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Підтема: Кінематограф.
Мета: Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми.
Продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання.
Удосконалювати техніку читання.
Розвивати навички монологічного й діалогічного мовлення.
Розвивати ерудицію учнів.
Виховувати інтерес до кінематографу.
Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи в парах (НО1), (HO2), для самостійної роботи (НО3).



Greeting 1. Привітання.
T: Good morning, children!
Ps: Good morning, teacher!

Aim 2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we’ll speak about cinema, learn how to describe a movie and find out about
cinemas in London.

Warming up 3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

1) Повторення пісні Дона Макліна «Vincent».
Учні хором співають пісню.
2) Робота з картками.
Учні в парах складають жарти за завданням карток (НО1), а потім по черзі їх ін­
сценують. Учитель стежить за правильністю вимови слів.

Match the parts of the Movie Jokes and act them out in pairs.

Why can’t anyone stay angry long with an God doesn’t think he’s a Film
actress? Director.
What kind of star wears sunglasses? Star wars!
What do you call a fight between film actors? Because she always makes up.
What’s the difference between God and a Film Because it’s all play.
Director? A movie star.
Why does an actor enjoy his work so much? 100: One to do it and ninety-nine
How many actors does it take to screw in to say «I could’ve done that».
a light bulb?


Listening 1. Аудіювання.
1) Етап підготовки до сприйняття тексту на слух.
а) Презентація ЛО теми.

Бесіда з учнями.
T: Look at the words in the «World File» box on page 176. Which of them mean…
— «несприятливий»;
— «визнання»;
— «схвалення»;
— «фільм, який обов’язково треба побачити»;
— «дивовижний, вражаючий»;
— «доброзичний, співчутливий»;
— «гармоніювати»;
— «безглуздий»?
Make up your own sentences to illustrate their meaning.
б) Впр. 1 (с. 176).
Учні в парах обговорюють запитання вправи, а потім по черзі відповідають на них.

2) Етап слухання й перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

а) Впр. 2 (с. 176).
Учні слухають інтерв’ю з кінокритиком та роблять нотатки. Потім по черзі роз­
повідають про новий фільм (за змістом почутого). Учитель стежить за правиль­
ністю граматичної будови речень.
б) Впр. 3 (с. 177).
Учні вдруге слухають текст і читають твердження до нього, погоджуючись із правиль­
ними та виправляючи неправильні. Учитель контролює правильність відповідей.

Speaking 2. Розвиток навичок усного та писемного мовлення.

and Writing
1) Впр. 4 (с. 177).
Учні самостійно роблять нотатки про один з улюблених фільмів, потім обговорю­
ють улюблені фільми в парах.

2) Робота з картками.
Учні самостійно читають текст на картках (НО2), а потім виконують завдання піс­
ля нього, в парах складають діалоги та інсценують їх по черзі. Після цього само­
стійно пишуть лист за завданням. Учитель збирає зошити на перевірку.

1. Read the letter and do the tasks after it.
Dear Sheila,
I’ve recently seen a new Sherlock Holmes movie which is called «Sherlock Holmes:
A Game of Shadows».
Actually I’d been fond of reading Conan Doyle’s stories since my childhood, so for
me it was interesting to compare the book and the film version.
As for the film, it is quite new — it was released in December, 2011. The director of
this film is a famous English screenwriter and film maker Guy Ritchie. One more
reason to watch the film was the cast as the actors starring in the film are Robert
Downey Junior (Sherlock Holmes) and Jude Law (Dr Watson). Well, what I usually
liked about Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes was the fact that he had always been the
smartest man in the room. However in Ritchie’s film the famous detective is
transformed into a man of action. Ritchie turned him into a vigorous, crime-solving
hero who unravels the web of murder, corruption and blackmail that Moriarty has
woven. Besides the film reveals that in spite of his brilliance and analytical
prowess — or maybe because of it — Holmes is actually isolated and lonely. For many
people who saw this film this change and new sides of Holmes’ character have become
unacceptable. They would prefer classical intellectual Holmes.
That’s why they were a bit disappointed by Richie’s interpretation.
Nevertheless I think the film «A Game of Shadows» retains most of the best
qualities of the book. There are the witty jokes between Holmes and Watson; the
slow-motion development of the plot that illustrates Holmes’ analytical powers at
work; and the atmosphere of 19th-century Europe, without breaking too far from
the realities of the period. The end was incredibly well-done and thought-out.
In my own opinion this was the best movie of the year and one of the best I’ve
ever seen.
That’s why I strongly recommend you to see the film.
With best regards,

2. Compete the following information about the film described in the letter:
— film title:
— film director:
— the story it’s based on:
— when the film was released:
— actors starring in the film:
— main characters and what they are like:
— words describing the impression from the film:
3. Imagine you are Sheila and Kathy. Discuss the film. Make up a dialogue and act
it out in pairs.
4. Use Kathy’s letter as an example and write to a friend of yours about a film
you’ve recently seen.

