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ISFOn lafa qonnaa sanyii irraati baayisuu keessaa qonnaan Saamee-Luugoo kan ganda Ukkee
baadiyaati argamu isa tokkoo dha. Lafti qonnaa kun heektara 727 yeroo ta’u kana keessaa
heektari 47 sababa adda addaaf qonnaaf oluu kan hin dandeenyee dha. Kanaaf lafti sanyii irraati
baayisuuf olu heektara 680 dha. Lafti kun karaa bonnaa fi gannaa Naqamtee Baahar Daar
deemuu Ukkee irraa km 12 fagaata. Karaan kun fi bakki qubiinsa hojjeetootaa fi sheedii
mashineerootaa dhibuun hojii qonnaa kannaaf waggoota darbaan afuriif gufuu guddaa ture.
Yeroo amma garuu guffuuwwan kana intarpiraayiziin fi Mootummaan Naannoo Oromiyaa
sirritti hubachuun xiyyeefannoo itti kenuun bajeeta guddaa ramaduun akka hiikamu ta’ee jira.
Mootummaan karaa bajeeta qarshii mil. Ramaduun karaa bonaa fi gannaa km 12 fagatu riqichaa
lama gurguddaa laga Saamee fi laga Luugoo irraati akka hojeetamu ta’eera.

Ijaarsa sheedii adda addaa kan akka garajjii, mana kuusaa, waajjira, sheedii qubatoota
hojjeetoota humana fi kkf intarpiraayiziin bajeeta mataa isaa ramadee ijaarsiiseera. Garajjii fi
sheedii mashineeroota balinni isaa m10xm40, mana kuusaa qorqorroo irraa ijarame tookkoo fi
lisoo kan ta’ee tokkoo balinni isaanii m10xm20, waajjira balinni isaa m16xm6, sheedii qubatoota
qorqorroo irraa ijaarame balinni isaa m10xm20 fi kkfn ijaarameera.

Hojilee qonnaa bakka kanaati argamu cimisuuf suphaan adda addaa bakka kanaati akka
rawwatuuf jeeneereeteerii, meeshaaleen welding olaan adda addaa, charjeerii baatrii,mashineerii
qonnaa adda addaa fi kkf humana namaa gahaa waliin bakka kanaati argama.

Bajeetni gurguddaan bakka kanaati ba’ee waan jiruuf ba’aan barbaadamu qabeenya kana irraa
argamuutu qaba.Bu’aa qabeessummaan kan argamu sirritti itti faayadama qabeenyaatiini dha.
Qabeenyaan kunneen lafa, mashineeroota qonnaa, sheedoota,human namaa dhabbii, kontoorataa
fi hojjeetaa guyyaa,kkf dha.

Kanaaf qabeenya kana sirritti kunuunsuun yeroo faayadama isaa dheereesuuf, sa’ati hojiitti sa’ati
hojiin alaa xiqeessuuf,waliin hojeechuu hojjeetootaa bakka kanaa cimisuuf(rayyaa baayisa sanyii
cimmaa ta’e uumuuf), karoora leenjii itti faayadamaa, qabiinsaa fi kunuunsa qabeenyaa kana
Ka’umsa leenjichaa

 Baasiin kaapitalaa adda addaa bakka kanaati waan ba’ee jiruuf bu’aan guddaan bakka
kana akkamiti argamuu danda’aa?
 Tirakteeri tokko tokkoo guyyaati heektara 4 fi isaa ol tokko tokkoo immoo 2 fi isaa gad
qotaa jira, kun maaliif ta’ee?
 Lafti qonnaa bakka tokko tokkooti bilooki paziin jiruuti maxannee ykn itti siqamee hin
qotamuu kun maaliif ta’ee?
 Qonnaa 2ffaan, 3ffaan fi kiskaasoo 2ffaan fi 3ffaan bakka tokko tokkooti maaliif
baayinaan rawwataa?
 Qabiinsi meeshaalee namaa namaati adda addaa dha kun maaliif?
 Bakka tokko tokkooti rijjiin maaliif sirrii ta’ee hin ba’u?
 Mashineeroota irraa ‘spare part’n baduu danda’an kami, kunuunsa akkamii barbaachisa?
 Qisaasama yeroo sabsii fi calleessii jiru akkamiti xiqeessuun danda’ama?
 Qabeenya qonnaa fi hojii qonnaa kanaaf hojjeetoota giduu itti dhaga’ama wali qixa
ta’etu jira?

