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研究生学号:2013812029 密 级:公开

吉 林 大 学

A Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Chinese and

English Animal Idioms

专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学
指导教师:绪可望 教授

2016 年 4 月

A Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Chinese and

English Animal Idioms



指导教师:绪可望 教授


答辩日期:2016 年 6 月 4 日
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中 文 摘 要

神生活。 正是因为表示生肖的这十二种动物在人们的日常生活中如此之常见,
取汉语 12 生肖为研究对象,通过习语词典(对汉语来说,成语居多)找出英汉


关键词 : 汉英动物习语 隐喻 转喻


Idioms which can reflect the historical and cultural tradition of different
nationalities to the large extent are the precipitation of human language. The study of
English and Chinese idioms about animals from the perspective of metaphor and
metonymy has the important significance of cross-culture communication and
ethnology. Metaphor and metonymy become one of the most important issues which
has been paid close attention to by many disciplines, such as, philosophy, cognitive
science, artificial intelligence, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, and so on. The
cognitive competence of human has an impact on the using and creating of metaphor
and metonymy. On the contrary, up to a point, the using and creation of metaphor and
metonymy will influence the cognitive habits and the way of cognition. Metaphor is
one of the important means of knowing, describing and even changing the world.
Human’s outside experience and perception and cognition of the objective world can
get a lot from the cognition of animals. We are familiar with the zodiac animals which
have a far-reaching influence. The zodiac signals which are made up of twelve kinds
of animals is a kind of symbolic system of Chinese culture. Themed with the zodiac
animals, books, films, television programs and amusement parks largely enrich our
spiritual life. Close as the people and animals are, we often relate some features and
emotions to these animals during our daily life. We use their habits and characteristics
to convey abstract cultural connotation. English and Chinese, both of them have long
history. They all endow zodiac animal correspondent associative meaning. English
and Chinese people have lived in similar physical environment, joining similar
activities. In enviably, their culture will have some general character. But differences
in social custom, cultural tradition, values, thinking modes, will lead their culture
different. Culture universality and difference reflect on the zodiac animal words.
Metonymy and metaphor are the most basic elements of cognitive linguistics. To
study the zodiac animal idioms which we are closely link with from the perspective of
metaphor and metonymy is the enrichment of cognitive linguistics and embodied
This paper approaches to dictionary combines corpus, combining qualitative
research and quantitative research, choosing the Chinese zodiac animal idioms as the
object of study. Find out the correlative idioms in both English and Chinese through
idioms dictionary, then have the semantic analysis about them, to mark out metaphor
and metonymy. For example, “ji quan bu ning”(鸡犬不宁),is metaphor, using the
active feature of chicken and dog to describe human’s restlessness. “ji quan bu liu”(鸡
犬不留) use “ji quan”as a metonymy, which means leaving nothing including chicken
and dog. Study the relevant idioms in English, comparing their meanings of
metonymy and metaphor with Chinese idioms. Lay emphasis on comparison and
description of differences. Query the corpora of English and Chinese, and then work
out the operating frequency of metaphor and metonymy meaning of specific idiom.
By comparing the frequency of usage, we can verify and reveal that there exist
cross-cultural differences between Chinese and English idioms. The metaphorical and
metonymic study of English and Chinese animal idioms is not only an enrichment and
development of embodied philosophy and cognitive linguistics, but can also
contribute to understanding of idioms’ cross-culture significance to learners, which
has an important significance of language acquisition.
Key words:
English and Chinese animal idioms; metaphor; metonymy;


Chapter One Introduction.................................................................. 1

1.1 Research Background................................................................ 1

1.2 Significance of The Study........................................................1

1.2.1 Significance in Theory.................................................... 1

1.2.2 Significance in Practice.....................................................3

1.3 Objectives of The Thesis......................................................... 4

1.4 Research Method and Research Questions...............................5

1.5 Organization of The Thesis......................................................5

Chapter Two Literature Review.........................................................7

2.1 Previous Study of Metonymy and Metaphor Abroad............... 7

2.1.1 Previous Study of Metaphor Abroad............................... 7

2.1.2 Previous Study of Metonymy Study Abroad................... 8

2.2 Previous Study of Metonymy and Metaphor at Home..............8

2.2.1 Previous Study of Metaphor at Home............................. 8

2.2.2 Previous Study of Metonymy at Home........................... 9

2.3 Animal Idioms’ Study Abroad................................................. 9

2.4 Animal Idioms’ Study at Home............................................. 10

Chapter Three Theretical Framwork and Methodology....................... 12

3.1 Metaphor Theory and Metonymy Theory................................ 12

3.1.1 Cognitive Metaphor Theory............................................ 12

3.1.2 Working Mechanism of Metaphor.................................. 12

3.1.3 Metonymy Theory.......................................................... 12

3.2 Corpus Contrastive Analysis..................................................13

3.3 Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research.................... 13

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac............ 15

Animals and Their Counterparts.............................................................15

4.1 Idioms of Mouse/Rat in Chinese and English........................ 15

4.2 Idioms of Ox/Bull/Cow in Chinese and English.....................17

4.3 Idioms of Tiger in Chinese and English................................. 19

4.4 Idioms of Hare/Rabbit in Chinese and English.......................20

4.5 Idioms of Dragon in Chinese and English..............................21

4.6 Idioms of Snake/Serpent in Chinese and English................... 23

4.7 Idioms of Horse in Chinese and English................................ 25

4.8 Idioms of Sheep/Goat in Chinese and English....................... 27

4.9 Idioms of Monkey in Chinese and English.............................28

4.10 Idioms of Cock/Hen/Chicken in Chinese and English..........29

4.11 Idioms of Dog in Chinese and English................................. 31

4.12 Idioms of Pig/Swine in Chinese and English........................33

4.13 Data Analysis.......................................................................34

Chapter Five Conclusion................................................................... 38


Acknowledgements................................................................................ 57

作者简介及在读期间科研成果............................................................ 58
Chapter One Introduction

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Language is a tool of emotional expression, it is colorful thanks to these animal
idioms. When we want to discribe someone is strong and healthy, we can say he is as
strong as a cow. Language becomes colorful and appreciate by such idioms. The
“animal” phenomenon in human language is conclusion of long period labour practice.
We weren’t far away from nature and animals in ancient time. Dislike our modern
lives, crowded with so many electronic devices and technology. Dogs are our best
friends. Both Chinese and English have many dog idioms, such as, a lucky dog, go to
the dogs, love me love my dog. It is common to see metaphor and metonymy in
animal idioms. The choices of one and the other contain different recognizations of
the same kind of animal. So the study of animal idioms from the perspective of
metaphor and metonymy has a profound meaning.

1.2 Significance of The Study

1.2.1 Significance in Theory

Look back through tradition concept period to the development of cognitive
concept, modern research has entered a period of prosperity.
For a long time, metaphor has been viewed as a matter of language, rather than a
matter of thinking (lakoff,1993).However, because of the rapid development of
cognitive science, especially cognitive linguistics past twenty to thirty years, the
recognition of metaphor by linguistics has beyond a figure of speech. They preceded
to emphasis the bridge function between language and cognition, and viewed it as one
of the most important means by which we aware that our world and language have
been changing(Hu Zhuanglin , 2004). Where there is language, there has metaphor.

Chapter One Introduction

We can also say that metaphor of language is universal and penetrative. Metaphor is
everywhere in language. Both Lakoff and Johnson agree that metaphor is a matter of
thinking, and metaphorical expression is derived. That is to say, metaphorical
expression is a presentation of metaphorical thinking. Metaphor which accelerates the
development of language and at the same time affect people’s thought and behavior
plays an important part on the process of cognition. More exactly, metaphor is the
central part of human’s cognitive competence which is responsible for the production,
transmission, processing of meaning. (Fauconnier 1997, Wang Wenbin 2007). In fact,
Lakoff(1987) has pointed that, metaphor of language is the central part of
communication and cognition. During everyday’s verbal communication, metaphor
can have a finger in every pie. It can be a tool for understanding an unfamiliar field
with the help of the recognition of a certain field of objective world by people. As an
important part of human language, idioms carry too much language information and
cultural connotation. Though some idioms have been viewed as fixed model, in fact,
most of them have cognitive foundation for metaphor. They are the important part of
language competence, and also they are key points of speaking as a native. (Howarth,
From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, metaphor is a universal
phenomenon, observing human’s daily life communication; there is a metaphor in
every three sentences. (Richards, 1936: 92). Estimated by PoUio, people will use four
metaphors every minute during their free talk. According to Glucksberg’s further
statistical, if a man uses two hours a day for talking, so in the 60 years of life, he will
use 4.7 million creative metaphors and 21.4 million dead metaphors. Kelleraian (1989)
suggested that there will be six metaphors in every minute’s communication.
Although their data are not completely consistent, all of them show that metaphor is
everywhere in our daily life.
For thousands of years, Chinese zodiac is a favorite way of timing method and
folk common sense which is known well by all ethnic groups. As early as in ancient
times, human life is closely related with these twelve kinds’ of animals. Primitive
humans adored their special skills; most of them are selected as the totem of tribes as
Chapter One Introduction

they believe that these animals have enough strength to protect them from hurts. With
the progress of human history, these animals start to play different roles in human life.
These days, more of these animals began to be captive animals in order to let them for
their own service. Some people raising them as pets in their lives. They contribute a
lot to the spiritual life and material life of human who rely heavily on these animals to
provide food and clothing. With the development of the society, human endow
propounding meanings to Chinese zodiac animals. Therefore, zodiac animal words
have their particular reflected meaning. People have observed their habits and
characteristics and then transfer to the description of human or object. So they have
largely enriched human language and have added the enjoyment of language.
Through the comparison of the use of metaphor and metonymy of the zodiac
animal idioms of Chinese and English, we can recognize the differences between the
usage of metaphor and metonymy of Chinese and English from zodiac animal idioms
perspective and understand the difference between two cutules in this field. Through
the study, we can grasp metaphor and metonymy theory in a way more close to our
life, so the study is also the development of cognition theory.

