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Сила надії та розпізнавання безнадії

Надія може змінити ваше ставлення до себе

Надія структурує ваше життя в очікуванні майбутнього і впливає на те, як ви
почуваєтеся в сьогоденні. Подібно до оптимізму, надія створює позитивний
настрій щодо очікувань, мети або майбутньої ситуації. Така ментальна
подорож у часі впливає на ваш душевний стан і змінює вашу поведінку в
сьогоденні. Позитивні почуття, які ви відчуваєте, дивлячись у майбутнє, з
надією уявляючи, що може статися, чого ви досягнете або ким станете,
можуть змінити те, як ви бачите себе зараз. Разом з надією приходить ваше
передбачення того, що ви будете щасливі, і це може мати поведінкові
Надія формує ваші методи подолання поточної ситуації. Когніції, пов'язані з
надією - те, як ви думаєте, коли ви сповнені надії - є шляхами до бажаних
цілей і відображають мотивацію до досягнення цілей. Виявлено, що люди,
які сповнені надії, мають кращі здібності до вирішення проблем, ніж їхні
однолітки, які не мають надії, а ті, хто сповнені надії, мають тенденцію бути
когнітивно гнучкими і здатними подумки досліджувати нові ситуації.
Формально надія як емоція не відповідає критеріям надії. Ці критерії
включають концепцію, що емоції є автоматичними і рефлекторними, вони
викликають фізичні і поведінкові зміни в результаті реакції нервової
системи, і що емоція надає вам негайну інформацію про ситуацію, яка може
спонукати вас до дії. Хоча поняття надії не відповідає цим критеріям, статті
на цю тему, опубліковані в авторитетних психологічних журналах,
називають її емоційним станом. Лазарус (1999), наприклад, досліджував роль
надії як емоції і як ресурсу подолання відчаю. Можливо, надію краще
розуміти як пізнання, що створює певний настрій - тривалий афективний
стан, якому бракує безпосередності та інтенсивності рефлексивних емоцій,
але який здатен визначати погляди на життя.
Мати надію - це уявляти собі позитивний результат. Багато мотиваційних
принципів рекомендують візуалізувати те, чого ви хочете, і уявляти собі
позитивні результати, щоб ваша поведінка несвідомо структурувалася для їх
створення. Однак, щоб пояснити позитивний вплив надії, не обов'язково
вдаватися до квантових пояснень. Теорія несвідомого мислення постулює,
що ми здатні обробляти інформацію - змушувати мозок працювати над
проблемою - у несвідомий спосіб, що може призводити до спалахів осяяння.
Більшість речей, які ми робимо, обробляються несвідомо. Тому варто
подумати про свої починання перед сном або навіть переглянути список
справ, оскільки ваш мозок чутливий до вашого свідомого сприйняття
майбутніх подій і несвідомо працюватиме над досягненням ваших цілей.
Хорошим прикладом сили надії є клінічні випробування ліків. У клінічних
випробуваннях ліки порівнюють з неактивною речовиною, яку зазвичай
називають плацебо. Нещодавні дослідження антидепресантів поставили під
сумнів їхню ефективність у порівнянні з плацебо в подвійних сліпих,
рандомізованих клінічних дослідженнях. Найприкметніше те, що в клінічних
дослідженнях, де плацебо розроблено так, щоб викликати побічні ефекти,
змушуючи тих, хто його приймає, вірити, що вони приймають справжні ліки,
ефективність плацебо є подібною до ефективності ліків. Під час обговорення
цих досліджень друг запропонував, щоб замість того, щоб називати такі
неактивні речовини плацебо, називати їх "надією".
Те, як людина, що сповнена надії, справляється з розчаруванням,
відрізняється від того, як вона не сповнена надії. Навіть якщо теперішнє
неприємне, думка про позитивне майбутнє може буферизувати стрес і
зменшити вплив негативних подій чи розчарувань. Неухильний оптимізм
щодо майбутнього допомагає вам усвідомити, що ви здатні до адаптації та
здібні, що дає вам змогу запевнити себе, що ви переживете важкі часи.
Сильна надія на те, що ви пристосуєтесь, також забезпечує безмежно
позитивну версію майбутнього. Ті, хто сповнені надії та оптимізму, можуть
знаходити виправдання негативним результатам, тоді як песиміст може
ображатися або бути негативно занепокоєним.
У стосунках бувають випадки, коли відмова від надії психологічно
здоровіша, ніж її збереження. Ми з моїм співавтором писали про такі ситуації
в нашій книзі "Синдром білого лицаря: Як врятувати себе від потреби
рятувати інших" (Lamia & Krieger, 2009). При розриві стосунків відмова від
надії означає змиритися зі своєю невдачею. У стосунках, що рятують, надія
могла спонукати вас припустити, що ви можете допомогти партнеру досягти
його мети: фінансового успіху, тверезості, безпеки чи щастя. Проте,
незважаючи на ваші зусилля, ви не могли контролювати, чи буде він
схильний йти бажаним шляхом, як ви його бачите. Можливо, ваша надія
полягала в тому, що ваш партнер стане таким, яким ви хочете або бажаєте,
щоб він став, і тоді він буде потребувати, любити і цінувати вас. Відмовитися
від надії важко, адже це означає, що ви не отримали того, чого очікували від
своїх стосунків. Почуття, пов'язані з втратою надії у стосунках, часто є тими