Kaayyoo leenjichaa

 Hojii qonnaa yeroo, baayina fi qulqullina isaa ege rawwachuuf

 Qabeenya jiru irraa sirritti bu’aa barbaachisuu omishuuf
 Tartiiba itti kunuunsa mashineeroota rawwataamu beekuuf
 Gahumsa mashineeroota fi humana namaa waantoota gad buusaan adda baasuun furmata
itti kenuuf
 Bakka manca’insi jiruuti tankariffii sireefamaa fudhachuuf ni mijata.

Bu’aa egamu

 Lafti qonnaa kun mari qotame omishitummaa guddaan sanyii lafa kana irraati faca’ee
irraa argamuu qaba.
 Baasiin bakka kanaat ba’uu xiqaa ta’ee argamu/relatively/
Namoota leenji’an

Hojjeetoota dhabbii fi kontorataa maratu leenji’uu qaba.

Lakk. Hojjeetoota leenji’an Yoo leenji’an bu’aa isaan fidan.

1 Foormanoota qonnaa Qabeenyii sirritti akka faayida irraa olu godhu
Hojiin yeroo fi qulqullinaan akka hojeetamu godhu
Dhiyeessiin yeroon akka rawwatu godhu
Hordoffii fi deegarsa cimaatu tasifama.
2 Kaappoo Hojiin baayinaan, qulqulinaan fi yeroon hojeetama.
Odeefannoo sirri ta’etu kenama.
3 Opeereterootaafi Hojiin qulqulinaan fi baayinaan fi yeroon hojeetama.
maakanikoota ykn hojii Meeshaaleen kunuunsaan qabamu,gahumsi fi umuriin
suphaa kan hojeetaan isaanii ni dabala.
Meeshaaleen yeroon hojiif qophii ta’u.
Hojii wal-deegaruun ni uumama.
4 Waardiyoota Qabeenyi sirritti egama.
To’annoon qabeeny.a bakka maraati ta’a.

Qamoolee leenjii kenaanii fi mata duree irraati kenamu

Leenjiin kun kan kenamu ogeesota keesaan yeroo ta’u hanqinalee kanaan dura hojii keessaati
bakka hojeetamaa tureeti qisaasamaa fi hanqina itti faayadama qabeenyaa irraati hunda’uu akka
qopha’uu ta’a. haaluma kanaan kallatii qaama ilaalatuun kan qopha’ee ,rawwatu yeroo ta’u akka
armaan gaditti dhiyateera.

Lakk. Qaama leenjii kennuu Mata duree irraati kenamu

Agronoomistii /formaanii Qophii lafaa, kunuunsa sanyii, itti faayadama callaa
guddistuu, kunuunsa qabeenyaa fi bu’aa egamu /
yeroon,qulqullinaan fi baayinaan walitti firoomsuun/
 Kanaan dura ciminaa fi hanqina ture kasuun
kallatii fuula dura ka’uu
Makaanika Qabiinsa mashineeroota,kunuunsa godhamuu qabu fi
enyuun maali akka ta’uu qabu,mashineerii kamii yeroo
kam akka faayadamamu qabu,
 Hanqinaa fi cimina ture kaasuun kallatii fuula
duraati ta’uu qabu ka’uu
Hojjeeta tajajila maraan Qabiinsa meeshaalee, itti gaafatamummaa jiru, miidhaa
dhufuu danda’uu kkf
 Hanqinaa fi cimina ture ka’un fuula duraati
kalltii hojii ka’uu

Haala leenjiin itti qopha’uu qabu

Qamooleen leenjii kana kenaan yeroo darbe keessaati hanqinalee fi ciminaalee turaan sirritti
adda baasuun ka’uu qabu.


Gama opeereetoratiin rakkoo ilaalchaa fi hanqina dandeetii

Gama suphaan hanqina ‘spare part’
Gama miidhaa fi badiin mashineerootaa gahuuf xiyyeefannoo kennuu dhabuu
Gama gahumsi mashineerii akka gad bu’uu tasisuu keessaa tirakterootni modela adda
addaa fi tajaajila adda addaa kennuu fi hanqina dandeetii fi ilaalchaa dha.

