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I. Translate into Ukrainian:
Marketing environment; marketing mix; resources; marketing activities; external
forces; economic forces; competitive forces; legal forces; societal forces; competitive
atmosphere; social and cultural values; environmental concerns; government regulations;
obsolete product; goat; marketing mix ingredients; major impact; needs of people; target
market; marketers; marketing programs; availability of resources; marketing research;
marketing information; marketing objectives; organizational goals; available resources;
marketing information system; monitoring tools; accomplish marketing goals; protect
consumers; have a major impact (on); evaluate; modify; be consistent (with).
Маркетингове середовище; комплекс маркетингу; ресурси;
маркетингова діяльність; зовнішні сили; економічні сили; конкурентні
сили; правові сили; суспільні сили; конкурентна атмосфера; соціальні та
культурні цінності; екологічні проблеми; державне регулювання;
застарілий продукт; козел; інгредієнти комплексу маркетингу; значний
вплив; потреби людей; цільовий ринок; маркетологи; маркетингові
програми; наявність ресурсів; маркетингові дослідження; маркетингова
інформація; маркетингові цілі; організаційні цілі; наявні ресурси;
маркетингова інформаційна система; інструменти моніторингу; досягати
маркетингових цілей; захищати споживачів; мати значний вплив на (на);
оцінювати; модифікувати; узгоджуватися (з).

II. Find the English equivalents:

Маркетингове середовище; комплекс маркетингу; дослідження маркетингу;
цільовий ринок; ресурси; зовнішні сили; можливість споживачів; бажання купувати;
законні сили; громадські сили; закон; конкуруючі сили; атмосфера конкуренції;
турбота про навколишнє середовище; урядове регулювання; громадські та культурні
цінності; інструменти контролю; організаційні цілі; ринковий виробник; розподіл
продукції; оцінювати; захищати; відповідати.
Marketing environment; marketing mix; marketing research; target
market; resources; external forces; consumer opportunity; willingness to buy;
legal forces; public forces; law; competing forces; competitive atmosphere;
environmental concerns; government regulation; social and cultural values;
controls; organisational objectives; market producer; product distribution;
evaluate; protect; respond.

III. Fill in the blanks:

1. The firm’s marketing activities are affected by a number of
external and generally uncontrollable forces.
2. These forces make up the external environment.
3. The marketing environment consists of economic forces, legal
forces, societal forces, technological forces, political forces, and cultural forces.
4. Changes in environmental forces may lead to changes in the needs
of people in the target market.
5. The development of a marketing strategy begins with an analysis
of the marketing environment.
6. Marketing research and marketing information plays an important
role in the first stage of the marketing process.
7. Marketing objectives must be in line with the marketing situation
and available resources.
8. The organization must evaluate the performance of its marketing
9. Marketing research and marketing information systems come into
play as monitoring tools.
10. This information should also be used to begin the next stage of
market planning.

IV. Translate into English in writing:

1. The marketing mix consists of elements that a firm controls and uses to
reach its target market.
2. Organisational resources such as finance and information can be useful
in achieving marketing objectives.
3. A number of largely uncontrollable forces affect a firm's trading
4. These forces constitute the external marketing environment.
5. These are economic forces, legal forces, social forces, competing
forces, political forces and technological forces.
6. Changes in the forces of the marketing environment can lead to
dramatic shifts in the needs of people in the target market.
7. The development of a marketing strategy begins with an assessment of
the marketing environment.
8. Marketing research and the system of using marketing information
play an important role in the first stage of the planning process.
9. The goals of the organisation must be realistic and in line with the
market situation and available resources.
10. The target market must be selected and the marketing mix defined.
11. Finally, the organisation must evaluate the implementation of its
market strategy, using market research and sales information as control tools.

V. Answer the questions:

1. What does the marketing mix consist of? The marketing mix consists
of product, price, promotion, and place (distribution).
2. Can such organizational recourses as finances and information be used
to accomplish marketing goals? Yes, organizational resources such as finances
and information can be used to accomplish marketing goals.
3. Are the firm's marketing activities also affected by external and
generally uncontrollable forces?Yes, the firm's marketing activities are affected
by external and generally uncontrollable forces
4. What do these forces make up? These forces make up the external
5. What forces does the external marketing environment consist of? The
external marketing environment consists of economic forces, legal forces,
societal forces, technological forces, political forces, and cultural forces
6. Do these forces influence decisions about marketing-mix ingredients?
Yes, these forces influence decisions about marketing-mix ingredients
7. Can the changes in the marketing environment have a major impact on
existing marketing strategies? Yes, changes in the marketing environment can
have a major impact on existing marketing strategies
8. What can be the result of changes in environmental forces? The result
of changes in environmental forces may lead to changes in the needs of people
in the target market
9. What does the development of a marketing strategy begin with? The
development of a marketing strategy begins with an analysis of the marketing
10. Do marketing research and marketing information play an important
role in the first stage of the planning process? Yes, marketing research and
marketing information play an important role in the first stage of the planning

VI. Speak on the following:

1. The Marketing Environment:
The marketing environment refers to the external factors and forces that
affect a company's ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with
its customers. The marketing environment can be broken down into two
categories: internal and external.
The internal marketing environment includes factors such as the
company's resources, staff, culture, and structure. These factors can be
controlled by the company and can be used to its advantage.
The external marketing environment includes factors that are beyond the
control of the company, such as economic, social, technological, legal, and
political factors. These factors can have a significant impact on the company's
ability to market its products or services effectively.
Understanding the marketing environment is crucial for companies to
develop effective marketing strategies that take into account the external and
internal factors that can impact their success.
2. Strategic Market Planning:
Strategic market planning is the process of developing a long-term plan
for a company's marketing activities. It involves setting goals, identifying target
markets, developing marketing mix strategies, and allocating resources to
achieve these objectives.
The strategic market planning process begins with a situation analysis,
which involves assessing the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats. This analysis helps to identify areas of the market that the company
can target and opportunities for growth.
Once the situation analysis is complete, companies can develop their
marketing objectives and strategies. These strategies should be focused on the
target market and should include the product, price, promotion, and place
(distribution) elements of the marketing mix.
Finally, companies need to allocate resources to implement their
marketing strategies effectively. This involves developing a budget, selecting
appropriate marketing channels, and monitoring and evaluating the
effectiveness of the marketing activities.
In conclusion, strategic market planning is a critical process that allows
companies to stay competitive and to achieve their marketing objectives by
developing long-term plans that take into account the marketing environment
and the needs of their customers.

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