Reading 3. Подання тексту для читання.

1) Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
Презентація ЛО тексту.

Учні самостійно поєднують слова з їх визначеннями на картках (НО3). Учитель до­
помагає за потреби.

2) Reading. Етап читання.

Учні самостійно читають текст на картках (НО3), добираючи заголовки до абзаців.

1. Match the words with their definitions.
1) mainstream 4) blockbuster 7) director
2) premiere 5) art-house or arty 8) film star
3) film festival 6) silent classic 9) film maker
A. a big (often Hollywood) movie, which makes a lot of money
B. by independent or smaller film makers (often foreign language)
C. a film made for a big audience
D. opening night, the first night a film is shown to the public
E. the man who shouts «Action!»
F. lots of new films are shown for a week or two, prizes are given
G. someone who makes films
H. an old film with no sound that everyone knows
I. famous film actor

2. Read the text below. Match choices (A—F) to (1—6).

It can be difficult to go to the cinema in London, because there are too many films
and cinemas to choose from! Most of the central cinemas are around Leicester
Square, showing big blockbuster movies, you can wander around and see which
film takes your fancy. There’s lots of information telling you what’s on if you look
on the Internet or in «Time Out» magazine. But be warned — seeing a film can be
an expensive night out in the centre of town!

The cheapest cinema in Leicester Square is «The Prince Charles». This cinema
often shows films a few weeks later than some of the others, so if you don’t mind
being a bit behind the times and want to save a couple of quid this could be the
place for you. If you become a member (£5 per year) you can see films from as
little as £1.50, very good value for money!
Leicester Square is also the home to star-studded opening nights. People think
waiting (often out in the cold) is worth a glimpse of Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts or
Brad Pitt as they step out of their Limousines to attend the first night of their
new movie. Watch out for the screaming fans.
There are other smaller art-house cinemas in town; one of these is «Metro Cinema»
on Rupert Street in Soho. It shows a wide variety of movies but tends not to show
more mainstream films. These films are made by independent film makers and are
not aimed at mass audiences. Every year it also has the Latin American Film
Festival. Another art-house cinema is the «Curzon Soho»; «Time Out» readers
recently voted this as London’s number one cinema. It also shows a broad range of
art-house films.
Every year London has its own film festival in November (, you can
see lots of premieres, listen to directors discussing the film and maybe see some
stars too! There is also the lesbian and gay film festival, which runs in April
( You usually need to book tickets well in advance.
London’s oldest Cinema institution is the NFT (National Film Theatre). In October
2002 it celebrated its 50th birthday. It shows all kinds of films from silent classics
to film festival hits. Many big-name film makers have visited, from Woody Allen
to Quentin Tarantino to Jaques Tati (who couldn’t find the toilet and was
photographed using the wall outside!). (
As you can see, going to the cinema in London requires a lot of thinking about,
maybe you want to see a famous star, or perhaps a film by your favourite director,
or just sit, eat popcorn and enjoy the latest Hollywood action movie. If you take
the time to look, there’s something for everyone.
A. See the films first
B. A London classic
C. The stars come out at night
D. Arty
E. A big night out
F. Films on a budget
3. Answer the questions.
Where are most of the central cinemas in London concentrated?
What is the cheapest cinema at Leicester Square?
Why are there screaming fans at Leicester Square?
What types of films do smaller art-house cinemas show?
When and how often does London’s film festival take place?
What does the NFT stand for?

3) Post-Reading Activity. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.
Учні по черзі відповідають на запитання після тексту. Учитель стежить за пра­
вильністю відповідей.
Check on 4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
РЗ, Unit 6, впр. 12, 13.
Учитель збирає робочі зошити учнів на перевірку.


Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

РЗ, Unit 6, впр. 9, 10.

Summarizing 2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Бесіда в режимі T→P1→P2→P3.
T: What have you found out at the lesson today?
What task did you like most?
Tell one thing you have remembered about cinemas of London.


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