1.2.2 Significance in Practice

Metaphor is a fundamental way of thinking. Language and thinking are not
completely equivalent to each other. Thinking has linguistic form and non-linguistic
form. Both of the two forms have a connectional recognition of the world to a large
extent. Metaphor is not only a general reorganization principle but also a meta-mode
of thought, which can create new ways of understanding in both linguistic form and
non-linguistic form. (Xu Zhiyuan,Wang Xiaopan,2010). The essence of metaphor is
to comprehend and experience one kind of thing in terms of another. Children’s
awareness of things experiences a process of metaphorization. Language learning also
experiences an analogical reasoning process. Native speaker usually express their
unfamiliar conception with the help of their familiar things. Foreign learners also
conceptualize unfamiliar things through their familiar things. Metaphoric thinking is

Chapter One Introduction

an effective cognitive strategy for foreign language learning especially vocabulary

learning. We are familiar with the Chinese zodiac animal idioms; they are also close
to our daily life and widely used in our real life context. So the study of metaphor in
zodiac animal idioms can help learners understand and grasp the meanings exactly. It
also shows us the differences between two languages and has positive effect on
cross-culture communication.

1.3 Objectives of The Thesis

Metaphor comprehension competence has been a topical issue in the area of
foreign language teaching, second language acquisition and applied linguistics for
several years. Generally speaking, most of the studies of idioms’ metaphor focus on
the perspective of cross-culture perspective and cross-language perspective. Metaphor
is closely related with culture which is an important part of foreign language teaching.
Or we could also go on and say that the purpose of learning foreign language is to
understand foreign culture and conception system in order that we can talk as a native
speaker. In foreign language learning, when native language culture differs from
foreign language culture, it inevitable reflects on metaphor. It is a hard problem for
foreign language learners. Especially in China, normal environment for most students
learn language is in class. They are lack of natural environment of experiencing
foreign culture atmosphere. So if we want to improve learners’ metaphor competence,
we should strengthen metaphoric education and the input of foreign language culture
to promote the formation of foreign language metaphoric conceptual system of
Metaphor frequently appears in newspapers, magazines, films, novels, poems,
and daily utterance. For native speakers, metaphor is just a common language
phenomenon, and lays the foundation of their concept system. Understanding
metaphor, especially conventional metaphor which is a part of conception system,
doesn’t need extra need of cognitive efforts.
For foreign language learners, understanding and using metaphor is not a snap

Chapter One Introduction

deal on account of lacking cultural knowledge equivalent and conception system as

native speakers have. Learners can have a more intuitive understanding of metaphoric
differences and cultural differences through the study of metaphor in Chinese and
English zodiac animal idioms. Consequently, learners can do better in cross-culture

1.4 Research Method and Research Questions

This article will start from metaphor and metonymy theory, taken the Chinese
zodiac animal idioms (for Chinese, mainly refers to four-character idiom) as research
objects and adopt the method of dictionary combines corpus to research. Try to collect
animal idioms about the Chinese zodiac as comprehensive as possible and give
semantic analysis about them. Consult representative figures’ modern metaphor
studies from cognitive perspective as Lakoff and Johnson, Germany philosopher
also the most important representative of new neo-Kantian school Cassirer, Burke,
Gibbs, and so on. Mark off which one is metaphor and which one is metonymy, then
give the theoretical basis. To query the English-Chinese corpora, calculate the
frequency of using metaphoric and metonymic meaning of each idiom respectively.
The comparison of frequency difference can reveal and verify there exist difference in
zodiac animal related Chinese and English. They can also answer the questions as
1)What are the differences between English and Chinese in the using of metaphor and
metonymy of animal idioms ? what are the specific differences?
2)Which kind of animal idioms has the highest utilization frequency of metonymic or
metaphoric meaning?

1.5 Organization of The Thesis

The article will start by reviewing cognitive metaphor theories and metonymy
theory. Then introduce the current research status at home and abroad about the

Chapter One Introduction

subject. Who have studied the metaphorical cognition theory, what’s the perfective do
they do the research, what are the main research achievements. Secondly, illustrate
the method of study and give a brief introduction. The following part is the main body
of the text-a metaphoric and metonymic study of idioms which is related to Chinese
zodiac animals. In the last part of this paper, give the result of comparison then
illustrate the meanings of language acquisition and cross-culture communication of
the study.
The full paper is divided into the following sections.
Introduction: clarify the purpose of this study, and give a brief description of the
article and the research idea and research methods. Then give a brief account about
the context and the sequence of thought. The second part is literature review. It will
illustrate research status of animal idioms both in Chinese and English from the
perspective of metaphor and metonymy. The third chapter will introduce the research
methodology of the thesis. There are two research methods adopted by this article,
contrastive analysis and the combination of quantitative research and qualitative
research. Chapter four is the central part of the thesis. The title will be The
Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Chinese and English Zodiac Animals. Search
the English corpus-Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), and Chinese
corpus-Center for Chinese Linguistics PLU (CCL) to find out the frequently seen
metaphoric meanings and metonymic meaning of each animal. Also study the
similarities and differences between them. Chapter five is a conclusion which will
conclude the research finding of this dissertation and limitation of my study.

Chapter Two Literature Review

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Previous Study of Metonymy and Metaphor Abroad

2.1.1 Previous Study of Metaphor Abroad

In recent years, metaphor study has attracted more and more attentions by the
scholars, and has been a macro academic subject. It comes down to philosophy,
linguistics, logics, psychology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, pedagogy.
Any scientific cognition always goes through a long development process. So does
the study of metaphor. Throughout the history, the study of metaphor can date back to
the ancient Greek philosopher, educator, and scientist-Aristotle. Once he said that use
the word that refers to something else, this is a metaphor. He also suggested that “the
greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor. It is the one thing that cannot be
learned from others. It is the hallmark of genius.” He did not only study from the
perspective of rhetoric, discussed the importance of metaphor in poetry, which based
on the modifying function of language. But also have a preliminary understanding
that there is a cognitive function of metaphor. Many following scholars enriched and
developed the cognitive metaphor theory standing on the shoulders of the giants
–Aristotle. Roman rhetorician Quintilian and Richard have been the representatives of
last century. Quintilian first put forward to the famous substitution theory which
refers to metaphor can use other words to express the same meaning.
In 1936, Richards proposed metaphor interaction theory, clearly pointed the
relationship between metaphor and thinking. To build human mind rely on the
hierarchical structure of metaphor to redesign cognition. Thus expanding our
understanding of the world and setting up the metaphoric relationship between human
and different areas of the world. Contemporary study of metaphor likes a hundred
flowers in bloom. The expansion of the linguistics theories allows many disciplines
integrate with the study of metaphor. Lakkoff and Johnson also made great

Chapter Two Literature Review

contribution to metaphor study, their effort have been viewed as a new milestone in
the metaphor study. They believed that human language is full of metaphor and
called it conceptual metaphor.

2.1.2 Previous Study of Metonymy Study Abroad

There has been a lot of domestic and foreign research of metonymy and form a
common consensus: metonymy is a way of thinking and cognitive tool of human
beings, and also a tool of understanding the objective world, just as metaphor.
Contemporary cognitive linguistics suggested that as a way of thinking and cognition
and conceptual, metonymy is common in literary and non-literary languages. Many
cognitive linguists discussed the meaning of metonymy from different perspectives.
For example, Lakkoff &Turner suggested that metonymy is in the same cognitive
domain mapping process between the two concepts of the entity.(1989:103); Croft
suggested that metonymy is the highlighting of a cognitive domain in domain
matrix(1993:25) Langacker suggested that, metonymy is both a reference-point
phenomenon and an active-zone phenomenon(1993:29-35); which indicated that
metonymy is a basic component of human conceptual system, people tend to use
something easy to understand or percept to refer to the whole thing. (1994:319-320)
definitions above reveal the meaning of metonymy in different perspectives.

2.2 Previous Study of Metonymy and Metaphor at Home

2.2.1 Previous Study of Metaphor at Home

The study of metaphor in China can be traced back to pre-Qin period. Mo Zi, a
thinker and educator in the warring states period, gave the first definition of metaphor.
Xun zi of the same period, gave another definition-metaphor is using one thing to
interpret another thing. Northern and southern dynasties literary theorist Liu Xie also
mentioned the metaphor in his book. Until the modern, metaphor study from cognitive
perspective has been developed. In 2000, Shu Dingfang published a book of cognitive
metaphor, which has received widespread attention. In 2004 Hu Zhuanglin published
Chapter Two Literature Review

another book of cognitive metaphor, which laid the foundation to domestic research
of cognitive metaphor study. In 2006, Wang Yin published a book of cognitive
linguistics, and has received the extensive attention of scholars.

2.2.2 Previous Study of Metonymy at Home

Metaphor study is also many scholars interested topic at home. Liu Xie has given
a similar generalization of metonymy: “Metonymy is a concept to refer to a related
concept, and a transition between two related cognitive categories, with a concept as
the reference point to set up mental contact with another concept. Generally speaking,
most metonymy is between the whole and part. It can be part refers to the whole, or
the whole refers to part. Shen Jiaxuan pointed the regularity of metonymy, which is
using significant, refers to not significant.
Based on comprehensive experience philosophy and cognitive linguistics, Wang
Yin pointed that, cognitive comes from practice. Language is the result of experience
and cognize. Human’s thought comprehend and cognition are all based on real world,
they formed a basic human thinking. We share one essentially the same real world, so
we have the same thinking. These embodiment cognition forms cognitive basis
between different languages.

