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‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫المديرية العامة للتعليم‬

‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التد ّرجات السنوية‬

‫مادة اللغة االنجليزية‬


‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫المديرية العامة للتعليم‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التد ّرجات السنوية‬

‫مادة اللغة االنجليزية‬
‫السنة الثانية ثانوي‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬


‫يشكل التخطيط لتنفيذ املناهج التعليمية عامال مؤثرا في تحقيق أهداف العملية التعليمية ‪/‬التعلمية و تنمية كفاءات املتعلمين‪ ،‬يرتبط هذا التخطيط بعامل الوقت الذي‬

‫يجب أن ينظر إليه كمورد من املوارد املتاحة التي ينبغي استثمارها بالشكل ألامثل‪.‬‬

‫تحضيرا للموسم الدراس ي‪ 0202‬ـ ‪ ،0202‬و َسعيا من وزارة التربية الوطنية لضمان تنفيذ املناهج التعليمية في ظل الظروف الاستثنائية (كوفيد‪ )21‬تضع مديرية التعليم الثانوي‬

‫العام والتكنولوجي بين أيدي املمارسين التربويين التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‪ ،‬كأدوات عمل‪ ،‬معدلة ومكيفة بصفة استثنائية بما يتماش ى والحجم الزمني املتاح‪.‬‬

‫تضمن التدرجات السنوية املعدلة و املكيفة بناء املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة بأقل ألامثلة والتمثيالت املوصلة إلى الكفاءات املستهدفة و تناول املضامين و إرساء املوارد مع مراعاة‬

‫وتيرة التعلم وقدرات املتعلم واستقالليته ‪ ،‬كما تقترح التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات فترات للتقويم املرحلي للكفاءة بما يضمن الانسجام بين سيرورة التعلمات و تقويم القدرة‬

‫على إدماجها‪ ،‬من هذا املنطلق نطلب من جميع ألاساتذة قراءة وفهم مبادئ و أهداف و آليات هذا التعديل البيداغوجي للتدرجات السنوية و التنسيق فيما بينهم بالنسبة لكل‬

‫مادة وفي كل ثانوية من أجل وضعها حيز التنفيذ‪ ،‬كما نطلب من املفتشين مرافقة ألاساتذة و تقديم التوضيح الالزم‪.‬‬

‫مذكرة منهجية‪:‬‬

‫تعد التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات أداة بيداغوجية أساسية توضح كيفية تنفيذ املناهج التعليمية‪،‬تضبط سيرورة التعلمات بما يكفل تنصيب الكفاءات املستهدفة في املناهج‬

‫التعليمية‪ ،‬ولقد ترتب عن تطبيق التدابير الاحترازية املتعلقة بالحد من تفش ي فيروس كورونا (كوفيد‪ ،) 21-‬جملة من إلاجراءات من بينها إنهاء السنة الدراسية ‪0202 -0221‬‬

‫دون استكمال التعلمات املقررة في الفصل الثالث والضرورية ملواصلة الدراسة في املستويات ألاعلى و كذا تأجيل الدخول املدرس ي ‪ ، 0202-0202‬اقتضت هذه الظروف‬

‫تعديال بيداغوجيا استثنائيا للتدرجات السنوية اعتمدت خالله آليات منهجية وبيداغوجية بما يحقق جملة من املبادئ و ألاهداف‪.‬‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫ألاهداف‬ ‫املبادئ ألاساسية‬

‫تنصيب لدى املتعلم الكفاءات املسطرة في املناهج التعليمية؛‬ ‫املحافظة على الكفاءات كمبدأ منظم؛‬
‫تمدرس ناجع للتالميذ يسمح بإرساء التعلمات ألاساسية املستهدفة في املناهج‬ ‫املحافظة على املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة؛‬
‫املحافظة على تقويم القدرة على إلادماج لدى املتعلم من خالل وضعيات مشكلة التعليمية؛‬
‫تزويد املتعلم باألسس العلمية الضرورية ملتابعة الدراسة في املستويات ألاعلى‪،‬‬ ‫مركبة تستهدف التقويم املرحلي للكفاءات؛‬
‫إدراج التعلمات ألاساسية غير املنجزة في السنة الدراسية ‪ 0202/0221‬ضمن‬ ‫التكفل بالتعلمات ألاساسية غير املنجزة خالل السنة الدراسية ‪0202/0221‬‬
‫التدرجات السنوية؛‬