Hanqinalee fi ciminaalee jedhamaan kana immoo hojjeetaan marii gareen gageesuun itti amanuu

Hanqinalee turaniif furmatni ta’uu qaba.

Hanqinaalee jiraniif akka saayinsii fi akka qabatama naannooti furmata gareen ka’un irraati walii
galamuu qaba.

Bakka barbaachisa ta’eeti leenjiin hojii irraati kenamuu qaba.fkn rijjii baasuu, suphaa sasalphaa
fi kkf.
Baajeeta leenjii kanaaf barbaachisuu

Leenjiin kun keessummaa naannoo maakanikaati qabiinsaa fi suphuun wal-qabatee guyyaa

dheeraa fudhachuu danda’a. kanaaf leenjii guyyaa sadii/3/ akka kenamuu ta’ee qopha’era.

Haaluma kanaan:



Guyyaa 5xnama5xqarshii 190=4,750.00

Siree nama 5xguyyaa5x80=2000.00

Konkolachiisaa fi qabduu qarshiif nama3x5x165=2,475.00


Nama 26xguyyaa 4xqarshii 165=17,160.00


Yaadannoo sineer layinii baayina 50x10=500.00

Iskbiritoo Keeniyaa baayina 50x5=250.00

Walii gala = 27,135.00




Muddee, 2006

Leenjii karooraa fi gabaasa hojii

Hojjeetoota Damee Lixaaf

Adeemsa Hojii Deegarsaa Karooraa,Gamagamaa fi Hordoffiin


Functions of managements
Management has been described as a social process involving responsibility for economical and
effective planning & regulation of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes.
It is a dynamic process consisting of various elements and activities. These activities are different
from operative functions like marketing, finance, purchase etc. Rather these activities are
common to each and every manager irrespective of his level or status.

Different experts have classified functions of management. According to George & Jerry, “There
are four fundamental functions of management i.e. planning, organizing, actuating and
controlling”. According to Henry Fayol, “To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to
command, & to control”. Whereas Luther Gullick has given a keyword ’POSDCORB’ where P
stands for Planning, O for Organizing, S for Staffing, D for Directing, Co for Co-ordination, R for
reporting & B for Budgeting. But the most widely accepted are functions of management given
by KOONTZ and O’DONNEL i.e. Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling.

For theoretical purposes, it may be convenient to separate the function of management but
practically these functions are overlapping in nature i.e. they are highly inseparable. Each
function blends into the other & each affects the performance of others.
1. Planning

It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of action
& deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-
determined goals. According to KOONTZ, “Planning is deciding in advance - what to do,
when to do & how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be”.
A plan is a future course of actions. It is an exercise in problem solving & decision
making. Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus,
planning is a systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-
determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human & non-
human resources. It is all pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it also helps in
avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.

Planning refers to the process of setting goals, developing strategies and outlining tasks and
schedules to accomplish the goals and also help in deciding objectives both in quantitative and
qualitative terms. In the management world planning is vital in that it helps to clarify, focus and
research the project's development and prospects, it also provides a logical framework within
which a business can develop and pursue business strategies over the next five years or more and
planning also provides a benchmark against which actual performance can be measured and

The main advantages or importance of planning is listed as follows:

1. Planning increases the efficiency of an organization.

2. It reduces the risks involved in modern business activities.
3. It facilitates proper coordination within an organization.
4. It aids in organising all available resources.
5. It gives right direction to the organization.
6. It is important to maintain a good control.
7. It helps to achieve objectives of the organization.
8. It motivates the personnel of an organization.
9. It encourages managers' creativity and innovation.
10. It also helps in decision making.

Top ten points highlighting importance of planning are discussed below.

Why Planning is Important?

Now let's understand why planning is important for every organization.

1. Increases efficiency

Planning makes optimum utilization of all available resources. It helps to reduce wastage of
important resources and avoids their duplication. It aims to give highest returns at the lowest
possible cost. Planning thus increases the overall efficiency.

