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Topic: Food. Cooking .

Item: - розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію;

- продовжити формувати наступні вміння: навички вимовляння;

- сприймати на слух аутентичний текст англійською мовою;
- вдосконалювати навички вживання ЛС та ГС у мові учнів з дотриманням норм
англійської мови;
- розвивати навички читання;
- навчити учнів адаптуватися в реальних ситуаціях;
- розвивати комунікативні навички і вміння;
- розвивати увагу, впевненість у себе та свої здібності;
- виховувати повагу один до одного та інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки, презентація.

Хід уроку
1. Організаційний момент.

Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you!

Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
Repeat after me “ Every day, every day……..
Answer my questions. What day is it today? What month is it now?
What date is it today?
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

The theme of our lesson is Food. Today at the lesson we’ll revise the words and
grammar material. Today if your answer is correct you’ll get a vegetable or fruit.
At the end of the lesson we’ll count your jettons.
Warming up Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

Guess the riddles - I have a basket. You have to put some food into the basket but what food
you have to guess. Take the envelope and guess the riddles about food.

1) It’s a vegetable. It’s round and yellow.

It makes you cry when you try. (An onion)

2) It's a long, orange vegetable. Rabbits like it.

(A carrot)

3) It’s white. You like to drink it.

We get it from the cow. ( milk)
4) It’s not a vegetable, not a fruit.
It is cold and sweet. It is made of milk. (An ice-cream)

5) It’s oval and green.

It’s a vegetable. (A cucumber).

6) It is long and yellow fruit. It is sweet and tasty. It grows in the tree.
Monkeys like to eat it. (A banana).

7) It is a vegetable. It is red.
(A tomato).
3. Повторення вивченого матеріалу.

Game. You’ve got a fruit. You must say what your neighbour has and then what you
I’ve an apple.
She has an apple. I’ve a cherry.
He has a cherry. I have an apricot.

4. Tastes differ. Look at the table. There you can see fruits and vegetables. You must
say what fruits children like. And what fruits and vegetables they don’t like.
Ex. Mary likes apples, but she doesn’t like oranges.
5. Speaking.
Attention to the screen.

«Do you like ...?»

Task: team up in pairs, each of you should ask your partner 2 questions about what
he likes using words from the screen, the partner should answer them, then switch
For example, I want to know some of you, that you love «Do you like lemons?»,
You have to answer, if you like - Yes, Ido, if you do not like
- No, I don `t.
Repeat after me, please. Repeat after me answers please.
Preparation Time 1 minute, then each pair dialogue.

We all have worked well and now let’s have a rest a little bit, and then we’ll continue
our work.

6. The minute of relaxation.

Hands on the head,
(руки на голову)
Hands on the hips,
(руки на пояс)
Hands on the table,
(руки на стол)
(Любое движение.)
Hands on the shoulders,
(на плечи)
Hands up and down,
(руки на верх, вниз)
Hands behind the head
And sit down!
Once again!

7. Reading. Read the text and correct mistakes in the sentences. Say if you agree or

8. Make a shop list.

9. Imagine you’ve bought fruit and vegetables. And now you must make salad (fruit or
vegetable). You’ve got four pictures and choose only three.

To make fruit ( vegetable) salad I need…….

10. Grammar revise. The usage of much \ many. Fill in “ How much” or “ How many”

Find the stranger.

11. Hometask ex.1,p.62

12. Summarizing .Do you like the lesson? How many jettons do you have?

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