‫آليات التعديل البيداغوجي‬

‫الجانب البيداغوجي‬ ‫الجانب املنهجي‬

‫ب‪-‬املمارسات البيداغوجية‪:‬‬ ‫أ‪ -‬املوارد املعرفية والنشاطات‪:‬‬ ‫تحديد مالمح التخرج والكفاءات املستهدفة‪،‬‬
‫توزيع التعلمات على ‪ 02‬أسبوعا دون احتساب أسابيع تحديد الحد الالزم من املوارد الضروري لبناء الكفاءة منهجية استغالل الوثائق ( استغاللها ضمن مسعى لحل‬
‫مشكل )‪،‬‬ ‫املهيكلة)‪،‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫( املوارد‬ ‫التقويم‪،‬‬
‫استغالل الحد ألادنى من الوثائق‪ ،‬السندات و بناء بطاقات منهجية‪ ،‬تقدم للمتعلم‪ ،‬توضح منهجية‬ ‫ضبط التقويم املرحلي للكفاءة؛‬
‫استغالل مختلف أنماط الوثائق(جداول‪ ،‬منحنيات‪،‬‬ ‫وضع مخطط زمني يسمح بمتابعة مدى تنفيذ املناهج النشاطات لبناء املوارد‪،‬‬
‫نصوص‪ ،‬أعمدة بيانية‪ ،‬خرائط‪،)...‬‬ ‫الدمج بين النشاطات في إطار حل املشكل‪،‬‬ ‫التعليمية‪.‬‬
‫إدراج بعض النشاطات التي تستهدف البناء ألتحصيلي مرافقة املتعلم أثناء إنجازه للمهمات بتقديم تعليمات‬
‫تيسر الحل‪.‬‬ ‫ضمن التقويم‪.‬‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫‪-3-‬شعبة لغات أجنبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Two (SE2)

Streams: Foreign Languages
Time devoted: 5 hours/week

Exit Profile
At the end of SE2, the learner will be able to produce oral/written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 150 words, using written or oral support.

Theme Unit
1- Diversity / Lifestyles - Signs of the time
2- Peace and Conflict Resolution - Make Peace
3- Poverty and World Resources - Waste not, want not
4-Technology and Innovation - Budding Scientist
5- Technology and theArts - Fiction or Reality
6- Disasters and Safety - No Man is an Island

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
Interacting -Read a text to study some
-Identify and define the - Used to... 1- Assessment should
language points and use them.
Diversity concept of diversity. - narrating past events: past occur at regular intervals
narrating past events simple and past continuous - Talk about pre-arranged plans or during the sequence and at
Lifestyles - Explore, compare cultural using when &while intentions the end of the sequence in
differences among people -Write a policy addition to designated
Interpreting and their lifestyles -Going to + stem exam periods.
throughout time planning to + stem - Talk about weather
-speak/write about means of intend to + Stem predictions/medicine/dvpt to 2-After 3/4 weeks of
Unit 1: intercultural exchanges. brainstorm the topic. teaching, learners must be
-write an e-mail Homophones/ Homonyms/ - Write a short dialogue predicting trained on how to mobilize 5 weeks
Signs of the final “s” what might happen in different their resources and reinvest 25 hours
Time -Compare people’s values Stress shift from noun to adj fields/ Make a short commentary them in a problem-solving
and accept them as they are. on the radio talk situation, through pair work
-Formation of adj or group work.
-Explore the different - Write a paragraph about their
contributions of people in - Degree of certainty: might/ town and possible changes in 3- Integration: A situation of
Producing the world in many fields. might well, may... peoples’ lifestyles in the future communication in which the
- Interact with pupils about the learners reinvest and make
-Define the concept of twin -Relative pronouns, defining difference in food habits between use of the appropriate
towns. vs non-defining relative clause the past and now resources as knowledge,
skills and attitudes, whether
-Lexis related to the topic - Comparatives and - Identify techniques of avoiding guided or free, and which
superlatives repetition (Synonyms /antonyms should comprise the
/relative pronouns) following aspects: - the issue
-Link words comparing / - Compare and contrast people’s - the task - the audience- the
contrasting clothing style evolution. objective.
- Write an email
(Refer to the programme)