2.3 Animal Idioms’ Study Abroad

There are about twenty-five thousand idioms in English, and both of them are
incisive vivid. According to the conventional viewpoint, idioms refer to the one who
has a fixed structure, and as an independent unit to use phrase on the semantic and
syntactic level. Its meaning cannot be deduced from each part. From the perspective
of the linguistic category, idioms don’t have a strict scientific strict definition or scope.
Generally speaking, it includes phrase, proverb, a two-part allegorical saying, folk
adage, idiomatic expression, literary quotation and equivalent. Such ready-made fixed
words or sentences in English called idiom, we can also call it “set phrase”.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.4 Animal Idioms’ Study at Home

Animals relate closely to our human’s life. Both English and Chinese have
idioms about animals. The people of the two nations created a lot of animal idioms
according to their different characteristics. Similar cultural connotation of animal
idioms reflects the national culture of the similarities. Different culture connotations
of animal idioms reflect different ethic characteristics. After careful observation of
animals for a long time, people put it down in the form of language-animal idiom.
People use language to save and to transfer the achievements of human civilization.
No matter for English or Chinese, idiom is an important part of language, and can
reflect a nation’s culture most. Chinese idioms are usually four-character-idioms, and
there are approximately five thousand idioms in Chinese.
For more details about study of animal idioms, the author collects many papers
in this category. Domestic study of the field mainly focuses on the perspective of
culture, thus to compare differences between two culture. When searching CNKI
with key words “animal idioms”, we can get 205corelative papers, among which 69
thesis titles involve “culture”. Such researches as The Study about the Choice of
Animal Words under the Influence of Chinese and English Culture by Xiang Zhiguo,
(2011.5); The paper chose animal words, which are numerous and well known by
people in Chinese and English as the research object for the comparison of cultural
differences. In the paper Contrast Between English and Chinese Culturally-loaded
Animal Words by Liao Guangrong, (2000.5). There are 105 Chinese animal words
that have cultural meaning, but in English, the number of which is as much as 258.
The study of them is not only a huge project but also of great importance. And A
Comparison of animal words between Chinese and English, Cai Wei,(2004). In
addition, idioms study for translation makes up a high proportion as On E-C Animal
Idioms Translation from the Perceptions of Function Equivalence by Yi
Xumin(2014.12); Translation Strategies of English Animal Idioms from the
perspective of Equivalence Theory by Hu Fang(2011.12); and The Translation of

Chapter Two Literature Review

Animal Idioms in a cultural Discrepancies Perspective by Xu Dongxia(2008.5). Study

of animal idioms from the perspective of metaphor makes up only a small portion, as
to the perception of metonymy is rather rare.

Chapter Three Research Methodology

Chapter Three Theretical Framwork and Methodology

3.1 Metaphor Theory and Metonymy Theory

3.1.1 Cognitive Metaphor Theory

Metaphor refers to use one understanding and experiencing another. It is rooted
in culture system and express in thinking and languag levels. Metaphor ia means of
concept consrtuction and objective for learning and cognization. Metaphor can
devided into many categories: as animal metaphor, plant metaphor. The thesis mainly
contains metaphors about animal idioms.Modern metaphor suggests that metaphorical
theory is not only linguistic rhetoric but also cognitive phenomenon.
Lakoff&Johnson(1980:3) suggeated that understanding of metaphor cannot separate
from recognition and culture experience. The artical starts from the essence of
metaphor and the understanding of it, then study the metaphor and metonymy usage
of animal idioms.

3.1.2 Working Mechanism of Metaphor

The relevation of working mechanism of metaphor can help us understand
essence of metaphor and it’s mode of operation better. The recognization of modern
metaphoricl theory rose to the cognitive level, and pointed out that metaphor is an
interaction of two different conception. Conceptual metaphor reveals the mode of
operation of metaphor concisely. That is to say, metaphorical meaning is the result of
a concept domain map to another domain.

3.1.3 Metonymy Theory

Cognitive linguistics suggests that , metonymy is an important tool of human’s
thinking pattern and cognization. Linguistics domestic and overseas discuss the

Chapter Three Research Methodology

definition of metonymy from different perspectives. The connon understanding of

metonymy includes that: metonymy is a mapping process of two conceptual entities
of one same cognitive domain; metonymy is the highliting of one cognitive domain in
a domain matrix metonymy is a reference-point phenomenon, meanwhile it is also an
active-zone phonomenon; use the part to refer to the whole.
There are two research methods adopted by this article, contrastive analysis and
the combination of qualitative research and quantitative research.

3.2 Corpus Contrastive Analysis

The contrastive analysis we adopt mainly applied to the subjects in this article,
which are idioms related to Chinese zodiac animals. There is some basic work on
early stage before contrastive analysis on corpus. First, gather idioms of each animal
both in Chinese and English in dictionaries and corpus. Then, classify these idioms
according to the metaphor theory and metonymy theory to identify which is metaphor
and which is metonymy. Finally, compare these idioms in Chinese with which in
English of a specific animal, analysis the similarities and differences of their
metaphoric use and metonymy use. English animal idioms in this dissertation are
mainly from A Modern English-Chinese Dictionary and Dictionary of English Idioms.
And the English corpus used in the thesis is Corpus of Contemporary American
English (COCA). Chinese idioms are mainly from Modern Chinese Dictionary,
Modern Chinese Idiom Dictionary and Center for Chinese Linguistics PKU (CCL).

3.3 Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research

Although there exist multiple ways of methods for linguistics research. In the
final analysis, the general character of data analysis is to adopt the research approach
and data collection and analysis of qualitative research, quantitative research and the
combination of both.
Creswell (2009) gave concrete definitions of qualitative research and quantitative
research and the combination of qualitative and quantitative research.

Chapter Three Research Methodology

Quantitative research refers to a research method to verify objective theory through

the examination of relationship between each variable. That is to say, ascertain
prescriptive scientific study of the matter on one respect, and use quantity to express
questions and phenomenon and then analysis and explain to get a meaningful research
method and process. The prescriptions often get from instruments and measurement
scale. Calculate the number of metaphorical use and metonymic use of a certain
animal both in Chinese and English and then compare the difference of metaphor and
metonymy frequency between English and Chinese.
Qualitative research refers to a research method of understanding and exploring
meanings of unity or group caused by social or human. Research process includes
discovering questions, collecting data by participant, analyzing data with inductive
method and explaining data. Qualitative research has two different layers. The first
one is pure qualitative research lacking of quantity analysis, the conclusion of which
has strong speculative tone and generality. The second one is built on quantity
foundation; it is a qualitative of a higher layer. Qualitative research in the thesis
includes analyze all the animal idioms of Chinese and English, and define which are
metaphor and which are metonymy. For example, hai qun zhi ma (害群之马), refers
to someone who can do harm to the team he belongs to. So the horse here is a
metaphor. Another idiom bing huang ma luan ( 兵 荒 马 乱 ) , means many social
uncertainty factors. So the horse here is a metonymy.
The research method this paper used is the combination of qualitative research
and quantitative research. The first step, also a process of qualitative research is to
collect idioms both in Chinese and English which related to Chinese zodiac animals
and identify which belongs to metaphors and which belongs to metonymy. The
second part belongs to quantity research which will reveal the frequency of metaphor
and metonymy use and give a contrastive analysis.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac

Animals and Their Counterparts

4.1 Idioms of Mouse/Rat in Chinese and English

Mouse is the first one in Chinese zodiac, but in our daily life, mouse is a kind of
unpopularity animal. Because mouse often steal food, and destroy grain. Chinese
idioms of mouse often have derogatory senses. Some of these idioms express feeling
of hate by describing the ugly appearance. For example, shu mu zhang tou (鼠目獐
头). shu que zhi bei(鼠雀之辈)Use mouse and sparrow to represent the mean person.
she shu zhi tu(狐鼠之徒),as the same as shu que zhi bei(鼠雀之辈),use mouse and
fox to refer to the contemptible. In san she qi shu(三蛇七鼠),use the number three
and seven to refer to a lot of number. snakes and mice refer to harmful things and
people.shu que zhi ya(鼠雀之牙),use mouse’s pointed teeth and the sparrow quickly
tweet to describe lawsuit.
metonymy Chong bi shu gan It means tiny and worthless things.
metonymy Gu chu fu shu This idiom means someone or something is
(孤雏腐鼠) too humble to be mentioned.
metaphor Guan cang lao shu This idiom means the wicked that have
(官仓老鼠) someone to rely on.
metaphor Ji feng she shu It means the wicked that rely on powerful
(稷蜂社鼠) evil to do evils.
metaphor Luo que jue shu It means raising money by all means.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.1
metaphor Mao shu tong mian This idiom means working in collusion with
(猫鼠同眠) each other.
The most commonly seen words are mouse and rat in English. Idioms relate to
mouse often refer to the small ones in human’s house. Whereas rats often refer to the
bigger ones which is outdoor.rat has an obvious derogatory sense which often refers
to perishes, mean person and degrading person. The idiom rat desert a sinking ship,
ship refers to power and influence, or persons have value in use. Rat refers to the
human who serve the hour and be flattery. Tree falls the rats run away, which refers to
the power doesn’t exist, the base or cowardly persons abandon. Even hit the person
when he is down.
Like a rat in the hole-use the situation that a cat in a hole to refer to human in
difficult position who encounters difficulties and cannot get away. As poor as a
church mouse-the mouse lives in church is poor and has no food. Quiet as a
mouse-use the quiet trait of mouse to refer to the man who is quiet and make small
sound. To play cat and mouse, use the hostile relationship between mouse and cat to
refer to the bad relationship between people. It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.
Or put it another way, the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken. The mouse
that has only one hole refers to a fool man who is defeated by rival soon. In the
sentence a speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge. Use mouse
droppings to refer to the evil member of the herd who will bring misfortune to the
team. English idioms relate to mouse and rats are mainly as follows.
metaphor as wet as a downed rat be wet heavily
metonymy a rat leaving a sinking ship Desolate the man who loses
metaphor a rat in a hole Difficult situations.
metaphor the rat race Fierce competition.
metaphor as poor as a church mouse A man who is very poor.
metaphor quite as a mouse Be quiet or make small
sound when doing

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.2
metaphor When the cat is away, the When authoritative is away,
mice will away. small potatoes mount the
high horse.

metaphor Pour not water on a drowned Do not hit a person when he

mouse. is down.
metaphor play a cat and mouse with be rough on sb.
metaphor It is a poor mouse that has The man who is not clever.
only one hole.
die like a rat Be poising.
metaphor rat out leave awkwardly
metaphor A speck of mouse dung will One man harms the whole
spoil a whole pot of porridge. team.
as timid as a mouse a man of timidity
as weak as a rat a weak man
metaphor have rat in a garret Think too much.

