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(1, 2, HO3), ( Grammar)



Greeting 1..
T.: Good morning, children!
Ps:Good morning , teacher!
T: I thing you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. Our lesson is
dedicated to music. It is impossible to live without it , it follows us everywhere, it is
in our hearts, feelings and souls.
Aim 2. .
T: Today we are going to revise everything we have learnt about music , styles of
music , music tastes , practice our listening, reading , speaking. So our todays
topic is Music in our life .
Warming up3. .
Look at the blackboard, please, and read the expressions of famous people
Music is the universal language of mankind.
Music is the medicine of the breaking heart
Where words fail, music speaks
Do you agree with these wonderful quotations?
P1:Yes, I do, because we cant imagine our life without music.
P2: I thing life without music would be boring!
P3: In my opinion, music helps us in difficult situations.
P4: Sometimes people speak different languages and don`t understand each other
but we all understand the language of music because it`s universal and unites
people of different countries
1. .

And what music styles do you know? What adjectives can we use to describe music
( 2 Word Maps)
Now listen to six extracts. Identify the style of music and choose adjectives to
describe it.
What music do you like? Why? What types of music do you hate and why?
T: Well done! And now fill in the table using the words from the box

Music that

is called music

is modern and popular among young

is a type of pop music with a very
strong beat
has strong rhythm and was originally
played by African Americans
is traditional in a particular country
is serious and traditional in style
:Good of you! Look at the pictures and define the type of music. What singers are
associated with this type of music?
: What musical instruments do you know? Can you play any musical instrument?
What musical instruments is this funny man playing? What musical instrument
would you like to play?
Listening Noughts and Crosses







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3.Presenting projects. .
T: Look at the pictures and say which of these musicians you know. Which of them
do you like? Whom don`t you like and why? Who is your favourite singer/band at
the moment? Now is the highlight of our competition- your projects.
Present your project about your favourite musicians using these key expressions:

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4. Roleplay ( 2 ,
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Imagine that you are popular singers, whose names are written on the cards. You
are giving a conference and answering the questions of the journalists.
The task of the journalists to ask questions that they`ve prepared at home
5. Listening of the song
Guess who is my favourite singer? I`ll prompt you he was born in Honolulu in
1985. He is a songwriter, a singer and a producer. His hit is Just the way you
are. You are right. My favourite singer is Bruno Mars. We are going to listen to
his song Count on you We`ll do it in pairs. Choose a card (2)with clauses of
time and condition. On one card there is a beginning of the sentence and on the
other the end of it. Your task is to find your partner and translate the sentence.
( (3 )
Find the clauses of time and condition in the words of the song. How do we form
clauses of time and condition? Now we shall have some grammar practice. Your
task is to choose the correct form of the verb.
( )
6. Reading.
1) Pre-ReadingActivity. .

T: Is music an important part of your life? Why?

P1: Music helps me in my studies. Listening to music gives a break.
T: Why is music necessary?
P2: Music is a source of delight,inspiration,hope.
2)Reading. .
Read this text and say why is music an important part of our life.
Write down the reasons of it
Handout 3:
People cannot live without music. They listen to music, dance to music or learn
to play musical instruments. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall,
in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street.
Music is not only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art which reflects
life. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions. In this world of ours, filled with
conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak to people of what is
most important, urgent and poignant.
Music in the lives of different people is different: some compose music, others
play music, and others only listen to it. A lot of people who cannot play any
musical instrument love to listen to music either at home or at a concert. Different
people like different kinds of music. You may prefer pop or rock music, country or
folk music, classical music or jazz, but you certainly cannot think of a day without
music. Music entertains us. . Music is part of our lives. It`s a source of delight and
helps to relax and come down.
3)Post-ReadingActivity. .

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T: Your home task is to write an essay Music in my life
2.Putting marks.
Our lesson is coming to the end. Did you enjoy it? I hope you did. You were very
active and hardworking and get following marks:

T: Let our lesson be over in unusual way. Let wonderful music sound for you!
( There sounds the melody What a wonderful world.
May there be this music in your hearts!

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