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TO: Mr. Wagner

FROM: Sasuk Nyarsuk

DATE: September 12, 2019

SUBJECT: Restaurant Proposal

As you are aware, I am in the process of completing The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation. In
order to contuinue with this simulation, I am required to first establish the name and location of
my restaurant. Please review the proposed restaurant below and indicate if I have your approval
to use the proposed idea by completing the bottom portion of this memo and returning it to me.

Proposed Restaurant:
The name of my resturant is Sasuk´s Delights.The theme for my restaurant is to give my
coustomers the feeling of walking in to a place where you can feel comfortable and enjoy
different T.V. characters and movies.The color scheme will be a mix of red, purple, and a little
bit of blue.My restaurant will be located in Pittsburgh, PA.

Restaurant Reasonings:
My family alway loved cooking desserts whether it was a simple cake or any big wedding
cake.We always baked together and we always got compliments from other people.They always
told us to open up a bakery but we wanted more than that so we made an all deserts restaurant.


I approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur Simulation

I dont not aprove this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur Simulation

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