4.2 Idioms of Ox/Bull/Cow in Chinese and English

Oxen are common seen livestock. They not only contribute to farming, but also
one of the most important meat-eating sources. They are closely bound up with our
daily life. Therefore, we have a lot of idioms relate to in Chinese. Oxen symbolize the
characters of hard-working and diligent.zuo niu zuo ma(做牛做马) use the characters
of ox and horse, to refer to working hard and don’t afraid of hard. Oxen are very
strong and powerful.jiu niu er hu zhi li(九牛二虎之力)means make efforts to work or
strain a lot.
metaphor Ning wei ji kou,bu wei This idiom means someone would rather
niu hou be the head of the weak than the tail of
(宁为鸡口,不为牛后) the strong.
metaphor Niu jiao shu sheng This idiom means the people who study
(牛角书生) hard.
metaphor Niu mao xi yu This idiom refers to a drizzle.
metaphor Bo niu zhi mang This idiom means the ideal is big, not
(搏牛之虻) small.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.3
metaphor Chu sheng niu du bu pa This idiom means the young are brave
hu and courageous though inexperienced.
metaphor Chuang xia dou niu This idiom means when the people old,
(床下斗牛) their ears become especially sensitive.
metaphor Dui niu tan qin This idiom means the listener doesn’t
(对牛弹琴) understand what the speaker said.
metonymy Gui ma fang niu This idiom means herding cattle and
(归马放牛) horses which are once used in the wars.
Now it means that it doesn’t need to fight
when the war is over.
metaphor Hu jiu hu ma This idiom means it doesn’t matter
(呼牛呼马) whether to be blame or to be praised.
metaphor Jian si niu mao This idiom means something is various
(茧丝牛毛) and numerous.
metaphor Jing xi niu yin It means that like whales drink water.
(鲸吸牛饮) This idiom means “guzzle excessively”.

metaphor Jiu niu er hu zhi li This idiom means that someone makes
(九牛二虎之力) great effort to manage one thing.
In English, the commonly used words in idioms are ox, cow, and bull. A bull in a
China shop, use the animal bull to refers to the people who often make mistakes, or
often acts impulsively. Throw the bull , no one can throw a bull, so it refers to
impossible things. Milk the bull, as we all know, there is no need to milk a bull.
Human beings get milk from bull. So the idiom’s meaning is doing something in vain.
The idiom-If the ox fall, whet your knife, refers to others hit him when the person fall
into disgrace.
metaphor the black ox has trod on disaster will strike
somebody’s foot
metaphor a bull in a China shop someone who is reckless
metaphor throw the bull complete nonsense
like a bull at a gate rage or be fierce
metaphor milk the bull do something in vain
metaphor shoot the bull boast of something
metaphor bull of the woods the leader of workers
metaphor take the bull by the horns not to shrink from hardships and

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.4
metaphor a curst cow has short horns
bad people and thing often has
some telling characters
metaphor many a good cow has a bad like father like son

4.3 Idioms of Tiger in Chinese and English

In our Chinese culture, tiger is the king of all animals. It is the symbol of velour,
strong and power. So we have a large amount of idioms related with tiger. Idioms of
tiger often refer to these characters. hu kou ba ya(虎口拔牙),refer to that it is difficult
to do something, or very dangerous behaviors. hu bei xiong yao( 虎 背 熊 腰 )is
frequently-used to refers to someone’s body is tall and strong. ru lang si hu( 如狼似
虎),is used to refer to human’ characteristics or attitude is fierce or dangerous. All
these above are metaphorical use.
metaphor Da si lao hu Attack somebody who lose their greatness.
metaphor E hu tun yang somebody who is very greedy and vicious
metaphor Hu luo ping yang Lose their power.
metaphor Hua hu bu cheng Can’t get a high goal. Be joke.
metaphor Long xing hu bu Somebody have serious dignity and real tone.
metaphor Meng hu cha chi powerhouse have more advantage
metaphor Bu ru hu xue,yan de If you experiences danger can be successful.
hu zi
Idioms related with tiger are not as many as those in Chinese, but they also
symbolize the powerful and strong characteristic of tiger. Ride a tiger, a metaphorical
use which use tiger to refer to the dangerous situation which makes someone in
dilemma. All the following idioms are metaphorical using, to show the strong and
power of tiger.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

work like a tiger energetic in working
flight like a tiger attack somebody
metaphor have a tiger by the trail meet a rival who is difficult to defeat

metaphor ride a tiger the line of retreat is cut off

metaphor a tiger leaves a skin behind an impressive person has a place in
him history
metaphor If you don’t enter a tiger‘s If you don’t have adventurous spirit,
den, you can’t get his cubs. you don’t have acquirement.
The tiger that has once Once become aware of the benefit of
tasted the blood is never something, it won’t stop.
sated with the taste of it.
metaphor put a tiger in someone’s make someone high motivated

4.4 Idioms of Hare/Rabbit in Chinese and English

Rabbits symbolize running fast and smart in our Chinese culture. For example,
dong ruo tuo tu(动若脱兔),shi ruo tuo tu(势若脱兔),and so on. For wild life, the
only low is the law of jungle. Rabbits are too weak to protect themselves; the only
ways to survival are run fast or have more than one hutch. People often misunderstand
the rabbits are cunning, so they said “jiao tu san ku(狡兔三窟)”. The cony hair is as
white as moon, therefore, our ancients use rabbit to refer to moon, for example, “tu qi
wu chen(兔起乌沉)”, it is a metonymic use, which use the characteristic of cony hair
to instead the moon. We Chinese also be considered dedicated, as tu si hu bei(兔死狐
悲),hu tu zhi bei(狐兔之悲),tu si quan ji(兔死犬饥), and so on.Frequently-used
English idioms of rabbit or hare are as follows.
metaphor Hu si tu qi be sad because the same kind of death
metaphor Hu tu zhi bei be ad because the same kind of death
metaphor Shou zhu dai tu Somebody approach of principled
(守株待兔) incompetence and don’t know how to

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.7
metaphor Lang ben tu tuo panic to escape
metaphor Tu jiao gui mao merely nominal
metaphor Tu si quan ji Somebody do something good, but
(兔死犬饥) doesn’t be reused.
metaphor Tu tou suo nao look like a bad man
metaphor Wu cui tu zou the moon
metaphor Shi xiang bo tu,jie yong Though is a small thing but doing it
quan li seriously.
English idioms related to hare or rabbit are not as common used as other animal
idioms. As a small size animal who has less cultural influence than other large size
animals. Rabbit usually refers to domesticated, whereas hare usually refers to the ones
live in wild. Hare-brained, is a metaphorical use, which refers to people who has
weird behaviors. Rabbits in March mating days always behave crazy. Hare may pull
dead lions by the beard. In this sentence, lion refers to the one who is powerful and
strong, and hare refers to the weak. It refers to that if the strong lose power or died,
the weak can even bully them. He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds.
Someone try to keep the favor of both sides. It is also a metaphorical use.
metaphor as scared as a rabbit refer to someone is timid very much
run like a rabbit run fast
metaphor hare-brained people who has weird behaviors
metaphor Hare may pull dead lions by If the strong lose power or died, the
the beard. weak can even bully them.
He runs with the hare and try to keep the favor of both sides
hunts with the hounds.
pull a rabbit out of the hat a good strategy

4.5 Idioms of Dragon in Chinese and English

Dragon has a totally different meaning in our Chinese culture. Dragon usually
refers to power, dignity and talent. Our ancient emperors like to compare themselves

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

to a dragon. They called their children the sons of dragon. Dragon also refer to the
talent, “Zhu GeLiang has been called “Mr. Wo Long”. fang long ru hai(方龙如海)is a
rare example to use dragon to refer to evil thing.The Chinese idiom hua long dian
jing( 画龙点睛), long(龙)refers to perfect article, or speech, so it is a metaphorical
use. yu long hun za(鱼龙混杂),yu(鱼)refers to bad things whereas long(龙)refers to
good things, which is also a metaphorical use. Dragon also refer to calligraphy and
geography, as long fei wu tiao(龙飞虎跳),long pan feng wu(龙盘凤舞),long pan hu
ju( 龙盘虎踞),long she fei dong(龙蛇飞动). Chinese idioms of dragon are list as
metaphor fang long ru hai Release the enemy, leave the future
(放龙入海) trouble.

metaphor kang long you hui If the person in upper position doesn't
(亢龙有悔) modest, he will fell form the pinnacle
of his power.

metaphor kua feng cheng long become husband and wife or immortal
metaphor long tao bao lue It refers to military strategy.

metaphor long tou she wei It refers to grand beginning and small
(龙头蛇尾) ending.
metaphor xia li long yin The person with talent wants to be put
(匣里龙吟) in an important position.
metaphor yi shi long men It refers to the person who is respected
(一世龙门) by scholar.

metonymy long wen hao long Some bobbies in oral instead of true
(叶公好龙) hobbies.
metaphor long yu hun za The mixing of the good and the bad

metaphor yun qi long xiang Outstanding figures develop in time.

metaphor long mei bao jing appearance of warrior

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

western culture, dragon is not as popular as that in Chinese. According to Oxford

English Dictionary’s explanation; is a large aggressive animal with wings and a long
tail but can breathe out fire. It is also a symbol of evil. Idiom “the old dragon”
doesn’t mean the olds, but the devil.
In Beowulf, an old heroic epic of English, dragon is a kind of fierce evil animal
that guard the treasure killed by Beowulf finally. In modern English, dragon often has
metaphorical use and refers to fierce man. Dragon’s tooth means the source of
metaphor the old dragon fierce evil people
metaphor dragon’s teeth the source of conflict