Project Making a profile including a list of things and thoughts which teenagers used to do and think that they no longer do and have , and
Outcome predictions for the future

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
-Define the word conflict and
- interact about conflicts, 1- Assessment should occur
list types of conflicts (family,
- Ability and possibility peace, solutions, using at regular intervals during
Peace and Interacting classroom, community, ).
using “can” pictures, video... the sequence and at the end
Conflict -Discuss and identify the
- express ability and possibility of the sequence in addition
Resolution sources of conflict.
- Verb idiom “be able to” in (using «can”) to designated exam periods.
- Discover and discuss the role
different tenses - Use idiom “be able to” as
of UNO
-could/managed to” substitute to “can” (future, 2-After 3/4 weeks of
-state point of view and
present perfect, etc...) teaching, learners must be
Interpreting discuss it.
- Criticize/ apologize -Use “managed to” to express trained on how to mobilize
-Recognize bias and prejudice
-Should (not) have + PP(v) the notion of “achievement / their resources and reinvest
- Distinguish between duties
fulfilment” them in a problem-solving
and rights.
-expressing concession: - identify the different situation, through pair work or
Unit 2: - Figure on ways for conflicts
however, although functions of the modal “can” group work.
and its substitutes (act 2 p is
Make -Discover and use lexis related
- Obligation: Must / have to / all right) 3- Integration: A situation of
Peace: to peace and conflict. 5 weeks
had to + stem/ need to - write a poem for a UNESCO communication in which the
-Write a poem denouncing
competition to denounce learners reinvest and make use
prejudice 25hours
-absence of obligation: prejudice. of the appropriate resources as
- Apologise for and criticize
mustn’t, don’t haveto/ - oral interaction about daily knowledge, skills and
Producing wrong actions
needn’t to conflicts and their context (to attitudes, whether guided or
- Express obligation,
bring about conflicts at school, free, and which should
prohibition, absence of
-review Prohibition, between classmates...) comprise the following
The activities p 44 are quite all aspects: - the issue - the task -
-Express appreciation
- Topical Lexis right, so they can be kept the audience- the objective.
-set a list of school regulations
-Analyse a charter; focusing
Phonology: *Teacher may choose a video
on form and context/ analyse
-Intonation in polite requests to clarify the theme (wrong
-talk about abuse of human
(Refer to the programme)
Example: Write a statement of achievements about Nobel Peace Prize winners. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation
-express purpose
Poverty and - Demonstrate awareness and -Passive voice Modals: -Recognize the greatest 1- Assessment should
World Interacting understanding of the issue of could/must/should/ ought to conservation challenges occur at regular intervals
Resources sustainable development during the sequence and
-in order to/so as to/ so that... -Discuss the reasons of at the end of the
-Explain the concept of poverty in the world and list sequence in addition to
sustainable development Why don’t you? reasons and ways for the designated exam periods.
and its relationship with If I were you… preservation of natural
Interpreting environmental issues You’d better… resources 2-After 3/4 weeks of
It would help if… teaching, learners must be 5 weeks
Unit 3: - identify natural resources in -Write a press release trained on how to mobilize
Present perfect;
your country and in the world their resources and reinvest 25 hours
Present and past simple
Waste not, - explore ways natural resources -Write the presentation of them in a problem-solving
Want not are shared in your country and in solar home situation, through pair work
-Passive voice Modals
the world or group work.
could/must/should/ ought to/
-Analyse the impact of
-Discuss and suggest a fair way - in order to/so as to/ so that... technological development on 3- Integration: A situation
of sharing non-renewable people of communication in which
sources of energy -Suggesting: Could/ the learners reinvest and
Producing may/might -Write a paragraph using the make use of the appropriate
-Discuss the issue of equality four types of sentences studied resources as knowledge,
and sharing wealth (solidarity -Form nouns (poor/poverty) in the reading passage skills and attitudes, whether
towards deprived people). hungry/scarce /homeless guided or free, and which
- ‘The’ (before collective - class debate should comprise the
- Enrich their lexical memory nouns (the poor) following aspects: - the
with new words related to the -relative pronoun “whom” - use advert / commercial issue - the task - the
topic of the unit. Pronunciation: audience- the objective
-stress in two syllable words -newspaper / magazine article