самими емоціями, яких ви намагалися уникнути, зокрема безпорадність,
відчай, депресія або туга, які є негативними аналогами надії. Проте відмова
від надії також може бути дуже конструктивною і позитивною, залежно від
вашого ставлення.
Іноді відмова від надії є розумною в ситуаціях, коли необхідно переключити
увагу на щось інше, щоб дійсно досягти своєї мети. Продовження руху в
певному напрямку, де ви постійно стикаєтеся з перешкодами, чи то у
стосунках, кар'єрі чи бізнесі, може затьмарити інші шляхи, які можуть
призвести до досягнення мети. У нашій культурі існує особливий гламур,
який приписується тим, хто наполегливо працює і перемагає, незважаючи на
обмежену надію на успіх. У той же час, маючи силу розпізнати, коли слід
відмовитися від надії, і мужність визнати свою безпорадність, ви можете
вказати вам на незаплямований напрямок, який супроводжується новою
1. to alter - змінювати
 Sentence: "The positive feelings you experience as you look ahead, imagining
hopefully what might happen, what you will attain, or who you are going to
be, can alter how you currently view yourself."
2. anticipation - очікування
 Sentence: "Hope structures your life in anticipation of the future and
influences how you feel in the present."
3. expectation - очікування
 Sentence: "Similar to optimism, hope creates a positive mood about an
expectation, a goal, or a future situation."
4. to attain - досягати
 Sentence: "The positive feelings you experience as you look ahead, imagining
hopefully what might happen, what you will attain, or who you are going to
be, can alter how you currently view yourself."
5. cognition(s) - когніція(ї)
 Sentence: "The cognitions associated with hope--how you think when you are
hopeful--are pathways to desired goals and reflect a motivation to pursue
6. to visualize - візуалізувати
 Sentence: "The directive of many motivational principles is to visualize what
you want and imagine positive outcomes so that your behavior is
unconsciously structured to create them."
7. to account for - пояснювати, враховувати
 Sentence: "However, one does not need to turn to quantum explanations in
order to account for the positive effects of hope."
8. unconscious (n) - безсвідомість
 Sentence: "Most of the things we do are unconsciously processed."
9. endeavor - зусилля, намагання
 Sentence: "Thus, considering your endeavors before bedtime, or even going
over your to-do list, is worthwhile since your brain is sensitive to your
conscious perception of future events and will unconsciously work toward
your goals."
10.medication - медикамент, лікарський препарат
 Sentence: "In clinical drug trials, a medication is compared with an inactive
substance, commonly referred to as a placebo."
11.placebo - плацебо, імітація лікарського засобу
 Sentence: "In a discussion of these studies, a friend suggested that, rather than
referring to such inactive substances as a placebo, they should instead be
called 'hope.'"
12.side-effect - побічний ефект
 Sentence: "What's most notable is that in clinical trials where the placebo is
engineered to produce side-effects, causing those who take it to believe that
they are on the actual medication, the efficacy of the placebo is similar to that
of the medication."
13.efficacy - ефективність
 Sentence: "Recent studies of antidepressants doubt their efficacy when
compared to a placebo in double-blind, randomized clinical trials."
14.stress-buffering - стресозахисний
 Sentence: "Even if the present is unpleasant, the thought of a positive future
can be stress-buffering and can reduce the impact of negative events or
15.resentful - образливий, у злості
 Sentence: "Those who are hopeful and optimistic can make excuses for
negative outcomes, while the pessimist may become resentful or negatively
preoccupied." assume - припускати, приймати на себе
 Sentence: "Hope may have led you to assume that you could help your
partner achieve his expressed goal."
17.yearning - прагнення, тужіння
 Sentence: "The feelings associated with giving up hope in a relationship are
often the very same emotions you sought to avoid in the first place, including
helplessness, despair, depression, or yearning that are the negative
counterparts of hope."
18.counterpart - аналог, еквівалент
 Sentence: "The feelings associated with giving up hope in a relationship are
often the very same emotions you sought to avoid in the first place, including
helplessness, despair, depression, or yearning that are the negative
counterparts of hope."
19.prudent - розумний, обачний
 Sentence: "Giving up hope is sometimes prudent in situations where turning
your attention elsewhere is necessary in order to actually reach your goal." obscure - затемнювати, приховувати
 Sentence: "Continuing to pursue a particular direction where you invariably
encounter roadblocks, whether in a relationship, career, or business venture,
can obscure other avenues that may lead to achieving an objective."

