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Legal and Political Writings and [Audit, Documental,

Non-mythical Freemasonic, Removal of Cover, and
Declassification] Reports presented by the
respective author Shawn Dexter John, the sole
author of all presented publications on this
professional blog (website), now the joint Harvard
Law Review and Yale Law Journal [writing,
editorship, and executive management] competition
The following works were written, typed, published, and edited solely by Shawn Dexter John, also known by his operative
alias Khaled Hassan, the sole author of the published book sketch "The New Societies: Concepts and Apperceptions of an
Eastern Caribbean model of Commonality" (published with iUniverse); where not expressly stated as an excerpt or a
promotion, the presented [conventional] intellectual/intelligence Work Papers, political commentary Work Papers, and
related notes) are essentially completed [whole] drafts of related but independent material. All rights to the presented
material are held solely by Shawn Dexter John; the works are reserved for use by Shawn Dexter John solely. There is no
plagiarized content in The New Societies: Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean model of Commonality
and there is no plagiarized content in the following material; there is no lack of [necessary] citation; none of the works is of
a deceitful nature. The contents of the following material of presentation have not been and are not products of any non-
Agency assigned work from any university, employer, or any other entity, or any person; it should also be noted that The
New Societies was not the result of any such assignment(s) or task(s). No person or entity has directed or forced the
author into the presentation of the following material. Shawn Dexter John isn't contractually employed (and has never been
contractually employed) by any foreign government or system of related Caribbean governance. Also, he is not a licensed
attorney (yet), law professor (yet), instructor, college professor (yet), or a current law student. He is not and was never
compensated for the development of the following works. The author has taken and completed United States accredited
doctoral courses, which are inclusive of American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law courses. The level and the quality
of the following works are intended for a graduate-level (doctoral and post-doctoral) university audience and the related
professional community. The following are not meant to perpetuate any racial or ethnic agenda and are not of any
professional or other recruitment ideology; the following are primarily scholarly and Central Intelligence Agency related. The
primary law school of his legal education was St. Thomas University School of Law – Miami Gardens. The author is an
official, undisputed, and authentic citizen of the United States of America (USA). (Importantly, the author's partial education
at Southern University and A&M College, as a doctoral student in Public Policy [at the Nelson Mandela School of Public
Policy and Urban Affairs], served well in writing significant parts of the overall material. Both degrees awarded to the author
were received from Howard University, however.) (The author did complete a course-required research [unpaid] internship
with the Embassy of the Commonwealth of Dominica over a short period of time. The author's brief employment with USA
for UNHCR, as a paid fundraiser, never required or initiated the development of any presented material). The majority of the
following works have been written on personal computers (on private laptops of Shawn Dexter John by Shawn Dexter John
[solely] and, at times, on library desktops and/or on a personal and exclusionarily owned smartphone by Shawn Dexter
John [solely]). The author is sincere and honest in his postulation. *Shawn Dexter John isn't in representation of any other
individual as a cover – there is no other operative recognized as Khaled Hassan in the United States.*

Commentary One-hundred & ninety-five: Article Thirty

of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Author: Shawn Dexter John

Highest level of attained university academic degree: Master of Arts in History (along with a
Graduate Certificate in International Studies)

Other level of attained university academic degree: Bachelor of Arts in History (along with a minor in

I will provide any update to the [edited and completed] manuscript, if any: [EDITED AND
COMPLETED] The New Societies: Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean model of

The version published as a book was simply a covert sketch, published in that manner to provide a
template to government affiliates working across distance preceding its expected completion at a then
later date (corresponding with me editing work today) – quite a humble act. Tampering might have
devalued the book material but the model and intent were communicated well preceding the
publication of the [completed] edited version (here) – the completed version consists of slightly over
200 pages. (The edited version is presented as a bonafide law article.)

I, Shawn Dexter John, am the only individual editing the manuscript (aside being the sole author).

Article thirty communicates that no part within the Universal Declaration should be interpreted or
applied in a manner supporting the dis-empowerment of any right(s) provision enumerated within
the content of the document. Essentially, no Member State government or citizen should interpret
any segment of the document as issuing an exemption from demonstrating respect for any of the
liberties communicated. Generally, it is conveyed that no member should formulate any
domestic/multi-party agenda or policy which would have it ignore any uniformly-exposited priority of
the United Nations. As private citizens, we certainly shouldn’t support any activity or act which aims
to [negatively] deconstruct the legitimacy of reasonable right(s) uniformly discerned.

(Discourses on the edification of relatable laws and policies and their [proper] application, dialogues
on new age liberties, and debates on important philosophical issues are not being prohibited by this
particular position or the overall Universal Declaration. This is worth noting.)


1. In a world of ever-evolving judicial interpretations by domestic tribunals, in considering that the

future will evolve the worldwide juridical system, and more precisely, establish a rigid, prudent, &
recognizable system which incorporates continental and national organs for mitigating the
greatest jurisprudential concerns of our global community, [filtered] judicial interpretations could
influence the advanced concept of legislative policies, via, in simpler terms, the careful and
precise co-implementation of international laws for evading dangerous and diverse divergences
of interpretations amongst countries. In keeping efficiency in mind and for ensuring great levels
of intellectual brevity in our compliance with human rights, civil liberties, and appropriate
regulations, the United Nations (and continental unions) will need advanced tribunals which
provide support to legislators in the dissection and the refinement of ratified principles and
mores for codifying statutes and for engineering proper and effective government policies. The
international tribunals, continental and universal, are prudently propositioned not only the
responsibility of adjudicating risen constitutional and supranational questions but the
responsibility of supporting and advising the respective legislatures in the proper codification of
legal principles into astute and vetted formulations precisely. I propose that the relevant
legislatures establish formal sessions for the interpretation of international law by the respective
judicial systems, ones not deprived of time or resources, ones which squarely depend on
standard democratic practices in concluding on the atypical judicial resolutions. These
constructed venues would maintain direct correspondences with sanctioned global institutions
for referencing preferred, vetted, and standard understandings, ideally. (The worldwide judicial
system will likely emerge many decades into the future. It’s emergence is inevitable – globalism,
efficiency, and order require it.)
2. The highlighted courts, in their co-implementation of sanctioned international laws, would
provide the depths and limits of those ratified laws specifically, aiding the legislatures in their
necessary codification of international legislation per their respective lower spaces.


My contact information for potential employers (including professional fellowships and United
States federal or state government offices): or


Retail location of my book:

The New Societies: Concepts & Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean Model of Commonality

April 3, 2017  Edit  Leave a Reply

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