Контрольна робота

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Херсонський національний технічний університет

Кафедра іноземних мов

Контрольна робота
З дисципліни «Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)

Виконав (ла)

студент (ка) заочної форми навчання

Факультету ____________________________

Групи _________________



Старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов

Приходько Олена Олександрівна

Херсон 2020

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following topical words.

1. confidential, adj [ kɒnfiˈdenʃ(ə)l] – конфіденційний, секретний
2. enclosure, n [inˈkləuʒə] – вкладка, додаток
3. intelligible, adj [inˈtelidʒəb(ə)l] – зрозумілий
4. layout, n [ˈleiaut] – макет, розміщення
5. printed letterhead, n [ˈletəhed] – друкований бланк установи
6. persuasive, adj [pəˈsweisiv] – переконливий
7. reference, n [ˈref(ə)rəns] – посилання, вихідний номер
8. salutation, n [ sæljuˈteiʃ(ə)n] – привітання

Exercise 2. Read and remember the following word combinations.

1. attention line – рядок, на який треба звернути особливу увагу
2. c.c. (carbon copies) – точна копія
3. complimentary close – слова перед підписом у листі
4. convey goodwill – повідомити про добрі наміри
5. inside (receiver’s) address – ім’я та адреса одержувача
6. p.p. (per pro) – від імені та за дорученням
7. parties concerned – зацікавлені сторони
8. permanent record – постійна регістрація
9. sender’s address – ім’я та адреса відправника
10.subject title – назва теми листа

Exercise 3. Read and analyze the following text.


A business letter is usually used when writing from one company to another,
or for correspondence between organizations and their customers, clients and other
external parties. The overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the
parties concerned. There are many reasons to write a business letter. It could be to
request direct information or action from another party, to order goods from a
supplier, to identify a mistake that was committed, to reply directly to a request, to
apologize for a wrong or simply to show goodwill. Even today a business letter is
still very useful because it is confidential and formal. It produces a permanent
record and delivers persuasive, well-considered messages.
Rules and traditions of correspondence vary in time but some basic principles
of a business letter remain unchanged.
A business letter should be as short as possible, intelligible and polite. Its language
must be simple.
A business letter of international standard is characterized by a well-defined
structure and it has a set of elements, which are located specifically. A complete
business letter includes the following structural elements:
(1) Letterhead (Sender’s address);
(2) References;
(3) Date;
(4) Special mailing indication;
(5) Confidential;
(6) Inside address (Receiver’s address);
(7) Attention line;
(8) Salutation;
(9) Subject (Re.:);
(10) Body of the letter;
(11) Complimentary close;
(12) Signature;
(13) Enclosures;
(14) Copies (c.c.);
(15) PostScript (P.S.).

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Діловий лист міжнародного зразка
має чітку структуру та набір
елементів, які розташовані
особливим чином.
2.Загальний стиль листа залежить
від відносин між зацікавленими
3.У діловому листі Ви можете
замовити товари у постачальника,
відповісти безпосередньо на запит
або просто повідомити про добрі
4.Ділова кореспонденція передає
переконливі, добре продумані
5.Обов’язковими елементами
ділового листа є ім’я та адреса
одержувача, ім’я та адреса
відправника, підпис.

Exercise 5. Grammar: Tense Revision.
Fill in a verb to write in the correct form.
1. We often write letters to our partners.
(Present Simple)

2.What kind of letter … you … now?

3.Yesterday they … … tests when I came to their office.
4.Who … … this letter?
5.I … … some letters last week.
6.What … you … tomorrow after the meeting?
7.When the chief came back the secretary … … the subject title of a letter.
8.… you … letters tomorrow?
9.I … not … this letter now. I … … it in some days.
10.… he … his report already?
11.What … she … in the evening yesterday?
12.As a rule he … tests well.
13.Look! He … … the letter but he hasn’t sent it yet.
14.Are you going … this letter?
15.When I came a new secretary … … the letter and was speaking on the

Exercise 6. Write a business letter of your own. Use the information from
the unit and the examples of the letters in Example 1. The following
phrases may be useful as well.
Example 1
Business Letter Format
(1) Sender’s address Company, Inc.
123 Alphabet Drive
Los Angeles, California 90002

(3) Date 15 February 2020

(6) Inside address

(Receiver’s Mr. John Doe
address) Customer Service Representative
Widgets Galore, Inc.
987 Widget Street
Miami, Florida 33111

(8) Salutation Dear Mr. Doe

(10) Body of the letter I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of
widgets. Approximately two weeks ago, on October 1,
I ordered a total of 50 widgets for Company, Inc. via
the Widgets Galore client webpage. I received an email
notification two days later confirming the receipt of
payment and the shipment of the widgets. According to
your website, shipments should reach their destination
within 3-5 business days of being sent, but I have yet to
receive the widgets. Do you have any information on
what may have happened to delay the shipment or
where the shipment is currently?