(Refer to the programme)

Example: Write a charter against poverty. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competency Remediation

-explain the concept of science  If conditional types 2&3 Past form of may/can is 1- Assessment should
Technology Interacting fiction omitted occur at regular intervals
and - describe book covers/ watch  Present perfect during the sequence and
the Arts videos related to fiction - Review the past simple and at the end of the sequence
-list and discuss the topics of  Past perfect past perfect tense in addition to designated
sci-fi. exam periods.
- read a newspaper article about  If only -Note taking
Interpreting science fiction and identify the 2-After 3/4 weeks of
basis of sci-fi.  Adverbs: well+ past teaching, learners must be
participle Instead of personal lament, trained on how to mobilize
Unit 5 : - Give advice / (well-informed) write about an environmental their resources and reinvest 4 weeks
express regrets/ wishes issue. them in a problem-solving
Science or  Compound words situation, through pair work
Fiction -Write a newspaper article or group work. 20 hours
 Phrasal & prepositional
words 3- Integration: A situation of
-Ask for and give explanations in communication in which the
a conversation and speculate learners reinvest and make
 Emphatic stress(do/did)
Producing use of the appropriate
-Write a commentary.
 Rising & falling resources as knowledge,
intonation skills and attitudes, whether
-Write and recite a poem
guided or free, and which
(Refer to the programme) should comprise the
Write an autobiography/Tell
about people who contributed to following aspects: - the issue
the welfare of humanity - the task - the audience- the

Example: Write a repertory of inventions and discoveries.Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Targeted Assessment and

Theme and Unit Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation

-Explain the importance of -Reporting statements / Additional activities to: 1- Assessment should
safety rules and conduct questions / orders (past 1-Discovering language occur at regular intervals
(especially in disasters) tenses) (MCQ/ matching /cohesive during the sequence and
Disasters markers/T-F) at the end of the sequence
and -Had better-ought to- in addition to designated
-List types of disasters and
Safety 2-listening and speaking:
where they occur. should-if I were you... exam periods.
(table filling).
- Ask for and give advice and -Link words expressing 3-reading and writing: 2-After 3/4 weeks of
Interpreting information on the right cause -choosing gist teaching, learners must be
behaviour during a disaster 5 weeks
trained on how to mobilize
-Topical lexis -reordering ideas their resources and reinvest
- Write a report
-True/false them in a problem-solving
Phonology: situation, through pair work 25 hours
- Quote someone
Intonation in indirect -find synonyms or group work.
- Express interest and questions -close passage.
Unit 6: surprise 3- Integration: A situation of
No Man is an -listening to a radio interview. communication in which the
Island - Disagree politely -managing through a learners reinvest and make
conversation. use of the appropriate
Producing - conduct an interview and
(Refer to the programme) resources as knowledge,
report its results -taking turns in an interview.
skills and attitudes, whether
-Write a report using a pie - reading a report
guided or free, and which
chart. -interpreting a pie chart. should comprise the
- Write a public -writing a public following aspects: - the issue
announcement on earthquake announcement. - the task - the audience- the
safety measures. objective
-writing an opinion article.
-Write an opinion article

Project Outcome Example: Conduct a survey.Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.


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