Task 2

Behavioral changes
 Sentence: The therapy sessions led to noticeable changes in behavior, as the
individual became more assertive and confident.
• to pursue goals
 Sentence: Despite facing challenges, she continued to pursue her goals with
determination and resilience.
• inability problem-solving abilities
 Sentence: His excellent problem-solving abilities allowed him to tackle
complex issues with ease.
• those who display cognitive flexibility
 Sentence: In academic settings, success often comes to those who display
cognitive flexibility, adapting their approach to various challenges.
• changes in behavior
 Sentence: The new fitness routine resulted in positive changes in behavior,
promoting a healthier lifestyle.
• to meet criteria
 Sentence: The project proposal must meet specific criteria to be considered
for funding.
• prolonged emotional state
 Sentence: The loss of a loved one can lead to a prolonged emotional state of
grief and sorrow.
• process information
 Sentence: Our brains constantly process information, allowing us to navigate
the complexities of daily life.
• sudden insights
 Sentence: Creative breakthroughs often come from sudden insights,
providing unexpected solutions to problems.
• to be unrelentenly optimistic
 Sentence: Despite facing setbacks, she continued to be an incorrigible
optimist, always seeing the silver lining in every situation.
• to endure tough times
 Sentence: Resilient individuals not only survive but also learn and grow
when they endure tough times.
• to abandon/relinquish hope
 Sentence: Sometimes, it is necessary to abandon hope in certain situations
and focus on new opportunities.
• to cling to hope
 Sentence: Even in challenging circumstances, he chose to cling to hope,
believing that things would eventually improve.
• encounter roadblocks
 Sentence: During the project implementation, the team unexpectedly
encountered obstacles that required quick problem-solving skills.

Task 3
1. to traverse current situation: долати поточну ситуацію
 Meaning: To navigate or move through one's present circumstances or
conditions, suggesting an active engagement with the challenges or
opportunities at hand.
2. to explore novel situations mentally: - досліджувати нові ситуації
 Meaning: To mentally engage with and examine new or unfamiliar
situations, implying a cognitive process of considering possibilities or
scenarios that are innovative or unexplored.
3. nervous system responses: реакції нервової системи
 Meaning: Reactions or changes that occur in the body and mind as a
result of the nervous system's activity, indicating physiological and
psychological responses to stimuli or situations.
4. to determine one’s outlook on life: визначитися зі своїми поглядами
на життя
 Meaning: To shape or influence one's perspective, beliefs, and attitude
towards life, indicating how personal experiences and perceptions
contribute to an individual's overall worldview.
5. to go over one’s to-do list: переглянути список справ
 Meaning: To review or examine one's list of tasks or activities that
need to be accomplished, suggesting a deliberate and organized
approach to managing responsibilities.
6. conscious perception of future events: усвідомлене сприйняття
майбутніх подій
 Meaning: Being aware and intentional in one's understanding or
interpretation of upcoming events, indicating a mindful and deliberate
consideration of what lies ahead.
7. to handle disappointment: справлятися з розчаруванням
 Meaning: To manage or cope with feelings of sadness, frustration, or
dissatisfaction resulting from unmet expectations or unfavorable
outcomes, suggesting emotional resilience in the face of setbacks.
8. to come to terms with failure: змиритися з невдачами
 Meaning: To accept and emotionally process the experience of not
succeeding or achieving one's goals, indicating a willingness to
acknowledge and move beyond the negative aspects of failure.
9. unsullied direction: незаплямований напрямок
 Meaning: A clean, untarnished, or pure path or course of action,
suggesting a fresh and uncontaminated approach or route that is free
from negative influences or past complications.