4.6 Idioms of Snake/Serpent in Chinese and English

We Chinese have a complex feeling of snake. We call it “small dragon”, but we
show a distasteful feeling to it in idioms, as it in English. This may because the snakes
like to attack human. For example, “fo kou she xin( 佛 口 蛇 心 )”, “she xie xin
chang(蛇蝎心肠)”. Secondly, snakes are soft and flexible. We use this characteristic
to refer to calligraphy sa in “long she fei wu(龙蛇飞舞)”,“chun she qiu yin(春蛇秋
蚓)”,“fei niao jing she(飞鸟惊蛇)”,“bi zou long she(笔走龙蛇)”, “long she fei
dong(龙蛇飞动)”. Idioms of snake in Chinese are as follows.
metonymy du she meng shou It refers to animals which are dangerous
to human. It is often used to describe
(毒蛇猛兽) the person who is tyranny.
metaphor long tou she wei It refers to begin with greatness, end
with puniness.

metaphor ba cao xun she It refers to stir up trouble with evil

person and ask for trouble.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.11
metaphor long qu she shen It refers to the gentlemen are insulted,
and the villain achieve their ambition.

metaphor qiang long bu ya di tou she Local powers are more powerful than
the strong.

metaphor wo she qi hu Situation is very dangerous.


metaphor chang hui cheng she Connive the enemy and allow them

In English, snake often refers to subtleties and someone who is grim. As we all
know that in Bible, a snake allured Eve to eat forbidden fruit. So it is considered as
the cunning animal. In western culture, snake is a kind of unpopular animal. They
often use snake to refer to the mean person. “A snake in bosom” is a metaphorical use,
which often refers to human beings who requite kindness with enmity. “To warm a
snake in one’s bosom” refers to do something dangerous. Or show kindness to
someone who don’t deserve it. Idiom-a snake in the grass, is also a metaphorical use.
The snake in grass is difficult to be noticed, so it is dangerous. It also can be used to
symbolize the dangerous person who is hidden in the shadow, and we cannot find
easily. English idioms of snake are as follows.
metaphor a snake in the bosom human beings who requite
kindness with enmity
metaphor a snake in the grass dangerous person who is
hidden in the shadow, and
we cannot find easily
metaphor to warm a snake in one’s bosom leave some hidden danger
metaphor raise snakes dangerous behaviors
metaphor scotch a snake avoid dangerous behaviors
metaphor see snakes/have snakes in one’s cause troubles or be drunk

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

4.7 Idioms of Horse in Chinese and English

Horse is a kind of animal we are familiar with. It is also closely relate to our
daily life. People love for horses fully embodies in our language. There are many
idioms related to horse either in English or in Chinese. Therefore, analysis of idioms
related to horse has a great significance to understand English and Chinese culture. In
Chinese culture, horse symbolizes struggle and self improvement. long ma jing
shen(龙马精神),long shen ma zhuang(龙神马壮) are the best interpretation of this
symbol. In addition, horses often refer to the men of talent. For example,yan zhao hao
ma(燕昭好马),bo le xiang ma(伯乐相马)。In ancient time, horse is an important tool
of war. So, idioms related to horse often related to wars. For example, li bing mo
ma(厉兵秣马),bing qiang ma zhuang(兵强马壮),ma ge guo shi(马革裹尸),qian jun
qian ma(千军万马)。Modern times,horses are important means of transport asche
shui ma long(车水马龙),che ma lao dun(车马劳顿).
metaphor Fang ma hou pao talk about something which has already past
metaphor Lian bing mo ma train soldiers and feed war-horse up which
(练兵秣马) means ready to strike
metaphor An ma lao dun riding the road too long and feel back
(鞍马劳顿) breaking which means weariness from a
tiring journey
metaphor An qian ma hou to follow and accompany everywhere
metaphor Bi che ying ma boneshaker and lean horse which means be
(弊车赢马) in a devil of a hole
metonymy Bing huang ma luan during the war, social became disrupted and
(兵荒马乱) social order is not stable
metaphor Bing qiang ma zhuang a strong powerful and combative military

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.13
metaphor Bu shi ma gan According to legend, horse liver is
(不食马肝) poisonous and people eat it will die which
means people don’t discuss the matter
shouldn’t discuss.
In English, idioms related to horse have many meanings. Eat like a horse. Good
horse makes short miles. Sickness comes on horseback but goes away on foot. All of
these above are related to speed and the character of horse. In the work of art of
Christian, horse symbolizes courage and tolerance. For example,hold your horses, a
running horse needs no spur, a little more breaks a horse’s back. Moreover, horse
racing is one of westerners’ favorite sports. There are also a lot of idioms related to
the activity. For example back the wrong horse, drive a coach and horse through
something. The early British plough with horses, so horse in idioms has extensive
meanings. Although, most of idioms related to horses have commendatory senses. But
some of them have derogatory senses.
metaphor horse sense common knowledge, common
horse-faced a long face
mount the high house someone regarded as overbearing
metaphor one horse argument the sense of theory
sick as a horse ill seriously
horse and foot try one’s best
eat like a horse eat too much
metaphor Everyone has his bobby horse. everyone has a habit
Shut the barn door when the save the situation after a mistake
horse has gone.
a horse of another color other thing
as strong as a horse very strong
be off the high horse get rid of superiority complex

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

4.8 Idioms of Sheep/Goat in Chinese and English

The pronunciation of “yang( 羊 )” sounds like “xiang( 祥 )” which means good
luck and happiness. Chinese idioms of sheep usually use the docile and puniness to
substitute some people who easily bullied as it in “e hut un yang(饿虎吞羊)”, “yang
luo hu kou(羊落虎口)”, “qi lu wang yang(歧路亡羊)”, “yang ru hu qun(羊入虎群)”,
“e hu pu yang(恶虎扑羊)”. “qu yang gong hu(驱羊攻虎)” is a metonymic use, which
means drive sheep away and attack tigers. It means include sheep and tiger, both the
strong and the weak are being damage. Chinese idioms related to sheep are listing as
metaphor Ai li cun yang don’t abandon ancient etiquette
metaphor Shi yang jiu mu more officer less people, often refer to heavy
(十羊九牧) duty
metaphor Ru lang mu yang a wolf grazing sheep, cruelly oppress people
metaphor Shi yang jiang lang ask a kind person to drive a aspirant, refer to
(使羊将狼) something will not be successful
metonymy Tu suo niu yang Someone who is dying.
metaphor Wen yang zhi ma try to find out the truth of something
metaphor Yang hen lang tan a corrupt official and ruthless exploitation
metaphor Lang yang tong si treat the good and bad as the same
metaphor Su si gao yang honest and clean-figured officer
metaphor Yang che wang want to get someone’s favor

Sheep in English often refer to timid and shy personality. For example, “follow
like a sheep” means follow somebody or something aimlessly. “Like sheep” means
dependence. “A lost sheep” also use this character of sheep to symbolize someone
who leave the path of righteousness. “He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

the wolf.” “if one sheep leap over the dyke, all the rest will follow.” “it is madness for
a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf.” “The long sheep is in danger of the wolf.” All
these idioms above are based on the weak existence of sheep. In a few cases, sheep
refers to lecher and evildoer as it in “the sheep and the goats” and “separate the sheep
from the goats”. English idioms relate to sheep are as follows.
follow like sheep to be blindness
like sheep to be dependent
metaphor a lost sheep someone who leave the
path of righteousness
metaphor sheep without a shepherd some bad guys together

If one sheep leap over the dyke, all the follow blind
rest will follow.
metaphor He that makes himself a sheep shall be the weak often being
eaten by the wolf. bullied
metaphor It is madness for a sheep to treat of don’t trust bad guys
peace with a wolf. easily
metaphor the long sheep is in danger of the wolf encounter danger alone
metaphor the sheep and the goats good ones and bad ones
metaphor separate the sheep from the goats distinguish the grain
from the chaff

4.9 Idioms of Monkey in Chinese and English

Idioms of monkey in Chinese often has a meaning of agility tact and shrewd. We
often say the one as shrewd as a monkey. Because of it ranks at the end of Chinese
zodiac, we say “hou nian ma yue(猴年马月)” which is a metaphoric use to refers to in
far future. Monkey is a kind of very impatient animal, a lot of idioms use this
character to refer to some people who is not patient, as in “hou tou hou nao(猴头猴
脑 )”. Monkey is similar as human being in appearance, so idioms of monkey often
refer to people, as in “mu hou er guan(沐猴而冠)”, “xuan he guan hou(轩鹤冠猴)”
and “jian zui hou sai(尖嘴猴腮)”. Idioms of monkey in Chinese are as follows.
metaphor Jian zui hou sai ugly and vulgar appearance

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.17
metaphor Mi hou qi shi niu slow position
metaphor Nong gui diao hou someone who is mischievous

Comparing idioms of monkey in Chinese with which in English, we find that

they have similar meaning of urchin and make fool of oneself. “Make a monkey” is a
metaphorical use which means make fool of someone else. “a monkey with a long
tail”, means pledge something .“have a monkey on a house” means use real estate as a
collateral. Both of above are metaphors. “have a monkey on one’s back” refers to
addicted in drug. “get the monkey off” means drug treatment. But it is difficult to say
they are metaphor or metonymy. Idioms of monkey in English are list as follows.
metaphor make a monkey make fool of somebody
a monkey with a long tail addict in drug and a burden on
metaphor monkey around wandering everywhere, make
fool of somebody
metaphor monkey business treat somebody or make fool of
put somebody’s monkey up ruffle somebody’s feathers
get one’s monkey up be angry
take the monkey off one’s let someone anger
be more trouble than a hate something
cartload of monkeys

4.10 Idioms of Cock/Hen/Chicken in Chinese and English

We have a large amount of idioms in our Chinese of cock and hen. In our
Chinese culture, the first symbolic meaning of cock is credible, on time. Cocks crow
every day on time give full expression to this character. As the same as in “wen ji qi
wu(闻鸡起舞)”, “ji ming er qi(鸡鸣而起)”, “ji ming jie dan(鸡鸣戒旦)”. It’s worth
noting that, all these idioms are metonymic use, which use crow of cock to indicate
early morning. What’s more, chicken looks cute and small, so they often be seem as

