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*Nothing written or communicated as being on the behalf of Shawn Dexter John shall counter
these policies, his legal article and its perpetuation, and his other published works.

Date of Transcription: 12/01/2023

Regarding [American] football, the following legal tenets are provided for regulating the related
initiative of cultural expansion without diminution, offense, or mis-characterization:

(1) There shall be no initiative to depreciate the popularity of any other sport or athletic
competition in the Caribbean or mainland North America (including soccer),
(2) This initiative will invest in Caribbean born football athletes/players enthusiastically (and I
am not referring to those falsely purporting to be of the West Indies though we will not
prohibit or inhibit the happy participation of mainland Americans and other cultural and
political nationalities without discrimination),
(3) There shall be no regulation which communicates that the game of football should be
relegated based on local perceptions of rules, policies, and regulatory styles; we
appreciate Caribbean culture, politics, supranational portfolios, and such but we do not
mind their modest investment in an outlook going beyond our covert (and soon
expressive) political alliance with Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as Americans of all
[variated] kinds within the intelligence and security community,
(4) There shall be no law or policy of the federal Government which will preclude any future
selection of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico as a permanent host city of a National
Football League (NFL) team, not of any subsidiary league (with the surrounding West
Indian community, the Virgin Islands in particular, providing cultural, integrative, and
material support in supposing a wealthier future [for the region as a whole]),
(5) These investments are not being developed for destroying or demolishing any structure
or community - this shall be known; there shall be no plan in advance, here in the United
States, in the Caribbean region, or elsewhere for over-auditing, over-testing, or
over-evaluating any government or community for demolishing or destroying any
structure (for the purpose of penalizing government when not compliant with human
rights laws, general judicial procedures, and due process simultaneously, when honestly
egregious or consistent in nature un-induced - the industry cinematics (of staged events)
in the past are situationally assuring in emergencies but does not serve as an
inducement toward any such act of government;
(6) The United States (USA) and CARICOM, in welcoming Puerto Rico into the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM) as an Associate Member or Member Territory, with my
management of CARICOM motivating my enthusiasm and confidence, will not suppose
any exclusion policy which relegates football to North America or the [encompassing]
totality of the Americas; American football will one day enjoy entry into a regular World
Cup tournament or the Olympics, we are certain,
(7) There are no condemnations imagined by any culture (or sub-culture) of the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM) (or of the United States) or specially perceived by me or any
Associate (in the past or present) in being citizens (me and others) or mere residents of
the United States (with evolved affiliation with the international community),
(8) We don't anticipate any political, social, or economic tension between the American
population and that of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) due to sports or any other
industry, sector, or genre of activities; superficial tensions will not dominate discourse,
negotiations, or politics,
(9) There shall be no determination made by any judicial court, tribunal, forum, or such
which prohibits the lawful exercise of fundamental and, when ethical, complementary
rights when conducting matters of sports and athletics, traditional or newly introduced,

*(10) My interest in a Canadian National Football League (NFL) team (specifically in Toronto,
Ontario) does not communicate a secret, expressed, or otherwise communicated plea to move
to Canada (me specifically as an agent and managerial executive) - our policies are humanist in
projection, are comprehensive, and are purposed with being codified as official and primary
policies of the United States and INTERPOL; the entrance of the other federal agencies into
being under my jurisdiction of management (chiefly) does not suppose that anyone else has
written any segment of any sentence, paragraph, phrase, [distinct] segment, clause, note,
enumeration, title, or such (as presented as of my authorship).


Concerning West Indies cricket, the following legal tenets will serve to protect the integrity,
growth, and security of the sport in the region into consistent excellence (per restitutive
recommendations of INTERPOL):