Task 4

1. Anticipating the future with hope can alter our behavior and self-perception.
2. The ability to solve problems and pursue goals is higher in those who are
filled with hope; they exhibit cognitive flexibility and easily tackle new
mental challenges.
3. Emotions are automatic and reflexive; they induce physical and behavioral
changes as a result of the nervous system responses.
4. The concept of "hope" is better understood as a "cognition" that creates a
certain mood—a prolonged emotional state capable of determining one's
outlook on life.
5. Our brain can process information and work on a problem unconsciously,
leading to sudden insights and conscious perception of future events.
6. Being unrelentingly optimistic means adapting easily to new circumstances
and being able to endure tough times.
7. In relationships, there are instances when abandoning hope is
psychologically safer than clinging to it, even though it may evoke feelings
of helplessness, despair, depression, or yearning—negative counterparts of
8. Continuing to pursue a specific direction where we inevitably encounter
roadblocks, whether in interpersonal relationships, career, or business, can
obscure other paths that could lead us to our goal.
Reading comprehension

Task 1

1. What is hope and how does it influence people’s state of mind and
Hope is a positive expectation or anticipation of a favorable outcome in the
future. It influences people's state of mind by creating a positive mood and
altering their behavior in the present. The act of looking ahead with hope,
envisioning positive possibilities, and imagining what might happen can
reshape one's current self-perception. The positive feelings associated with hope
contribute to a person's overall outlook on life, influencing their emotional state
and behavioral choices. Hope structures life in anticipation of the future,
providing motivation and shaping methods of traversing current situations.
2. What differs hopeful people from their low-hope peers?
Hopeful people differ from their low-hope peers in various ways. Hopeful
individuals exhibit better problem-solving abilities and cognitive flexibility.
Research suggests that those who are hopeful tend to navigate novel situations
more effectively and approach cognitive tasks with an open mind. They are
more adaptable and capable of mentally exploring new scenarios. In contrast,
low-hope individuals may struggle with flexibility and problem-solving,
possibly due to a lack of positive anticipation for the future.
3. Is hope an emotion? Why or why not?
Hope technically does not fit the criteria as an emotion. Emotions are typically
automatic, reflexive, and lead to immediate physical and behavioral changes. In
contrast, hope is described as a cognition that creates a prolonged affective
state. While it influences mood and outlook on life, hope lacks the immediacy
and intensity of reflexive emotions. The distinction lies in the nature of hope,
which involves conscious anticipation and positive expectations rather than
automatic responses.
4. What is the effect of visualizing your wishes and goals?
Visualizing wishes and goals is a motivational principle that directs behavior
toward positive outcomes. It involves consciously imagining and creating
mental images of desired achievements. This process, often associated with
hope, structurally influences behavior by unconsciously aligning actions with
the envisioned positive outcomes. According to unconscious thought theory,
visualizing goals allows the brain to work on problems in a non-conscious way,
leading to bursts of insight. Therefore, consciously visualizing one's aspirations
can contribute to problem-solving and goal pursuit.
5. Why were clinical drug trials a good example of the power of hope?
Clinical drug trials served as a good example of the power of hope because they
involved comparing the efficacy of a medication with an inactive substance,
known as a placebo. Notably, studies showed that placebos engineered to
produce side effects, making participants believe they were taking the actual
medication, exhibited efficacy similar to the medication itself. This
phenomenon suggests that the belief in the effectiveness of treatment, or
"hope," played a significant role in the perceived success of the intervention.
6. Why is it good to be unrelentingly optimistic?
Being unrelentingly optimistic is beneficial because it fosters adaptability,
resilience, and a positive outlook on life. Optimistic individuals are more likely
to recognize their own capabilities and reassure themselves during challenging
times. This mindset enables them to handle disappointment more effectively,
buffering stress and reducing the impact of negative events. Unrelenting
optimism promotes a belief in one's ability to adapt and overcome difficulties,
leading to a limitless positive vision of the future. Optimists tend to make
excuses for negative outcomes, reinforcing their adaptive capacity and
maintaining a constructive perspective.
7. In what cases is it prudent to abandon hope?
It is prudent to abandon hope in situations where persistent pursuit of a
particular direction encounters insurmountable roadblocks. Whether in
relationships, career, or business ventures, continually striving for a specific
goal may obscure alternative paths that could lead to success. Recognizing
when hope should be relinquished requires strength and courage,
acknowledging one's helplessness in the face of unattainable objectives.
Abandoning hope, in these cases, is constructive, as it allows redirection
towards new opportunities and unsullied directions unburdened by past
limitations. This shift in perspective can lead to fresh approaches and renewed
The text explores the multifaceted influence of hope on individuals' mental states
and behaviors. It posits that hope, akin to optimism, creates a positive outlook by
shaping one's anticipation of the future. This mental time travel not only alters self-
perception but also structures life with positive feelings, influencing present
behavior. Hopeful individuals exhibit superior problem-solving abilities and
cognitive flexibility compared to their low-hope counterparts, suggesting a positive
impact on cognitive processes. While technically not classified as an emotion,
hope is described as a cognition capable of creating a prolonged affective state,
guiding one's overall perspective on life. The text also highlights scenarios, such as
clinical drug trials and relationships, where understanding when to abandon hope
can be psychologically constructive.