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

something unimportant or useless. For example, “he li ji qun( 鹤 立 鸡 群)”, “ji mao
suan pi(鸡毛蒜皮)”, “ji ling gou sui(鸡零狗碎)”, “shu du ji chang(鼠肚鸡肠)”. They
are all metaphors with the tiny character to refer to something isn’t important. When
cock and dog appear in one idiom at the same time, they often have a derogatory
meaning as in “ji ming gou dao(鸡鸣狗盗)”。But in “ji quan bu liu(鸡犬不留)”, it is a
metonymic meaning which mean take away all the things include cock and dog.
metaphor Zheng ji shi yang People chase something little but lose
(争鸡失羊) something big.
metaphor Dai ji pei tun be brave and bellicose
metaphor He kun ji qun a man of excellent caliber swallows by
(鹤困鸡群) mediocrities
metaphor Ji qi feng chao the person without talent has high-order
(鸡栖凤巢) position
metonymy Ji quan bu wen desolate place
metaphor Ji tun zhi xi small gains
metaphor Yu ji wei feng sell something bad as a price of good
metaphor Yue huai yi ji know the mistakes made by oneself but buy
(月怀一鸡) time deliberately and never correct

Cock often refers to leaders in English, for example, “a cock of the loft” it is a
metaphorical use to refer to a leader in a small area. It also can mean be pleased with
one and look down upon others in some idioms as in “cock a hoop”, “cock –a- bull
story”, and “cock a snoop at somebody”. Hen often has a meaning of chatty or nosy
parker. So we have an idiom-It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the
cock. It uses the symbolic meaning of chatty of hen to refer to different characters of
our human beings, so it is also a metaphorical meaning. Idioms of cock or hen are
listed as follows.
metaphor cock a hoop be pleased with oneself
metaphor cock-eyed cannot come true

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.20
metaphor a cock of the loft/dunghill be pleased with oneself and look
down upon others
metaphor a cock of the walk/school seek hegemony in a small area
cock and bull story fantastic talk
chicken out have a cold feet
live like a fighting cocks eat best things
metaphor It is a sad house where the hen The family will not be happy if
crows louder the cock. there are weak minded husband
and forceful wife.
go off at half cock Start to do something when
there isn’t enough preparation.
red cock set on fire
that cock won’t fight say something impractical

4.11 Idioms of Dog in Chinese and English

In our Chinese culture, dog is a lucky animal. Meanwhile, in our opinion, dogs
can help us do some housework, so we like to keep dog to guard our house. But most
of idioms of dog have derogatory meaning. “quan fei zhi dao(犬吠之盗)”, the dogs
barking will arise our vigilance, so here is a metaphorical use of barking to refer to
thievery. “quan ma zhi bao(犬马之报)” means willing to give serve to others like dog
and horse in order to reward kindness. So “quan( 犬)” and “ma( 马)” are metaphors.
Idioms of dog are listed as follows.
metonymy jia gou sui gou It means that women must be obedient to
(嫁狗随狗) their husbands.
metaphor Cang gong peng gou The ruler discard or murder the people
(藏弓烹狗) who help him get achievement.
metaphor da luo shui gou punish the bad after they have been
(打落水狗) caught
metaphor gou xue lin tou An old superstition, dog’s blood drop on
(狗血淋头) monsters’ heads will let them out of
order. Now it means be thoroughly
metaphor gou e jiu suan The dangerous situation and people will
(狗恶酒酸) be threatened by growing crisis.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

Continue table4.21
metaphor gou ji tiao qiang The evildoers are driven into a corner;
(狗急跳墙) they will try their best to have a
desperate act.
metaphor gou zhang ren shi Bad person relying on another’s power
(狗仗人势) to bully or frighten others.
metaphor gou xue pen tou acrid words, abuse bitterly
metaphor guan men da gou Have an effectively combat within
(关门打狗) someone’s sphere of influence.

Dog is the symbol of loyalty in English, they often be treated as family member.
Dog often has a commendatory meaning. “a lucky dog” is a metaphorical use which
means some person who is lucky. “the top dog” refers to person or group have
advantage on some aspect. “love me, love my dog” has a metonymic use of dog,
which means that if you love me, you should love all the things about me, include my
dog. Idioms of dog are listed as follows.
metaphor a gay dog a happy person
metaphor a lucky dog someone who always be lucky
metaphor the top dog people or group or country have
advantages on something
metaphor Love me, love my dog. if love me, love all the things
about me
A man has his day, and every everyone will be lucky or
dog has his hour. successful some day
a dog in the manger get out of one’s obligation
when taking up an occupation
adog’s breakfast a chaotic state
metaphor Dog eat dog. be fratricides
go to the dogs cannot recover after a setback
metaphor Treat sb. like a dog regard as worthless
Hungry dogs will eat dirty one hanger is not choosy about
puddings his food
metaphor Look not for musk in dog’s a filthy mouth cannot utter decent
chance language

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

4.12 Idioms of Pig/Swine in Chinese and English

Pig in our Chinese culture often related with something or person that is lazy,
ugly and stupid. This association cannot separate from the habit and living condition
of pigs. They have nothing to do except eating and sleeping. “zhu peng gou you(猪朋
狗友)” is a metaphor, which means the friends are all slackers and chair warmers. “yi
long yi zhu(一龙一猪)” is also a metaphor, “long(龙)” refers to someone who is of
good qualities, whereas “zhu(猪)” refers to slackers who has a lot of shortcomings. So
the idiom means two people have a great difference. Idioms of pig are as follows.
metaphor zhu bei gou xian refer to contemptible people
metaphor zhu tu xi yong do something desperately or someone who
(猪突豨勇) is daredevil
metaphor zhu peng gou you bad friend who eat one’s head off
metaphor ni zhu jie gou a man of humble origin
metaphor yi long yi zhu There is a huge difference between two
(一龙一猪) people, one is capable, while the other is
extremely incompetent; or one is virtuous
and the other is unworthy.
metaphor zhi zhu ma gou point something but abuse another thing
metonymy zhu gou bus hi qi yu The people whose behavior is sordid, even
(狗猪不食其余) dogs and pigs are not willing to eat the food
he left.
metaphor fei zhu gong men get unexpected wealth
metonymy zhu gou bu ru Someone is degrading, even cannot
(猪狗不如) compared with livestock.

Pig in English has a meaning of sluttish and selfishness just as it in Chinese. “pig
together” refers to living in a deplorable situation as pigs sleep together, so it is a
metaphor. “pig may fly” is metonymy. As we all know that pig cannot fly, so it used
to express something impossible. Idioms of pig are listed as follows.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

pig together
pig might fly
make a pig’s ear out of something do something not successful
buy a pig in a pork blindly buying
metaphor a pig of a something annoyances
a pig of someone’s own sow suffer from one’s own actions
bleed like a stuck pig bleed profusely
metonymy Bring one’s pigs to the wrong sell lost
drive one’s pigs to the market snore away
live like pigs in clover high-fed
metaphor make a pig of oneself yield oneself up
A swine over fat is the cause of his
the pig died because of fat,
own bane. failed because of known
Feed a pig and you’ll have a hog. you sow what you reap
metaphor Do not cast your pearls before don’t talk to someone who
swine. cannot understand you

4.13 Data Analysis

The thesis chooses the researching objectives from dictionaries combines corpus.
First, gather idioms of each animal both in Chinese and English in dictionaries and
corpus. Then, classify these idioms according to the metaphor theory and metonymy
theory to identify which is metaphor and which is metonymy. Finally, compare these
idioms in Chinese with which in English of a specific animal, analysis the similarities
and differences of their metaphoric use and metonymy use. English animal idioms in
this dissertation are mainly from A Modern English-Chinese Dictionary and
Dictionary of English Idioms. And the English corpus used in the thesis is Corpus of
Contemporary American English (COCA). Chinese idioms are mainly from Modern
Chinese Dictionary, Modern Chinese Idiom Dictionary and Center for Chinese
Linguistics PKU (CCL). Choose the commonly used metaphorical meaning or
metpnymic meanings of a certain kind of animal idioms as the research objectives and
calculating data.The findings are listed as follows.

Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts


Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts


Chapter Four Metaphorical and Metonymic Study of Zodiac Animals and Their Counterparts

From the perspective of the number of metaphor and metonymy of certain animal, Chinese

has the largest number of dragon idioms, while English has the largest number of horse idioms.

Dragon is a deified animal worshiped by the Chinese people and the representative of Chinese

culture. It embodies pride and authority of China. We Chinese like to call ourselves the dragon’s

descendants. Totem of dragon means happiness is coming. English has the largest amount of

idioms of horse for the same reason. Westerners have a strong tradition of loving horse. They

often have a meaning of courage and tolerance.

Chapter Five Conclusion

Chapter Five Conclusion

There exist animal idioms with metaphor and metonymy in both Chinese and
English. The metaphoric and metonymic meanings of these idioms have many
similarities and differences. The reasonable explanation of these differences is their
culture background and cognitive style. This thesis adopts the method of a
combination of qualitative and quantitative research on the basis of cognitive
linguistics, metaphor theory, metonymy theory and intercultural communication.
Choose the animal idioms in authoritative idiom dictionaries of Chinese and English
and comprehensive corpus as the corpus to study.
According to the study and the data displayed in the former chapter, we can find
that there exist some differences and similarities in the zodiac animal idioms in
Chinese and English.
1) Compare the usage of metaphor and metonymy in English and Chinese animal
idioms, we can find that under the influence of our Chinese culture, idioms of mouse ,
snake, dog, chicken, and pig have derogatory senses. Idioms of tiger and dragon have
the meaning of stateliness and ferocity, and most of which are commendatory. Only a
few of them have derogatory sense. Idioms of horse often have a commendatory
meaning. White in English culture, idioms of mouse have derogatory senses, and also
mean humorous and smartness. Due to the influence of culture differences, the
meanings of dragon and dog in English are quite different from which in Chinese. So
idioms of dragon also have derogatory meaning. This is due to the Bible has a deep
influence on English culture. In our Chinese, idioms of dog often express a derogatory
meaning, while in English; dog idioms have both derogatory meaning and neutral
meaning, which show us the affection of dog of westerners.
2) Chinese idioms of rat and mouse have the highest utilization frequency of
metaphoric meanings. Chinese people dislike rat most among all the zodiac animals.