2. Reduces business-related risks

There are many risks involved in any modern business. Planning helps to forecast these business-
related risks. It also helps to take the necessary precautions to avoid these risks. Thus, planning
reduces business risks.
3. Facilitates proper coordination

Often, the plans of all departments of an organization are well coordinated with each other.
Similarly, the short-term, medium-term and long-term plans of an organization are also
coordinated with each other. Such proper coordination is possible only because of efficient

4. Aids in organizing

Organizing means to bring together all available resources. Organising cannot be done without
planning. This is because planning tells us how much resources are required, when it is required,
so on. This means that planning aids in organising.

5. Gives right direction

Direction means to give proper information, accurate instructions and right guidance to the
subordinates. Direction cannot be done without planning. This is because planning tells us what
to do, how to do it and when to do it. Therefore, planning helps to give right direction.

6. Keeps good control

In control, the actual performance of an employee is compared with the plans, and deviations (if
any) are found out and corrected. It is impossible to achieve such a control without right
planning. Therefore, planning becomes important to keep a good control.

7. Helps to achieve objectives

Every organization has certain goals or objectives or targets. It keeps working hard to fulfill
these objectives. Planning helps an organization to achieve these objectives but with some ease
and promptness. Planning also helps an organization to avoid doing some random (done by
chance) activities.
8. Motivates the personnel

A good plan provides various financial and non-financial incentives to both managers and
employees. These incentives motivate them to work hard and achieve the objectives of the
organization. Thus, planning through various incentives helps to motivate the personnel of an

9. Encourages creativity and innovation

Planning encourages managers to express and/or use their creativity and innovation. This brings
satisfaction to the managers and success to the organization.

10. Helps in decision making

A manager makes many different plans. Then manager selects or chooses the best of all available
plans. Doing a selection or choosing something means to take a decision. So, decision making is
facilitated by planning.

Planning process
1. Where are we now?

This involves a full analysis of the company’s present situation, with an external and internal
audit. Kotler suggests there are six specific dimensions of interest to the auditor:

External environment – macro and micro

Internal environment – covering:

 Marketing strategy
 Marketing organization
 Marketing systems
 Marketing productivity
 Marketing functions
Information from the audit is then analysed into a SWOT framework in which specific emphasis
is placed on determining strategic drift, competitive advantage, and corporate capability. From
this analysis the process of matching organizational strengths to the market place and
overcoming weaknesses takes place.

2. Where do we want to be?

The mission is now set, objectives decided upon, and strategies related to the product portfolio
and competition decided. The company also decides who its customers are: the STP process –
segmentation, targeting and positioning.

The organization needs to examine its portfolio of products or companies and decide what
strategy to adopt – for example, whether to grow or divest a particular product.

A competitive strategy is then adopted with the firm taking up a particular competitive position,
one that will give it an advantage over competitors. For example, will the company adopt a niche
position, not challenging the major players, or will it decide to go for aggressive growth by
taking market share from competitors?

Having settled on a particular market to enter or exploit, the marketer must carefully divide up
the market by identifiable segments – segmentation – in order to target the most profitable areas.
Positioning is then decided upon in order to place the product clearly in the minds of consumers
against that of the competition so that it is clearly differentiated. For example, having segmented
the car market and decided to target the family market with its estates, Volvo positioned its cars
as the vehicle for the safety conscious.

3. How might we get there?

The marketing mix is the toolbox from which marketers can choose elements to influence the
target market. The four Ps – product, price, place and promotion – make up the marketing mix.
Also can be added physical evidence, people and process to make up the full mix, especially in
relation to services.
With the ever increasing digital usage of society, all aspects of the marketing mix should be
considered with digital in mind. Although it is not advisable for companies to take the entirely
digital route, it should play a large part in the planning of the strategies.

4. Which way is best?

Decisions need to be taken about what is important.

5. How can we ensure arrival?

Following through on the strategy and decisions about the marketing mix, it is important to make
sure that the plan is implemented. What practical steps are going to be followed to implement the
plan? Internal marketing might be necessary in order to ensure that everyone in the organization
is pulling in the same direction.

The plan and its objectives must also be monitored and evaluated. The success of the plan can be
measured and further steps taken, if problems arise, to correct the situation.

The beauty of the digital marketing era is that monitoring and evaluation can be far more in
depth than they have ever been before, aiding both in the success of the present campaign and
future planning of strategies.

