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TO: Mr. Wagner

FROM: Molly Fircak

DATE: February 8, 2021

SUBJECT: Restaurant Proposal

As you are aware, I am in the process of completing The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation. In
order to continue with this simulation, I am required to first establish the name and location of
my restaurant. Please review the proposed restaurant provided below and indicate if I have your
approval to use the proposed idea by completing the bottom portion of this memo and returning
it to me.

Proposed Restaurant:
The name of my restaurant is Midnight Dessert. The theme of my restaurant is to make
customers feel like they are walking into a galaxy of all kinds of desserts. The color scheme that
I a combination have decided to use is a combination of blacks, blues, purples, pinks, and
oranges. The signature dish at my restaurant will be an Ice cream cookie cake. The restaurant
will be located in Pittsburgh, PA.

Restaurant Reasoning:
My grandmother and my mother were always baking and still always do. I always enjoyed the
delicious treats that they would bake. When I became old enough, I started helping them bake
as well as making my own goods. Baking became one of the many things I loved to do in my


□ I approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation

□ I do not approve this restaurant proposal for use in The Restaurant Entrepreneur simulation.

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