I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and

have the greatest confidence in your products and
customer service. We need the shipment of widgets
soon, however, and I hoped you might be able to
provide me with an idea of when I can expect them.
Thank you in advance for any help you might be able
to offer.
(11) Complimentary Sincerely,
(12) Signature Sam Brown
Company Vice President of Company, Inc.

Opening phrases
We have received your letter of... Ми отримали Вашого листа від ...
We thank you for your letter of... Дякуємо за лист від ...
We have the pleasure to inform you Ми раді повідомити Вас
In reply to your letter of… У відповідь на ваш лист від...
To inform you… Повідомляємо вас…
We apologize for the delay in answering Просимо пробачення за затримку з
your letter відповіддю на ваш лист
Linking Phrases
There is no doubt that… Безперечно…
It is necessary to note… Необхідно відзначити, що…
We'd like to draw your attention to the Звертаємо вашу увагу на той
fact... факт...
Considering the above said… Беручи до уваги сказане…
In this connection… У цьому зв 'язку…
In connection with your request… У зв'язку з вашим проханням…
Otherwise we shall have… У противному разі ми будемо
As regards your request… Щодо вашого прохання…
Up till now we have received no reply Дотепер ми не отримали відповіді
In case of delay… У випадку затримки…
In case of your refusal… У випадку вашої відмови…
In case you fail to make payments… У випадку несплати…
Closing Phrases
We are looking forward to receiving Чекаємо вашої згоди/ схвалення/
your consent/approval/confirmation підтвердження
Your prompt execution of our order would Будемо вам вдячні за швидке
be appreciated виконання нашого замовлення
We wish to maintain cooperation with you Сподіваємося підтримувати
Your early reply will be appreciated Будемо вам вдячні за швидку
We are looking forward to hearing from Сподіваємося отримати від Вас
you відповідь найближчим часом
If we can be of any assistance, please do Просимо звертатися до нас, якщо
not hesitate to contact us ви потребуєте допомоги
Yours faithfully/ sincerely З повагою

Exercise 7. Practice reading the dialogue with your partner.


-Hello, Ann.
-Good morning, Marry. It’s nice of you to call me. But can you speak a bit louder?
I can’t hear you. Where are you calling from?
-I am calling from the office.
-I didn’t quite catch what you said. From the office?
-Oh, sorry, I didn’t tell you, but I’ve got a job in the office. And I don’t want my
boss to hear me now. That’s why I’m speaking in a low voice.
-Do you have any problems?
-You are perfectly right, Mary. I am confused…
-You should overcome your nervousness. Can I help you?
-I think you are the only person whose advice will be a great help to me. I have to
write a business letter to our business partner and I know you are a great expert in
the business writing techniques. I am lacking in time … I have some questions to
you to finish this letter as soon as possible.
-OK, you are welcome with your questions.
-Thanks, I’d like to get to know about preferable font in a business letter.
-Well, it is recommended to use writing fonts such as Tahoma, Arial, or Helvetica.
And it’s better to use a 10 to 12 font size for the body of the letter, and a 14 to 20
font size for the main headings.
-Or, great. And is it necessary to put each separate idea in a separate paragraph?
My letter is too long and I am not sure it will be located on one page even if I
organize it with no paragraphs.
-Oh, no, Marry! Your letter must be located on one page only. Use short sentences,
and put each separate idea in a separate paragraph without fail. On the one hand
your letter should be clear, and on the other hand it should be concise.
-Thanks a lot, Ann.
-And don’t forget to check grammar, spelling and punctuation. Your letter should
be the kind of correspondence you would like to receive yourself.
-I greatly appreciate your giving me these valuable instructions.
-Don’t mention it. I am sure you will do it perfectly well.

Exercise 8. Make a list of the business writing techniques mentioned in this








Exercise 10. Read and learn the following topical words.

1.adjustment, n [ə'dʒʌstmənt] – врегулювання
2.claimant, n ['kleimənt] – позивач
3.complaint, n [kəm'pleint] – скарга, незадоволення, претензія, рекламація
4.employee, n [ emplɔi'i:] – робітник за наймом
5.employment, n [im'plɔimənt] – зайнятість, найм
6.literature, n ['lit(ə)rətʃə] – документація
7.postal card, n ['pəustlka:d] – поштова картка
8.purchase order, n ['pə:tʃis 'ɔ:də] – замовлення товарів
9.resignation, n [ rezig'neiʃ(ə)n] – відставка
10.showcase, n ['ʃəukeis] – презентація, рекламна афіша
11.thoughtfulness, n [' θ ɔ:tfu:lnis] – уважність до людини
12.unjustified claim, n [ʌn'dʒʌstifaid kleim] – неправомірна вимога

Exercise 11. Read and remember the following phrases.