2. Organizing

It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing
productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. According to
Henry Fayol, “To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning
i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s”. To organize a business involves determining &
providing human and non-human resources to the organizational structure. Organizing as a
process involves:

 Identification of activities.
 Classification of grouping of activities.
 Assignment of duties.
 Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
 Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships.
3. Staffing

It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing has
assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology, increase in
size of business, complexity of human behavior etc. The main purpose o staffing is to put right
man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. According to
Kootz & O’Donell, “Managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure
through proper and effective selection, appraisal & development of personnel to fill the roles
designed un the structure”. Staffing involves:

 Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching, choose the

person and giving the right place).
 Recruitment, Selection & Placement.
 Training & Development.
 Remuneration.
 Performance Appraisal.
 Promotions & Transfer.
4. Directing

It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational methods to work
efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes. It is considered life-spark of the
enterprise which sets it in motion the action of people because planning, organizing and staffing
are the mere preparations for doing the work. Direction is that inert-personnel aspect of
management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising, motivating sub-ordinate
for the achievement of organizational goals. Direction has following elements:

 Supervision
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Communication
Supervision- implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors. It is the act of
watching & directing work & workers.

Motivation- means inspiring, stimulating or encouraging the sub-ordinates with zeal to work.
Positive, negative, monetary, non-monetary incentives may be used for this purpose.

Leadership- may be defined as a process by which manager guides and influences the work of
subordinates in desired direction.

Communications- is the process of passing information, experience, opinion etc from one
person to another. It is a bridge of understanding.

5. Controlling

It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if

any to ensure achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that
everything occurs in conformities with the standards. An efficient system of control helps to
predict deviations before they actually occur. According to Theo Haimann, “Controlling is the
process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and
goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation”. According to Koontz & O’Donell
“Controlling is the measurement & correction of performance activities of subordinates in order
to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them as being
accomplished”. Therefore controlling has following steps:

a. Establishment of standard performance.

b. Measurement of actual performance.
c. Comparison of actual performance with the standards and finding out deviation if
d. Corrective action.

Hojiilee hojeetamaan

1. Sanyii baayisuu
2. Sanyii qopheessuu
3. Sanyii dhiyeessuu ykn raabsuu
4. Kunuunsa mana kuusaa gochuu
1. Sanyii baayisuu
Maali barbaada
Human namaa, callaa guddisittuu, meeshaalee
Essaati baayaata
Masii ISFO fi godinaaleeti.
Yeroo ammamii fudhata-crop calendar
Lafa filuuf, leenjii kennuuf, sanyii raabsuuf, hordoffii fi deegarsa kunuunsaa gochuuf
Baayina hojiilee
Lafa filatamuufi faca’uu(heek), nama leenjii(lakk),sanyii raabsamu (kun),sanyii
kununsame fi darbe(heek), calla tilmaamamee fi argame(kun)
Physical purity, germination..
2. Sanyii qopheessuu
Hojiilee hojeetamaan
Sanyii soramuu fi sorame(kun), soraa argamee fi loss mul’ate(kun)
Galtee inni barbaachisu
Human namaa, meeshaalee sanyii soruuf olaan
Yeroo inni fudhatu
Ji’aan ykn guyyaan
Physical purity, germination..
3. Sanyii dhiyeessuu ykn raabsuu
Hojiilee hojeetamaan
Yeroo inni fudhatu
Baayina hojii
Qulqullina hojii
4. Kunuunsa mana kuusaa
Yeroo inni itti rawwatu
Hojiilee hojeetamaan
Baayina hojii
Qulqullina isaa
Leenjii Gabaasa Hojii

Report is a self-explanatory statement of facts relating to a specific subject and serves the
purpose of providing information for decision making and follow up actions. It is a systematic
presentations of ascertained facts about a specific event / subject. Report is a summary of
findings and recommendations about a particular matter / problem. Report is for the guidance of
higher authorities including company executives and directors. Report facilitates timely
decisions and follow up measures.

Report or account is any informational work (usually of writing, speech, television, or film)
made with the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events in a widely
presentable form.[1]

Written reports are documents which present focused, salient content to a specific audience.
Reports are often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry. The
audience may be public or private, an individual or the public in general. Reports are used in
government, business, education, science, and other fields.

