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周期 第3周 日期 13.01.2020 星期 一

科目 音乐 班级 6B 时间 10.20am -10.50am

单元 单元一音乐体验 课题 一条心

内容标准 1.1 唱出各种形式乐曲。

学习标准 1.1.1 以正确的音调唱出歌曲-短音符的控制

学习目标 在教师的引导下,学生能够:
a) 写出音值和休止符号
教学活动 1. 1. 画出乐谱中青色部分的三种音符,并写出其时值。
2. 2.仔细聆听拍子后,依歌曲拍打青色部分的节奏。
3. 3.找出乐谱中的二分音符,拍打每个二分音符的节奏。
教具 投影片 价值观 勤勉、细心

跨学科元素 企业家元素 高层次思维 KBAT/HOTS 应用

评估方式 随堂评估 课业 -

反思 1.( / 22) 的学生能够掌握技能 。

2. ( / 22)尚未达致目标的学生将进行辅导练习。
Tunda Masa Minimum Setahun : 0.5 /16

科目:美术 日期:13.1.2020(一) / 周次:3 班级:1M 时间:10:50 – 学生人数:

11:50(1 小时) 22
单元: 领域: 绘图 主题:自由
课题: 绘画
内容标准: 1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1
学习标准: 1.1.1,2.1.1,3.1.1,4.1.1
学习目标: 学生能够:
教学活动: 1. 学生介绍自己,教师自介。
2. 教师揭示课题。
3. 要求学生自由作画。
4. 教师引导观察学生的绘画技能。
5. 学生展示各自作品。
跨元素教学: 信息与通讯技术 高层次思维:理解、创意
(增值元素) 创作和革新 KBAT/HOTS
教具: 制作作品材料,作品/图片/影片 价值观:创意,耐心
课业: 评估方式:观察
反思: ( )的学生成功达标。 ( )的学生还需要老师的辅导才能达标。

Jumlah masa minimum setahun : ( / 32 )


Week  1 Class  5R Time 9.00 a.m.-10.00 a.m.
Day Monday Attendance   /23
Date  13-Jan-20 Lesson 2 Focus Listening

Theme Topic
World of knowledge Module 1: Where Are You From?
Language/ Grammar focus Present simple for personal information (All persons)
Main Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Main Learning Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Com. Content Standard 2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements
Com. Learning Standard 1.2.4 Understand longer supported classroom instructions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
asking and answering questions with guidance.
Success Criteria : Pupils can
Listen and guess 3 out of 5 the answers correctly.
21st Century Activities & Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Pair / Group Textbook Bubble Map  Language Questions
  Communication .  values Observation
Learning Outline
1. Teacher reviews self-introductions by playing a game.
Pre-lesson 2. Pupils sit in pair. They chat to each other to ask for and give their names. (eg: My name
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils open their books to page 5. Listen and try to match country names to 1. Teacher plays the song Friends from around
flags. the world (Track 3) and have ppls sing along.
2. Direct ppls’ attention to the picture and displays flag flashcards to the pupils. Say
the name of each country and have pupils repeat after.
3. Teacher asks ppls to guess what the girls are doing in activity 3.
4. Pupils takes turns to guess the person their friend is describing. Have ppls play
the game in front of class
5. Pupils rewrite the second stanza of the song and substitute with self details.
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).
____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :.
Credit hour: 2.5 /96

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