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To: Mr.Wagner
From: Ator Guor
Date: 9-22-20
Subject: Restaurant proposal

As you are aware, I am in the process of completing The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation. In
order to continue with this simulation, I am required to first establish the name and location of
my restaurant. Please review the proposed restaurant provided below and indicate if I have
your approval to use the proposed idea by completing the bottom portion of this memo and
returning it to me.

The name of my restaurant Is Ator’s grill. The theme of my restaurant is a cookout theme. I want
my customers.To feel like they are at a family cookout. Not just some restaurant that is why my
restaurant has a grill. The color scheme is red and white.

I picked this kind of restaurant because. It is my favorite type of food. And when i was younger I
used to go to family baraques all the time. And I had many memories with my family. So I just
want others to create memories with there families at my restaurant.


I approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation.

I do not approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation.

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