Reports use features such as graphics, images, voice, or specialized vocabulary in order to
persuade that specific audience to undertake an action. One of the most common formats for
presenting reports is IMRAD: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. This structure is
standard for the genre because it mirrors the traditional publication of scientific research and
summons the ethos and credibility of that discipline. Reports are not required to follow this
pattern, and may use alternative patterns like the problem-solution format.

Additional elements often used to persuade readers include: headings to indicate topics, to more
complex formats including charts, tables, figures, pictures, tables of contents, abstracts,and
nouns summaries, appendices, footnotes, hyperlinks, and references.

Some examples of reports are: scientific reports, recommendation reports, white papers, annual
reports, auditor's reports, workplace reports, census reports, trip reports, progress reports,
investigative reports, budget reports, policy reports, demographic reports, credit reports,
appraisal reports, inspection reports, military reports, bound reports, etc.

Reports are very important in all their various forms along with the usual evidences like in a
crimes scene people usually leave behind evidences. . They fill a vast array of critical needs for
many of society's important organizations. Police reports are extremely important to society for a
number of reasons. They help to prosecute criminals while also helping the innocent become
free. Reports are a very useful method for keeping track of important information. The
information contained in reports can be used to make very important decisions that affect our
lives daily.

Characteristics of report
Complete and Compact Document : Report is a complete and compact written document
giving updated information about a specific problem.

Systematic Presentation of Facts : Report is a systematic presentation of facts, figures,

conclusions and recommendations. Report writers closely study the problem under investigation
and prepare a report after analyzing all relevant information regarding the problem. Report is
supported by facts and evidence. There is no scope for imagination in a report which is basically
a factual document.
Prepared in Writing : Reports are usually in writing. Writing reports are useful for reference
purpose. It serves as complete, compact and self-explanatory document over a long period. Oral
reporting is possible in the case of secret and confidential matters.
Provides Information and Guidance : Report is a valuable document which gives information
and guidance to the management while framing future policies. It facilitates planning and
decision making. Reports are also useful for solving problems faced by a business enterprise.
Self-explanatory Document : Report is a comprehensive document and covers all aspects of the
subject matter of study. It is a self-explanatory and complete document by itself.
Acts as a Tool of Internal Communication : Report is an effective tool of communication
between top executives and subordinate staff working in an organization. It provides feedback to
employees and to executives for decision making. Reports are generally submitted to higher
authorities. It is an example of upward communication. Similarly, reports are also sent by
company executives to the lower levels of management. This is treated as downward
communication. In addition, reports are also sent to shareholders and others connected with the
company. It may be pointed out that report writing / preparation acts as a backbone of any
system of communication.
Acts as Permanent Record : A report serves as a permanent record relating to certain business
matter. It is useful for future reference and guidance.
Time Consuming and Costly Activity : Report writing is a time consuming, lengthy and costly
activity as it involves collection of facts, drawing conclusion and making recommendation.

Advantages of report

1. Report gives consolidated & updated information

A report provides consolidated, factual and an up-to-date information about a particular matter or
subject. Information in the report is well organized and can be used for future planning and
decision making.

2. Report as a means of internal communication

A report acts as an effective means of communication within the organization. It provides

feedback to employees. It is prepared for the information and guidance of others connected with
the matter / problem.

3. Report facilitates decision making and planning

Report provide reliable data which can be used in the planning and decision making process. It
acts as a treasure house of reliable information for long term planning and decision making.

4. Report discloses unknown information

Reports provide information, which may not be known previously. The committee members
collect data, draw conclusions and provide information which will be new to all concerned
parties. Even new business opportunities are visible through unknown information available in
the reports.

5. Report gives Information to employees

Reports are available to managers and departments for internal use. They are widely used by the
departments for guidance. Report provide a feedback to employees and are useful for their self-

6. Report gives reliable permanent information

The information provided by a report is a permanent addition to the information available to the
office. We have census reports (prepared since last 100 years) which are used even today for
reference purpose.

7. Report facilitates framing of personnel policies

Certain reports relating to employees are useful while preparing personnel policies such as
promotion policy, training policy and welfare facilities to employees.