1. No social, economic, entertainment, quasi-political, imaginary, or cultural council (or

such) here (a) in America, (b) in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), or (c)
elsewhere shall govern the government of any country - the Organization of American
States (OAS) does not serve as an example of one of these; no political council,
committee, or such shall govern the jurisdiction of any foreign country or foreign
supranational Union/Community - the Politburo Standing Committee (for instance) does
not control the affairs of any foreign country (or foreign supranational Union/Community)
including Caribbean nation-state(s), including the Caribbean Community (CARICOM),
and including any territory within; the Cricket West Indies shall not be dissolved, isn't
dissolved, and will be super-intended by the Caribbean Community's (CARICOM's)
governance [structure] (otherwise known as a regional supranational government),
2. There shall be no dissolution of CARICOM (always referring to the Caribbean
Community, the institution and its physical and geographic jurisdiction of all Members) by
any foreign country including the United States (with the United States being certainly
my country, with me being an external foreigner to CARICOM [when conversing with the
institution (1) from abroad and (2) as a visitor at times] and not any immigrant to,
resident of, or citizen of the Caribbean Community [CARICOM]) though I was born in the
Commonwealth of Dominica within,
3. We have received notifications from British INTERPOL offices, per the communication
efforts [successful] of residents of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) of multiple races, Black,
White, and other, by lawful and ethical means, that the British government did conspire
to sabotage the West Indies Cricket team (Windies) over the issue of race, not
competition, and secretly supported the banning of African-American athletes from
European stardom in awfully and incorrectly perceiving both as primitive; evidence will
be provided to governments covertly and behind the scenes,
4. We are certain that a cricket culture will manifest in both Canada and the United States
(USA) and both countries will join the premier global league and premier tournament
play and will one day participate consistently in the World Cup. I anticipate that there will
be a council (or institution) established to coordinate the social responsibility and global
citizenship advocacy of all World Cups (various sports) and all Olympics,
5. We advocate globalism - this is the future of Americana, the future of the United States
Government in its advocacy and protocols, in its laws (federal and subordinate); the
advocacy of the West Indies will serve as ambassadorial when engaging diplomatic
missions not relegated to competition; there will be no United Government as conceived
by NSA, a primitive and unnecessarily burdensome concept, in supporting instead the
concept to be [both] fluidly and competently manifested, the World Government of the
United Nations (UN), one which respects the diversity of the planet toward human
singularity when the world's sensibilities and its behavior matures (and is perfected),
6. Our confirmed and certified plan, with me as the initial and most organized conceptualist,
for establishing a Union of the Americas and a bonafide World Government in decades
will only serve to appreciate the culture of World Class cricket - with certainty, the motive
and prerogative of diversity provide compounded security to the plight of the United
States to revive the coherence of cricket culture in the West Indies (the most dominant
geographical culture within the Caribbean Community [CARICOM]) - the Indian
government has no authority over the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the
encompassing Americas, or the city of Miami within - the belief that the Indian
government covertly replaced the city of Miami's flag with a flag resembling the Indian
national flag is quite a politically illiterate endeavor of thought; mere belief isn't reality,
factual belief is,
7. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) isn't purposed with, supportive of, or will
condone [egregious] hyper-sexuality in the Caribbean region - we are responding to
misinterpreted policies of CARICOM; defiance against a policy or protocol isn't evidence
that the protocol or policy is without merit, without credibility, or without active effect and
power; prostitution refers to payment directly or indirectly made (transacted), per intent,
for the service of sexual intercourse with adult or minor persons (without inferring that
sexual intercourse with any minor absent payment is lawful) and does not relate to mere
and innocent messages in regulated movies, songs, [the] news, or such; we demand
that there shall be no intent to misinterpret Caribbean progressive laws, numerous in
their assortment, in purporting to "contemplate" a diplomatic alliance with us (the
government of the United States) as I have officalized (since detractors are [apparently]
adamant in attempting, though unsuccessfully, to prove that my authority isn't of effect or
mandated or supplemented by international, federal, or lower laws of relevance); there
will be no successful attempt to disprove, replace, or supersede my authority as an
under-study to no-one, trained to not be at detriment in having acquired this level of
exceptional (non-egregious) expertise, in moving toward doing the right thing for America
and the world, in applying the domestic laws of the democratic American people
competently (as a good man who just happens to be a genius literate in all matters of
law and government consistently, meaning since my early days as an understudy to
British lecturers at an academy in Antigua and Barbuda),
8. Not one of the policies of the West Indies or the encompassing Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) is semi-literate or illiterate and not one of our policies, that conceptualized
and authored by me (or channeled into the works of others) is of an illiterate or
semi-literate nature; the dialects and local vernaculars of the Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) are not a refutation against the proper or standard usage of English
regarding countries of the West Indies, are not implicit refutations against the
international recognition and honest comprehension of Haitian Kreyol or any unique first
language outside the region,
9. We guarantee, as part of the consolidated protocols of relations, those codifying this
series of policies (including this publication), that all conditions of our agencies will
promote, support, protect, and induce the continued and fulfilling participation of the
female gender/sex in traditional sports of ethics and unconventional but ethical athletics
without depreciating or inhibiting political and intellectual feminism,
10. There shall be no ban against the participation of any orientation of people within sports
and associated industries and there shall be, as with the other policies communicated by
me as lead and certifier of our traditional intellectual work, though without being a
member of any unconventional or non traditional orientation, no vacating of the proper
and complete effect of these policies,
11. There shall be no inhibition of training, development, league play, or tournaments for
minors within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the encompassing Americas in
its totality, and
12. There shall be no plight to demean human development for ensuring the continued
enjoyment of traditional spheres of industries and sectors anywhere in the Americas
without instigating, orchestrating, or inducing war or conflict.

