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Self – Reflections

By Mishit

I joined Eumind because I wanted to know about europeans and also it was
group project so I thought it would be interesting after joining Eumind I came
to know that there are different topic and different position in the group.My
potion in this group was leader my work was to do instruct my group members
and also to keep meeting when needed. Due to Cov-19 restrictions we could
not much better as we wanted but our Tr.Mehjabeen and Tr.Sheryl encourage
us a lot by giving us better ideas help us to record and much more……… At
the end I enjoyed being in Eumind and also learn many new things about
Self – Reflections
By Atharva
E-Journal editor

I joined Eumind club so that I can get to know more about the European countries
as well as have fun making a group project with my friends. As I joined my group
each member of my got a specific position. I acquired information about the festivals
of the Dutch , also I learnt how to interact , make a script , perform that script and
much more. every time we try to do something new and present we followed all
precaution of the Covid-19 and manage to record or script Always Tr. Mehjabeen and
Tr. Sheryl gave their continuous support and guidance to us.
Self Reflection
By Asad

It has Been An Amazing Experience. Being in the Eumind Club. I Enhanced

my Confidence, Vocabulary and Team working spirit Been an Eid Ediles I
learnt many ways of Using Technology I enjoyed interacting with the Dutch
students via zoom meeting Eumond project has personally helped me to
develop confidence interacting to people across country I am glad to be a part
of this Eurend Club. I enjoyed the experience throughOut the year. I would like
to thank Miss. Mehjabeen and Miss. who guided and supported Steps. Sheryl
me in every.
Self Reflection
By Ali Abbas

I joined Eumind club to interact with people and it was also something new to us
and it’s sounds entertaining to me. And also teaches us about their country.When I
enrolled my name for Eumind club I was very happy and the I got selected for
festival group and my position is Interviewer in festival group. I got to learn more
things. Our teacher’s also helped us I our script and I would like to thank my tr.
Mehjabeen miss because she gave us a so many ideas and I would also like to
thank tr. Sheryl because she was Helping us to complete our script.I love to be in
Eumind group and learn more things in future
Self – Reflections
By Jayden

This Eumind project inspired me and made me competent as well as

taught me to make relentless efforts and strive towards my groups goal
with unwavering tenacity. It also taught me the importance of time
management and made me persistent to have single minded focus and
touch the tips of success.
Most significantly it emphasized the need for solidarity, teamwork and
belief in our teammates. It also instilled a sense of bonding in the team. It
was a pleasure for me to work on this project
Self Reflection
By Ahmed

Eumind is the group where we interacted with Europeans. I joined this club
to interact with the people of Europe and get to know more and more about
them. We learned how to fluently talk and interact with people . The topic of
my group was festivals, which was a very exciting topic and I gained a lots
of knowledge about the Netherlands festivals. We got to know about their
culture and how they celebrate it. We were also having a act, me and my
group members did a lot of hard work for making the script and then acting
on it. Even they got to know about we Indians , like how we celebrate and
enjoy our festivals. It was a great journey with my friends and the people of
netherlands. And if I would get a chance for joining this club again, I would
happily participate.

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