8. Report gives information to shareholders

Some company reports are prepared every year for the benefit of shareholders. Annual report for
example, is prepared and sent to all shareholders before the AGM. It gives information about the
progress of the company.

9. Report gives information to the Registrar

Annual report and annual accounts are sent to the Registrar every year for information. Such
reports enable the government to keep supervision on the companies.
10. Report solves current problems

Reports are useful to managers while dealing with current problems faced by the company. They
provide guidance while dealing with complicated problems.

11. Report helps directors to take prompt decisions

Company reports relate to internal working of the company and are extremely useful to directors
in decision making and policy framing. Reports give reliable, updated and useful information in
a compact form.

Gosa gabaasa akka ISFO-DL

Gabaasa diree

Kan jedhamu hojjeetaan tokko hojii karoorfame ykn akka tasaa uumamee tokkoo rawwachuu
boba’e hojii kana hojeete booda odeefannoo waa’ee hojii kana yeroo diree deebi’u dhiyeesuu

Qabiyyee gabaasa diree

Seensaa fi kayyoo(option)

Yeroo inni fudhate

Qabeenya faayida irra ole

Hojii hojeetame

Fuula duraati yoom,enyuun maali akka ta’uu qabu

Rakkoo mudate

Furmata kenname ykn kan hafe fuula duraat qaama biroo irraa barbaadamu

Gabaasa idilee
Hojiin karoorfame tokkoo yeroon,baayina,qulqullina,qabeenyaa fi bakkaa itti rawwachuu haala
karoorfameen yeroo rawwatuuti kutaan/adeemsaan/waajjiraan qinda’ee kan dhiyatuu
dha.abaasiin kun kan torbanii, kan ji’a, kan kurmaannaa fi kan waggaa ta’uu ni danda’a.

Qabiyyee gabaasa idilee



Hojii hojetamanii fi adeemsa itti hojileen kun hojeetamaan

Karooraa fi rawwii kan yeroo sanaa fi hanga yeroo sanaati(gabateedhaan)

Qabeenya faayida irra ole

Hojii karooraan ala rawwateef waantoota mijataan

Hojii hin hojeetamiin hafee sababa waliin

Rakkoo fi furmaata ta’e

Gamagama gageefame- karooran,kayyoon,hordoffii fi deegarsaan,

Kallatii fuula duraa

Leenjii haala itti qabiinsa daataa sanyii qopheessuu itti qabamuuf qopha’e

Direekteera Dameef

A/H/D/K/G/Hordoffii irraa

Guyyaa 4/04/2006

Dhimmi isaa:Adeemsa sanyiin bara 2005/6 qopheessamu irraati haala itti daataan qabamu
qaamoolee ilaalatu waliin akka irraati mar’atamee kallatii ka’amuuf yaada dhiyeessuu

Daataan madda odeeffannoo ti. Odeeffannoon sirrii ta’e immoo murtoo sirrii ta’ee kennuuf,
rawwii hojii garrii ta’eefi hin tanne adda baasuun kallatii itti gaafatamummaa qabu ka’uuf
barbaachisaa dha. Odeeffannoon sirrii ta’e gaggeesitoota/ qamoolee murtoo kenaan hin
dogongorsinnee/ argachuuf immoo daataa sirrii ta’e rawwataan dhimma hojii tokko waantoota
rawwate tokkoo yeroo yeroon galmeefate qabaachuun qaamoolee barbaadaniif qulqullinaa fi
yeroodhaan kennuun argama.

Baroota darbaan keessaati ISFO-DLn akka damee keenyaati keessummaa sanyii boqqolloo
baayisame qopheessaa turuun ni yaadatama. Adeemsa qophii sanyii kana keessaati akkuma hojii
muxxannoo gariin irraa baratamu kanneen akka itti faayadama humna namaa sanyii baasuu fi ol
galchuu, sanyiin akka bakka itti baayate geejjibamee dhufeen osoo mana kuusaa hin galiin baasii
xiqqeesuuf mashina jallati buusaa, shiftiin sanyii soruu, yeroo ibsaan badu jeenereeteera
faayadamuun sanyii soruu fi kkf jiraan, hanqinalee keessummaa naannoo daataa qulqullinaan
yeroon fi akkataa barbaadamuun qabaachuu dhabuun gabaasa fi ragaa irraati rakkoo mudatee
tureera. Kun immoo qabiinsa raga qofa osoo hin ta’in gabaasa keessaatis mul’ate akka w/r ol
aanaati kallatiin sirreefamaa nuti kenameera.

