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without detriment to Shawn Dexter John, per his expressed communication, by the
United Nations Security Council]

Sole Transcriber (and Lead Prosecutorial Agent): Shawn Dexter John

Date of Publication: 02/27/2024

Re: The government-sector of Istanbul, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Turkey, within three
(3) to four (4) months (meaning 90 to 120 days), will be attacked by Israel and then NATO via
atomic bombing then conventional weaponry respectively for the reasons explained as the fifth
(5th) city made subjected to literal and effectual atomic bombings with New York City
(specifically Lower Manhattan in being within and as its financial district of supplemental military
and political communication offices) being the first (within a few weeks), with Moscow being the
second (as detailed), with Beijing being the third in the manner detailed, and with Pyongyang
(North Korea) being the fourth (as detailed)

Important note: These published work papers and reports, the whole series of my (Shawn
Dexter John's) authorship, are only of facts and not per any war of words concept and are not of
(or toward manifesting) any conceivable drill.


(1) We have documented correspondences between the President and other officials of the
Government of the Republic of Turkey and government officials of Israel which has led
us to the sound and firm conclusion that the Republic of Turkey is planning on purporting
NATO affiliation in preparation to attack Israel on behalf of the state of Palestine and not
any individual associated or of the United States Government or system,
(2) We have determined that our gifts to Turkey toward preserving its intent to protect a
Christian minority within its country was misinterpreted by the Turkish government and
threats to lead the embargo against the federal government if Donald Trump isn't
re-elected, per our sting operation in observation, will allow Israel to safely remove the
totalitarian government of Turkey toward installing a liberal and ethical democratic
culture and progressive government of elected representatives not deterred by political
battles and not designed to elect extremist political actors dismissive of the intent of the
agreement to be Eurocentric as a future and bonafide NATO member,
(3) The lawful faction responsible for staging the detailed attacks and ensuring non-casualty
(and the intent toward its manifestation), undisclosed to the breadth of government
operations throughout the planet including the federal and [provincial] state governments
of the United States, are certain that the Republic of Turkey is unapologetic in having
requested that the state of Israel be removed from objecting to its plight to help dissolve
the United Nations (UN), undissolvable in secret, and to enter NATO as the leading
Islamic majority nation-state, plans all aborted and never manifestable in reality,
(4) Turkey has communicated a concise plan developed with rogue United States
contractors now being dissolved to provide United States military equipment and
advanced weaponry to Syria, Iran, and rogue militias for specifically attacking the city of
Jerusalem in the State of Israel with the United States predicted as eventually too busy
in combating China in the Asia-Pacific over the issues of Taiwan, the Sea of China, and
the protection of our Japanese and Korean bases, and
(5) The state of Palestine is in the process of agreeing to a deal with the Republic of India
and the United States to adhere to the doctrine of global Americana (of Shawn Dexter
John's invention and iteration) which would protect an [inter-faith] neo-continental West
Asia into the future and which would end Israel's condemnation of Palestine as a
wrongly purported rogue territory of non-disclosure and demons and which would end
Palestine's request to disqualify Israel from global discourses and meetings within
encrypted communication circles (and channels) still secretly under our audit and under
the revitalizing management of Shawn Dexter John as our (the intelligence and security
community's) nominal and chief manager covered by his 30-year tenured, nominal, and
official role and title as Chief Manager of the United States of America, its Government,
and its economic and political partnerships.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: WNBY1739P

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