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Ми живемо у світі реклами. Вона кругом на телевізорі, на радіо, в інтеренті

на білбордах. Частина цієї реклами смішна, забавна інша може бути
дратуючою. Але як вона працює? Тут зібрані найпоширеніші техніки
1. Реклама переможця
Стрибок до чемпіонства означає те що роблять інші люди.
Рекламодавці показують нам що інші люди купляють і кажуть нам
що ми повинні купити. Реклама інколи переконує що ми єдина
особа яка ще не купила даний продукт.
2. Факти і статистики
Рекламодавці використовують це щоб показати їх продукт більш
ефективним ніж інші на ринку.
3. Використання знаменитостей
Відомі обличчя або голоса продають продукт. Відомі люди які
ніколи не використовували цей продукт рекомендують це
споживачам. Техніка працює, тому що коли ти носиш такі самі часи
як твій улюблений актор, ти також відчуваєш себе зіркою.
4. Емоційний вплив
Рекламодавці часто працюють з нашими емоціями і кажуть нам що
ми повинні купити цей специфічний продукт щоб бути крутішим і
більш красивими. Вони також можуть використовувати наш страх
постаріти або захворіти та інших.
5. Ідеальна сім’я
Ти знаєш чому сім’ї в телевізійній рекламі зазвичай такі щасливі?
Це обіцянка нам, якщо ми купимо, те що купила рекламна сімя ми
будемо такі ж само щасливі.
6. Спеціальна пропозиція
Техніка заставляє повірити в те, що ми отримуємо щось за безцінь,
або купуємо це за спеціальною ціною.

1.Advertising in a broad sense is a means of transmitting information from the
manufacturer to the target audience, it skillfully affects the consumer's mind and
encourages to buy the advertised product.
2. To promote the sale of goods using various methods and techniques of
communication with customers.
3. The marketing department determines prices, "promotes" and distributes goods.
4. A former government official accused an independent television channel of
using black PR and laying the groundwork for a coup.
5. Not surprisingly, after such a scandalous misuse of public funds, the activities of
this charity are sharply criticized.
6. Publicity is free advertising that is published in the press or shown in television
news programs.
7. All goods transported through the customs territory are subject to thorough
8. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, merchandising is an element of
marketing which promotes the sale of goods and services by consumers
9. The moral code will undoubtedly improve the image of our company and
promote understanding between employees
10. According to the PR manager of the consulting firm, the commission approved
a number of concrete and immediate measures to build the company's business
reputation abroad.

1. I agree with the statement that advertising forces us to buy things that we
don't really need. Advertising companies have studied our psychology well
and have learned to deftly manipulate our consciousness. Advertising seems
to hypnotize us. The secret of advertising lies in the use of the subtleties of
human psychology. After all, most often it acts not on a logical level, not on
the mind, but on emotions and the subconscious. It is also worth noting that
the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space have an overconfidence in the
printed word and in everything they hear on the radio or see on television.
Therefore, the media play a leading role in the impact of advertising on
people. Advertising suggests that if a person buys something, he will be
happier, more attractive, more successful, which will help increase his
status. People value themselves and others based on what they possess, not
on their personal qualities. This is how a system of values focused
exclusively on consumption is formed. But it is impossible to buy
everything, especially given the financial situation of the vast majority. In
ordinary life, ordinary people can not and do not look as attractive and
successful as the heroes of commercials. All this leads to the emergence of
many people, especially young people, inferiority complex.

2. Harm from advertising.

Bright advertising pictures flash before our eyes and no, no, they jump into our
subconscious. And then we go to the store, and buying ice cream or shoe polish,
we involuntarily pay attention to the product, whose advertising not so long ago
flashed before our eyes. So it turns out that advertising is a kind of programming, a
negative aspect of our lives - once we are programmed, it means that we are no
longer guided by our personal desires, but by "throwing" in our poor heads helpful
The negative side of advertising adheres to most people. There are many markets
in the world where some sell something and others buy something. The desire of
those who sell (manufacturers, sellers, etc.) is to sell as much as possible, at a good
price, and sell as long as possible (so that the product is constantly sold)

The benefits of advertising

Marketing and advertising tools can be used for purposes other than the desire for
profit and the pursuit of power.
So let's look at the positive side of advertising. Marketing and advertising tools can
also teach, change society for the better, draw people's attention to the problems of
society, etc. An example of such advertising is social advertising. It uses the same
arsenal as when using marketing and advertising for commercial purposes, except
with minor changes , marketing advertising information logo.

In fact, most people who have nothing to do with business need to understand that
advertising is one of the most effective ways to tell customers about their product.
Probably, many will be able to confirm that they learned about a large number of
purchased goods thanks to advertising. In addition, the advertising lists all the
advantages of the product, can have a positive impact on sales.
Advertising is a kind of impact on each of us, programming, if you will, is difficult
to argue here, but it only depends on ourselves what can be gained from it - benefit
or harm.

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