Daataan qulqullina hin qabine, yeroo isaa hin egnnee fi haala barbaadamee yoo hin dhiyaannee
ta’ee, itti faayadama fi to’annoo qabeenyaaf, rawwii irraati hunda’uun karoorfachuuf, itti
gaafatummaa garrii ta’e ykn hin ta’ee tokkoo dabarsuuf, gahumsa qabeenyaa adda baasuuf,
gabaasaa yeroon dhiyeessuufi kkf rakkoo guddaa ta’a.
Rakkoolee naannoo sanyii qopheessuu kanaati mul’ataan furuufi bakka itti furamuu qabuu adda
baasuuf leenjiin kun qopha’era.

Hirmaatoota leenjii kanaa

1. Makaanikoota sanyii qopheessaan

2. Hojjeetaa mana kuusaa
3. Agroonomisitoota

Qabiyyee marii

1. Rakkoolee naannoo kanaati turaan madda isaa fi furmaata waliin hirmaatoota irra akka
dhiyaatu gochuun furmaata isaa waliin irraati waliin galuu fkf guyyaa guyyaati sanyii
soramuufi soraa isaa, harca’insa sanyii naannoo mashinitti ta’u, hojii irra dedeebi’ame
hojeetamu akka tullaa sanyii, meeshaalee mana kuusaati ba’ii ta’an, hojjeetaa guyyaa
hojii fi gatii isaa walii simsiisanii daataa isaa qabachuu irraati fi kkf (mariidhaan)
2. Daataa qabachiif unkalee itti faayadamuu qabaan dhiyeessuu irraati walii galuu (karoora
fi gamagamaan dhiyaata.
Unka ittiin daataa hojiin sanyii qulqulleessuu guyyaa guyyaan gageefamuu qabamu.

La Guyyaa Gosa Akaakuu Bakka Sanyii Dandeetii Qulqullina Sanyii Soraa Ibqii fi Mallattoo
kk sanyii sanyii irraa gale dheedhii biqila qaama (kan qulqulluu argame dagala adda
/raw seed/ isaa(kan raw seed) argame (kun) addaa
(kun) raw seed) (kun)
Unka ittiin daataa sababoota ‘down time’n mashina sanyii soruufi sa’atiin isaa qabamu.

Lak Guyyaa Gosa Akaaku Sa’atii dhabbate Sababa dhabbateef Mallattoo

k sanyii u sanyii
Unka ittiin humni namaa, qabeenyaa adda addaa sanyii soraaf ole qabamu.

Lak Guyyaa Gosa sanyii Akaakuu Bakka Pp Kirii Keemikaala Tagii Bishaan Boba’aa Di bata Mallattoo
k sanyii irraa gale bagii
Itti gaafatamummaa qabiinsa ragaa ykn daataa.

Lakk Gita hojii Daataa qabamuu qabu Daataa beekamuu qabu Sababa beekamuu Ibsa
1 Rawwataa mana Meeshaa ykn sanyii galii Meeshaa baasii ta,ee
kuusaa ta’ee tokko gosaa, bakka tajaajila irra ole ykn osoo
irraa dhufe,gatii isaa,nama baasii hin ta’in jiru adda
fide, lakk.addummaa baasee beekuu.
isaa,baayina isaa,guyyaa Sanyii gurgurame ykn
galii ta’e fi istokii irraati istooki irra jira beekuu.
meqaa akka ta’e beekuu Asseesemeentii mana
qaba. kuusaa fi yeroo meeqaaf
Meeshaa ykn sanyii baasii akka ulame.
ta’ee tokko gosaa, bakka itti
baasii ta’uu, gatii isaa,nama
baasii godhu,
lakk.addummaa isaa,baayina
isaa,guyyaa itti baasii ta’e fi
istokii irraati meqaa akka
ta’e beekuu qaba.

2 Rawwataa omisha Sanyii maamili barbaadu

sanyii Sanyii bu’uuraa
Sanyii baayate mana bulee fi
kan baayachuu qabu
Sanyii kufee fi darbee jiru

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