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План-конспект уроку на тему:

Gerund vs Infinitive

Мета: Предметні компетентності


вміє утворювати форми інфінітива та герундія; знає

дієслова та конструкції, після яких вживається
інфінітив/голий інфінітив та герундій; робить вірний вибір
між герундієм та інфінітивом під час усного та писемного
мовлення; володіє культурою мовлення; демонструє
аналітичне мислення; удосконалює вміння аудіювання,
вміє аргументовано та грамотно висловлювати власну
думку іноземною (англійською) мовою.

Ключові компетентності (з урахуванням інтегрованих

змістових ліній)


уміння вчитися: демонструє навички самостійної роботи;

розвиває пізнавальну активність;
комунікативна: вміє працювати в команді, вміє проявляти
ініціативу; виявляє повагу до вибору інших людей;
інформаційна: користується Інтернет-ресурсами, уміє
критично використовувати інформацію; уміє формулювати,
висловлювати й обстоювати свою думку;
здоров’язберігаюча: опановує способи емоційної
саморегуляції, само підтримки та самоконтролю.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок

Методи й методичні прийоми: словесні (пояснення), наочні (ілюстрація),
практичні (вправи): бесіда, томатотехніка, «Мозкова
атака», «Я вчитель», Think-Pair-Share, взаємокорекція,
мікрофон, перевернутий клас, карусель, бріколаж.

Форми роботи: індивідуально-відокремлена, колективна, фронтальна.

Обладнання: картинки для привітання, картки з питаннями, картопля,

дошка, проектор, гаджети з доступом до мережі Інтернет;
презентація в Power Рoint; тестові завдання (Kahoot),
картинки UNO для поділу на групи, тест в оболонці
TestPad, стіна Padlet.

Хід уроку
І. Організаційний етап. Створення сприятливої атмосфери.
Choose the way you want to greet me today

high five

Shake hands

Fist bumps

What can you do with a potato?
Students have 2 minutes to discuss in groups of three.
The last option wins the prize (potato lollipop holder with 3 lollipops).

ІІ. Мотивація.
Watch the video and try to understand what the episodes have in common.
Think about our previous activity. You’ve used this grammar phenomenon.
So our today’s topic is “GERUND VS INFINITIVE”
Why is it important to know how to use ing and to forms in a proper way?

ІІІ. Цілепокладання.
By the end of the lesson you will have gained a better understanding of the nature
of the verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives and be able to use them
ІV. Цілереалізація.
Перевірка домашнього завдання
At home you were to find all the grammar rules as for the forms and the usage of
the gerund and infinitive. Now you have 2 minutes to work in pairs and share your
findings. Think about the questions to ask me if you can’t understand something.

1) Kahoot
Let’s check how you understand the rules and play Kahoot.

2) Take a card. You’ve got a gap in a question. Fill it with to do or doing. Show it
to your partner. Is it really OK?
Now everyone who has a blue card come here and make a circle. (inner)
Now everyone who has a yellow card come here and make another circle. (outer)
Students with blue cards ask your questions. Students with yellow cards have to
step to the right once they have answered there question. Your task is to read all
the questions. Blue cards, make sure your partners use the correct form of the
Then the circles swap the roles.

3) Let’s have a look at the pictures. In pairs make sure you understand what they
Any questions?

3a) In pairs, the class should guess my answers. (worksheets)

Now you have to question me to find out if you are right or not. For example, you
could ask, “Did you use to meet friends in the park?”, “Do you enjoy shopping?”
etc. (Don’t overcorrect the grammar at this stage. Make sure everyone asks a
question or two and give straight (if not truthful) answers. When you answer, give
reasons for your view – this is important.)

3b) Go to the 2nd part of the worksheet. Can you see the words in the small picture
(hate/love)? Now, individually, fill in the numbers of the pictures that apply to you.
(They put the numbers in the boxes) In pairs give at least one reason why they feel
the way you do.
A few students give their answer in open class.

4) 1. Identify the opinion verbs in the exercises you have done ( enjoy, like, love,
dislike, hate,loathe, can’t bear).
2. Have a look at the line.
 ----------------------------------------------- 
Do the same on a piece of paper. Put the opinion verbs in the right place along the
line. Do this individually and then compare in pairs. (At the end, you should have a
cline from love at one end to can’t stand / loathe at the other.)
3. Identify which verbs take a gerund and which the infinitive.
4. Look at the adverbs at the bottom of the worksheet. Focus on which adverbs you
can insert. Decide individually and then compare in pairs / threes.
5. Think about what inserting the adverbs does to the meaning – intensifies,
softens, makes more precise. Really make things stronger and can be used with all
the verbs; quite makes verbs weaker and can only be used with enjoy and like.
Truly can only be used with all the verbs except used to. Always can be used with
hate, love, like, dislike only.
6. Give and get examples to make it clear.

5) Now you have to stand up and circulate to ‘find someone who ...’
(You must demonstrate this and provide the language of “Do you like …?”, “What
do you really hate?” etc. They need to find someone who likes the same things that
they do and dislikes the same things etc. For example, they ask, “Do you like
cooking” and if the answer is yes (including really love cooking) for both of them,
they can tick that sentence and move on. Demonstrate the activity with a couple of
students, making sure they include the adverbs, and then let them run.) You’ll
have 3 minutes.
Listen to a few students.

Step one –divide the class into two groups.
Step two –tell the class they are going to sing a song – “My Bonnie”
Step three - instruct the group on the right to stand up and the group on the left to
be ready to stand up.
Step four –explain that every time they reach a “b” in the song, anyone who is
Standing must sit down and anyone who is sitting down must stand up.
Step five – sing the song together and enjoy the chaos!


Оцінювання та цінування
Now we’re going to see the results of your work. Let’s do a short test on your

Підбиття підсумків

Are you satisfied with your results?

Padlet «Today’s lesson…»

Домашнє завдання
You need more practice. There are lots of Internet resources. Here are some of

Then you can check your knowledge.

If you want to get 12 points, you’ll have to write a short story, using as many
gerunds and infinitives as possible.

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