Talking points
Task 1
How does hope help people to cope with their problems?
Hope serves as a powerful psychological resource, aiding individuals in coping
with their problems in several ways. Firstly, hope creates a positive anticipation of
the future, influencing individuals' current states of mind. This positive outlook
acts as a stress buffer, reducing the impact of negative events and disappointment.
Hopeful individuals tend to exhibit better problem-solving abilities, cognitive
flexibility, and adaptability, enabling them to navigate challenges with resilience.
The positive feelings associated with hope contribute to a sense of self-assurance,
reassuring individuals that they possess the capability to overcome tough times.
Moreover, hope fosters an optimistic mindset, allowing individuals to make
excuses for negative outcomes and maintain a constructive perspective.
1. Stress-Buffering Effect: Hope acts as a stress buffer by providing individuals with a
positive outlook even in challenging situations. The anticipation of a positive future
outcome can mitigate the emotional impact of present difficulties.
2. Adaptability and Resilience: Hopeful individuals tend to be more adaptable and
resilient. Believing in the possibility of a positive outcome allows them to navigate
obstacles with a mindset that fosters flexibility and the ability to bounce back from
3. Positive Self-Perception: Hope influences how individuals view themselves. Even when
facing adversity, maintaining hope can contribute to a positive self-perception,
reinforcing a belief in one's adaptability and capabilities.
4. Motivation for Goal Pursuit: Hope provides motivation for pursuing goals. The
positive feelings associated with hopeful anticipation drive individuals to take proactive
steps, engage in problem-solving, and persist in the face of challenges.
5. Reduced Impact of Negative Events: Even if the present is unpleasant, the hope for a
positive future can reduce the impact of negative events. This perspective helps
individuals maintain a long-term focus and avoid being overwhelmed by immediate

Do you agree with the author’s opinion that relinquishing hope can have
positive effects? WHY YES
Yes, I agree with the author's opinion that relinquishing hope can have positive
effects in certain situations. Recognizing when hope should be abandoned requires
a realistic assessment of one's circumstances, acknowledging the limitations of a
particular direction or goal. In relationships, careers, or other endeavors,
persistently clinging to hope despite insurmountable roadblocks can lead to
stagnation and missed opportunities. Relinquishing hope, in such instances,
demonstrates courage and strength to acknowledge one's helplessness, opening the
door to exploring new paths and unsullied directions. This shift in perspective can
be liberating, allowing individuals to redirect their efforts towards more achievable
and fulfilling objectives, potentially leading to positive outcomes that were
previously obscured by unwavering hope in an impractical direction.
1. Recognition of Limitations: Relinquishing hope may involve acknowledging the limits
of one's ability to control or influence certain outcomes, fostering a realistic
understanding of the situation.
2. Psychological Health in Relationships: In relationships, especially those characterized
by rescuing behaviors, giving up hope may mean coming to terms with one's inability to
change a partner's choices or behavior. This recognition can lead to a healthier
emotional state by letting go of unrealistic expectations.
3. Directional Shift: Relinquishing hope can prompt individuals to redirect their efforts
toward alternative paths or goals. This shift in focus allows for exploration of new
avenues, unburdened by the constraints of unattainable expectations.
4. Freedom from Negative Emotions: The author suggests that the feelings associated
with giving up hope—such as helplessness, despair, or yearning—are negative
counterparts of hope. However, embracing these emotions can be constructive, leading
to personal growth and a clearer understanding of one's emotional landscape.
5. New Hope and Opportunities: Relinquishing hope in a specific direction may open the
door to new hope and opportunities. It is a process that involves letting go of what may
be unattainable in favor of a fresh start, potentially leading to positive outcomes in
different areas of life.

