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Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Date of Publication: 04/15/2024

Location: Orlando, Florida

Legal Tenets of the formulation and use of the future Amero as the official currency of the
Americas and the abolition of the United States dollar in 2045-2046 as a formal arrangement of
[national debt] cancellation, removal, and, as needed, consolidation


The Legal Tenets of relation are as follows:

(1) There shall no no bar to the development of the comprehensive concept of the Amero, to
be incepted by 2026, from crypto-currency to, by 2049, the nominal (meaning official and
declared in being of broadcasted authenticity) currency of the Americas,
(2) The printed faces of the Amero monetary notes shall demonstrate Dame Mary Eugenia
Charles, Janet Rosenberg Jagan, and Rebecca Pocahontas Rolfe as fixed pioneers of
the hemispheric cause without denying parallel exposures of the full spectrum of heroes
accented by history with respect to the Americas primarily,
(3) There shall be no disqualification of the future Central Bank of the Americas (CBA), the
future Central Fund of the Americas (CFA), and the Treasury of the Americas (T of A) as
proponent to the plights of inoffensive national pride, domestic enterprise, domestic
policy making, domestic and hemispheric development approaches respectfully peculiar
in their application, and domestic government and responsive governance over domestic
transaction, procedural interaction, and the appreciation of related infrastructure without
(4) There shall be no declaration of any Act against the unionization of the Americas and the
unique federal system it will employ in protecting national sovereignty, hemispheric
(continental) sovereignty, continental autonomy, continental independence within the
global operative of the United Nations (UN), multi-public institutions peculiar in their
constitutional purpose, domestic government and its function, good governance, and
open borders without arbitrarily abandoned regulation,
(5) There shall be no local, national, regional, hemispheric, or global bank or other financial
institution which shall reject the Amero upon its nominalization as the primary and
exclusive currency of the Americas by the year 2049,
(6) There shall be no pursuit of mediation or dissent which shall effectually declare
supranational integration, the Amero, and/or global governance as unconstitutional or
not within the implicit freedoms prescribed by the United States Constitution with respect
to treaty-making, the foundational concept decided toward the anticipation of a union of
the Americas and world government since 1775 (as there are sealed files denoting the
then projection competently stored),
(7) There shall be no power given to any party within or outside any board, committee,
council, or such which shall depreciate, regress, disqualify, or withdraw the Amero as the
sole currency of the future Union of the Americas (UA) in 2049; there shall be no
re-instatement of the United States dollar or any other Member State currency
succeeding 2049; there shall be no North Atlantic, Americo-European, Americo-Pacific,
or other currency or correlating political, social, or economic Union allowed or effected,
(8) All powers and protections prescribed to the Treasury, Instruments, and Notes
nominalizing and empowering the future Amero shall be declared, publicized, made fully
competent and effective, made refined as commendable to the rights and development
of the human population by social and cultural means, ones complimental to its
convention as economic and financial security, and
(9) The Amero shall have no determinative or implied power to evolve the pending Union of
the Americas (UA) (regarding the political and economic institution of the same
namesake as that of the correlative geographic hemisphere of its membership) or any
nation-State, Territory, or region within into financial or customs isolation of any
fundamental or obstructive stance and shall not serve to disassociate or isolate the
Americas from world trade, global commerce, and/or, over the next century, the erosion
of global borders.

[Enunerated] Notes of Relation:

*(10) Due to the foundational stance of the European Union (EU) which is procedurally and
officially operative as rejecting and renouncing all economic and political agreements which
challenge the Treaty of Maastricht and all other treaties and agreements protecting the
singularity, operation, and function of the European Union (EU) and its currency the Euro, the
Organization of American States (OAS), toward forming the Union of the Americas (UA), shall
serve to ensure this protective stance only under the condition that global union, regarding
political, economic, cultural, and social sectors, will be the comprehensive and overarching
resultant of the World Government of the United Nations (UN) upon its specific constitution in

*(11) There shall be no religious or philosophical doctrine of any affiliation or practice, with
respect to any individual, which shall serve to renounce the respective person’s ability, freedom,
protection, and equal opportunity (and peculiar endowments, restitutions, and earnings) to enjoy
all monies and resources genuinely accountable to his or her efforts, all monies and resources
genuinely accountable to his or her identity and financial accounts, and all efforts to interact as
proprietor, client, and/or customer in the sector and spaces of commerce and/or as insurer of
capital, per her or his choosing (in referencing un-coerced discretion).

*(12) There shall be no obstruction created in scientifically and competently allowing for the
usage of multiple primary currencies within Member Territories (or Protocol Member States) or
Associate Members, as an exception, in referencing the European territories located in the
Americas, such as St. Maarten and St. Martin (Dutch and French constituent country and
collectivity, respectively), the Dutch constituent-country of Aruba, the Danish Territory of
Greenland, the French Collectivity of St. Pierre and Miquelon, and the French Departments of
Guadeloupe and Martinique.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: 13BNY7MOU9

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