Chapter Five Conclusion

Chinese idioms of rat and mouse often have strong derogatory sense. They also refer
to mean person and degrading person. English idioms of dragon and snake have the
highest utilization frequency of metaphor meanings. Dragon is the symbol of evil in
western culture. More often than not, dragons in western literature are often described
as monsters, they are fearsome, fire-breathing creatures.
Only a few English animal idioms use their metonymic meanings. Relatively
speaking, more Chinese animal idioms belong to metonymy. Through the figures
below, we can conclude that, the usage of metonymy depend on the recognition of
certain animal. Only if a kind of animal has particular image in human mind, they can
form a relationship between the animal with other things. Chinese idioms of chicken
have high utilization frequency of metonymic meaning as chicken has recognition of
being normal and small. So as to Chinese idioms of chicken have high frequency of
using metonymy to refer to small things and ordinary things. China is an agricultural
country, Chinese people has closer relationship to zodiac animals. They can find the
common features between these animals and daily routine. So the frequency of
metonymy in Chinese idioms is far more than English idioms.

First, the thesis chooses the Chinese zodiac animals idioms as research subject so
that it is difficult to reflect all the similarities and differences of all idioms of Chinese
and English. Second, the research subject failed to include all the literature material o
f animal idioms in English because of the limitation of language learning. All the Engl
ish idioms come from dictionaries and corpus and some relevant studies at home. Last,
research animal idioms from the perspective of metaphor in applied linguistics, arche
type image and cultural comparison are not new but gradually reborn subjects. The th
esis expresses my own opinion with the limits of my knowledge and capabilities. The
deficiency to consummate is the striving direction for future.

Chapter Five Conclusion

Suggestions for Future Research

Most of studies of idioms concerne animal idioms and plant idioms, and most of
them areq from the perspective of metaphor. Only a few study concerned metonymy,
but it is of great importance. So futher study should pay more attention to metonymy.
The thesis focus on the different frequency of metaphor and metonymy between two
culture. Both English and Chinese have a large amount of animal idioms, in
consideration of space, it is difficult to give a detailed description to each of them.



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Table 1:mouse
metaphor Que shu zhi zheng This idiom refers to the dispute caused by the
(雀鼠之争) violence and encroachment.

metonymy San she qi shu This idiom means there are so many evil
(三蛇七鼠) things.

metaphor Shu mu cun guang This idiom means being shortsighted.


metaphor Shou shu liang duan It means people who are hesitant and
(首鼠两端) shilly-shally.
metaphor Wu shu ji qiong This idiom means one’s talent is limited.

metaphor Tou shu ji qi This idiom literally means to hesitate to pelt

(投鼠忌器) a rat for fear of smashing the dishes beside it.
And metaphorically it means to have scruples
in doing something.

metaphor Xiang shu you pi This idiom means that people should have
(相鼠有皮) the sense of propriety, justice, honesty.

metaphor Yan shu yin he It means the supply is limited.


metaphor Zhang tou shu mu It refers to someone who is ugly and looks
(獐头鼠目) sly.
metaphor Lang ben shu tou This idiom means the bad do wrongdoings
(狼奔鼠偷) everywhere.


Continue table 1
metaphor Mo xiang shu rang It refers to the areas where people are unkind
(貊乡鼠攘) and treacherous.
metaphor Niao hai shu cuan This idiom means fleeing in panic and fear.

Table 2:cow
metaphor Lao niu po che This idiom literally means old cattle pull
(老牛破车) shabby cart. Metaphorically it means that
someone is incapable or behaves slowly.
metaphor Kang ding bian niu This idiom refers to the person who has
(扛鼎抃牛) the strong body and strength, different
from ordinary.
metaphor Lao niu tian du This idiom means the parental love to
(老牛舔犊) their children.
metaphor Mai jian mai niu This idioms means the bad guys do some
(卖剑买牛) good things then become a good man.
Never fight again.
metaphor Niu dao ge ji This idiom means using the knife that is
(牛刀割鸡) used for cattle to kill chicken.
Metaphorically it means wasting one’s
talent on a petty job.
metaphor Niu ding peng ji This idiom means boiling chicken by
(牛鼎烹鸡) using the cauldron that is used to boil
cattle. Metaphorically it means wasting
one’s talent on a petty job.
metaphor Niu ji tong zao This idiom means that the bad and the
(牛骥同皂) good are in the same place.
metaphor Qian niu xia jing This idiom means the thing is so tough
(牵牛下井) and troublesome to deal with.
metaphor Niu dao xiao shi The idiom means that people who have
(牛刀小试) great talent use his talent on the small
things. It also means that a capable
person shows the talent when he starts
metaphor Niu tou ma mian This idiom metaphorically refers to
(牛头马面) various vicious people.


Continue table 2
metaphor Niu gui she shen This idiom literally means illusory and
(牛鬼蛇神) weird. And later it means the bad of all
sorts in the society.
metaphor Qi chong niu dou This idiom means the state of being
(气冲牛斗) angry.
metonymy Xi tian duo niu This idiom metaphorically means heavy
(蹊田夺牛) punishment with light crime.
metaphor Ru niu fu zhong This idiom means the burden of the life is
(如牛负重) too heavy.
metaphor Wang yang de niu This idiom means big harvest with small
(亡羊得牛) loss.
metaphor Tu suo niu yang This idiom means dying people.
metaphor Wo xing niu bu This idiom means slow development.
metaphor Wen niu zhi ma This idiom means reasoning from the
(问牛知马) side to figure out the truth of things.
metaphor Xi niu wang yue This idiom means someone see things
(犀牛望月) incompletely.
metaphor Zheng mao diu niu This idiom means someone lose too
(争猫丢牛) much and covet a little.
metonymy Fan niu tu gou This idiom means taking up humble work
(饭牛屠狗) and people who take up humble work.
metaphor Niu gao ma da This idiom means being strong and tall.
metaphor Niu ji gong lao This idiom means the bad and the good
(牛骥共牢) live together.
metaphor Niu ti zhong yu It means the deadline is coming close.
metonymy Niu yang wu jian This idiom means to protect and love.
metonymy Xiu niu gui ma This idiom means putting an end to the
(休牛归马) war.
metaphor Zhuang qi tun niu This idiom means full of power and
(壮气吞牛) ambition.
metonymy Zhui niu fa zhong This idiom means doing everything to
(椎牛发冢) steal and being extremely violent and
metaphor Zuan niu jiao jian This idiom means wasting great efforts to
(钻牛角尖) do with unresolved problems, and it also
means the narrow thinking.


Continue table2
metonymy Feng niu ma bu xiang ji It means having nothing in common with
(风牛马不相及) each other.
metonymy Jin ju ma niu It means being innocent.
metaphor Niu tou bu dui ma mian This idiom means the question has no
(牛头不对马面) relation to the answer.
metaphor Ning qi kou niu This idiom means one talented person is
(宁戚叩牛) reduced to do humble things.

Table 3:tiger
metaphor Cang long wo hu Some talents don’t be find or hide.
metaphor Chu sheng niu du Teenagers don’t think too much and dare to do
bu pa hu everything.
metaphor Diao hu li shan Use scheme let somebody leave the place
(调虎离山) where he stay, and convenience to something.
metaphor E hu bu shi zi Avoid harming close people.
metaphor E hu ji ying very dignity and greedy
metaphor E hu pu shi action isvery hard and fast
metaphor E hu zhi xi Means stay in very danger place.
metaphor Hu kou tao sheng Escaping from a danger place alive.
metaphor Hu tou hu nao Somebody strong and honest.(children)
metaphor Hu jia hu wei To take advantage of somebody else's power
(狐假虎威) to throw one's weight.
metaphor Hu bei xiong yao Somebody has strong body.
metaphor Hu kou yu sheng Escaping from a danger place alive.
metaphor Hu kou ba ya Doing some very danger things.
metaphor Qi hu nan xia The thing can’t stop and don’t know how to do
(骑虎难下) it.


Continue table 3
metaphor Ru hu tian yi powerful people become stronger
metaphor Ru du bu pa hu Teenagers don’t think too much and dare to do
(乳犊不怕虎) everything.
metaphor Sheng long huo hu someone is very active and robust
metaphor Wei hu zuo chang to be the bad one’s helper
metaphor Zuo shan guan hu Watching in safety while others fight, then
dou reap the spoils when both sides are exhausted.
metaphor Ge rou si hu Though you give up your live you can’t make
(割肉饲虎) him satisfactory.
metaphor Hu er guan A people who ferocious when he was born.
metaphor Hu lang zhi shi very ferocious momentum
metaphor Hu xue lang chao some very danger places
metaphor Hu zhi long na fighting very fiercely
metaphor Lang qian hu hou Bad people come one after another.
metaphor Lang tun hu can eat fast and urgent

Table 4:dragon
metaphor bi zou long she Calligraphy is vivid and momentum.

metaphor cang long wo hu Undiscovered talent or keep one's own

(藏龙卧虎) counsel.
metaphor cheng long pei tao Arrange into a complete system.

metonymy da feng lao long Search or choose uncommon talents.

metonymy gui long pain jia Collect all things no matter how it big
(龟龙片甲) and small.