Task 2

Consulting Psychologist: Good afternoon, I appreciate you coming here today. I

understand that you're going through a challenging time after the recent breakup.
Can you share a bit about what's been on your mind?
Client: Thank you for taking the time. It's just really hard, you know? We had
something special, and I can't shake the feeling that I need to do everything to fix
it. I keep wondering if I'm being too difficult or if there's a way to make it work
Consulting Psychologist: It's completely normal to feel that way after a breakup,
and it's commendable that you want to work on the relationship. Let's explore your
thoughts and feelings a bit more. Can you tell me about the boundaries in your
relationship and whether they were respected?
Client: Well, that's the thing. I tried to establish boundaries, but it felt like they
were constantly ignored. I would express what I was comfortable with or not okay
with, but those boundaries were consistently crossed. It became a source of
Consulting Psychologist: That's a challenging situation to navigate. Lastly, did you
notice a discrepancy between your partner's words and actions? Were promises
made, but not followed through?
Client: Yes, there were promises and assurances, but the actions didn't match up. It
created a lot of confusion and disappointment because I was holding onto the
words, hoping they would turn into reality.
Consulting Psychologist: It's understandable that you're seeking resolution and
clarity in this situation. It's important to recognize these signs and consider if the
relationship aligns with your well-being. Sometimes, letting go can be a healthier
choice for personal growth.
Client: But it's so hard to let go. I feel like I invested so much, and I don't want to
give up on what we had.
Consulting Psychologist: I understand that letting go is challenging, and it's okay
to acknowledge the emotions attached to it. Let me share some insights from a
perspective that might help.
Firstly, the past is done. No amount of thinking about it, energy spent on, emotions
invested in it will change that fact. You can’t change what happened but you can
change your reaction to it. Instead of thinking negatively about the past—your
disappointment, your sadness, your struggle to have something that is not meant to
be yours—you can reframe your thoughts and feelings more positively to reflect
lessons learned and wisdom gained. You can allow yourself to understand that you
are a continuous work in progress and that what has happened to you reflects
where you are developmentally. As you grow as a person, you learn to see these
past events as stepping stones toward your future.
Also, self-limiting beliefs prevent you from letting go. When you believe that what
you’re experiencing is the only choice you have and the only time you'll have it,
you limit your potential to expand and grow. When you think narrowly, you drive
away chances to try something new, and to succeed.
Client: I can see some truth in those points, especially about creating space for
something new. But it's just hard to imagine my life without this person. I've
invested so much time and emotion.
Consulting Psychologist: Your past is not your identity. Yes, it’s part of your
history, a part of who you are but it’s not you. Your experiences reflect pieces of
yourself. Things happen, but the way they happen, their unique way of presenting
themselves, is colored by each person individually. You place your own imprint on
the way events occur. Your identity is as much a part of your tomorrows as is your
past. When you stay stuck in the past you prevent yourself from living in the
present and living into your tomorrow.
Letting go is the cornerstone of change. The points above all allude to this but it’s
essential to clearly say this. Some people live their life by just going through the
motions. They look like they’re actively participating in life, but they’re not.
They’re thinking, feeling, hoping, and dreaming about a life that once was, about a
life that should have happened but didn’t. A terrible waste of time. When you
refuse to let go you are succumbing to fear of the unknown and fear of possible
failure. When you won’t let go you prevent yourself from experiencing life in an
expansive and abundant way.
Client: I guess I'm willing to explore practical steps, but it just feels overwhelming
right now. But I also recognize that something needs to change. Thanks for this
session, It definitely helped.

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