Addendum to this supplement:

*The following is transcribed by me, Shawn Dexter John, and presented as an official series of
conclusive statements from our team with me as lead, chief strategist and executive, and its
consistent representative:
(1) We were quite appalled when [Attorney General of NY] Letitia James stated in emails to
family members, a secret Howard University community in New York City and its larger
metropolitan area, and affiliates from within the federal government that "we are going to
poison and stop the heart of Shawn Dexter John and his dark-skinned transexual friend."
We are focused on communicating the right set of protocols and being protected from
obstruction in presenting our diplomatic selves without offending any other community - I
have honestly never met any trans-sexual or trans-gender person in my life but there
should be no communication of mean-ness. However, certain matters need immediate
rectifying as termed by me (Shawn Dexter John), our most judicious negotiator of policy
and protocols. If we are to address government relations competently, without distrust,
confusion, or misguided assaults on our character, we present each other as deserving
of respect. I have never been a gay (homosexual), bisexual, asexual, unisexual,
trans-sexual, trans-gender, or such though I never supposed any flaw in character of any
such individual. I am a decent straight (heterosexual) man, have always been a straight
(heterosexual) male person of respect, and will always be, without interruption, a straight
(heterosexual) male person of a sound pre-disposition - I am elated (meaning happy) to
be of this unbreachable attribute, I am responding to shocking rumors attempting to
discredit my progressivism as an American of foreign birth,
(2) There was no justification for the past attempt to sabotage our [sealed] political alliance
with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), one about to be expressed without
interruption into the future and there is no justification for any sabotage of our political
alliance in the present or future - no attempt to deter our progressive relationship (that of
America and CARICOM) will be successful and there shall be no obstruction opposing,
stalling, or regressing our establishment, [popular] expression, and un-breachable
formalization of the future Union of the Americas in two decades (meaning twenty years)
as decided solely by Shawn Dexter John, the original and sole conceptualist of the
related ideas, concepts, and protocols deciding their proper manifestation, and
(3) Contrary to illusory statements provided by former President Barack Obama Jr. to
President Joseph Biden and former President Donald John Trump, we are going to
establish a [Free Trade and] Economic Area of the Americas in two to three years, as
decided by Shawn Dexter John per recommendations and requests from the
international intelligence and security community; this is not proof of insanity, we promise
all, and we will prove this to all-naysayers.
(4) The United States Virgin Islands (USVI) and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are
territories of the United States and are technically (and effectually) part of the United
States (meaning America) and as part of the U.S, they are fundamental attributes of the
Americas in encompassing North America, South America, Central America, and the
Caribbean islands. The Commonwealth of Dominica, though not a territory or state of
the United States will be introduced as an Associate State of the United States in a few
years. I have worked on this plan since 12 years old at St. Joseph's Academy in Antigua
and Barbuda though I did meet with upset locals in Antigua who weren't too happy with
the Commonwealth of Dominica being designated as champion of this once and now
decided competition toward being identified as an Associate State of the United States.
*We successfully aborted a plan which was designed to prevent Kobe Bryant and LeBron
James Sr., natural born Americans, from serving time (from being officially convicted and
sentenced in the public's eye) by falsely and maliciously accusing Shawn Dexter John,
considered an immigrant of American citizenship, of their documented crimes (with much of the
related information sealed in FBI files stored abroad by INTERPOL). The false belief that
Shawn Dexter John (myself) is or was fighting for his life and/or freedom was an operative
scheme designed by managers and associates of Shawn Dexter John and himself (by lawful
means) to test consciences. (Under-age girls were hired by the FBI to attempt to follow Shawn
Dexter John on Instagram - the FBI communicated, as a malicious joke and clear lie, that
INTERPOL supported this and other plans. (There is no vindictive nature of Shawn Dexter John
and there has never been [and he had no reason to believe that there is] any independently
vigilante or any vindictive government force opposing his happiness. No one has requested,
supported, or induced these revelations because he or she has a soft spot for or lenient attitude
toward Shawn Dexter John. We need this clarified and accepted. Shawn Dexter John has
always been of a commendable and non-criminal pre-dispositions and attitude and still is.)


Name of [Work Paper] Series Author: Shawn John

Highest Level of Degree Earned: Master of Arts
College/University Issuing Degree: Howard University
Degree being prepared: Juris Doctorate (J.D)
Preparing New Degree: Yale School of Law
Position Being Prepared: [Inaugural] President of Yale Law Journal
Agency of Contracting: Central Intelligence Agency
Institution of Agency Affiliation: Howard University
New Agency Identity Being Assumed: Khaled Hassan
Agency Position: Chief Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Last four digits of [U.S.] Social Security Number: 6640
Perpetual Religion and Faith of Shawn Dexter John (including as Khaled Hassan): Roman
Catholicism (Christianity)
Purpose of Publication: Public Briefing
Author's Concentration: Law and Government; Ethics