1.to ask for a favour – просити про послугу
2.to be a good credit risk – бути платоспроможним
3.to collect money – інкасувати гроші
4.to decline a request – відмовити у задоволенні прохання
5.to get a position – отримати посаду
6.to grant a request – задовольняти прохання
7.to grant the adjustment / to make the adjustment – врегулювати претензію
8.to order merchandise – замовляти товари
9.to retain goodwill – зберегти репутацію

Exercise 9. Read the word combinations and phrases in column A and try to
guess their Ukrainian equivalents in column B. Match them.
1. adjustment letter a) відповідь на запит
2. covering letter b) лист вдячності
3. employment letter c) лист з висловленням співчуття
4. form letter d) лист про відставку
5. invitation e) лист стосовно працевлаштування
6. letter answering request f) лист-відповідь на рекламаційний лист
7. letter of application g) лист-вітання
8. letter of complaint h) лист-замовлення
9. letter of confirmation i) лист-запит
10. letter of congratulation j) лист-запрошення
11. letter of request k) лист-заява про надання роботи
12. letter of resignation l) лист-підтвердження
13. letter of sympathy m) рекламно-комерційний лист
14. order letter n) рекламаційний лист
15. promotion letter o) стандартний лист, циркуляр
16. sales letter p) супровідний лист
17. thank-you letter q) рекламний лист

Answers: 1 - , 2 - , 3 - , ……………………………………

Exercise 10. Read and translate the following text.

The employee in business writes many types of letters to ask for information,
advice, or favours; to send information; to collect money; to apologize for a
mistake; to say ‘no’ to a request that cannot be granted; to apply for a job; or to sell
the company’s products or services.
One could hardly name all kinds of letters written – the list is practically endless.
However, the following are among those which are frequently in use.
Letters of request may also be called “please send me” letters. They are simple
request for information, literature, favours, appointments, reservations and so on.
Another type of a request letter is written to order merchandise or services. It is
commonly called an order letter.
Letters answering requests. Just as a business firm often writes letters asking for
something from another organization, it also receives many letters of request. If the
reply does not require a personal message form letters and postal cards are used.
Letters answering requests are among the most important communications in
business because they give the letter writer an excellent opportunity for making
friends and building goodwill.
Letters of complaint. However people try to avoid complaints, mistakes occur in
business. And the person who has been inconvenienced or offended writes a letter
in protest. These letters are called complaints, or letters of complaint. All
businesses receive and send them.
Adjustment letters are written in response to complaints. When the adjustment
asked for is not granted (the claim is unreasonable or unjustified), you must write
the claimant a letter refusing to make the adjustment. To retain goodwill, you must
give a logical reason for the refusal. Adjustment letters are difficult to write, they
require special understanding of people and knowledge of the company the writer
Credit letters. A large percentage of business transactions are handled on a credit
basis. A credit letter is a document from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's
payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. Credit
letters must be written in response to requests for credit. Sometimes, however,
requests for credit must be declined because the clients are not good credit risks.
Sales letters. A sales letter is a form of direct mail in which an advertiser sends a
letter to a potential customer. In a sense, a sales letter automatically becomes a
showcase for the writers and their firms.
Employment letters deal with getting a position. The term “employment letters”
covers many different of employment-related letters such as inquiring about a
position, letters of application, letters thanking an employer for an interview, and
letters of resignation.
Social-business letters. Many letters of a social-business nature are written to
maintain friendly relationships with customers and business acquaintances. Typical
social-business correspondence includes letters of congratulation, letters of
sympathy, invitations, letters of friendship, and thank-you letters. Since these
letters show thoughtfulness on the part of the writer, they do a great deal to build

Exercise 11. Match the terms with their definitions.

1.Letter of request a) letter written to explain how a problem with a product or
service may (or may not) be resolved
2. Credit letter b) a letter sent by a customer to a business or agency to
identify a problem with a product or service
3. Letter of application c) a letter issued by bank at the request of the customer to
pay for goods or services
4. Letter of complaint d) a letter providing detailed information about a person
while applying for a job
5Social-business letter e) a letter written to convince the recipient to purchase a
certain product
6. Sales letter f) a letter which is business-related but social in nature
7. Adjustment letter g) a letter written when you need certain information,
permission, favour, service or any other matter which
requires a polite and humble request

Answers: 1 - , 2 - , 3 - , ……………………………………
Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Листи-відповіді на запит є
найбільш важливими засобами
спілкування у бізнесі
2.Людина, яка потрапила у складну
ситуацію або ображена, може
написати лист-скаргу.
3.Листи, що написані у відповідь на
скаргу, називаються
листамивідповідями на рекламаційні
4.Замовлення щодо кредиту можуть
бути відхилені, якщо клієнт не є
5.Рекламно-комерційний лист є
формою поштової розсилки, який
автоматично стає рекламною афішею
6.Типовими соціально-діловими
листами є листи-привітання,
листизапрошення, листи подяки.


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