explaining that every real
number is represented
by a unique point on the
number line and
conversely, viz. every
point on the number line
represents a unique real

3. Definition of nth root of

a real number.
Week 2 Ch 1 Number System 4. Rationalization of real Questions of 1.5 Students will be able to understand
(4 days) numbers rationalization of real numbers.
5. Recall of laws of
exponents with integral
powers. Rational
exponents with positive
real bases.
Ch 2 Polynomials
Definition of a polynomial
in one variable, with Questions of Students will be able to understand
examples and counter Ex 2.1,2.2,2.3 remainder and factor theorem.
examples. Coefficients of
a polynomial, terms of a
polynomial and zero
polynomial. Degree of a
polynomial. Constant,
linear, quadratic and cubic
polynomials. Monomials,
binomials, trinomials.
Factors and multiples.
Zeros of a polynomial.
Motivate and State the
Remainder Theorem with
examples. Statement and
proof of the Factor
Theorem. Factorization of
ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0 where
a, b and c are real
numbers, and of cubic
polynomials using the
Factor Theorem.
Week 3 Ch 2 Polynomials Recall of algebraic Students will be able to learn algebraic
(4 days) expressions and Questions of Ex 2.4 identities.
identities and their use in
factorization of

Week 4+5 Revision for WT1 Revision from NCERT Students will be able to clear their doubts.
(5+2 days) and Exemplar Revision WS

Week 1 Pol. Sc.-what is democracy? What is democracy, Students will be able to understand about
(5 days) Why democracy? features of Read the Chapter.
the form of government and the superiority
democracy, why of democracy over other forms of
Do NCERT Questions and
democracy, broader
AB questions in notebook. government.
meaning of
democracy, NCERT,

Week 2 Eco-The story of Organisation of Students will be able to understand the

(4 days) villagePalampur production, farming Read the Chapter. factors of production and economic
activities, activities in a village.
non-farming Do NCERT Questions and
activities, NCERT, AB questions in notebook.

Week 3 Location, size, India Students will be able to understand about

(4 days) Geo- India size and location. and the world, India’s Read the Chapter. our own country and her neighbours.
neighbours, map
work, NCERT, AB Do NCERT Questions and
questions. AB questions in notebook.

Week 4+5 History-the French revolution The French revolution, The French Revolution has a relevance
(5+2 days) French society during the Read the Chapter. from the viewpoint of Nationalism in
late eighteenth century, a Europe. Students will be able to
growing middle class Do NCERT Questions and
envisages an end to AB questions in notebook.
privileges, the outbreak understand the importance of the French
of the revolution, France Revolution.
abolishes monarchy and
becomes a republic, Did
women have a
revolution? the abolition
of slavery, the revolution
and everyday life,
NCERT questions, ab



Week 1 CH-1: Introduction to Data Science Introduction to Data Science
(5 days) * What is data
* Data vs Information
* DIKW Model
Week 2 * How data influence our lives Students will learn to appreciate intricacies
(4 days) * What are data footprints of data
* Data Loss & Recovery
Week 3 Activity: CBSE handbook exercises and questions Recapitulation of concepts
(4 days)
Week 4+5 Ch-2: Arranging & Collecting Data Basic introduction to analyzing data
(5+2 days) * Introduction
* What is Data Collection
* Variables

Bharatanatyam Introduction to acting techniques. Classical acting and Method acting
Western All major scales and Chords
Yoga Gayatri Mantra,warm up exercise, Asan- Gomukhasan, Padhastasan Hansasan, Bhujangasan, Ustrasan,
Theatre Introduction to acting techniques. Classical acting and Method acting.
Kathak Rubai and Sargam

Guitar/ Percussion Physical discipline of playing and moving single notes

Identifying notes as you play
Fret to fret and string to string movement
ART Still life with pencil shading
INDIAN VOCAL 1.Palta-Teentaal .
2.Singing a piece with melody & rhythm
3.Raag Yaman
4.Raag Bhupali
5.Raag Bhairav
6. Ek Taal,Rupak Taal ,Jhaptaal
TABLA Theka of kehrwa dadra teentaal and its variations
SCULPTURE ART 1. Slab Method - House in Clay 3D
2. Animal in Clay 3D - Dog
3. Animal in Clay 3D - Elephant
4. Bird in Clay 3D - Peacock
BASKETBALL Introduction of rules & regulations
1. Referee signals
2. Running with ball
3. Dribbling
CRICKET Ground feilding, Front foot defense
Grip the ball, Follow throw
SWIMMING Selection for Sports Presentation
Introduction of Floating and Freestyle Leg Action
TENNIS Introduction of tennis court dimensions rules & regulations, ball and rackets coordination, racket grip and forehand
skillsSports Presentation Selection selection.
SKATING Speed Skills:- Half Push,
Crossover techniques, Speed Race.
Roll Ball Dribbling, Passing, Defending, Attacking, Sports Presentation Selection selection
FOOTBALL Introduction of rules & regulations
1. Referee signals
2. Running with ball
3. Dribbling


खंड ‘अ’ (वस्तप

ु रक)
1. अपठित-गद्यांश
2. व्याकरण- शब्द और पद
खंड ‘आ’(वर्णनात्मक)
साहित्य-पाठ्य पस् ु तक स्पर्श 1- दख
ु का अधिकार
2-रै दास के पद
23.04.2024 Hindi 3-अनच् ु छे द लेखन
खंड क अपठित-अवबोधम ् –
1. अपठित-गद्यांश- (एकपदे न-2, पर्ण
ू वाक्येन-4, शीर्षक-1, भाषिककार्य-3) -(10 अंक)
(ख-खण्डः) अनप्र
ु यक्
ु तव्याकरणम ् -
2. सन्धिकार्यम - स्वरसन्धिः दीर्घः, गणु ः, वद्
ृ धिः। विसर्गसन्धिः शत्वम ्, षत्वम ्, सत्वम ्।
व्यंजनसन्धिः ‘म ्’ स्थाने अनस्ु वारः। -4 अंक।
3. शब्दरूपाणि- पल्लि
ंु ङ्गाः अकारान्ताः (बालकवत ्), इकारान्ताः (कविवत ्), स्त्रीलिङ्गाः आकारान्ताः (लतावत ्)।
सर्वनामशब्दरूप-यष्ु मद्, किम ् -4 अंक।
4. धातरू
ु प-परस्मैपदिनः- भ,ू नम ्, गम ्, अस ्, प्रच्छ्, कृ, ज्ञा, क्षाल ्, नी- (लट्-लट्
ृ -लङ्-लकारे ष)ु । -4 अंक।
23.04.2024 Samskrit 5. उच्चारणस्थानानि -3 अंक।

30.04.2024 Math Ch 1 Number System, Ch 2 Polynomials (upto Ex 2.3)

● Ch: The fundamental unit of life (Till Cytoplasm)
07.05.2024 Science Experiment:
● To prepare a temporary mount of an onion peel and cheek cell.

Ch: Motion (Till graphical representation of Motion)
● Ch: Matter in our surroundings
● Determination of the melting point of ice and boiling point of

Reading: Unseen Passage (Discursive)

Writing: Story Writing, Descriptive Writing(person)
Grammar: Tenses, Subject-verb Agreement, Future Time reference, Modals
Literature: The Fun They Had(prose), The Road not taken(poem), The Lost Child, The
Adventures of Toto
05.07.2024 English
History-the French revolution

Geo- India size and location

Eco. - The story of the village Palampur

Pol. Sc.-what is democracy? Why democracy?
09.07.2024 Social Science

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