Author's: Race/ethnicity: Black/African-American

Citizenship and Nationality: the United States of America (USA)
Sole country of Residence and Location: the United States of America (USA)
Country of Allegiance and Loyalty: the United States of America (USA)
Language of Direct Communication: American English
Handicap/dysfunction status: no medical, physical, or mental handicap/dysfunction (present or
in the past)

Sole author of Communicated Re-transcriptions: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn
John or Shawn D. John)
Sole conceptualist and author of all original, re-transcribed, and revised publications of relation
(meaning writings presented as authored by Shawn Dexter John): Shawn Dexter John (also
identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)
Sole transcriber and typist of all published literary works presented as authored by Shawn
Dexter John: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)

Author's Re-incorporating and Revised Organization: ARSI International Research Policy

President: Shawn Dexter John (also known as "Khaled Hassan" for lawful Agency purposes)

States of Author's former residence: Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, and New York
Countries/territories of former residence (all INTERPOL-related): the Commonwealth of
Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, the constituent-state of Aruba (of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands), and the territory of Puerto Rico (of the United States)
High School of Graduation: Bunn High School (2003)
Other High Schools of Attendance: Osbourn Park High School in Manassas, Virginia
(1999-2000) and Jamestown High School, Jamestown, Virginia (2000-2001)

Author's biological parents: Clay Crispin John (father, currently located in Canada) and Anita
Phillip (mother, currently located in Antigua and Barbuda)
Author's former legal guardian: Tess Mann-John (step-mother, currently located in Charlotte,
North Carolina, United States)
Author's former legal guardians in North Carolina: Albert Earl Mann and Joyce Mann
Author's Professional Affiliate: Karl Lawrence Chen (uncle by marriage, currently located in the
United States)
Author's assignment complement: Chad Shem John (biological and accustomed brother,
currently located in Florida, United States)
Author's contact in the state of Louisiana for familial and special professional purposes:
Emerlyne John-Jones (biological and accustomed aunt, currently located in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, United States)
[Revised] Author's secondary contact in the state of Louisiana for familial and special
professional purposes: Ralph Jones (uncle by marriage, American-born husband of Emerlyne
John-Jones [Eastern Caribbean and foreign born])
Author's identified publicized dependent (with contract in mind): Keisha John (biological
daughter, commonly known as Keisha Williams for security purposes, currently located in the
United States)

Author's favorite artist(s): Nat King Cole and Black Eyed Peas

All literary works published as authored by Shawn Dexter John were solely prepared, solely
authored, solely edited, and solely transcribed (and typed) by: Shawn Dexter John
Location of Publishing Procedures: Orlando, Florida, United States (North America)
Shawn Dexter John's Location of Passed Agency Evaluations: North Carolina, United States of
America (North America) (in 2003 and 2011)
Jurisdiction of Agency Positions Sanctioned for Shawn Dexter John: All units, positions, liaisons,
offices, contracting agencies, departments, bureaus, sub-level ordinates (meaning
sub-ordinates of the various kinds and levels), and their [permanent, temporary, periodic,
rotating, partnership, volunteer, out-house, and in-house] occupants with respect to the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Political Leaning: Moderate Liberal (Progressive)

Nature of the Author's Series of Publications: Non-fictional

Purpose of Author's Series of Work Papers: to be formally and effectively applied by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the [managerial] superintendence of Shawn Dexter John and
complimentary [federal and international] Associates
Professional blog-site hosting the [series] publications:

Definitions of debated terms used by the author (Shawn Dexter John) within this series of Work
Papers and his other [authored] publications:

(1) Sole refers to only.

(2) Year refers to 365 calendar days.
(3) Day refers to twenty-four (24) hours.
(4) Perpetual or in perpetuum refers to forever and unimpeded.
(5) Author refers to a preparer and corresponding writer of textual literary content; not
referred to are photos.
(6) Federal and/or international Associates refer to employees, contributors, and instructees
of the federal government of the United States aside those of international governmental
organizations, such as INTERPOL and the United Nations (UN) (though both are not the
authority of [solely] one correlating and singular concept of country or nation), all lawful
in their condition and conduct associated with the addressed party.
(7) American English refers to the standard, official, and proper English recognized as such
by the people of the United States (meaning Americans) and recognized as [being] such
by the international community - I am not referring to colloquial, dialectic, or [mere]
cultural vernaculars.

*Addendums to Work Papers and Reports are all published in direct and immediate
correspondence with the respective [work] papers and reports published on the website
(blogsite) and only refer to addendums of Shawn Dexter
John's sole authorship - all Work Papers, reports, and commentaries/essays published on the
detailed website (blog) are of Shawn Dexter John's exclusive authorship and ownership.

*Shawn Dexter John is identified as being the Shawn D. John who academically graduated from
Howard University in 2007 and 2009 (with a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree
respectively) and is identified as being the Shawn John being protected, guided, employed, and
appreciated progressively by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL as their
exclusive Chief Manager. He does not have multiple personalities.

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