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Language form: American English

The Free Trade Compact of the Americas

[Sole] Author: Shawn Dexter John (aka operative Khaled Hassan)
The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States is conclusionary in communicating that
yes, indeed, we will have a Free Trade Area of the Americas, that we are not communicating on
any matter of conspiracy theory. We are in the process of building up the infrastructure and
resources of the Organization of American States (OAS) in anticipation of its scheduled
transformation into the [political and economic] Union of the Americas in two decades.
We have spoken to experts in economics, economists versed in Pan-American affairs, those with
decades of professional affiliation with governments throughout the Americas. They have all,
Americans and others, communicated that the related pursuit is not only viable and its end-goal
inevitable but it is immensely profitable – it responds to the socio-economic issues detailed in
studies and social commentaries throughout Civil Society, keeps the United States prosperous,
and strengthens the image of America throughout the hemisphere and the rest of the world.
There will be a trade office associated with the Organization of American States located in
Miami, Florida specifically for serving as the chief administrative office and liaison for
addressing the matter of continental trade subsequent to member economies’ (each member state
of the OAS) signing of the Free Trade Compact of the Americas at a special convention being
prepared as we speak.
We, specifically members of our team (per instructions delivered by me and managers), have
corresponded discreetly with the President of the United States, Mr. Joseph Biden, and he has
agreed that we will prepare for discourses and negotiations and anticipate signing the Compact
within the next two years, during this administration’s tenure (or its successor’s).

Author (Shawn Dexter John aka Khaled Hassan)

Shawn Dexter John (aka Khaled Hassan)


Date of Publication: 02/18/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Re: The above Work Paper references the [Free Trade and] and Economic Area of the
Americas (EAA)


(1) The impending Free Trade and Economic Agreement of the Americas refers to the
Compact being developed for ratification within two (2) years via free trade and
economic provisions consolidated into a comprehensive Agreement securing (a)
unbreachable free trade policies, (b) a hemispheric economic area ensuring the
development of non-deportation policies subject to fundamental forgiveness, humanist,
and mercy clauses, (c) the impending Central Fund of the Americas, (d) the
crypto-currency stage and employment of of the Amero, (e) the city of Miami as the
nominal capital of the Americas, and (e) Supreme Tribunal of the Americas.

INTERPOL-CIA Partnership File Number: 017ENT82

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