Continue table 4
metaphor hua long dian jing Use some sentences to point out
(画龙点睛) substance in key points to make it more
vivid in writing or speaking.
metonymy long yue feng ming uncommon brilliance

metaphor long gan feng sui rare gourmet food

metonymy lin feng gui long Precious things or noble-hearted and
(麟凤龟龙) respectable person.

metaphor long xue xuan huang fierce War and wholesale slaughter
metaphor long gan bao tai rare gourmet food
metaphor long feng cheng xiang happy and lucky things

metaphor long fei feng wu powerful mountain and strong

(龙飞凤舞) handwriting
metaphor long pan feng yi some talents without appreciation

metaphor long gan feng nao rare and uncommon food

metaphor pei tao cheng long arrange into a complete system

metaphor pan long fu feng flatter authority to gain wealth and rank
metaphor pao feng peng long rare and rich food
metaphor pan long zhi pi bad habit of gambling

metaphor qiao long hua hu show somebody excessive attention

(乔龙画虎) hypocritical
metaphor qun long wu shou No leader, no unified action.


Continue table 4
metaphor ren long zhi long outstanding figures
metaphor she hua wei long, bu bian qi The same substance with different
wen forms.

metaphor shen long jian shou bu jian Not be understood by others.

metaphor wang zi cheng long The person who wants his children have
(望子成龙) achievement in study or work.

Table 5:snake
metaphor da cao jing she Doing something imprudence and lead
to others' guard.

metaphor fou kou she xin It refers someone who speak beautiful
words with vicious heat.

metaphor hu tou she wei Head like a tiger, tail like a snake. It
refers to grand beginning and small
(虎头蛇尾) ending.

metaphor ling she zhi zhu It refers to invaluable assets before, and
remarkable abilities now.

metaphor long she hun za the mixing of the good and the bad


metaphor niu gui she shen Ghost in cow head and god in snake
body. It refers to varied the bad.

metonymy san she qi shu There are so many harmful things.



Continue table 5
metaphor wei hui fu cui,wei she ru he If the snake isn't killed when it is small,
it hard to deal with when it grow up. It
(为虺弗摧,为蛇若何) refers to if not wipe out enemy follow
up a victory, it will have future troubles.

metaphor yang hui cheng she Connive the enemy and allow them

Table 6:horse
metaphor Che dai ma fan the hardships of travel
metaphor Che ma ying men the gate and courtyard is full of cars which
(车马盈门) means there is a lot of visitors
metaphor Dan qiang pi ma go into battle alone in the war which means
(单枪匹马) the action without help
metaphor Gong tiao ma fu keep one’s powder dry before do everything
metaphor Hai qun zhi ma evil member of the herd said of someone
(害群之马) who harms the collective
metaphor Han ma gong lao make great contribution through fighting
(汗马功劳) which means break one’s back to make a
metaphor Jin rong xuan ma small residential place
metaphor Kou ma er jian do one’s utmost to remonstrate
metaphor Jun zi yi yan,kuai ma a promise is a promise and never turn back
yi bian


Continue table 6
metaphor Ma shou shi zhan follow someone’s action

metaphor Lao ma shi tu Stagger be familiar with things

metaphor Lu yao zhi ma li,ri jiu a man knows his companion in a long way
jian ren xin
metaphor Kuai ma jia bian speed up and flank ahead
metaphor Ma kong ji bei in be adept in choose virtuous and talented
(马空冀北) person and nobody will be missing

metaphor Ma jiao wu bai crow whitening and horse’s head have

(马角乌白) horn-like structures growing out which
means the things can’t be realize
metaphor Shuai ma yi ji use a good horse led the horses which
(率马以骥) means able person should go first
metaphor Ma shou mao chang people will be languid in straitened
(马瘦毛长) circumstances
metaphor Lou ma jiao exposed the concealed truth
metaphor Ma chi tu zeng as people age, accomplish nothing yet
metaphor Nu ma lian zhan dou Incapable people seek ease and comfort
(驽马恋栈豆) without lofty ideal
metaphor Nu ma qian dao inferior gumption


Continue table 6
metaphor Pan ma wan gong make a stand and ready to strike and also
(盘马弯弓) means look amazing but not do it now

metaphor Rong ma kong zong busy military affairs

metaphor Quan ma zhi yang provide for one’s parents

metaphor She de yi shen gua,gan risk one’s life can do more difficult things
ba huang di la xia ma
metaphor San ma tong cao scheme to usurp power

metaphor Shi bao ma teng adequate army provisions and have high
(士饱马腾) morale
metaphor Wen yang zhi ma examine in edgeways and figure out the
(问羊知马) truth
metaphor Yu tnag jin ma have outstanding talent and learning and
(玉堂金马) riches and honor
metaphor Zhao bing mai ma organize or expand armed forces also means
(招兵买马) organize or expand manpower

Table 7:cock
metaphor Dou jiu zhi ji Use a cup of wine and a chicken to sacrifice
(斗酒只鸡) the dead friends.
metaphor Da ji ma gou make oblique references and release
(打鸡骂狗) discontent to someone
metaphor Ji quan xiang wen densely populated or someplace is crowded
(鸡犬相闻) with people
metonymy Jia ji sui ji A woman gets married, she must obey her
(嫁鸡随鸡) husband.


Continue table 7
metonymy Dan zhang ji su The friendship is deep.
metaphor He li ji qun A man of great talent stands out among
(鹤立鸡群) people.
metonymy Ji quan bu ning not peaceful
metonymy Ji quan bu jing highly disciplined or peaceful
metonymy Ji quan bu liu the massacre, even the chicken and dog
(鸡犬不留) cannot survive
metonymy Ji mao suan pi something is insignificant and trivial
metaphor Shan ji wu jing Someone appreciates by themselves.
metaphor Weng li xi ji People who lacks of knowledge and
(瓮里醯鸡) experience.
metaphor Zhi ji xu jiu mourn the dead with a few sacrificial offering

Table 8:dog
metaphor shu qie gou tou Steal some small things like a mouse.
metonymy a mao a gou Some literature work or persons are
(阿猫阿狗) unworthiness.

metonymy diao gou xiang shu Good things and bad things, truth and
(貂狗相属) false mix together.
metaphor fan niu tu gou engage in humble jobs or the person
(饭牛屠狗) engaged in humble work
metaphor gou dian pi gu curry favor with somebody; be kittenish
metaphor gou zou hu yin despicable trick
metaphor jiao tu si, liang gou peng The ruler discard or murder the people
(狡兔死,良狗烹) who help him get achievement.
metaphor lang hao gou jiao evil person scream loudly
metaphor ni zhu jie gou the means or the humble


Continue table 8
metaphor ren mian gou xin Someone has good appearance and less
(人面狗心) capability.
metaphor sang jia zhi gou someone lose power of the homeless
metaphor shu cuan gou dao flee about and steal like rats
metonymy xing ruo gou zhi impudence like pigs or dogs
metaphor gong gou gong ren warriors and their command

Table 9:cow
metaphor set a cow to catch a hare put something in wrong hand
metaphor When the calf is stolen , the take remedial action after lose
famer mends the stall
metaphor like the cow that gives a good have some achievements but
pail of milk , and then kicks it also lost something
metaphor You can’t sell the cow and sup you cannot get all benefit of one
the milk thing at the same time
Like cow ,like calf like father like son
metaphor The cow that’s first up gets the early bird catch the worm
the first of the dew
metaphor If the ox falls , whet your hit him when the person fall into
knife disgrace
metaphor The tired ox treads surest the older the more mature
metaphor Ox-eyed big eyes
metaphor A sacred cow holy things
Till the cows come home refer to something undated
metaphor A bull of Bashan strong man with loud voice and
red face
As strong as an ox as strong as an ox
As patient as an ox as patient as an ox
metaphor Have a skin rhinoceros insensitive and thick-skinned


Table 10:horse
flog a dead horse doing something in vain
one-horse show a small scale
metaphor a dark horse an unexpected winner
metaphor work for a dead horse work for a low income job
spur a willing horse stimulate or encourage someone in
a wrong time
metaphor good horse makes short miles explosive power is difficult to last
long time
hold your horses look before you leap
talk horse brag
metaphor horses for courses know somebody’s ability well and
appointing proper
metaphor hitch horses together a concerted effort to reduce
a horse of another irrelevant things
put the saddle on the right horse clearly reward and punishment
the horse thinks one thing, and everyone has his own idea of one
he saddles him another thing
horse and horse neck and neck
stalking horse make excuses
metaphor swift horse the talented
metaphor trial horse a partner training
willing horse raise a row or cause disturbance
without obvious reasons
don’t judge the horse by the don’t judge a book by its
harness appearance
back the wrong horse believe the wrong person
an old war horse an old soldier who likes to talk
about past experience
metaphor wheel horse core members
get on a high horse look down upon others

Table 11:dog
The scalded dog fears cold Once bitten by a snake, one afraid
water. of a coiled rope for the next ten
One who lies down with dogs, keep good men company and you
must rise with fleas. shall be of the number, who keeps
company with the wolf will learn
to howl


Continue table 11
Take a hair of the dog that bites combat poison with poison
Two dogs strive for a bone, the the third party benefits from the
third runs away with it tussle
Beat the dog before the lion. do something to serve as a
warning to others
gog-tired exhaustion
dog days canicular days
call off the dogs stop investigating
put on the dog show off



First of all, I want to appreciate my respected supervisor, Professor Xu Kewang

who helps me so much during the past three years. I could not have completed my
thesis without his guidance. It is his encouragement and expertises that help me
overcome all difficulties in the writing process. Wish you everything goes well in UK.
Secondly, I want to thank my parents. They take good care of my daily life during
the days at home. It is their love companied with me all the time!
Thirdly, I want to give my thanks to my classmates, especially Bo Lan who help
me to go through the hard time when practicing in Guangdong. She is so supportive
and concerned about my thesis all the time.
Finally, I give my thanks to all my teachers and my classmates in Jilin University.
Our administrative secretary Li Xinshuang, I really learn a lot from you.




刘夏:女,1989 年 3 月出生,汉族,吉林省辽源市人。系吉林大学公共外语教
育学院 2013 级外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生。2012 年 6 月毕业于吉林师




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