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ТЕМА: Biology. Animals and their habitats

МЕТА: вдосконалити знання лексичних одиниць по темі, удосконалити

навички аудіювання та говоріння, розвивати творчі здібності учнів (створити
нову тварину та ідеальне навколишнє середовище для неї), розвивати вміння
логічно висловлювати свою думку, формувати навички дбайливого
ставлення до тварин, вивчити більше про тварин та їх навколишнє

ТИП УРОКУ: узагальнення знань.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручники, комп’ютер, роздатковий матеріал,

мультимедійний проектор.

Хід уроку:

1. Організаційний момент.
- Hello, Children. How are you feeling today?
- Ok. Very good. So lets start our lesson. Are you ready?
- Today we will speak about animals and their habitats. What is it “habitat”?
(Запитання до учнів. Вони дають різні відповіді).
2. Активізація знань.
-Look at the blackboard, you can see three kinds of habitat! (desert, Arctic
and savanna). Can you describe the weather and landscape of each? Where
can you find each of the habitats? What kinds of animals do you expect to
find in each one? E.g.:
Desert: camel, bat, spider, mouse, rabbit.
Arctic: polar bear, seal, whale, fox, wolf.
Savanna: elephant, giraffe, hippo, kangaroo.
3. - Children, look at the board. There are three animals. Name please, some of
their body parts. (Camel: eyelashes, hump. Polar bear: fur, teeth, claws.
Elephant: trunk, tusks, skin).
4. - Now lets do the next task! I want you to answer some of my questions.
Why has the camel got humps? or Why has the elephant got tusks? (you can
find out some of the answers as you do the matching task. It is ex. 3.
And now your answers:
What do we call the area where an animal lives?
5. Активізація усного мовлення.

–Now we know the information about animals, their habitats and why it is
useful for them. Give me the answers to the following questions!
-Give two examples of different habitats. Describe those habitats.
-Why do animals have adaptations?
-Give three examples of different animal adaptations.
-Why do camels move slowly?
-Why do polar bears need strong legs?
-Why do African elephants have large ears?

6. Робота з роздатковим матеріалом. (учні отримують картки різних тварин.

Треба їх розподілити на групи: Хижаки та здобич)
- One more interesting task for you, children! You will get pictures of different
animals. Divide them into two groups: Prey and Predator. (eagle, gazelle, zebra,
cheetah, dolphin, lion, rabbit, mouse, lizard, leopard, crocodile, hyena, wolf, fox,
shark, tiger, antelope, owl, jaguar, raccoon, panda, badger).

7. Активізація лексики.

-Now work with a partner. Write some sentences about three of the animals
from the previous task. Think about their adaptations and why they are
useful. (For example: A mouse can run fast. This makes it difficult for
predators to catch it.)
8. Підсумки уроку.
Our lesson is finishing. You worked good today. What was the topic of our
What important information did you receive?

9. Оцінювання.

10.Домашне завдання:
Design a new kind of animal. Choose a habitat for it. Decide what would be its
ideal habitat. Draw a picture of it. You can find questions in your books on page
121. And on our next lesson you are presenting your projects.

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